I am looking forward to a Joe Biden as articulate and sharp as he was during the State of the Union Address. However, I want him to be more aggressive and concentrate on explaining how autocracy is not in the interests of the American people; coupled with an unfit, uninformed, narcissistic dictator it would be a disaster.
There is so much material to choose from to prove this is true. As one example, when Trump said COVID would "magically" disappear and suggested quack cures, he clearly showed weak "wishful thinking" and a desperate attempt to make his administration look effective. He accomplished just the opposite and then besmirched one of the most selfless, honest, and moral individuals in our history, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
He has openly stated he will be a dictator, emphasizing the prosecution, read persecution, of his political enemies, I.e, anyone who refuses to swear absolute loyalty to the "golden calf" while simultaneously kissing his fat ass.
I agree. Joe showed up for the State of the Union address. He was on point! I expect the same at this debate. I expect to see him show Americans the difference between competence and ugly. It will matter to independents, I reckon… and to any anti-Trump Republicans…maybe. Any “uncommitted” aren’t voting or they’re just telling pollsters a bunch of bs. No one is “uncommitted”. Not this year.
We are really in a terrible place in this country for this debate:
Trump can have a psychotic breakdown on national TV, spew his effluvium as usual and it won't matter to his followers.
If Biden so much as appears to stumble he'll confirm Trump's accusations that he's too weak to lead.
We better get the "State of the Union" Joe Biden on Thursday.
And at some point soon it would be good for Mr. Biden to articulate a New Deal for the country. 40% of Americans not having $400 for an emergency is a prescription for fascism.
Will debates sway an uncommitted voter? I am not sure the debates will do that. The key question in my mind is who are the uncommitted voters in the swing states? Who are these people? How many of them are there? What are their issues?
The way elections are set up in this country — that handful of people are the only ones who matter. The rest of us are chopped liver. Does an uncommitted voter living in New Jersey or California finally deciding for Biden make a damn difference?
I agree. I was talking to a 30 something acquaintance the other day and she is so uninformed! She doesn’t follow current politics much, which shocked me with all the media and social sites spewing opinions and analysis. Unfortunately, she did believe the lie about Biden being inept and bumbling his way in the office of the presidency. I pointed out how many of the videos she had seen were taken out of context or enhanced in some way to make him look incompetent. She’s still undecided but stated she usually votes independent and I told her if she did that it would help Trump. I’m still having conversations with her and she’s leaning more toward President Biden. I have also shared Steve Schmidt’s posts with her but I doubt she has bothered to read them. It’s frustrating that there are others like her who are apathetic during this critical time in our nation’s history.
This tells us how much the 'information war', the lies, amplified by social media, is having on people's perceptions. This IS extreme propaganda and it is effective:-(
Trump is a schoolyard bully. The only way to deal with someone like him is to hit him hard and hit him often. Bloody his nose, blacken his eye, kick him in the balls. Over and over! Whatever it takes to make him cry! The goal is to inflict pain fast and furious never giving him a chance to gain traction. Maximum pain psychologically leads to physical stress and pain - that we can all see. This is a gladiatorial contest and, as such, there is no such thing as a fair fight. No Marquis of Queensberry rules. Street fight rules! There is only win or lose. State of the Union Joe has to show up from the get-go and be unrelenting in his attack on the fat-ass orange despot. Vote Blue!
@HUS785, Were our standard-bearer a Gavin Newsom, I would expect such a performance. However, while I truly want to be dead-wrong, I fear the Joe Biden at the podium in next week’s debate will be a far cry from “State of the Union Joe,” who mostly read prepared text.
I agree with you wholeheartedly Steve, the debate is only a measure of competence. The issues won’t matter. Biden needs to show strength, and display a vigorous defense of his positions, and commitment to our democracy. So far I’m not impressed with Biden or his team.
That said, Trump won’t win, but Biden could lose bigly. Either way, if the WaPPo is correct, then it may be a moot point anyway.
Apparently, the “deciders” of this election; undecided in swing states, believe overwhelmingly, that Trump is better on the border, economy and defending democracy by almost 2:1. If this is true, then I’m not sure the debate matters.
Either way, Trump has a plethora of right-wing media ready and capable of creating a false narrative; similar to Barr’s Mueller summary; with no shortage of easy, gullible Americans buying this nonsense, hook, line, and sinker.
It’s going to take a miracle to overcome the political tsunami in Biden’s path; whether it be recent campaign funds raised (Trump is ahead), or better marketing and messaging.
If axioms is correct, then Biden’s team is doing Trump’s job for them, and our opposition may be pointless.
I don’t mean to sound cynical or alarmist, but I’m losing confidence daily. Not only because of Biden, or Trump, but because of the way the MSM is asleep at the wheel, or doing Trumps bidding for him deliberately, or inadvertently.
Stop! I’m not turning. Some of the swing state data is very depressing, and national polls are useless. The race comes down to a few swing states that will be decided by a bunch of politically illiterate voters.
Lorraine, I am not a troll, and I am voting for Biden. I have never defended Trump, and never will. So you can deny the facts before you; Biden is currently losing the electoral college handily. That is a fact.
Another fact is that all recent polling shows close to 60% of Americans believe Trump is better for the economy and defending democracy. Seriously, he’s better for democracy???? Clearly, Trump is not even close, but what you and I think counts for two votes; nothing more.
Additionally, Trump currently has a war chest bigger than Biden’s. He continues to get free press and coverage worth billions. And he has an entire media ecosystem, including local regional networks like Sinclair Broadcasting, who continually lie and mislead their audiences to support this cheap snake oil salesman.
You can deny reality, and call me whatever names you want, but the bottom line is the election shouldn’t even be close at this point; yet here we are!…:)
What’s with all of the CEO superstars deciding to climb back on board the orange turd’s train, they are making more money than they could have dreamed of and they are siding with a convicted felon. Doesn’t Apple’s Tim Cook who is gay know how much they despise him, Jamie Diamond who leads our largest bank needs to think about just who he’s getting in bed with, and those are just two of the many that are pouring money into his despicable campaign. I do business with both of those companies and I and many of their other customers don’t want to see them siding with a guy that makes WWIII more certain. They can both afford to pay their taxes, they are both unbelievably wealthy, neither will take a penney with them when they pass, so why in hell would they want to support a proven felon? 🤷♂️
Agreed. They’re not siding with him, they just probably believe he has a better than 50-50 chance of winning; they’re hedging their bets because they know how petty and vindictive Trump and his minions are.
Bottom line: they’re scared shitless, and don’t want to beat the brunt of some manufactured congressional hearings, or legislation that would affect their business models and net profits negatively.
Biden needs to perform outstandingly, and start giving interviews on major networks. He needs lot’s of media exposure, which he is lacking.
Trump is sucking out most of the oxygen in the room. Free airtime worth billions, while Biden’s accomplishments remain unknown to most Americans and are being ignored.
Robert, As someone seeking clarification, I ask whether you also are speaking for your aforementioned panicked friends within the Party’s upper echelons. I ask because a reply would be most helpful as I proceed forward with an action plan.
Robert is consistently one of the most thoughtful, insightful, and honest commenters here. Dismissing his valid comments as "a troll" is a disservice. I would encourage you to at the very least consider the veracity of his comments before trying to shut him down, which helps no one.
Just the other day another commenter (looking at you, Lisa J) told me to fuck off because I said the only reason this race is close is Biden's age and how the TFG campaign and MAGA are weaponizing it. So, it seems there are people here who don't want honesty, but rather we should pledge undying support for Biden, like MAGA must for TFG? No thank you. I support Biden, but saying there are concerns is just that. Developing a message and strategy must be done to overcome this deficit and perception.
I have friends that work in the party at high levels; both statewide and federal. They are in panic mode, but are too afraid to say anything to the Biden team.
So it’s not just the MSM that is having doubts. Biden’s problem is his inability to fight back in real-time, and he’s relying on surrogates, instead of defending himself, by just showing up and giving interviews. He’s the political version of Waldo, when he’s not at a major event or campaigning.
Also, his position on Israel is doing more damage than people think. And make no mistake, when Netanyahu comes to Congress, he will denigrate democrats and support Trump. Get ready to watch Bibi throw Biden under the bus, and we can thank Schumer for the pleasure.
That said, Biden has my vote. It’s not people like me or the people who subscribe to Steve, and other anti-Trump newsletters: we get it! It’s the easily manipulated people; the majority of the American electorate that scares me.
I thought , though, that it was trump's 30% supporters..now you are saying the majority of Americans are easily manipulated by trump? We beat trump by 7 million votes in 2020. I honestly believe the majority of Americans will vote against this felon!
Trump has around 35-40% of the electorate; his cult following. I’m talking about polls that show the majority of Americans that believe Trump is better for the economy and as a defender of democracy. And many of these people are “undecided,” living in swing states.
That said, We’re fighting for democracy, yet the majority of Americans believe that the guy who wants to destroy our democracy, is somehow better at the job of defending it, than the guy trying to preserve it.
It’s ironic, yet that’s how stupid the American electorate is.
Robert, If these panicked friends you reference have access but are afraid to speak, given the stakes, I would prevail upon you to urge them to push past their reluctance. There’s still time (and justified reasons given Biden’s prosecution of 2 foreign wars) for him not to seek reelection. In my view, whatever the risks of a brokered convention, they pale in comparison to the benefits of a roster of strong candidates battling for the Party’s nomination.
Robert, Thank you for your reply. Regrettably, the ethos mirrors why we’ve seen a significant number of resignations over U.S. policy in Israel/ Gaza. We repeatedly hear that the execution of policy is solely decided by Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and McGurk. No other viewpoints are welcome.
I would note, as someone who believes we are at our best when our perspectives are challenged and tested, unless, without a script, from the heart, Biden can project the decisive leadership this moment demands, I believe we will need to face some hard truths as to where we go from here.
Im with you Elizabeth. I believe putin has developed the most insidious trolls to date- trolls in sheep’s clothing that underminds confidence and seeds defeatism and doubt. I see them all over Steve’s newsletter. Beware and give them hell!
Biden needs a force like "Father Knows Best". The economy is more about who is getting the money, and who let them start taking it. Being able to cut the mic when it is not your turn should be very helpful. You don't have to sell me on Biden since I am so anti-bully. Trump supporters only get their information from one source. Someone needs to cut their mic for a while. Tearing the whole thing down is not the answer to what ails us - and having a stupid leader would just be so unwise. I hope he can communicate that.
If Biden tries to zero in on Trump personally, it could cost him. Enter into a argument means you have subscribed to that game, and like it or not, not your best or most successful side will emerge. It will be, it is, Trump's tactic. Trump is a polished player when he is able to denigrate, disparage, insult, shame, ridicule. Being forcefully compative is Trump's schtick, a tactic which has enabled him to evade many issues brought forth in the past change to the subject, change the debate. The monitors have the duty to steer the debate back on course--I don't see either of those two MAGA-salaried sell-outs doing that. Biden needs to attack Trump's rancid history with vigor but with calm demeanor. He should not be baited by Trump to responding to Trump's live debate darts.
Yes: "Biden needs to attack Trump's rancid history with vigor but with calm demeanor." I expect that this is what Biden will do and he will calmly set TFG up for one fall after another.
I could agree more with everything here. Biden must come off with strength and forcefulness and call out Trump for all his lies and discretions of the past.
I'm done complaining and helplessly worrying. Now I'm focused on getting others involved in working to stop the far-right takeover of our government. Pls. look at https://www.focus4democracy.org/ - They identify organizations with proven plans to get more Democrats to actually vote - and they also educate undecided voters as to how they can help protect our democracy. I'm now supporting the organizations they recommend, rather than just randomly flinging donations at various Democratic candidates. Even people who can't afford to donate much can forward the info to everyone they know. We all know folks who can afford to donate - reach out to them. Too many people feel helpless and hopeless and aren't doing anything. This is something we CAN do. Please take a look at focus4democracy. We're in an emergency.
Jan, thanks for that comment. Where there is hope people will fight for what they believe in. Despair causes hopelessness; people give up and accept their fate.
I am going to the site you suggest now. It has long been my firm belief that those of us who see Trump as the menace he is should do all we can to stop him, MAGA, Qanon, and Nationalist Christianity, the enemies of our historical journey to a more equitable and just way of life. We must talk with the undecided, even with the Pro-Trump people, and try to help them understand what life will be like under a Trumpian dictatorship.
Anthony, I am so very glad that you'll check out Focus4Democracy. If I can motivate even one person each day to take action, it can really add up. As for trying to talk with pro-Trump people, it's a matter of how much a person can endure. If you can do it, great. But the people I know who have Trumpers in their families get so depressed from the discussions that they have no energy left to do anything else. One friend told me he couldn't look at Focus4Democracy because, he said, if he tried any more on this issue, he would immolate himself. We need to act in ways that don't deplete and destroy us. I think donating to groups that expertly craft messages designed to reach undecided voters is great. These are the voters we might be able to influence. Please attend Focus4Democracy's next zoom to learn more about it!
Jan, If I had to guess, F4D would probably consider Allred v. Cruz, Tester v. Sheehy, Brown v. Dolan, LaRose or Moreno, Baldwin v. Hovde as among the most critical, as Senate control is on the line.
I just registered with F4D, I tried to put Jan as the person who recommended I join, but they needed a last name, so I checked organization or Newsletter as having referred me and credited Steve Schmidt, The Warning.
I will now be notified about meetings. Thanks again.
And don't give up on the Trumpers, some brainwashed cultists ultimately do see the light. I do get your point; I gave up on my born-again sister and her husband who simply can not be convinced that everything Trump and MAGA stand for is in direct opposition to the teachings of the New Terstament.
I, an agnostic, seem to understand the New Testament message better than they do.
Anthony, I'm so pleased that you signed up for Focus4Democracy. Don't forget to let all your friends know. If everyone I talk to about this, talks to all their friends, it could bring in substantial financial donations to F4D. I've done a lot of research and I think this is the best way to donate. (I don't disclose my last name in public forums for privacy reasons. Whatever name you gave them seemed to work)
There are some brainwashed cultists that will 'see the light'. I was raised in an extremist religious cult. After 10 horrific years of this corrupt 'tithing business' my dad 'saw the light' and we got out completely (I was then 13). "The Church" had dominated our lives in every way. I heard my dad, with my ear to the wall, command to the minister, who was visiting the house, "It is as plain as the egg on your face." Some people in the MAGA-Cult will figure out that the corruption and grifting is as plain as the egg on Trump's face. Don't give up:-)
Steve, I start with a question: How do you square your rightful assertion that the stakes next week relative to Biden’s debate performance could not be higher with your recently stated concerns that Biden’s inner circle, who will prep him, speaks with only 1 voice that largely comports with Biden’s own convictions? I raise this point because I imagine we are at our best when our convictions have been challenged and tested.
Additionally, I would mention that anyone who references Biden’s State of the Union, wherein he read prepared text, as the standard to which we expect him to aspire in a debate, that disallows even notes, likely is setting themselves up with a false equivalency.
Don’t get me wrong. I am praying for a brilliant performance next week. However, if Biden fails even to approximate one, I fear we will need to confront some hard truths regarding where we go from here.
While the State of the Union was scripted, Biden was able to respond to MTG and other hecklers. He still has an A game. He just needs to bring it to the debate.
Bill, A handful of unscripted quips is a far cry from how well one will perform extemporaneously in a 90-minute debate. Hence the justification for putting oneself through debate camp, especially seeing the outcome of the election, setting aside enumerating accomplishments and outlining plans moving forward, largely could land on how effectively Biden instinctively calls out Trump’s deceptions and distortions and does not allow them to go unanswered.
> "Donald Trump is a grave threat towards democracy..."
Yes, but this must be broken down to its fundamentals and specifics. I expect some will hear "We must defend against this threat to democracy" and roll their eyes, as if they think our democratic republic isn't really in jeopardy. It sounds hyperbolic. It's too general, too broad. How, exactly, is Trump such a threat to our very democracy? It must be spelled out in the specifics of Trump's own past deeds and his words and promises. He is absolutely a threat. How that threat is manifest must be communicated to the American people.
The RWM whitewashing of Trumps debate performance won't matter. Anyone paying attention to that propoganda is all in on TFG. Biden may be best served by hitting Trump with a label, say felon, racist or mysoginyst, ..or all three...and then letting Trump riff and blather angrily and incoherently. That may remind the double haters that while they may dislike Biden, they detest Trump.
Joe's sound-bite should be his addressing of trump. "Failed Felon Forty-Five". That's it. He should not refer to him in any other way or with any reverance for his previous title of POTUS. He can even shorten it to "Failed Felon". The failed felon and his magats will melt down.
Joe Biden may not look the part of an old west Sheriff but if he is going to win the debate he has to perform like one. He not only has to win the debate, he has to destroy the villain, Trump and leave him begging for mercy. President Biden is smarter than Trump but Donald is a ruthless sociopath who gets his kicks by pulling the wings off butterflies. Joe will have to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee if he is going to win. His stings must be potent like that of the invasive African bee. Imagine, Donald being beaten by illegal immigrants from his so called Sh*thole countries that would wax poetic with a bit of irony. I chuckle at the thought, now Joe has to step up and do his part to defend democracy.
Right On, Patrick: "Joe will have to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee if he is going to win. His stings must be potent like that of the invasive African bee." Bring It, Biden! Sting TFG!
As for me, I am voting for Joe Biden, and Josh Stein in North Carolina, and Democratic down the line. I have no interest in watching the debate. I’ve known the MAGA Fascist for 45 years now and I’m long, long past looking at or listening to.
I am looking forward to a Joe Biden as articulate and sharp as he was during the State of the Union Address. However, I want him to be more aggressive and concentrate on explaining how autocracy is not in the interests of the American people; coupled with an unfit, uninformed, narcissistic dictator it would be a disaster.
There is so much material to choose from to prove this is true. As one example, when Trump said COVID would "magically" disappear and suggested quack cures, he clearly showed weak "wishful thinking" and a desperate attempt to make his administration look effective. He accomplished just the opposite and then besmirched one of the most selfless, honest, and moral individuals in our history, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
He has openly stated he will be a dictator, emphasizing the prosecution, read persecution, of his political enemies, I.e, anyone who refuses to swear absolute loyalty to the "golden calf" while simultaneously kissing his fat ass.
I agree. Joe showed up for the State of the Union address. He was on point! I expect the same at this debate. I expect to see him show Americans the difference between competence and ugly. It will matter to independents, I reckon… and to any anti-Trump Republicans…maybe. Any “uncommitted” aren’t voting or they’re just telling pollsters a bunch of bs. No one is “uncommitted”. Not this year.
We are really in a terrible place in this country for this debate:
Trump can have a psychotic breakdown on national TV, spew his effluvium as usual and it won't matter to his followers.
If Biden so much as appears to stumble he'll confirm Trump's accusations that he's too weak to lead.
We better get the "State of the Union" Joe Biden on Thursday.
And at some point soon it would be good for Mr. Biden to articulate a New Deal for the country. 40% of Americans not having $400 for an emergency is a prescription for fascism.
Will debates sway an uncommitted voter? I am not sure the debates will do that. The key question in my mind is who are the uncommitted voters in the swing states? Who are these people? How many of them are there? What are their issues?
The way elections are set up in this country — that handful of people are the only ones who matter. The rest of us are chopped liver. Does an uncommitted voter living in New Jersey or California finally deciding for Biden make a damn difference?
I agree. I was talking to a 30 something acquaintance the other day and she is so uninformed! She doesn’t follow current politics much, which shocked me with all the media and social sites spewing opinions and analysis. Unfortunately, she did believe the lie about Biden being inept and bumbling his way in the office of the presidency. I pointed out how many of the videos she had seen were taken out of context or enhanced in some way to make him look incompetent. She’s still undecided but stated she usually votes independent and I told her if she did that it would help Trump. I’m still having conversations with her and she’s leaning more toward President Biden. I have also shared Steve Schmidt’s posts with her but I doubt she has bothered to read them. It’s frustrating that there are others like her who are apathetic during this critical time in our nation’s history.
This tells us how much the 'information war', the lies, amplified by social media, is having on people's perceptions. This IS extreme propaganda and it is effective:-(
Trump is a schoolyard bully. The only way to deal with someone like him is to hit him hard and hit him often. Bloody his nose, blacken his eye, kick him in the balls. Over and over! Whatever it takes to make him cry! The goal is to inflict pain fast and furious never giving him a chance to gain traction. Maximum pain psychologically leads to physical stress and pain - that we can all see. This is a gladiatorial contest and, as such, there is no such thing as a fair fight. No Marquis of Queensberry rules. Street fight rules! There is only win or lose. State of the Union Joe has to show up from the get-go and be unrelenting in his attack on the fat-ass orange despot. Vote Blue!
@HUS785, Were our standard-bearer a Gavin Newsom, I would expect such a performance. However, while I truly want to be dead-wrong, I fear the Joe Biden at the podium in next week’s debate will be a far cry from “State of the Union Joe,” who mostly read prepared text.
I agree with you wholeheartedly Steve, the debate is only a measure of competence. The issues won’t matter. Biden needs to show strength, and display a vigorous defense of his positions, and commitment to our democracy. So far I’m not impressed with Biden or his team.
That said, Trump won’t win, but Biden could lose bigly. Either way, if the WaPPo is correct, then it may be a moot point anyway.
Apparently, the “deciders” of this election; undecided in swing states, believe overwhelmingly, that Trump is better on the border, economy and defending democracy by almost 2:1. If this is true, then I’m not sure the debate matters.
Either way, Trump has a plethora of right-wing media ready and capable of creating a false narrative; similar to Barr’s Mueller summary; with no shortage of easy, gullible Americans buying this nonsense, hook, line, and sinker.
It’s going to take a miracle to overcome the political tsunami in Biden’s path; whether it be recent campaign funds raised (Trump is ahead), or better marketing and messaging.
If axioms is correct, then Biden’s team is doing Trump’s job for them, and our opposition may be pointless.
I don’t mean to sound cynical or alarmist, but I’m losing confidence daily. Not only because of Biden, or Trump, but because of the way the MSM is asleep at the wheel, or doing Trumps bidding for him deliberately, or inadvertently.
Joe will get it done. We'll be alright.
Wow how fast the natives are turning this morning.
Let’s all take a deep beach.
In past Junes:
Dewey was beating Truman
Nixon was beating JFK
Dukakis was beating Bush
Gore over Bush
Clinton over Trump
Seeing a Trend??
Worry in October, now is the time to watch trends
The blue wave will come.
Blue takes 45 seats in house
Blue takes 6 in senate
Biden wins with 410 electoral votes.
Best part the gop falls apart for a generation
Stop! I’m not turning. Some of the swing state data is very depressing, and national polls are useless. The race comes down to a few swing states that will be decided by a bunch of politically illiterate voters.
I’m scared, but hopeful..:)
See my comment to you this morning. When I’m wrong I’m really wrong.
Go to hell troll.
Lorraine, I am not a troll, and I am voting for Biden. I have never defended Trump, and never will. So you can deny the facts before you; Biden is currently losing the electoral college handily. That is a fact.
Another fact is that all recent polling shows close to 60% of Americans believe Trump is better for the economy and defending democracy. Seriously, he’s better for democracy???? Clearly, Trump is not even close, but what you and I think counts for two votes; nothing more.
Additionally, Trump currently has a war chest bigger than Biden’s. He continues to get free press and coverage worth billions. And he has an entire media ecosystem, including local regional networks like Sinclair Broadcasting, who continually lie and mislead their audiences to support this cheap snake oil salesman.
You can deny reality, and call me whatever names you want, but the bottom line is the election shouldn’t even be close at this point; yet here we are!…:)
What’s with all of the CEO superstars deciding to climb back on board the orange turd’s train, they are making more money than they could have dreamed of and they are siding with a convicted felon. Doesn’t Apple’s Tim Cook who is gay know how much they despise him, Jamie Diamond who leads our largest bank needs to think about just who he’s getting in bed with, and those are just two of the many that are pouring money into his despicable campaign. I do business with both of those companies and I and many of their other customers don’t want to see them siding with a guy that makes WWIII more certain. They can both afford to pay their taxes, they are both unbelievably wealthy, neither will take a penney with them when they pass, so why in hell would they want to support a proven felon? 🤷♂️
Agreed. They’re not siding with him, they just probably believe he has a better than 50-50 chance of winning; they’re hedging their bets because they know how petty and vindictive Trump and his minions are.
Bottom line: they’re scared shitless, and don’t want to beat the brunt of some manufactured congressional hearings, or legislation that would affect their business models and net profits negatively.
So how can we combat these issues?
Biden needs to perform outstandingly, and start giving interviews on major networks. He needs lot’s of media exposure, which he is lacking.
Trump is sucking out most of the oxygen in the room. Free airtime worth billions, while Biden’s accomplishments remain unknown to most Americans and are being ignored.
Robert, As someone seeking clarification, I ask whether you also are speaking for your aforementioned panicked friends within the Party’s upper echelons. I ask because a reply would be most helpful as I proceed forward with an action plan.
Robert is consistently one of the most thoughtful, insightful, and honest commenters here. Dismissing his valid comments as "a troll" is a disservice. I would encourage you to at the very least consider the veracity of his comments before trying to shut him down, which helps no one.
Just the other day another commenter (looking at you, Lisa J) told me to fuck off because I said the only reason this race is close is Biden's age and how the TFG campaign and MAGA are weaponizing it. So, it seems there are people here who don't want honesty, but rather we should pledge undying support for Biden, like MAGA must for TFG? No thank you. I support Biden, but saying there are concerns is just that. Developing a message and strategy must be done to overcome this deficit and perception.
Agree!! Robert’s comments are always thoughtful.
Lorraine, Robert Jaffee is NOT a troll; He is extremely knowledgeable and deeply cares.
I have friends that work in the party at high levels; both statewide and federal. They are in panic mode, but are too afraid to say anything to the Biden team.
So it’s not just the MSM that is having doubts. Biden’s problem is his inability to fight back in real-time, and he’s relying on surrogates, instead of defending himself, by just showing up and giving interviews. He’s the political version of Waldo, when he’s not at a major event or campaigning.
Also, his position on Israel is doing more damage than people think. And make no mistake, when Netanyahu comes to Congress, he will denigrate democrats and support Trump. Get ready to watch Bibi throw Biden under the bus, and we can thank Schumer for the pleasure.
That said, Biden has my vote. It’s not people like me or the people who subscribe to Steve, and other anti-Trump newsletters: we get it! It’s the easily manipulated people; the majority of the American electorate that scares me.
I thought , though, that it was trump's 30% supporters..now you are saying the majority of Americans are easily manipulated by trump? We beat trump by 7 million votes in 2020. I honestly believe the majority of Americans will vote against this felon!
Trump has around 35-40% of the electorate; his cult following. I’m talking about polls that show the majority of Americans that believe Trump is better for the economy and as a defender of democracy. And many of these people are “undecided,” living in swing states.
That said, We’re fighting for democracy, yet the majority of Americans believe that the guy who wants to destroy our democracy, is somehow better at the job of defending it, than the guy trying to preserve it.
It’s ironic, yet that’s how stupid the American electorate is.
Thanks for clarifying. I am working on and praying for better outcomes!
Robert, If these panicked friends you reference have access but are afraid to speak, given the stakes, I would prevail upon you to urge them to push past their reluctance. There’s still time (and justified reasons given Biden’s prosecution of 2 foreign wars) for him not to seek reelection. In my view, whatever the risks of a brokered convention, they pale in comparison to the benefits of a roster of strong candidates battling for the Party’s nomination.
Let me clarify. When I say afraid, the administration doesn’t want to hear any negativity or criticism from people in the party.
They won’t listen, and there is no upside to pointing out the obvious to people who don’t want to hear it; without risking one’s livelihood.
Robert, Thank you for your reply. Regrettably, the ethos mirrors why we’ve seen a significant number of resignations over U.S. policy in Israel/ Gaza. We repeatedly hear that the execution of policy is solely decided by Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, and McGurk. No other viewpoints are welcome.
I would note, as someone who believes we are at our best when our perspectives are challenged and tested, unless, without a script, from the heart, Biden can project the decisive leadership this moment demands, I believe we will need to face some hard truths as to where we go from here.
Agreed. Like Lincoln and Obama had done: “a team of rivals!”…:)
Go to hell troll
Im with you Elizabeth. I believe putin has developed the most insidious trolls to date- trolls in sheep’s clothing that underminds confidence and seeds defeatism and doubt. I see them all over Steve’s newsletter. Beware and give them hell!
Punch those trolls!!👊👊💥💥💪
Biden needs a force like "Father Knows Best". The economy is more about who is getting the money, and who let them start taking it. Being able to cut the mic when it is not your turn should be very helpful. You don't have to sell me on Biden since I am so anti-bully. Trump supporters only get their information from one source. Someone needs to cut their mic for a while. Tearing the whole thing down is not the answer to what ails us - and having a stupid leader would just be so unwise. I hope he can communicate that.
If Biden tries to zero in on Trump personally, it could cost him. Enter into a argument means you have subscribed to that game, and like it or not, not your best or most successful side will emerge. It will be, it is, Trump's tactic. Trump is a polished player when he is able to denigrate, disparage, insult, shame, ridicule. Being forcefully compative is Trump's schtick, a tactic which has enabled him to evade many issues brought forth in the past change to the subject, change the debate. The monitors have the duty to steer the debate back on course--I don't see either of those two MAGA-salaried sell-outs doing that. Biden needs to attack Trump's rancid history with vigor but with calm demeanor. He should not be baited by Trump to responding to Trump's live debate darts.
Yes: "Biden needs to attack Trump's rancid history with vigor but with calm demeanor." I expect that this is what Biden will do and he will calmly set TFG up for one fall after another.
I could agree more with everything here. Biden must come off with strength and forcefulness and call out Trump for all his lies and discretions of the past.
I'm done complaining and helplessly worrying. Now I'm focused on getting others involved in working to stop the far-right takeover of our government. Pls. look at https://www.focus4democracy.org/ - They identify organizations with proven plans to get more Democrats to actually vote - and they also educate undecided voters as to how they can help protect our democracy. I'm now supporting the organizations they recommend, rather than just randomly flinging donations at various Democratic candidates. Even people who can't afford to donate much can forward the info to everyone they know. We all know folks who can afford to donate - reach out to them. Too many people feel helpless and hopeless and aren't doing anything. This is something we CAN do. Please take a look at focus4democracy. We're in an emergency.
Jan, thanks for that comment. Where there is hope people will fight for what they believe in. Despair causes hopelessness; people give up and accept their fate.
I am going to the site you suggest now. It has long been my firm belief that those of us who see Trump as the menace he is should do all we can to stop him, MAGA, Qanon, and Nationalist Christianity, the enemies of our historical journey to a more equitable and just way of life. We must talk with the undecided, even with the Pro-Trump people, and try to help them understand what life will be like under a Trumpian dictatorship.
Anthony, I am so very glad that you'll check out Focus4Democracy. If I can motivate even one person each day to take action, it can really add up. As for trying to talk with pro-Trump people, it's a matter of how much a person can endure. If you can do it, great. But the people I know who have Trumpers in their families get so depressed from the discussions that they have no energy left to do anything else. One friend told me he couldn't look at Focus4Democracy because, he said, if he tried any more on this issue, he would immolate himself. We need to act in ways that don't deplete and destroy us. I think donating to groups that expertly craft messages designed to reach undecided voters is great. These are the voters we might be able to influence. Please attend Focus4Democracy's next zoom to learn more about it!
Jan, If I had to guess, F4D would probably consider Allred v. Cruz, Tester v. Sheehy, Brown v. Dolan, LaRose or Moreno, Baldwin v. Hovde as among the most critical, as Senate control is on the line.
I just registered with F4D, I tried to put Jan as the person who recommended I join, but they needed a last name, so I checked organization or Newsletter as having referred me and credited Steve Schmidt, The Warning.
I will now be notified about meetings. Thanks again.
And don't give up on the Trumpers, some brainwashed cultists ultimately do see the light. I do get your point; I gave up on my born-again sister and her husband who simply can not be convinced that everything Trump and MAGA stand for is in direct opposition to the teachings of the New Terstament.
I, an agnostic, seem to understand the New Testament message better than they do.
Anthony, I'm so pleased that you signed up for Focus4Democracy. Don't forget to let all your friends know. If everyone I talk to about this, talks to all their friends, it could bring in substantial financial donations to F4D. I've done a lot of research and I think this is the best way to donate. (I don't disclose my last name in public forums for privacy reasons. Whatever name you gave them seemed to work)
There are some brainwashed cultists that will 'see the light'. I was raised in an extremist religious cult. After 10 horrific years of this corrupt 'tithing business' my dad 'saw the light' and we got out completely (I was then 13). "The Church" had dominated our lives in every way. I heard my dad, with my ear to the wall, command to the minister, who was visiting the house, "It is as plain as the egg on your face." Some people in the MAGA-Cult will figure out that the corruption and grifting is as plain as the egg on Trump's face. Don't give up:-)
Steve, I start with a question: How do you square your rightful assertion that the stakes next week relative to Biden’s debate performance could not be higher with your recently stated concerns that Biden’s inner circle, who will prep him, speaks with only 1 voice that largely comports with Biden’s own convictions? I raise this point because I imagine we are at our best when our convictions have been challenged and tested.
Additionally, I would mention that anyone who references Biden’s State of the Union, wherein he read prepared text, as the standard to which we expect him to aspire in a debate, that disallows even notes, likely is setting themselves up with a false equivalency.
Don’t get me wrong. I am praying for a brilliant performance next week. However, if Biden fails even to approximate one, I fear we will need to confront some hard truths regarding where we go from here.
While the State of the Union was scripted, Biden was able to respond to MTG and other hecklers. He still has an A game. He just needs to bring it to the debate.
Bill, A handful of unscripted quips is a far cry from how well one will perform extemporaneously in a 90-minute debate. Hence the justification for putting oneself through debate camp, especially seeing the outcome of the election, setting aside enumerating accomplishments and outlining plans moving forward, largely could land on how effectively Biden instinctively calls out Trump’s deceptions and distortions and does not allow them to go unanswered.
> "Donald Trump is a grave threat towards democracy..."
Yes, but this must be broken down to its fundamentals and specifics. I expect some will hear "We must defend against this threat to democracy" and roll their eyes, as if they think our democratic republic isn't really in jeopardy. It sounds hyperbolic. It's too general, too broad. How, exactly, is Trump such a threat to our very democracy? It must be spelled out in the specifics of Trump's own past deeds and his words and promises. He is absolutely a threat. How that threat is manifest must be communicated to the American people.
The RWM whitewashing of Trumps debate performance won't matter. Anyone paying attention to that propoganda is all in on TFG. Biden may be best served by hitting Trump with a label, say felon, racist or mysoginyst, ..or all three...and then letting Trump riff and blather angrily and incoherently. That may remind the double haters that while they may dislike Biden, they detest Trump.
Millions of Americans are confused about what "cool" and "tough" is. Biden will show them.
Joe's sound-bite should be his addressing of trump. "Failed Felon Forty-Five". That's it. He should not refer to him in any other way or with any reverance for his previous title of POTUS. He can even shorten it to "Failed Felon". The failed felon and his magats will melt down.
Joe Biden may not look the part of an old west Sheriff but if he is going to win the debate he has to perform like one. He not only has to win the debate, he has to destroy the villain, Trump and leave him begging for mercy. President Biden is smarter than Trump but Donald is a ruthless sociopath who gets his kicks by pulling the wings off butterflies. Joe will have to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee if he is going to win. His stings must be potent like that of the invasive African bee. Imagine, Donald being beaten by illegal immigrants from his so called Sh*thole countries that would wax poetic with a bit of irony. I chuckle at the thought, now Joe has to step up and do his part to defend democracy.
Right On, Patrick: "Joe will have to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee if he is going to win. His stings must be potent like that of the invasive African bee." Bring It, Biden! Sting TFG!
As for me, I am voting for Joe Biden, and Josh Stein in North Carolina, and Democratic down the line. I have no interest in watching the debate. I’ve known the MAGA Fascist for 45 years now and I’m long, long past looking at or listening to.