I would like to hear that prayer, I bet it was a doozie. Oh wait, it didn't happen and how do I know this because everything that comes out of Trumps mouth is a lie which then translates to all those around him. The republicans are selfless liars and full of shit.

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Or preyed..who knows what a monotooth mouthbreather like ol’ Clay gets up to in them there cloakrooms.

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Ole Clay went into the cloak room and prayed!

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Clay Higgins has a well documented public history of racist violence.

It's far easier to run for public office than qualify to be a licensed plumber. Or any licensed professional. All you need to run for office is popularity. As Donald would attest, a TV show helps.

The standards of behavior for retaining a plumber's license or a real estate license or a hairdresser's license is far higher than an elected public official. One valid complaint of fraud or violence from a customer, or a violation of law, and you get a hearing before an Administrative judge. License revoked.

Congressman? Senator? Governor? President? You can be a crook and run for office. You can be a convicted felon for fraud and sexual misconduct and run for office. You can incite a deadly riot and attempt to steal the Executive Branch of the federal government and run for office.

Clay and Donald wouldn't qualify for a barber's license. In any state in the nation. Think about that for a minute.

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Steve, I always enjoy your thoughtful commentary…but today I must object to you calling Trump a “moral infant.” This is terribly unfair to all infants out there who are morally sound and generally pleasant to be with!

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Ten years ago, I had no idea I even knew people who a) are so gullible, b) have the capacity for so much hate and bigotry. I also did not realize how much of the population lacks a really basic understanding of civics and history. Then, for a while, I thought people who want a strong man just don’t understand the reality of what they are wishing for. Now I have to reconcile myself with how much hate and violence so many people are capable of. Sadly, if we lose this battle, there are a lot of formerly respectable republicans who will go down in history as the ones who could have done something, but didn’t.

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A lot of his support came from the Evangelical base. They made a deal with the Devil to get Roe overturned. Then held their nose to Vote for him again. I think many are starting to realize he will turn on them too like we've known all along. Think they'll do it one more time?! Let's hope not.

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This guy is one of the most despicable human beings ever! Sorry , human being doesn't really fit him !

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One of my old bosses had a favorite saying: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

My earnest hope regarding these MAGA Miscreants is twofold: that they keep digging and that enough voters recognize them for what they are.

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OMG They are all nuts ... It is all serious but sometimes you make me laugh Steve ..and I thank you for that. I read General McChrystal's piece in the NYT .. It was excellent.. I hope and pray the other Generals that are retired will do the same. It really is exhausting .. One thing the General wrote was that we will get and deserve who we vote for .. I think that is correct.. If the Trump followers refuse to see who he is.. I mean they can't live in a cave...they have to know some of what is going on. And if they vote for him and he wins maybe we won't deserve him but I understand what the General is saying. I have neighbors that are Trump supporters and sometimes I want to scream ... Don't you know what you are doing ? Is this who you want your grandchildren to look up to?

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Yes Steve has a brutal sense of humor doesn't he?! Sometimes he has me rolling...Which I think we all need desperately at times right now. 😜🤣😜 Don't you?!!

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rolling is right ..he is hysterical ...laugh out loud and yes we desperately need it !

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Great commentary again today Steve!! You're on it. It's just so sad and sick that these MAGA cretins have to keep putting it out there for all of us to see and hear.

I was very encouraged to hear about the Generals endorsement. I pray it leads to others. He has great courage and character himself. Country first.

I had a friend many years ago who described people as coming from two categories, humans and anti-humans. Anti-humans are people who do no good on this planet. Bad people. Sociopaths etc. I consider Trump and people like Clay Higgins from that Group as well. They leave nothing but pain and destruction in their wake. Anti-Humans. November 5th let's make sure they're gone. 💙🇺🇸💙

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Pray? Go fuck yourself Maga Mike

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Clay Higgins is really a piece of garbage but I blame the electorate and republicans for allowing this human debris to be in the House. Anyone have a chance to read his Wickapedia page? He was thrown off the police force multiple times for brutally. He hit more than one person in custody. He was a dirty cop. Now he is in the House?

He reviewed his post with God and God told him to take it down according to Mike Moses Johnson.

Why do the voters tolerate this nonsense?

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Makes me wonder who the people are in Higgins’ district and why they would elect someone like that. Then I said oops I don’t have a leg to stand on because 2,856,000 North Carolinians made Mark Robinson Lieutenant Governor after he denied the Holocaust and preferred the days when women could not vote.

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Clay Higgins is a bomb thrower and knows nothing about CHARACTER!

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Most of us are primarily concerned with preventing a second Trump administration. I have been reading more about members of the House like Boebert, Gosar, Gaetz, and MTG. There are so many others; but one member seems like the most extreme to me. His name is Clay Higgins and he is a representative from Louisiana. He has made numerous outrageous, obviously false claims. He said that the insurrection on 1/6 was instigated by a "ghost bus" full of FBI agents dressed like Trump supporters. Christopher Wray called him on that lie, but that didn't stop the bullshit from flowing copiously from his foul mouth. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/nov/21/clay-higgins/why-a-republicans-claim-about-ghost-buses-of-fbi-i/

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Faux Christian in word only not in practice. It was offensive.

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Mike "Mighty Mouse" Johnson preaching about redemption.......now that is rich.

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I think Mr. Schmidt went just a little bit too far with this highly entertaining but scary post. We don't really know what the Higgins creature was doing after he left the House floor. We only know what MAGA Mike said that Higgins told him. Since both are liars (a job requirement for MAGA leaders) we can't have any confidence in anything attributed to them. We don't really know if the Higgins creature actually prayed. The clip of "Pastor Paula" was the scariest thing I've seen today (In Hawaii it's still morning so the day is yet young), complementing Molly Olmstead's Slate article yesterday in its absurdity:


Useful to see, because we need to know what the nutjobs are putting out, but I don't think we have enough to tie Higgins to "Pastor Paula." Maybe other readers have other information.

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I think Steve is just pointing to the general weirdness and hypocrisy of the republican religious fanatics. Dinosaurs and humans on the ark together, people speaking in tongues about politics, and now someone who needs to pray about whether a racist, threatening tweet is a good idea.

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You’re right. As an old psyops guy, I saw the post bending more toward “truthiness.” 😝

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