I'm embarrassed to say this now but at least I feel like I've made up for it in the years since but I was just 34 years old when I voted for the very first time. I remember it exactly. I voted for Senator Robert Dole. I wasn't a Democrat at the time and didn't care for Bill Clinton. (Can't believe I'm saying this now) My Mother said to me before I Voted, "Character matters." I asked her that in 2016 when Trump came on the scene. I said why didn't it apply then?! She really didn't have an excuse except the "All politicians are corrupt so he's the lesser of two evils" excuse. Give me a break. And she calls herself a Christian. A very brainwashed by Fox News and the Church Christian. My point is and we all know this is that Character DOES matter and it's how we got in this colossal mess. Because we allowed the abnormal to become normal. No more!! Brilliant piece Steve. Thanks for the repeat about Avner Less. That was fascinating. I always learn something new from you. β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’™

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We would be fortunate to have a man like Bob Dole back. Unfortunately he would be black balled by today's Republican party and would be run out of town ASAP. He must be rolling in his grave right about now.

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No kidding. Bob Dole was a very good, decent man. I always liked him. There used to be many decent men in the GOP. Sadly they all left.

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How can she support him if she's so religious? He's an admitted adulterer, his lies are transparent, his Trump University was a scam, etc. etc. He is the antithesis of a "Christian," so what is her thought process?

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I was talking the other day to a friend about character. Sadly, we agreed that character does not matter to 40 percent of the electorate. A perfect example: some voters in North Carolina have said that Mark Robinson’s character does not matter. The only thing that matters is that they agree with his Medieval views.

Let us pray that the 60 percent knows what is needed. I saw a sign this morning: Make America Kind Again.

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Unfortunately, character would matter when it affects their family. These short-sighted people need to understand people without ethics are not kind to anyone but themselves.

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I agree β€” and would add that if 40 percent of the electorate agrees with a man who does not want science taught in grade school we have big problems.

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I am 80 years. For all those years I have loved and believed in America. I fear that we are on the cusp of losing that America. The fact that character means so little to almost 50% of Americans is heartbreaking. The thought of the America I grew up in disappearing brings me to tears every day

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Character, ethics, and compassion for others are all important. People need those who are kind and help others. Fortunately, there will always be some of us who have this calling. My love and life of service has been a joy.

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As a Loan Officer you look at the "Three C's of Credit". They are Character, Capacity (to be able to pay the loan back), and Credit (your credit record). Character is very important.

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I've helped clients interview for positions involving my field of work. Among the discussions in the interviews, in addition to technical skills, are those about ethics and situations in which they've found themselves and what they've done. We are seeking "character" - whether it will reflect well on the client and on the individuals themselves. I know that credit score too counts now in most hiring situations so it's not just loans.

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"My question is why do so many people around Trump seem to have so much passion for sadism?"

Your question is profound and necessary. And if our County is to survive, we must have an answer.

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Lou, they are the people who call to Trump and he to them. They are as sadistic as he and willing to carry out deeds that he is too scared to do. Then he can have the vicarious thrill I can only imagine he gets from ordering someone to do something bad and hearing each detail. I have read he is a dark triad. Narcissism, sadism, psychopathy. That sounds like Trump to me.

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Libby, who can deny reality when it is staring them in the face on a daily basis? I believe you. πŸ’―%. But, it is sick, sadistic, and sociopathic. And it is MAGA America 2024. Be well. Keep the faith. Common sense will prevail in November. If it doesn’t, we are lost!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Steve Schmidt

One minor correction Steve: Donnie does have character, and plenty of it; It’s all bad character.

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The racists bastards and their enablers are becoming more brazen and ridiculous every day. My rage over their thoughtlessness, cruelty, and phony religious justifications have my blood boiling. After the despicable Higgins racist threats against documented Haitian immigrants,

"The chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.), is pushing for the House to censure Higgins over the post. Several Republicans also suggested the post should be taken down.

'Look, he was approached on the floor by colleagues who said that was offensive,' Johnson told reporters. 'He said he went to the back, and he prayed about it and he regretted it, and he pulled the post down.'

'I’m sure he probably regrets some of the language he used. But you know, we move forward. We believe in redemption around here, he added.'

Higgins response was, β€œIt’s not a big deal to me. It’s like something stuck to the bottom of my boot. Just scrape it off and move on with my life,” he added. I can put up another controversial post tomorrow if you want me to. I mean, we do have freedom of speech. I’ll say what I want.”



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They are emboldened and rising to the time they will rule in a way they have only dreamed about. Though Trump emboldened them and opened Pandora’s Box, the desire has been raging in them for a long time. Vote like your life depends on it.

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I didn't become a subscriber to The Warning until earlier this year, so I was unfamiliar with Mr. Schmidt's post of 22 September 2022 referring to Anver Less, Eichmann's interviewer, which is attached to today's post. If other readers have not yet seen this, I would urge them to read it. "LIttle Eichmann's" have always been latent in our democracy, as we have seen historically. The Trump effect is to make that latent evil overt. More than just democracy is at stake in this election.

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I just don't understand. I read about Clay Higgins taken down tweet that Jay Kuo and no doubt others captured before he took it down. I just read this from HuffPo: "The Proud Boys are just β€œthe guys who went and fought antifa,” Joe Kent said of the rioters who tried to overthrow the U.S. government on Jan. 6, 2021." Kent is a Washington State congressional candidate. How do people with children explain character and ethics and "doing good" when they support people like this? My parents (z"l) thank G-d lived their values and because they did, they voted the same way.

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If anyone in this country thinks Stephen Miller should be in a high government position, then we’re in huge trouble. And he will be if MAGA wins. I hope these polls showing a close election in the swing states are way off the mark and not the reality.

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Have you read about the time Stephen Miller wanted to send a drone out to a boat full of migrants, probably coming from Cuba, & bomb them? That story was told by Miles Taylor, if my memory serves.

He said Miller was practically giddy with excitement & was really bummed that the legal advisors put the kibosh on his plan.

There were women & children on that boat. ?character?

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I link loss of character to the escalation of the greed and tumorous growth of our financial institutions, the moral degeneration of our financial system. More and more, as time went on, the de-evolution became more desensitized, more feral, more ruthless. Many of the excusatory media manufactured TV push product shows contain words like "shark" and "survivor" and "blood", put forth as acceptable, even exemplary of now expected normal conduct. The message is draw blood or be a loser. These words were not applied when capitalism was operating in sane, civic SOP. When capitalism went into the purposely complex (far beyond the ken of the average American), dark caverns of financial operations that exists today, the black blood of greed without boundary, people were drawn right along with it. Doing so, they shed moral rectitude in order to survive. They had to, to keep working. It used to be that a liar would be standard corporate grounds for dismissal. Today, a facil and skilled ability to lie is decidedly mandatory to function in a corporation.

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I almost hesitate to hit the β€œlike” button, because your description is so dark; but unfortunately very true.

One of the founding members of β€œThe Young Turks” Cenk Uygar in a nearly 4 hr long interview with Lex Fridman, said what we have now is no longer capitalism, it’s corporatism & that in fact almost all of our elected representatives actually work for them, represent their interests, not their constituents

He is correct. I call it toxic capitalism, because it’s killing our democracy & it’s killing our planet.

We must get rid of Citizens United & purge big donor money out of our campaigns, or we will lose everything. Sure, they get elected on policies, promises, & yes we may get some of what they promised; but they can’t give us regular voters too much, because that might mean those corporations may need to pay a 40% tax rate. Any politician who did that would see their campaign donations dry up in a heartbeat & they’d lose their re-election bid.

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Vance said today that character would win the election and started to talk about Trumps great character. It really is like an SNL show. Really Trump has a great character? Maybe for Adolf Hitler or his sycophants.

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Absolutely, Steve. So once again, as we have pondered endlessly, why is he so popular when it is glaringly obvious (to us) that he lacks character? A fairly large part of the American populace lacks character as well?

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deleted14 hrs ago
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I agree. That's another thing my Mom said to me. She thinks she failed me because I can find nothing good in Trump. I can't. There is none. He is evil and has done nothing but destroy since he's come down that escalator. You'd think that I'm fighting for good and justice would count but she doesn't see it that way. To her I'm a traitor since I left the Republican Party in 2008. Arrrgh.

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Oh Lisa I am sorry. Must be so hard to deal with your mother who has those views.

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