Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Not only should the media show what happens to a body after being assaulted by war weapons in classrooms, banks, grocery stores, concerts, etc. but we should also EVERY TIME show the faces of our congress members who take money from the NRA. I am in NC and I know that Tom Tillis is second to Romney in accepting top dollar. Don't merely list their names, we must see their faces and their take of blood money each and EVERY time! "Breaking news, there has been another mass shooting and here are the members of Congress that refuse to do anything, that have aligned themselves with the weapons rather than the innocently dead." Show a double screen of the dead and these cowards until every American knows where to place the blame for doing NOTHING!

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Well said. Republicans should be made to wear bloody photos of the slain children around their necks until they act and give us meaningful gun legislation.

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Yes... Steve, it’s been so obvious... two terms of Obama, that did it. Then, one of Trump... and January 6th.. now 34 counts and stolen documents...

Our insecure white, born again, dying, deeply prejudiced, gun loving, Black and Jew hating religious insecure poorly educated beer belly murderous fanatics are on the move, and the political water is warming ... fast.

Hannah Arendt... saw it all coming... and fled.

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When will the media stop saying the “Republican Party” & just call it the MAGA party? Just do it already! They are hiding under a traditional party name and using it as a catapult to legitimize themselves with the less informed voters. We are making it too easy for them, they are all MAGAs now - from Mitch on down to Santos (or whoever he is).

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Racism and misplaced religious zealotry may be the roots of this Facism, but the deus ex machina is gerrymandering. If we can pick our representatives based on logical maps that aren’t data-built to insure an outcome no matter the majority’s wishes, we can rid ourselves of power that ignores the will of we the people. The elimination of gerrymandering is the razor -- the Occum’s razor -- we need to cut this Facism away. Perhaps we will get into the streets to march against assault rifles or for women’s equality and dominion over their bodies, but if we want to be done with this mess in a meaningful and long-term way, we must be structured so that our elections are about what our representatives will do for us, not about how those representatives can never lose.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

TOTALLY. Gerrymandering has transformed this country into a grotesque fascist fiefdom beholden to the ruling class. The gerrymandering will make it impossible for Americans to vote their way out of this. The GOP has engineered a hostile take-over of the country.

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We could’ve stopped it. You can thank Joe Manchin & Sinema for betraying us.

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It's ever clearer that the Voices of the People (i.e. human beings) have been little or no concern to those of autocratic narcissistic fascistic inclinations.

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No concern whatsoever. Why do they run? Do they ever believe in any aspect of public service? If so, they are quickly perverted.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Fascism! By any other name it is still Fascism. Thanks Steve!

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Call it by its name, Fascism and it must die here. I totally agree with that statement. If we allow Fascism to flourish it will destroy and devour everything in its path. Fascism by nature is a minority rule by force if necessary because their laws are so distasteful and dreaded by everything clean. Republicans only wish is power to rule over someone. They are so enthralled by their own voices and catch phases that they no longer hear the voices of the people they rule over crying out in pain. Republicans would rather defend the taking of monies from the NRA lobbyists than seek a solution to the madness of gun violence. Republicans do not have solution to problems because they are the problem. Stop Fascism in its downward track and raise your voices to freedom. Freedom for your children and your grandchildren to live without fear of being murdered because Republicans will not act to protect them. Vote Blue and send Fascism back to Russia and Hungary to die with its leaders in isolation.

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Agree. I don’t understand the silent republicans who stand on the backs of the obnoxious unruly ugliness. They need to own up and speak out against Fascism. Crickets.

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It baffles me that they must control women to prohibit ending unwanted pregnancies, but they CAN'T do anything if CHILDREN are murdered with assault weapons. They say, "It was just the shooter's mental health"... sickening.

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I have to wonder who is more mentally ill, the shooter or the politician who does nothing?

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, I read your words with a somber heart. But they propel this wall flower to get involved somehow to help defeat the fascist monster.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you Steve. I’m a new subscriber to Substack, and appreciate the link to your earlier post about Fascism.

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Welcome to The Warning community! Thanks for joining.


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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

This attempt to control women's bodies, choices, health... is intolerable. A group (of mostly white men) has decided that I don't have the right to care for myself. They are using the notion of "killing babies" to justify this boundless control and to move forward with more. It's sinister and mysogynistic.

While the travesty in Nashville is repulsive unmasked racism, I feel so fortunate to have heard both Justins speak. I can only hope that this has magnified their voice to the entire country. They are gifted speakers and leaders...at the age of 28!! These 2 young men could lead a significant movement for change. I will do all I can to support them.

Finally, I feel so sick when the fascists continue to say "it's not the guns, it's mental health." They obstruct all gun legislation, but they have presented NOTHING to aid mental health. In fact, if they were organized in any way, they would have repealed Obamacare and decreased access even more. The Louisville and the Uvalde shooters each bought their AR 15's within weeks of their assaults! An assault weapon ban could have prevented both.

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In fact, they legally purchased these weapons, which makes it even worse.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

What irritates me is that we are being destroyed by some if the dumbest people in the country.

But I know that it's the power behind them that are the dangerous ones. They have unlimited financial resources & most are zealots.

It may explain this blitz of insanity because this is a desperate last ditch effort to gain control as young people are standing up for their futures.

I fervently hope it will be enough to turn the tide and rid us of these rotten mfers.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

As we watch our country evolve into a fascist state: banning books, states trying to restrict women from actually traveling to other states for abortions, states (like mine: Flor-i-duh) doing their best to retaliate against businesses (i.e. Disney) that don’t tow the line of the governor’s political leanings, and of course MOST states trying to alter elections AND representation with gerrymandering and making it harder to vote, - I have one other MAJOR concern: Our ‘not-so’ Supreme Court. As we concern ourselves with ‘Teflon-Don’ seemingly being above-the-law, our “self-governing” Supreme Court is NOT checking itself and calling out OBVIOUS bad-behavior. Clarence Thomas’s very close relationship with Harlan Crow, a NAZI memorabilia collector is MORE THAN concerning. THIS same Supreme Court which struck-down Roe v. Wade is on a warpath and until there are any signs of control or oversight of their unruliness, it leaves even more worry at our doorsteps.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

What is the smell of simmering frog?

It is the stench of fascism that surrounds the characters of this Republican Party like the smell of sulphur that surrounded the Wicked Witch.

Maybe if this odor filled the room with each repulsive pronouncement from these lying opportunists, it would wake up millions more to the danger lurking right outside their door.


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Steve’s column on the importance of fighting fascism early-on brings to mind the words of a passionate opponent of Hitler, German pastor Martin Niemöller. He paid a steep price for his opposition to Nazi fascism, serving 8 years as a political prisoner. Niemöller‘s words are now on display at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. His words are:

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out- because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out- because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me.”

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

It has come to America and it will be repudiated by the majority of Americans, Republicans included, as they see how brutal their governance has become, feeling in the flesh the nonsensical blasphemies against our bodies, as they lead by sheer violence and a barrage of threats against anyone who opposes their hate, their misogyny, their disregard for human life, their targeted attacks on large numbers of the electorate, their striking down of rights and liberties like swatting flies, not able to envision how grotesque their appearance is. It will reveal the Truth of what all manifestations that empathetically through time have advanced human civilization by Feeling Into the issues and problems presented. Time has and will always be the final Judge of wrongs in the past, leading us always to the possibilities of true progress which are Human Rights. Compassion is a spiritual reckoning, i.e. to bear the grief and the suffering of others.

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[Darling Mika, you are a force of light for women, all women, something men fail again and again to comprehend. Emotion is true when it drives the conversation. It invests credibility to commentary and opinion. It is original. You. And women stand strong together, because what is true in one voice is true for all.]

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Well said

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Perfect timing Steve, Flew to Sacramento and met Adam Schiff on the plane just now. Occurred to me while chatting... this man is so nice and polite... So I thought about how dems need to fight back stronger and call it what it is. Fascism. Just as you said. Period. Anyway.... told him about you & “The Warning” and the frank conversations needing to be had. He had a huge grin. After all, I know reading everyone’s thoughts on here always lights a fire under my tail-end!

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Jen, I'm so glad you shared 'The Warning' with Adam Schiff. "He had a huge grin." Great!

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

We must defeat these fascist thugs while we still can, by any legal means necessary.

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Steve - good morning and I don’t know if you peruse the comments but would love you to think about this for a commentary:

How does our current political predicament with guns compare to the March toward Civil Rights in the 50s and 60s?

Hope feels bleak right now re: guns and gun violence. But I am sure it was just as bleak (probably much worse) for affirming civil rights for all people.

While at times it almost ripped the country apart, over a 10-15 year period there were historic changes in America. Pivotal moments, heroic people, tragedy, and compromise - all of them came together and produced a defining time of progress.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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