A SubStack poster earlier today referred to Michael Cohen as a “sleaze”. Bill Barr makes Cohen look like a saint; in a fair world he’d have been disbarred for any number of offenses long ago. And the “progressive agenda” about which he claims to be concerned has a focus about which he isn’t: humanity. Bill Barr has all the integrity of a Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz or Lindsey Graham or Chris Sununu or virtually the entire Republican Party. Beneath contempt, all of them.

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Cohen seeks redemption for his sins; Barr doesn’t know what the word means.

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After everything I have heard Barr say, we come to this. Another batshit Republican. Kool-Aid stock must be going through the roof.

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Bill Barr maliciously inserted himself and stopped the DOJ investigation into the Federal crimes of the election interference of trump and the payoffs of Stormy and Karen. He also reversed the Guilty plea of Mike Flynn and got Roger Stone released from prison. They then prevented SDNY from proceeding and attempted to eliminate the case entirely.

Only when DA Bragg resurrected that case after the former DA Cy Vance in Manhattan dropped it at the end of his term did this case come back and finally to trial 9 years after the crime.

Barr needs to be in prison for his interference into this case. I hope his name and actions come out during the presentation of facts.

What a piece of shit that fat man is. And now he's claiming that Biden is the threat to our Democracy? When will the GOP assholes stop lying. I really can't take much more of this bullshit that they are slinging.

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Barr knows if Biden is reelected there's a chance the DOJ will investigate him for malfeasance while heading that department. TFG is is only hope for running out the clock on that or hoping others will forget. It took 10 years to investigate and bring all Watergate defendants to trial. It will take longer for those involved in January 6 debacle.

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Sadly don't count on Merrick Garland's DOJ to do anything like that.

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Few cabinet members serve for eight years. AG might be a good place for retiring Governor Roy Cooper.

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we can't afford another institutionalist. he may not be.... but this moment demands accountability. not that anyone wants a mea culpa. I don't care if they're sorry. it has to be called out for what it is, and our laws must be applied. And they're not.

We're witnessing people in Congress getting away with a conspiracy to commit sedition. Folks who continue to threaten and poison our democracy, because they haven't been charged.

They've been allowed to run free, and wreck their havoc.

It's got to stop.

My dream for AG? Barb McQuade. straight arrow, straight shooter. no-nonsense. G-woman. just love her for this.

And Frank Figliuzzi at FBI. And i would know that all will be made right. Or, at least fight that worthy fight.

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Martin Schmidt- I agree with everything you’ve said about Bill Barr. Besides Trump he has caused untold harm to our democracy.

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Thank you. And Cy Vance needs a closer look, too. Part of the Trump problem is that he got away with too much in NYC.

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Hand in there. Take care of yourself. Take a walk. Garden a little. We need a strong resistance to this MAGA cult.

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I have always been very suspicious of Barr's reasoning for transferring Epstein to a prison he controlled, and Epstein's murder, There is a direct line connecting Epstein and Barr's father. Is there one to Barr as well?

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“If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising is his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them. He does not have the discipline, he does not have the ability for strategic thinking and linear thinking or setting priorities or how to get things done in the system. It is a horror show when he is left to his own devices.”

——Bill Barr

Agree totally Steve, on all points. However, were you expecting anything different from the man who penned the misleading and twisted Mueller Summary he released two weeks before the actual report, stating NO COLLUSION!

Except Barr left out the fact that collusion isn’t the crime, it’s conspiracy and Mueller found many instances of it.

Including meetings between Russian’s, Kushner, Don Jr. and Manafort. Kushner and Don Jr. wanting to set up a back channel to Putin in the Russian Embassy. And let’s not forget Manafort giving a certain former FSB agent and friend of Putin, secret campaign polling data from the Trump campaign.

Barr has always been a duplicitous fixer for the party. During HW Bush’s administration he spearheaded the Iran/Contra pardons. He’s been a champion of the Unitary Executive Theory, and was specifically appointed AG to clean up Session’s Russian collusion scandal, and find Trump innocent of all charges.

Mission accomplished!

Oh, and like Pompeo, Pence and all the other dubious lying scoundrels in the Republican Party, he believes liberals are the problem of all of America’s ills, and religion in government and public schools is the ultimate panacea.

Barr now joins a long list of of Republican luminaries and profiles in cowardice; may he rest in hell, I mean peace, with the latest Republican Benedict Arnold’s:

Chris Sununu

Mike Pence

Bill Barr

John Bolton

Ted Cruz

Lapdog Graham

Lying Rubio

JD Vance

The list is too long and I haven’t enough time in the day to finish this, but I look forward to Nikki Haley joining soon….:)

As far as Barr is concerned? Good riddance and don’t shut the door on the way out!….:)

That said,

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You were right the first time, they belong in hell for what they are doing to our country.

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Amen!! They can't get there soon enough in my book.

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Amen Robert Jaffe

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You asked Steve if he believed he (Barr) was really different. I never thought so and still reading all this and his testimony to the 1/6 Commission, I thought MAYbe he had decided to be courageous.

It’s so painful to believe people can become courageous (see 4/19 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar quoting Tom Hanks + commentary) and be smacked with reality.

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Bill Barr had a hand in sending Michael Cohen to prison and unconstitutionally remanding him to Otisville. All in the cause of making Michael serve time for doing Donald’s bidding in paying off Stormy Daniels in a catch-and-kill story. Michael was remanded for refusing to sign away his first amendment rights (which was unconstitutional).

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Barr should be investigated by a serious reporter if not the DOJ

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Barr is a frustrated old loser on all fronts! He should never be in a government position ever again!

Barr must feel that he “owes” Trump something? Cannot imagine that Trump will bring Barr into “the fix.” Trump will NEVER forgive him for his range of comments! That is not loyalty in the Trump terms?

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I bet it’s not loyalty to Trump, but loyalty to the religious organizations like The Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council and many other religious organizations and conservative billionaires amd corporations that will benefit from another Trump administration.

They all hate Trump, and I doubt Barr would even consider it. It would be essentially babysitting the president and trying to talk him out of executing his worst impulses.

Barr probably has a million dollar a year salary right now working for a conservative law firm or organization, and they are pro Trump. Or he has a multi-million dollar contract lined up should Trump win.

Always follow the money and their secret agenda: a Christian version of Sharia Law instituted in the US…:)

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Barr is a devout Catholic. His father, raised as a Jew, converted to Catholicism. Barr is a Christo- Fascist, which is defined as an ideology that denies science, lacks any morality or adherence to the Ten Commandments, and whose mission is to

force every American to live by their

dictates. Bill Barr was one of the worst Attorney Generals in our history , along with John Mitchell. Bill Barr is a physically repulsive, morally repulsive undeserving of a scintilla of praise human being , in any facet of his life.

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Agreed on all counts…:)

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What made him make this about face? Is someone or several someones in the MAGA cult pressuring him?

Has anyone ever stated how Biden is destroying the country? I’ve asked several MAGAs here in central Florida and have never gotten a thoughtful response, just TFG’s lies.

I’d be interested in having this conversation with Bill Barr; if nobody is leaning on him, surely he has thought it through.

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Bill Barr is a disgrace. The quotes provided by Steve Schmidt so clearly indicate the hypocrisy of the present Republican Party. In what way could Biden ever present even a fraction of the danger presented by Trump. Can Barr or any other Republican enlighten me in that regard. How does the desire to create a fair and decent country, in which all are allowed a level playing field upon which to succeed, and create for themselves and their family’s a safe and free existence, not beat the one sided, super charged capitalist, racist, white Christian supremacist society that Trump and his acolytes wish to force upon the majority of Americans? You can’t possibly give me any reason why sane people don’t genuinely want what Biden and the democrats are offering. Barr opposes liberal democracy for the very reason that the present Republican Party opposes it. He and they want absolute power, they want to continue concentrating the wealth of the country amongst the elite that control the Republican Party and their stupid, deplorable supporters are just too vapidly racist to realize the extent to which they are being hoodwinked by their hypocritically devious and depraved leaders.

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I wish anyone of these people would explain to me what the progressive agenda is? They never explain what it is that is so frightening. A quick look at the definition of progressive is, "favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters". Critical words here are (5) "maintain things as they are" = corruption, avarice, power = the status quo for republicans. So regressive is the word for republicans, "becoming less advanced, returning to a former or less developed state." So, there you have it folks and it's plain as day, we get fucked over or we send them packing and move forward. We have a lot of work to do so spread the word.

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Totally right. Republicans like Bill Barr believe that a few catchy buzz words explain their actions. The only thing he cares about is staying close to power and money. Nothing else matters except maybe his dinner judging from his weight gain.

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Amen Steve! Barr is a smart, but a super devious s**t who holds no loyalty or allegiance to his nation and its democracy. His only allegiance is to himself and autocracy of the fascist variety. If we wondered who became Trump’s fixer once Michael Cohen went to jail, the answer is Trump appointed his new fixer as U.S. Attorney General. Barr then set about as AG turning the DOJ into a cesspool of corruption, primarily as an obstructor of justice to keep Trump and his cronies out of jail. Did you ever wonder why it took so long for the election interference case now underway in s Manhattan courtroom to actually get charged? Barr intervened as a AG to squash it at the Federal level, even getting Trump’s name removed and changed to “individual 1” in the indictment charging Cohen. And did you notice that Cohen got charged and convicted, but the person he was the “bag man” for was not? The answer- Bill Barr. Barr has been on the public speaking circuit getting credit for telling Trump that all his talk of 2016 election interference was baloney. That was easy for him to do because Barr knew he couldn’t fix that for Trump. But look at all the other illegal and/or unethical things Barr did for Trump. Things like sentence reductions and pardons (Stone, Manafort, Flynn) for cronies and obfuscating the Mueller Report involving Trump’s Russian election collusion, not to mention obstruction of justice in this election interference case about to be tried. My question is, why hasn’t Barr been charged and prosecuted for all that stuff? Barr was a key enabler and fixer for Trump. His now “flip flop” to endorse Trump speaks volumes as to how corrupt and dangerous to democracy Bill Barr is. Bill Barr should be behind bars.

PS and make no mistake, a second Trump term with Stephen Miller as AG would, imo, turn the DOJ into an American version of the Nazi Gestapo.


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Follow the money!!

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It is really about protecting the monied interests.. no brainer there. They will never run out of it yet they fear losing their control

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I read an entire history of Barr a few days ago. WHAT A COMPLETE POS.

His treatment of activities by Reagan and Bush, Sr. should have been means for immediate dismissal, impeachment and jail.

Please look into his criminal history.

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He was once asked how he could be on the wrong side of history and answered “it depends who writes it.” That was all I needed to know.

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We are so manipulated by so many! I have held office at a local level for women's organizations. We really didn't need to use "spin," that I can recall; mainly because we were "all in" for our stated mission and objectives. This is a resource worth looking at from the Press Association.... I believe "strategic lying" is Bill Barr, the likes we continue to see, unfortunately. Check it out ... https://nationalpress.org/topic/21-types-of-political-spin-you-should-know/

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Barr is the most reprehensible, malicious, tendentious and evil member of T💩p coterie of reprehensible, malicious, tendentious and evil gnomes.

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Why is Bill Barr not being prosecuted for his consistent fixing of the visuals to avoid exposure of Trump and the previous Republican presidents who were all entrenched in corruption?

He is as corrupt as the whole group of them .

He lied for them as he’s now again lying for Trump.

He is a carrier of the acute misinformation virus. And he’s also trying to cover his own ass .

When we find someone willing to go after this lying amoeba, let us know .

The truth will celebrate.

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I've wondered myself, why isn't Barr being held accountable?

At least it is beginning with "orange" man.

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