I saw the exchange. I was dumbfounded when Kasie said he’s a colleague. Frum was spot on. And honestly so was Conway. You may disagree but he had to call him out.
"Conway’s eruption, moral pomposity and performative theatrics were curated by Hunt..."
Go get 'em, George. If that's moral pomposity and performative theatrics, I'll take more heaping helpings of that, please. Democrats need to learn how to punch 'em in the face and kick 'em in the crotch and do it again and then again. Own the Maga fascists with the same zeal as right wing liars "own the libs". This should be easy for our side. We can do it with truth, not gaslighting bulls**t.
Gotta Love George. He has no problem calling out bullshit. I wish the entire MSM ecosystem would get on board. Perhaps then the MAGA / GOP / Christian world will realize that their BS has been called out and their hypocritical / deflection crap is done.
“Yet, I am uncomfortable with Conway describing Jennings as a liar because I don’t believe Jennings is lying as much as he is utterly lost and talking about something he isn’t expert about. The man I remember was a completely normal person, and I tend to think about him charitably in this moment like a boy on a raft, pulled out to sea by the tide before he could get his head around what was happening.”
How is this statement any different from what Hunt did? Because he is your friend he couldn’t possibly be lying—he’s just a poor innocent who has no idea. That is just utter nonsense. While your assessment of Hunt is correct—the media is NOT on American democracy’s side—your tsk tsking of George Conway, who has lived the awfulness of Maga and is a brilliant lawyer, is just as wrong vs as her BS.
We need more people telling the truth and calling out the lies and yes liars who spread them. Just because Scott is your old friend doesn’t mean he is a clueless innocent or that he isn’t a liar.
Being lost is not permission to spread information that is false. It is the responsibility of news outlets to point out the accuracy of statements, or inaccuracy as well. And if one is to go on nationwide television to make such statements, one should engage in a little 'fact finding' beforehand. (engage brain before mouth)
Agreed. That along with this comment by Steve, "Had Jennings been quicker on his feet, he would have laughed out loud at Conway and said something that reminded CNN’s audience that, while Conway called Trump a life-long criminal, he was living in Trump Tower and dancing beside Jared and Ivanka at the inaugural." I mean, during the inaugural, he was married to one of TFG's top advisors. Calling him out for this and implying hypocrisy is a bit disingenuous.
The man, Scott Jennings, that Steve remembers is gone. Just like so many other formerly respectable Republicans who are now sycophants, acolytes, and plain out liars in their thirst for power that they feel is quenched by TFG.
George had the misfortune of being married to a woman that fell prey to Trump syndrome. We watched him suffer through the stages of marital grief, beginning with denial and ending in divorce. But he emerged from this trial cleansed and is now welcome among the good, the decent, the patriotic. He is no Scott Jennings.
As I reread my comment, it seems clear that I am talking about George’s trial with his wife, and not Trump at all. As far as I know, he never misread Trump’s essential evil. I have bad news: any one over the age of eight, the age of reason, who is fooled by Trump for more than a few minutes, has a problem. A big problem.
Exactly. Poking Conway in the eye for attending the Inauguration Balls and living in the Tower while conveniently failing to mention Kelly Anne’s being the reason for his being there, gives the impression of a lopsided interpretation of this interplay between Conway and Jennings. Conway, it seemed to me, reacted just as you advocate Democrats should when it comes to “alternative” truth-tellers. Lord knows George gets a lot of practice with it at home!
Conway’s proximity (to both Trump and Conway’s own lying former wife) make him an expert at lies(as if we all aren’t because of Trump, and for that matter Kelly Ann) but calling it anything else, is how we got here. If we don’t all start calling it out and fast- we’ll sink. Conway was right. Jennings was lying. He’s still buttoned up, just as Hunt is. They’re protecting their jobs and their employer, and are there to make money for said employer- and basically banked on not being called out for their lies. Jennings lies were CNN lies, and became Hunt lies. You should write your friend Jennings a personal note and ask him why he lied- Conway should be celebrated.
Precisely why I stopped tuning in to CNN a long time ago. The behavior of allowing the right wing to broadcast their lies on air and not holding them to task is not new. They are not a legitimate news outlet.
I remember watching Walter Cronkite calling out the lies about the Vietnam War. Then there also was a time when all the news I needed to get was from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Ah, the good old days!
Good old days is right. We are never aware we are in the good old days when they are happening. I’ll tell you this which I am sure of, we are not in them now, quite the opposite
me too, but as long as we win this round, the magas I believe will implode by blaming each other and within a few years they will burn themselves out. It will surely be an ugly thing to watch, which I for one, WILL NOT watch or read about.
Very often, I head to BBC! They are way ahead in reporting World news and breaking issues. Much of the U.S. news is old and over when reported to us here!
When CNN held Trump’s town hall earlier it demonstrated its support for a known, proven and prolific liar who has never apologized for anything because in his words, “I have never been wrong.” Is it any wonder they continue their support of his candidacy by furthering his lies with their guests? Maybe Ms.Hunt thought George Conway would go along so he could continue appearing on their network.
I see a man who will not compromise his integrity, the same as most honest Americans, by believing in the obvious lies put forth by Trump and his minions.
CNN used to be a place where truth actually mattered. A sad reality is they will be first on the chopping block if Trump wins.
For me this is the final straw. I blocked CNN and will not allow them to pollute my viewing. EVER.
Doesn’t Liberty Media own CNN and many of the other Turner properties now? 25 years ago John Moran who controlled Liberty Media was Ted Turner’s polar opposite, now he controls much of which Ted built. Moran was a large “orange turd” donor both in 2016 and 2020, 2+2 does equal 4. Liberty knows how to make money, they are very good at it, their redirection of CNN into a more Fox like network is predictable considering the source of power and who is the ultimate decider. BTW Steve that was one of your best essays in awhile, I would urge you to keep it up, don’t pull your punches, let them land with vigor, our democracy needs it.
I caught some of Jennings inaccurate remarks about the trial verdict and quickly changed the channel. I missed Conway’s entire presentation and confrontation of Jennings. CNN is not my go to network when people like Jennings are on the air. There are such things as facts and blatantly denying them to viewers is irresponsible and dangerous.
Jennings appears to be evil as he tries to tell us that what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears isn’t real. I remember an evil group in history that did the same thing. I don’t have a “charitable” view of that, it’s evil and it needs to be called out. The fact that Conway was at the felon’s tower and danced at the felon’s inauguration doesn’t matter, since he has been one of the strongest and outspoken conservatives to speak out against Trump and his vile candidacy.
I agree. Hunt used to be a hard hitting, respectable journalist. I’m sorry she has become a turncoat. I also agree with other’s opinions that Steve should not have made excuses about his friend Jennings. So many of us have experienced the same dumbfounding shock about our friends and family members who are staunch Trump supporters. We don’t make excuses for them, even though we are deeply saddened and disappointed by their unwavering support of him.
This was an astounding piece of writing today Steve, a put-down-my-phone-for-a-moment-reading in utter astonishment - several times !!This is a twisted time - these “theatrics” and how we are trying to know the truth. The lies are so blatant. All I can think is that they know it but will never ever say they simply don’t care.
Scary!!! George Conway’s replies weren’t perfect, BUT he is a believer in personal freedom and democracy. Scott Jennings, allegiance is clear. He calls it GOP, many call it MAGA. Based on those parameters I’ll listen to Conway, and Jennings can continue to live in his dreamworld. The GOP he knew is dead. It seems freedom lovers everywhere are slowly sleepwalking into the abyss. Wake up!! It’s a binary choice folks, Biden or Fascism. Period. Dismiss the wish washy media coverage and do one thing. VOTE for freedom, not MAGA, supported by Putin and Urban, not because they love Trump, but because they want to destroy freedom and democracy. VOTE!!!
Like others, I can no longer tolerate CNN. They have lost their compass. If someone is lying & planting seeds of misinformation/disinformation than CNN must call this out. Have we not learned anything? As a recovering Republican, now practicing Democrat, this type of exchange merely prolongs the ability to reconstruct a healthier conservative political party, while tfg mental health declines, & the party of 45 continue to accomplish nothing legislatively while dancing to their own delusional melodies. Pretty soon, CNN will run out of dance partners because we’re tired of waiting for them to behave like an American. I am really disappointed in Kasie Hunt. She knows better. If someone on her show is lying, it’s her job to correct the situation. There’s no freedom of speech if you’re a news anchor, only freedom of truth. That’s everyone’s job at cable network news. Dispense facts. Get it together CNN. You’re losing your credibility & respectability.
Thank you for this but I too must ask - why does Smirking Scott Jennings - now Lying Smirking Scott Jennings get your pass, but not George Conway? Like you, George Conway has come full circle yet is castigated by you for daring to tell the truth. He called out CNN (Compromised News Network) in just a few words, right there for millions in the world to see and hear. Your treatise, in all its wordy brilliance, won’t reach but a few. George Conway is my hero. Kasie is just another Jake, Erin, Dana, Anderson, Abby, Wolf and all the other “colleagues” that welcome the likes of Smirking Scott and that hideous, fawning, disgusting Tim Scott. You, of all people, have no right to condemn him for having once danced next to Ivanka and Jared. Thankfully, YOU gave us Sarah Palin and thus Obama. There was much truth in your column today - also much opinion - but unfortunately a little too much judgment. Conway’s truth required him to divorce his Kool-Aid drinking wife, KellyAnne Alternative Facts. He’s sacrificed much and deserves the privilege of calling out lies whenever and wherever he encounters one.
CNN has obviously bought into the “both sides” narrative. Sounds similar to the old Fox “fair & balanced” BS. Whether Scott was lying intentionally or by accident, he should be called out!
I haven’t watched CNN in years (except when there’s a hurricane in FL😉). I’m with George 100%. And what a strange way to practice journalism, facilitating her guest’s conversation without any input of her own.
It is very wrong and sick when supposed talks about truth and honesty supports Liars. The Corrupt MAGA news Sources are Only about lies and Deceit. CNN should have backed Conway as being the one pointing out the truth.
Frankly, CNN aside, we’re at this point because of who we have been electing. What exactly has Tim Scott done for South Carolina? He’s been in government a long time now. The answer is nothing. Yet there he is threatening people as a MAGA mouth piece.
My own Congressman is an acolyte of former Senator Jesse Helms. Remember him? Well, my congressman has done nothing for the people he represents. He is an Election Denier in the MAGA camp. The last election mail I received from him was promoting election security by going after immigrants.
We’re only as good as the people we elect and we’ve been electing rotten people — at least here in the South.
I hear you. I moved from the Northeast to SC & it’s been a nightmare.The once upon a time moderate Northeast Republicans that moved here have morphed into MAGA Fascist idiots.
I am still flabbergasted that my state of North Carolina elected our Lieutenant Governor by 300,000 votes after the ignorant things he has said — very publicly — about women, gay people, shooting survivors, and Jews.
Yes, I followed that… you are closer to being a purple state than the state of SC so hopefully you guys still have a fighting chance to remain so. My district 1 in SC did not fair well with the Supreme Court a couple of weeks ago. Nancy Narcissist Mace might lose, but only to another R.
It may a one two punch if the MAGAs win here. This will mean Robinson as Governor. And the head of the State’s Public School System will be an ignorant QAnon believer who hates public schools. Strange times for thinking people. The Neanderthals are on the march.
Mace is another one I thought had promise when she was first elected. But she devolved into a strange person. It was like she was not sure who she represented or what issues she stood for. And that is what has partly defined her: confused and wacky.
She is nothing but a wannabe Trump. She appealed (at first) to the Trumpers but after all her bizarre antics, even they are getting sick of her………that is saying a lot considering BIZARRE is what they thrive on. The Primary is next week.
I saw the exchange. I was dumbfounded when Kasie said he’s a colleague. Frum was spot on. And honestly so was Conway. You may disagree but he had to call him out.
"Conway’s eruption, moral pomposity and performative theatrics were curated by Hunt..."
Go get 'em, George. If that's moral pomposity and performative theatrics, I'll take more heaping helpings of that, please. Democrats need to learn how to punch 'em in the face and kick 'em in the crotch and do it again and then again. Own the Maga fascists with the same zeal as right wing liars "own the libs". This should be easy for our side. We can do it with truth, not gaslighting bulls**t.
2 Amens!
Gotta Love George. He has no problem calling out bullshit. I wish the entire MSM ecosystem would get on board. Perhaps then the MAGA / GOP / Christian world will realize that their BS has been called out and their hypocritical / deflection crap is done.
Some people call a spade a spade; some of us call it a fuckin' shovel.
“Yet, I am uncomfortable with Conway describing Jennings as a liar because I don’t believe Jennings is lying as much as he is utterly lost and talking about something he isn’t expert about. The man I remember was a completely normal person, and I tend to think about him charitably in this moment like a boy on a raft, pulled out to sea by the tide before he could get his head around what was happening.”
How is this statement any different from what Hunt did? Because he is your friend he couldn’t possibly be lying—he’s just a poor innocent who has no idea. That is just utter nonsense. While your assessment of Hunt is correct—the media is NOT on American democracy’s side—your tsk tsking of George Conway, who has lived the awfulness of Maga and is a brilliant lawyer, is just as wrong vs as her BS.
We need more people telling the truth and calling out the lies and yes liars who spread them. Just because Scott is your old friend doesn’t mean he is a clueless innocent or that he isn’t a liar.
Being lost is not permission to spread information that is false. It is the responsibility of news outlets to point out the accuracy of statements, or inaccuracy as well. And if one is to go on nationwide television to make such statements, one should engage in a little 'fact finding' beforehand. (engage brain before mouth)
Agreed. That along with this comment by Steve, "Had Jennings been quicker on his feet, he would have laughed out loud at Conway and said something that reminded CNN’s audience that, while Conway called Trump a life-long criminal, he was living in Trump Tower and dancing beside Jared and Ivanka at the inaugural." I mean, during the inaugural, he was married to one of TFG's top advisors. Calling him out for this and implying hypocrisy is a bit disingenuous.
The man, Scott Jennings, that Steve remembers is gone. Just like so many other formerly respectable Republicans who are now sycophants, acolytes, and plain out liars in their thirst for power that they feel is quenched by TFG.
George had the misfortune of being married to a woman that fell prey to Trump syndrome. We watched him suffer through the stages of marital grief, beginning with denial and ending in divorce. But he emerged from this trial cleansed and is now welcome among the good, the decent, the patriotic. He is no Scott Jennings.
Conway has been anti Maga and anti Trump for years. He didn’t just find the light and he has been very vocal about Trump’s danger.
At least as far back as the founding of the Lincoln Project in 2019.
As I reread my comment, it seems clear that I am talking about George’s trial with his wife, and not Trump at all. As far as I know, he never misread Trump’s essential evil. I have bad news: any one over the age of eight, the age of reason, who is fooled by Trump for more than a few minutes, has a problem. A big problem.
I disagree about Conway. He was all the things you say but has “found the light.” He’s come to “our”side.
Not just a liar but a God damned one.
Agree. Steve you’re just as bias as Hunt. Hard to to believe as you wrote your words you didn’t realize this.
I was thinking the same thing. Aren’t we all.
Exactly. Poking Conway in the eye for attending the Inauguration Balls and living in the Tower while conveniently failing to mention Kelly Anne’s being the reason for his being there, gives the impression of a lopsided interpretation of this interplay between Conway and Jennings. Conway, it seemed to me, reacted just as you advocate Democrats should when it comes to “alternative” truth-tellers. Lord knows George gets a lot of practice with it at home!
Yes and thank you.
Conway’s proximity (to both Trump and Conway’s own lying former wife) make him an expert at lies(as if we all aren’t because of Trump, and for that matter Kelly Ann) but calling it anything else, is how we got here. If we don’t all start calling it out and fast- we’ll sink. Conway was right. Jennings was lying. He’s still buttoned up, just as Hunt is. They’re protecting their jobs and their employer, and are there to make money for said employer- and basically banked on not being called out for their lies. Jennings lies were CNN lies, and became Hunt lies. You should write your friend Jennings a personal note and ask him why he lied- Conway should be celebrated.
Karie should have called him out. She’s supposed to be a journalist
Kasie maybe was back on her heels? That is a two-way street, huh?
Afraid to charge?
Precisely why I stopped tuning in to CNN a long time ago. The behavior of allowing the right wing to broadcast their lies on air and not holding them to task is not new. They are not a legitimate news outlet.
I agree. I’ve gravitated to msnbc and cspan. Nicole, Rachel, Lawrence are my go to favs.
I also like Hayes
I remember watching Walter Cronkite calling out the lies about the Vietnam War. Then there also was a time when all the news I needed to get was from Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Ah, the good old days!
Good old days is right. We are never aware we are in the good old days when they are happening. I’ll tell you this which I am sure of, we are not in them now, quite the opposite
So true. We don’t miss our water until our well runs dry. I’m optimistic about November but there’s a rough road ahead, and beyond.
me too, but as long as we win this round, the magas I believe will implode by blaming each other and within a few years they will burn themselves out. It will surely be an ugly thing to watch, which I for one, WILL NOT watch or read about.
Very often, I head to BBC! They are way ahead in reporting World news and breaking issues. Much of the U.S. news is old and over when reported to us here!
Me too
When CNN held Trump’s town hall earlier it demonstrated its support for a known, proven and prolific liar who has never apologized for anything because in his words, “I have never been wrong.” Is it any wonder they continue their support of his candidacy by furthering his lies with their guests? Maybe Ms.Hunt thought George Conway would go along so he could continue appearing on their network.
I see a man who will not compromise his integrity, the same as most honest Americans, by believing in the obvious lies put forth by Trump and his minions.
CNN used to be a place where truth actually mattered. A sad reality is they will be first on the chopping block if Trump wins.
For me this is the final straw. I blocked CNN and will not allow them to pollute my viewing. EVER.
Doesn’t Liberty Media own CNN and many of the other Turner properties now? 25 years ago John Moran who controlled Liberty Media was Ted Turner’s polar opposite, now he controls much of which Ted built. Moran was a large “orange turd” donor both in 2016 and 2020, 2+2 does equal 4. Liberty knows how to make money, they are very good at it, their redirection of CNN into a more Fox like network is predictable considering the source of power and who is the ultimate decider. BTW Steve that was one of your best essays in awhile, I would urge you to keep it up, don’t pull your punches, let them land with vigor, our democracy needs it.
John Malone is the founder and controls Liberty Media. Early to the cable space, and as right wing as they come, if memory serves me right.
Good to know. Thank you.
That is when I stopped watching CNN for good.
I caught some of Jennings inaccurate remarks about the trial verdict and quickly changed the channel. I missed Conway’s entire presentation and confrontation of Jennings. CNN is not my go to network when people like Jennings are on the air. There are such things as facts and blatantly denying them to viewers is irresponsible and dangerous.
Jennings appears to be evil as he tries to tell us that what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears isn’t real. I remember an evil group in history that did the same thing. I don’t have a “charitable” view of that, it’s evil and it needs to be called out. The fact that Conway was at the felon’s tower and danced at the felon’s inauguration doesn’t matter, since he has been one of the strongest and outspoken conservatives to speak out against Trump and his vile candidacy.
George Conway is finally getting his mojo.
Go see Cabaret 👀
Jennings going along with creeping Fascism. Conway just frustrated. Katie trying to be a highly paid referee and keep her job... not much backbone.
I agree. Hunt used to be a hard hitting, respectable journalist. I’m sorry she has become a turncoat. I also agree with other’s opinions that Steve should not have made excuses about his friend Jennings. So many of us have experienced the same dumbfounding shock about our friends and family members who are staunch Trump supporters. We don’t make excuses for them, even though we are deeply saddened and disappointed by their unwavering support of him.
This was an astounding piece of writing today Steve, a put-down-my-phone-for-a-moment-reading in utter astonishment - several times !!This is a twisted time - these “theatrics” and how we are trying to know the truth. The lies are so blatant. All I can think is that they know it but will never ever say they simply don’t care.
Scary!!! George Conway’s replies weren’t perfect, BUT he is a believer in personal freedom and democracy. Scott Jennings, allegiance is clear. He calls it GOP, many call it MAGA. Based on those parameters I’ll listen to Conway, and Jennings can continue to live in his dreamworld. The GOP he knew is dead. It seems freedom lovers everywhere are slowly sleepwalking into the abyss. Wake up!! It’s a binary choice folks, Biden or Fascism. Period. Dismiss the wish washy media coverage and do one thing. VOTE for freedom, not MAGA, supported by Putin and Urban, not because they love Trump, but because they want to destroy freedom and democracy. VOTE!!!
Jennings knows exactly what he is doing. He smirks his way through confrontations.
Here! Here!
Like others, I can no longer tolerate CNN. They have lost their compass. If someone is lying & planting seeds of misinformation/disinformation than CNN must call this out. Have we not learned anything? As a recovering Republican, now practicing Democrat, this type of exchange merely prolongs the ability to reconstruct a healthier conservative political party, while tfg mental health declines, & the party of 45 continue to accomplish nothing legislatively while dancing to their own delusional melodies. Pretty soon, CNN will run out of dance partners because we’re tired of waiting for them to behave like an American. I am really disappointed in Kasie Hunt. She knows better. If someone on her show is lying, it’s her job to correct the situation. There’s no freedom of speech if you’re a news anchor, only freedom of truth. That’s everyone’s job at cable network news. Dispense facts. Get it together CNN. You’re losing your credibility & respectability.
With that, another week begins…
Thank you for this but I too must ask - why does Smirking Scott Jennings - now Lying Smirking Scott Jennings get your pass, but not George Conway? Like you, George Conway has come full circle yet is castigated by you for daring to tell the truth. He called out CNN (Compromised News Network) in just a few words, right there for millions in the world to see and hear. Your treatise, in all its wordy brilliance, won’t reach but a few. George Conway is my hero. Kasie is just another Jake, Erin, Dana, Anderson, Abby, Wolf and all the other “colleagues” that welcome the likes of Smirking Scott and that hideous, fawning, disgusting Tim Scott. You, of all people, have no right to condemn him for having once danced next to Ivanka and Jared. Thankfully, YOU gave us Sarah Palin and thus Obama. There was much truth in your column today - also much opinion - but unfortunately a little too much judgment. Conway’s truth required him to divorce his Kool-Aid drinking wife, KellyAnne Alternative Facts. He’s sacrificed much and deserves the privilege of calling out lies whenever and wherever he encounters one.
PS - does CNN and its “colleagues” actually think they will escape trump’s death camps with their reprehensible both sides drivel?
Well said!
CNN has obviously bought into the “both sides” narrative. Sounds similar to the old Fox “fair & balanced” BS. Whether Scott was lying intentionally or by accident, he should be called out!
I haven’t watched CNN in years (except when there’s a hurricane in FL😉). I’m with George 100%. And what a strange way to practice journalism, facilitating her guest’s conversation without any input of her own.
It is very wrong and sick when supposed talks about truth and honesty supports Liars. The Corrupt MAGA news Sources are Only about lies and Deceit. CNN should have backed Conway as being the one pointing out the truth.
Frankly, CNN aside, we’re at this point because of who we have been electing. What exactly has Tim Scott done for South Carolina? He’s been in government a long time now. The answer is nothing. Yet there he is threatening people as a MAGA mouth piece.
My own Congressman is an acolyte of former Senator Jesse Helms. Remember him? Well, my congressman has done nothing for the people he represents. He is an Election Denier in the MAGA camp. The last election mail I received from him was promoting election security by going after immigrants.
We’re only as good as the people we elect and we’ve been electing rotten people — at least here in the South.
I hear you. I moved from the Northeast to SC & it’s been a nightmare.The once upon a time moderate Northeast Republicans that moved here have morphed into MAGA Fascist idiots.
I am still flabbergasted that my state of North Carolina elected our Lieutenant Governor by 300,000 votes after the ignorant things he has said — very publicly — about women, gay people, shooting survivors, and Jews.
Yes, I followed that… you are closer to being a purple state than the state of SC so hopefully you guys still have a fighting chance to remain so. My district 1 in SC did not fair well with the Supreme Court a couple of weeks ago. Nancy Narcissist Mace might lose, but only to another R.
It may a one two punch if the MAGAs win here. This will mean Robinson as Governor. And the head of the State’s Public School System will be an ignorant QAnon believer who hates public schools. Strange times for thinking people. The Neanderthals are on the march.
Mace is so bitter! Must be another candidate who is skilled, talented and pleasant? Because Nancy certainly is NOT!
Mace is another one I thought had promise when she was first elected. But she devolved into a strange person. It was like she was not sure who she represented or what issues she stood for. And that is what has partly defined her: confused and wacky.
She is nothing but a wannabe Trump. She appealed (at first) to the Trumpers but after all her bizarre antics, even they are getting sick of her………that is saying a lot considering BIZARRE is what they thrive on. The Primary is next week.