Post.News is much better than expected! See you there!

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I am truly enjoying The Warning with you Steve! I’ve been a fan of yours since you were still a Republican. And I identify as an Independent voter for many, many years! Your ability to get right to the point and take apart the hilarious, ridiculous statements made by those DC republicans is something I admire and share whenever possible. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Gloria Dyer

Your biggest fan in North Carolina

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Your observation about the news media covering what was being said on Twitter (especially by Trump) instead of covering what was actually happening here is so accurate. Yet it is so sad how easily everyone, including the major news outlets, were taken in by this charade called Twitter.

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Chief Twit Elon Musk is welcome to bask in the right wing echo chamber that Twitter is becoming. He will do without any traffic from me (not that I'm anyone, to be sure, but less website traffic means less advertising dollars for him).

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That Elon can't fathom how his actions at Twitter are effecting his actions at Tesla + Space X is telling of what a tempestuous little brat he is. He needs to be send to the corner for a timeout.

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As always, amazingly succinct and powerful! Have you written any books on history? From what I glean from your writing you can be our new David McCullough, and I’m sure you appreciate what a compliment that is. We lost a giant with his passing. Best to you, see you on Post!

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I left Twitter when you said you were leaving. I knew I would miss your opinions, factoids, and pithy humor.

Although I disliked you immensely when you were a Republican (the Palin debacle), my interest peaked when you started Lincoln Project.

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Thank you, Steve. I liked your room rater backgrounds, especially when your daughter was walking through the kitchen and she belatedly realized she was on tv. I am a member. I may not have read every one, not because they’re not well -written or untrue, but because I may not be able to handle it at that time. Life can be rough sometimes. I look forward to you getting on Post. Take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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Already moved. Waiting for you.

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I support the political critiques and commentary provided by the Lincoln Project and the Warning. But I am mystified as to how you, Steve Schmidt, rationalize your past avid GOP membership. My experience of Republicans has always been stomach-turning, starting with the reaction of right wing youth at my junior high school in Los Angeles, who cheered loudly when new of the assassination of John Kennedy was announced over the intercom. Then we endured Nixon and his craven criminality and dishonesty over Watergate, Ronald Reagan and his pandering to the rich with trickle-down economics, Bush and his bogus WMD excuse for invading Iraq, Trump and his pathological narcissistic dishonesty and corruption. Republicans have long been the party of racist dog whistling and misogyny. So, tell us, why were you ever a Republican, and how have you really changed?

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Yes, Twitter is a time wasting cesspool where horrible people spew horrible comments.

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Elon is a true bore. I rarely looking at Twitter bc the people I find the most interesting aren’t posting very often. And one more thing… I do not like Journalists or Media sites that use the click bait approach.

Grateful for your insight that serves as a history lesson as well.

Happy Holidays everyone +

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Please try Post. Can’t stand going on Twitter anymore, even for my heroes.

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I will try The Post based on your recommendation. Thank you!

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