Today is a good reminder that the Democratic Party is not beholden to one person.

It stands strong as a stark contrast to the Republican Party of weak and timid fools who are afraid to nominate anyone other than the same man three times in a row.

“Patriotism means to stand by the country.”

— Theodore Roosevelt

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Well you got what you wanted. President Biden stepped away. Now you better be 100% behind Vice President Kamala Harris and whoever is chosen as her running mate.

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It was never about what Steve wanted. Please stop framing it that way. He was always just the messenger of the reality. Not about Steve, but about our country.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Your anger is palpable, Theresa. When you look back on Biden’s decision today, I hope you might be willing to soften your outlook on the future. To me, it looks a lot brighter than it was this morning, notwithstanding that Harris has said that she wants to earn the nomination. I hope that whoever wins the nomination that the Democrats line up behind her 100%.

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Hey, Theresa, you go on framing it however you think best. I get where you're coming from.

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Or what? This is a democracy, the party should be democratic.

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deletedJul 22
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They're called primaries, and I already voted in mine. For Biden.

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Trump now is the oldest nominee ever for President. Attention must and will be paid to overall health and potential cognitive decline. Father Time is calling.

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The fact that djt is the oldest candidate now, should be front & center!!!

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You can bet it will be. 1,000%!!!!

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I'm all in for anyone who has a real chance at defeating Trump. However, I think Mark Kelly is a great choice as a running mate. I can also get behind a moderate Republican like Adam Kinzinger or Liz Cheney as a union of the middle. I believe it will bring the country closer together and show the American people Democrats are listening to their concerns.

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No Republican. Cheney still claims that women somehow abort babies after birth. Just no.

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My only concern is beating Trump, if a union ticket of a moderate Republican who will declare to protect women's rights, then I believe that will unite the country.

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Liz Cheney is definitely against choice.

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We should all stand and beat our shields with our spears, honoring her efforts against the MAGA tyranny. But we must remember she is over there, on the other side, always voting hard right, always.

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100% Gerald. Can't forget policy wise, she voted with TFG 95% of the time. That's not unity, but insanity. I appreciate her efforts in the J6 hearings and committee, but let's not get stupid now.

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Though L. Cheney and A. Kinzinger appear mild, Cheney is not but dislikes Trump enough to do anything. We have to be patient, donate and plead why Project 2025 is the beginning of the end of America. Let’s go BLUE!

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A Harris-Kelly ticket could be an excellent choice for defeating MAGA and governing. And they could offer a unity approach by nominating moderate Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for about half of the Cabinet Secretary posts.

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I agree, I also think Tim Ryan, former Congressman from Ohio would be great.

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Alan, While I agree Mark Kelly would be a great choice for VP, I would submit we can’t afford to risk losing that Senate seat. Accordingly, I plan to press for former State AG and now outgoing North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, who’s already endorsed Harris and greatly would help deliver the State’s electoral votes.

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Barbara — Roy Cooper would be an excellent choice. It’s energizing to know the Democrats have several good choices and, as you pointed out, tactics are also important.

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Roy Cooper’s a good choice… but isn’t he in his seventies? I mean maybe we could go for under 65?

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It’s about optics, energy, communication skills and competence more than the number. Cooper at 67 and Fauci at 83 easily top Boebert (age 37) and MTG (age 50) in all categories!

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@SFHaine, Roy Cooper turned 67 in June, clearly a pre-elder in my view.

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Beware the narcissist from west Va

He could be the spoiler throwing it into the house even if he only wins WV

The house votes for president by state and gop has majority!

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What about Manchin. Heard that he is considering mounting a counter presidential bid. Hopefully he is as vastly as unpopular as imagine he is.

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It’s hard to imagine what kind of mind Manchin has if he thinks that democrats would support him for any office at this point. What drug is he on? I cannot fathom the heights of his thoughts of himself. The man is a bloody pariah.

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Well someone has to represent the moneyed interests that don’t want a Biden or a Harris making them pay their fair share of taxes.

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Callie, In my view, the biggest strike against Manchin (and Sinema) relates to their blocking passage, in January 2022, of the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act that was poised for passage with 50 Senate Democratic votes, with VP Harris casting the tie- breaking vote. We won’t let the electorate forget that due to their obstruction we have no federal voter-protection guardrails.

The same two, you might recall, also blocked passage of the reconciliation package (the social infrastructure piece of Build Back Better) that also required only 50 votes. Accordingly, we had to settle for the vastly edited down Inflation Reduction Act.

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Pure obstructionist. Plus he has the personality and charisma of a brick. Eff him.

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Completely agree. Just read an interview of him. I think he’s got the sense not to try and he’s 77.

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I cannot stand Joe Manchin.

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Please, not Manchin! He was "senator blocker", who prevented so many good bills from being passed! He and Sinema are traders to the Democrats.

I would like to see Tim Ryan be the choice for VP. He would have beaten JD Vance, if only the Democratic Party had given him the money that he asked the DNC for, to help run his campaign! That would stick it to the DNC!

I also really like Pete Buttigieg! He could beat Vance in a debate, without even trying!

Both Ryan and Buttigieg, are from the Mid-west, which would appeal to many "never Tumpers"! They are both smart, and both would be a good match with Harris!

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deletedJul 22
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According to reports, he is thinking on re-registering as a Dem. Once a scumbag, always a scumbag.

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Hey Steve,

I have not always found myself in agreement with you, and that’s a good thing. Because, you have always told the truth, difficult at times to swallow, but the truth nonetheless. People lambasted you for giving advice to Philips, but, I understood it then to a degree. Your candor vis-à-vis generational change in our government was something I did agree with you on, though at the time I wasn’t convinced this was the cycle for that. However, due to the events of the past few months I have come to understand that better as well. In your conversation with Tara Palmeri today I gained a deeper appreciation and understanding of our Democracy than I had yesterday, and heard the Steve Schmidt I had begun to follow all those years ago. Today I was reminded that Democracy isn’t a thing to be shoved in one’s face, rather a participatory system of governance that We The People have a say in. Thank you for that. Even in her words in an email, Vice President Harris spoke of running for President, and earning the nomination she now seeks. Thank you for your candor and leadership through these trying times, for always being honest and true to yourself and the country.

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Back to blue tsunami

40 seats in house

6 in senate

400 electoral votes .

Write it down skeptics. GOP has worst ticket in last 100 years. A narcissist fascist and an affirmative action radical pro life, political amateur and racist.

To quote James Brown “I FEEEEL GOOOOD”

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I feel like Kamala could be the avatar we’ve been hungering for.

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A moderate Democrat will fit the bill.

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Thanks John and of course you're probably right HPReady

If anyones"s interested in my opinion of the other possiblities just ask LOL

Have a good day

BTW surprised by some of the hostility in responses

Can we just share opinions and ideas?

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I agree Open up the possibilities to capable people Democrats are so tired of being dictated to There are so many leaders in the party / now is the time to get to know them

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She’s not been talked about but I really respect Gina Raimondo for her intelligence,

her ability to get things done and her toughness. As a former governor ( yes, Rhode Island is a small state), a hedge fund manager and a proactive Commerce Secretary she has experience. Her academic resume is impressive.

I think Kamala is both a weak candidate and doesn’t have the governing experience

nor the vision to be president.

I’m hoping I will not simply

be attacked for my opinions but even possibly have my thoughts considered

As Steve has said- why are we going straight to anointing Kamala?

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For one thing, Gina Raimondo would have to declare her candidacy, or at least a willingness. She has not. Nor has any other prominent Democrat, yet.

And you would think that those who could have declared would have thought of it before yesterday.

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No attack from me, I like GR, as well as other dems of quality. However in august there isn’t time to introduce a new leader, it’s about winning. I disagree that KH is inexperienced, she has been beaten up for 4 years, good debater, prosecutor, AG, Senator I can’t think of any POTUS in last 75 years,other than JB, who had a stronger resume.

Not to be cynical but how do Dems survive with the base after dumping a woman of color!

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sometimes practical rather than inspired is necessary

I'm just concerned that despite the come together anointment that Kamala is not well-liked

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Gina Raimondo would make a great President in my opinion. I have watched her testify in the Senate and she runs circles around the Senators.

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Sppreciate your response

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Excellent conversation Steve. It’s why I’m a subscriber. Keep up the good work.

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