In other cultures, age is venerated because of the wisdom and experience gained from living a long life. I think every situation is different and should be assessed on the merits. To do otherwise is blatant ageism. President Biden is masterful at orchestrating bipartisanship and has a wealth of knowledge and experience as it relates to foreign affairs. Trump on the other hand is a mental, physical and emotional wreck.

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Crazy Horse, Sioux Chief: “A very great vision is needed, and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky.”

President Biden's already historical record of legislation and diplomacy, along with his astounding degree of personal integrity, wisdom, experience and VISION is much needed at this time in the American experiment. All generations must be on the Biden team.

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Carve this in stone and deliver to every American of voting age. Crazy Bob

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The view from Venus. It is alien to me. Joe Biden is mentally unfit and it consistently shows except if your "news" comes from certain sources.

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Anyone who observes Joe Biden in action and thinks he is unfit is unfit. Anyone thinking Biden is unfit is either completely ignorant of the benefit this man has been to the country OR he thinks Donald Trump is fit. Strike Two. Why don’t you swing one more time, then take a seat.

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I would advise anyone who thinks Biden is fading out-- much less “unfit”-- to watch his very recent address in defense of American democracy at the inauguration of the McCain Memorial Library at the University of Arizona. (I watched it on C-Span.) Very few us could deliver a speech of that length and depth at any age. And do it while handling some heckling. He stutters a tad here and there, but he’s always stuttered-- he has all but completely overcome that major impediment.

There is no question that Biden is old, and that should worry us some, but his intellectual acumen is remarkable. And he understands the importance of American diplomacy and example in a way very few in the Republican party seem to. I would love to see some younger Democrats on the rise. Amy Klobuchar and Tammy Duckworth, for example. But at this late date in our political cycle, we’d better rally behind the good president we have.

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Quite so, Mary. He’s a good one.

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Biden rose to be POTUS despite an ongoing speech impediment; I feel this helps to show how great he really is at governing.

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More satire? Either that I or need to try what you are smoking and drinking to access the land of fantasy. For some people critical thinking is not their thing.

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How old are you?

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For some, throwing out phrases like "critical thinking" is humorous because they have not used the process. An American president must belive in democracy and the U.S. Constitution. As Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Services must honor our military members. President Biden understands and honors the United States and given his life for service. He has worked with members of all parties for the good of the people of our nation and been a president for all people. He also works being the president and isn't golfing all the time and doesn't have every member of his family being paid by taxpayers and traveling on our money.

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What, prey tell, is "liberal totalitarianism," and the edited clips you prove nothing other than rhetoric runs strong and serves as an ouroboros of a dictum.

Genuine question: who would you have lead this nation at this time, and why?

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We saw transparent liberal totalitarianism during the pandemic. Who would lead this nation would be completely opposed to that.

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Oh for crying out loud. The entire pandemic soup to nuts was a cluster fk, starting w/ dear leader trump. How dare you dump the entire chaos on one party? Moreover, it was a year out of life, damaging yes, but hardly Armageddon. Grow up & get real. The entire covid chapter was mishandled by a whole host of people, and is now being weather Nised, so that people like you have some bone to chew on

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You're not answering either of my queries.

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Sure I am.

You might read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Demon-Democracy-Totalitarian-Temptations-Societies-ebook/dp/B0742HPXCS/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?

"In chapters that elucidate the similarities between communism and liberal democracy in regard to their perceptions of history, their status as political utopias, their tendency to politicize all of life, their proclivity for ideology and, finally, their animus toward religion, Legutko shows how, despite basic differences, the two systems are both “all-unifying entities” that compel “their followers how to think, what to do, how to evaluate events, what to dream, and what language to use.” Like communism, contemporary Western liberal democracy (especially in Western Europe) is about transforming the world; it is progressive. It is animated by the fight “against the forces of backwardness” and a rejection of the commitments of “religion, social morality and tradition.”

Totalitarianism is a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. California government bans gas appliances. They shutdown public schools even as the governor sent his kids to private schools. They closed business. The fired people that would not get the jab (not a vaccine). And today the liberal Democrats in control of the party, and the majority of Democrats, agree that there should be limits on free speech.

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Not so much definition as promotion of someone else's rhetoric, along with some nouveau assignations predicated on presumptions and mischaracterizations employed to conform to a certain narrative.

You are claiming that a modern variant of liberalism eschews religion and tradition, and I would say no more so then the Founders who promoted separation of religion and government. As to tradition, not sure of which specific traditions you speak, but we are all free to propagate our own traditions, none of which should subsume any others.

Liberalism, as elucidated by the liberal consensus, promotes regulation of business, provision of social support, maintenance of infrastructure, and protection of civil rights; members of both main political parties have shared this vision.

And so, sir, who would you have represent and lead your vision for the nation?

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On what are you basing your opinion? I don't see it myself, and I'm watching very carefully.

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Interesting selection of “news” most were from other countries.

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I support Joe Biden for another term in office. Period. Not only because he is our only choice in the dire reality of the present moment. Not only because I personally love and admire the decent and compassionate man and the knowledgeable and experienced leader he is. But because I have every faith that, should he not make it through a second term, his second-in-command, VP Harris, and all those serving in his administration, will competently and faithfully carry our country forward.

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I could not agree more!

Biden's choices for VP and cabinet positions have been outstanding.

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Yes. And he doesn’t fire them every other Friday!!!

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First let’s agree that Feinstein’s last years are a valid cautionary tale.

Then admit as in the scientific method, one result does not prove any/all hypotheses.

Or that historic place isn’t a factor when choosing a leader.

We are in THAT place, like it or not.

Are their young democratic leaders who would be good choices (in terms of appealing to me) because of distinctive intelligence, observable principles, and yes, energy. Yes. There are actually some republicans, except they show no ability for needed compassion on social issues. And that’s important, for everyone.

But right now? We have to pull us through the dead branches of an ugly-dying party that has lost all integrity.

Everything else lives on the margins this election.

I’m supporting Biden now.

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Why do I disagree vehemently with you? Because ANYTHING can happen to ANYONE at ANY AGE. And science has increasingly made it clear that we all do not age in the same way. Our youngest elected president was assassinated. John Adams was 61 years old when he assumed the presidency; the average lifespan in the 19th century was 64 years of age. That would have made him ancient in his time. Joe has shown no signs that he is not up to the job. And we have a vice president, who you obviously do not like, or this would not be an issue.

Joe's age began as a RW talking point and has been flogged by the media and pundits—most who didn't want Joe and were appalled that we Dems chose him in 2020. Where was the stink over Trump's age in 2016? Or Reagan's age? It was mentioned, but never became the dead horse it is now. And I bet you voted for that old man twice, even probably knowing that he wasn't well. And again, there is NO indication that anything is wrong with the president.

You and the rest of the political media have a ridiculous "Dem Dream Ticket" in your heads. But out here in the hinterlands, where most people don't pay attention to politics, names like Whitmer, Shapiro, Warnock, and even Newsome aren't recognized. And none of them has the experience and depth of knowledge of govt and actual living history—not to mention the deep seated relationships—that Joe has. (And I LOVE my gov, Josh Shapiro; he will make an excellent president in a few years.)

I'm sick of the blatant ageism. Sure, we can question his age. But to focus on that to the detriment of everything else is enraging to this American. You aren't being productive; all you are doing is encouraging people not to vote—making your worst nightmare (and all of ours), Trump the Sequel, more likely to come true.

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Reagan was in the early to mid stages of dementia his last 6 years in office. It was obvious to anyone who cared to look.

Biden shows no signs of dementia.

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No he doesn't, but look who does. The GOP and the money boys who own the media would find a negative, real or fiction, for any Dem who runs. Look at the disaster caused by someone with no experience in government, compared to the amazing successes of Biden. Biden is healthy both physically and mentally...as opposed to the pitiful shape the demented demon is in.

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Steve Schmidt: Fight MAGA, not Biden!!

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Agree 100 percent!

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Alexander Burns, the author of the Politico piece Steve quotes and recommends, graduated from Harvard in 2008. Fascinating that a political journalist who is barely (if even) old enough to run for the Senate is whinging about "old people."

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AGREE! AGREE! AGREE! Our one and only goal for this coming fraught year is to beat Trump and MAGA. Period! Our very lives depend on it. Get on board, folks. Let's get this done.

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Could agree more MAP!

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I see that too. Steve does not seem to support VP Harris. Another divider.

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There is the theoretical that most can agree with- it would be better if our leaders were not so ancient. Then there is our current reality - it doesn't matter if Joe Biden doesn't live through his presidency if he is re-elected. Sorry, I hope he does, but what we need right now is one thing and one thing only and that is to prevent Trump from taking office. I don't agree with the premise that some Democrat to be named later can accomplish that.

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I am nearly 60 years old and a liberal Texan. I will work my ass off for Biden again for one primary reason: He can win.

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There can NEVER be enough Liberal Texans. Please take care of yourself.

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Thank you. There are more of us here than you would think HOWEVER too many believe that their vote doesn’t matter. I don’t for a second believe that Texas is a red state. It is an apathetic non-voting purple state. It is a state where rational independent and democratic voters have acquiesced.

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Too bad because the craziest right wing stuff of all goes on in Texas. Maybe one day…

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Stacey, why is there so much apathy?

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Because they don’t need the drama. They decided some years ago who they were going to vote for in 2024. And they also knew who they would never vote for. It was a settled matter long ago.

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and just one other thought....it's true that most Democrats would prefer a younger candidate but for the fact that one political party is actually prepared to nominate an impeached, indicted con man, fraud, rapist and coup plotter to the presidency. In the face of this monstrous act against their country, we have to go with our proven leader despite his age and increasing frailty. Not what anyone wants but here we are.

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True. So very true. What we need to understand and fully embrace is that what we prefer and what we want, doesn’t fucking matter in this moment in time. To Steve’s earlier points, there is only one party preventing an end to our great experiment. I am a precinct chair in a red district in Texas. Yes, it is as bad as you think it is and in some cases worse. All this talk about Biden’s age just makes our job harder. I am sorry but it is time to set aside our dreams and fall in line.

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Good point.

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I don’t disagree with the age comments, but I’d vote for Feinstein lying in state over Trump. If Trump goes to prison where he belongs, bring on the prime of adult life candidates.

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Any of them? DeSantis?

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Hey Steve, why is there such a prohibition on openly, if not discussing, referring to Trump's psychiatric condition. On Twitter, before he left, the psychiatrist known as Duty2Warn was open about it. His predecessor OurShallowState also has referenced it. Them being psychiatrists as well. This goes well beyond the so-called Goldwater Rule as its an existential malady of someone likely to be returned to the Oval, especially given a 2nd Trump term would end our democracy. Anyone who dismisses that as political hyperbolic nonsense never took a psychology course.

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Dr. Bandy X. Lee lost her position as professor of Psychiatry at Yale University for revealing trump's diagnosis as a Malignant Narcissist , because she went against the "Goldwater Rule". Interestingly, the person responsible for the creation of the "Goldwater Rule" is Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University -- who was a direct financial BENEFICIARY of that "rule" being passed! Dr. Lee is suing Yale for firing her, and Dr. Laurence Tribe, Law professor at Harvard, fully supports her in this case. BTW, Dr. Lee says that she'd do it again "for the public good", in order to preserve our democracy. Another person of great courage -- along the lines of Gen. Mark Milley.

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I'm not a psychiatrist or psychologist, but I have prosecuted many cases involving expert testimony from them regarding DSM-5 diagnoses for sex offenders. Trump meets every single diagnostic criterion for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and then some, and it should be the topic of conversation on every news program every day. Instead, they yammer on about Biden's age (only a couple years older than Trump).

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He does. And although I haven’t sat across from him and therefore can’t diagnose him, ( have to be careful of that Goldwater rule 🙄) I’m pretty sure he meets criteria for antisocial personality disorder and probably ADHD too.

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Agree with all of the above -- plus also strongly suspect untreated BPAD (males tend to be on the hypomanic, rather than depressive, side which I ascribe to hormonal reasons); as well as I wonder about Asperger's with him.

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Absolutely! Trump is the poster child for it. Take someone who's a Narcissist, add an unhealthy dose of Sadism and Sociopathy and put them in the Whitehouse, what could possibly go right? I, seriously, don't understand why this isn't a societal 5 alarm fire.

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Hi Andrea, I think it's no problem for a psychiatrist or psychologist to testify as an expert regarding various diagnoses. However, the "no no" is publicly diagnosing a person you have never met.

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Agreed. I'm just adding my 2 cents as someone who isn't a psychiatrist or psychologist and can render an opinion outside a forensic setting without fear of professional repercussions.

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It sounds like you're an attorney? (I signed the petition that Dr. Lee started. Ended up that hundreds of us did -- and not only psychiatrists, but also people in every sort of mental health profession. It was wonderful!)

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Good question.

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Dr. Bandy X. Lee wrote "The Duty to Warn", and was fired from her position as professor of Psychiatry at Yale as a result. (See my comment below.)

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“If leaving office means accepting the inevitability of death, then you can start to see the appeal of running again. And again. And again.”

I don’t think that is it at all.

I think that parties do not do a good job with succession planning. One good example is the Democratic senior leadership of the House stepped aside to allow younger people to rise.

It was widely reported that Feinstein was ready to step down, but the Repubs wouldn’t agree to seat another Dem in her place on what ever vastly important committee she was on. So she hung in there.

As for our current situation, Biden is the best shot to defeat the inexplicably way out in front of the RFP field despite 2 impeachments, 4 indictments, fraudster sex offender Trump.

In the next 5 years, I don’t care what the members of the RFP do as long as they go off in a corner and do it quietly and ineffectually

But I do want and expect the Dems to get their act together, learn how to mentor, message, and move us forward.

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Dems have a remarkably strong bench, from the youngest, AOC (33), through leaders like Jeffries, Whitmer, Shapiro, Newsome, Schiff, Porter, Spanberger, Landrieu, Warnock (41), Ossoff (36) Crow (44), Swallwell (42) to name just a few. Jeffries (53) has been a wonderful surprise as Minority Leader. Just because you don't see it happening in front of your eyes—the mentoring—don't assume it isn't happening.

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If you omit the women, Jewish people, and Black people from this list, you were left with a very small number of possibilities. No woman, Jewish person or black person except for Obama has ever been elected president. Don’t think this is the time to experiment…

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Oh, I’m not arguing for change. I’m ridin’ with Biden in 24 too! I’m talking about the future. We have great talent in the Dem party.

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At the end of last week. Speaker Emerita Pelosi pulled the House D's aside and told them to stay out of the R fracas. That is mentoring. Learning how to pick your battles. How to assess strength and weakness. How to frame your arguments. I see the mentoring going on. I see the always awful (and I can say that as a life-long D) messaging but can see the "training up" we were all taught in our leadership programs.

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I’m 76 years old, healthy, energetic, sharp mentally. Some in my cohort are not. However when I hear from the younger folks that elders can’t govern I roll my eyes. Imo it’s in the eye of the beholder & relative. Enough already about age. I’m not afraid to confront the issue, just bored silly.

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The pitiful American life expectancy stands in 2023 at 76.4 years, down from the past. That does not mean that there should not be anyone in the U.S. 77 or older unless they are tourists. It means that your among-the-worst-in-the-world maternal and infant mortalities or that your number one killer of children is gun violence or that too many of your people fashion themselves out of fast food and sugar drinks and, regrettably, so many people die from overdoses of one thing or another or that you are stuck with a terrible health care system. Those things just drag life expectancy down. Otherwise it would likely be 86.4 or better. All indications are that Joe Biden is untouched by any of these disastrous consequences. In my 88th year I’m still working a 40 hour week and loving it. Sure, I am lucky but so many more people are than ever before. Medications that stave off heart failure or strokes or the worst of Diabetes, or many other ills with which I am not familiar are working to expand life expectancy, just not in a very welcoming environment. Joe Biden is the most experienced, most able person to be president and the good news is that he already holds the position. Instead of quibbling over him and undercutting his support, time to rally around and endorse this gifted, compassionate and honorable leader in the face the greatest threat to the United States in nearly 200 years. Incidentally, Jimmy Carter turned 99 today! Just. Lucky I guess.

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Bob, what great points you make here, and you've offered important statistics nobody else is sharing! I hope Steve is reading this. Bob, you're a force to be reckoned with at 88 years old, due to your experience, wisdom and good health choices. So is Biden. More good years ahead! Best, Lisa

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Thank you, Lisa. I am still 87, in my 88th year however. A statistic I did not include is 270 pounds on a 6’ frame, possibly a few butter tarts too many. The Grim Reaper just hasn’t spotted me yet. I’m a moving target.

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Happiness is a big part of Health! Way to go! Nice to touch base with you again :-)

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Steve, I am very, very, very frustrated with the continuing ageism you are espousing. President Biden has shown himself to be capable of rallying NATO, holding together a coalition to keep the country moving and skillfully last week equating MAGA=FACISIM. He has a vision for where the US needs to be and can set the course to bring us there. His team, and it is a strong team, are delivering. Anyone who has led an operation knows you are only as good as your team. The Biden team is exemplary. (Even with a Secretary of State playing Muddy Waters during a State Dept event).

Senator Feinstein was on the floor of the Senate, voting, the night before she died. They live lives of dedication and commitment to the country.

Trump is demonstrating a very different behavior. The recent California talk including keeping car doors open to steal tires or Beverly Hills people smelling as the lack sufficient water to bathe, or wetting the forest floor or shooting looters all point to mental issues that need professional assessment. These are not age -related but point to much deeper issues.

Please do not confuse age, attitude and capabilities.

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Yes, "...do not confuse age, attitude and capabilities." Well said. Thanks.

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Power is one heck of a drug. The number of elderly Senators is evidence of that. Feinstein should have acknowledged that another term was too much. Grassley and even McConnell should also face facts. If we weren't fighting for democracy this election then perhaps I would want Biden to bow out now. DT presents larger issues than just his age or health.

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Agree. She should not have run.

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Trump aside, who resents nearly everything and is affronted by the mere existence of a viewpoint not of his conjuring, I would guess that President Biden is fully aware of the limitations that aging has presented and understands full well and stop he is not his younger self. But what may frustrate and anger him is the obsessiveness of the press’ day in, day out insistent blah, blah, blathering about it. Hell, I find it tiresome and I’m not their target. He probably also thinks, given the state of country and politics generally, the press could find bigger fish to fry. Finally, I would agree with the President if he believes by any factual, objective measure (aside from manufactured cultural wars) his administration has done admirable work keeping their eyes on the prize and setting a course for our future.

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Tom, a truer statement has never been made than your first sentence! Bravo.

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If McConnell froze twice before the cameras, how many times has he frozen since then while cameras were not present?

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I disagree. I have a plethora of replies. For context, I was born in 1947. I had my first part-time summer job in 1959. I worked every summer thereafter until graduating from law school in 1976. I was employed full-time for a total of 40 years before retiring in 2011. Since then I have been more or less full-time engaged in civic and charitable pursuits, adding a total of 12 more years of non-leisure activity.

I note that the focus of your quote and -- for the most part, Mr. Burns' article as well -- is Feinstein, McCain, Ginsburg and McConnell. Three of the four actually succumbed to illness after being laid low by one or more bouts with sickness that made it clear it was time to retire. McConnell's episodes are at a minimum concerning, if not indicative of a fundamental issue that strongly recommends retirement. Although there are many compelling reasons for Trump's retirement, they do not include these sorts of indicators. Of course, his mental well-being may by a somewhat related argument for his departing the public scene, but we know how persuasive that is for him.

The Biden case is entirely different. Yes, of course, he is old. But nothing of his performance suggests that it is time to leave the stage, except for his age. Indeed, his performance suggests he is eminently capable of meeting the challenges. The Biden case IMHO is analogous the to risk and wager the American people were asked to undertake -- and did, in fact, undertake -- in 1944 and 1984. Roosevelt was ill and unlikely to live out his term and his running mate was a complete unknown. Reagan was on the front end of what was some version of dementia which advanced considerably by the end of his second term. His VP was somewhat better known and perhaps better equipped by experience than was Truman, but still untested. The risk outcomes were different (Roosevelt died and Reagan finished his term, albeit substantially diminished). But the American people's bet proved to be a winner in both cases. In other circumstances, with better alternatives, one could argue that the risks were unacceptable and the bets too uncertain.

The issue of Biden's age is not a question of Biden and his decision making. He demonstrated in 2015-2016 he is eminently capable of saying "No" when personal and civic circumstances require. The issue here is the call to duty. It is somewhere between wishful thinking and complete recklessness to call on a competent, successful, capable incumbent President to withdraw from consideration for a second term when he is quite plainly the country's best hope vs. Trump, MAGA and autocracy. Moreover, there is not basis to conclude that any potential alternative Democratic candidate would be a stronger candidate with a better prospect of defeating Trump.

Is the Biden candidacy a risk we would prefer not to have to take. Of course. Is his candidacy a bet the American people would prefer not to have to make. Again, the answer is a resounding YES! However, this is a time when Biden is being called upon to do something for which there is no viable alternative. I wish the 40 and 50 and 60 year old commentators who think it's all about Biden's lack of self-awareness or compulsive will to power would wake up and understand what all is at stake. And that includes you, Mr. Schmidt. You have demonstrated such insight and good judgment in so many other contexts.

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Really haven’t heard it broken down better. Properly concise and considered.

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"The issue here is the call to duty." Yes, this is a huge factor. You make excellent points here.

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Well put, Mr. Schell.

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I’m finding this ageism by both Steve and now Bill Maher as pretty self serving even if some of their points are reasonable this defamation of a persons ability to lead especially one who has proven he can lead and his other remarkable achievements tiresome and boring. Leave the age of a person out of it as no one knows what or how their living will ultimately decide their fate! Choose to vote your own conscience as see where we end up.

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