The issue isn't just about his memory; it's also about his hesitancy to confront his opponent head-on. If I were his campaign manager, I'd urge him to shed his reservations and speak boldly.

When the journalist probes about his memory, I'd advise him to counter, “Instead of fixating on my memory, why not ask Trump about his plans to debank? Who exactly does he label as 'vermin'? And what's his vision for electric catapults and magnetic elevator systems on U.S. aircraft carriers? Mr. Trump, who are you really targeting?"

While I detest the current state of political campaigns, I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the mainstream media for fostering this dog-race atmosphere. President Biden, it's time to shed the facade of niceness; it's not earning you any votes.

The public perceives you as senile and weak. Embrace your anger and let your frustration show. These are genuine human emotions; while not everyone may agree, they will certainly respect your authenticity.

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Biden evidently had had enough last night, delivering a fair assessment of the report and venting with a righteous and just anger. As for the main stream media….they acted like a bunch of jackals.

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MSM is no longer the 4th arm of democracy it is a media market industry.

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This is true

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Unfortunately he also made a gaffe that won't help here when he misspoke and said " President of Mexico " instead of Egypt. The media has already jumped on that .

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I saw that when it happened, and thought, not good! But when I reflected on it knowing that the major issues on his plate these days, and how much the Mexican border has to have been on his mind I let it slide, but I’m a supporter and I can see where some won’t want to. As long as we’re on that topic, if the attentive media was to take any of the insipid clown’s pronouncements over the last year or so, there are probably hundreds of errors, in fact it’s one long litany of them.

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Let them. They make themselves look ridiculous. Biden will not lose one vote over this.

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I agree!! It's way past time for some good 'ole fashioned righteous anger. Bring up Project25 for instance. Start fighting back for a change!!!!

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Anne Dimopoulos

just now

Agree in principle with your fine points here. I believe most of us would like to see Biden take a more aggressive tone - after all, he has the actual truth on his side, not that that carries much weight with the other side. My point is, he's biding his time (Biden his time) until closer to the frenzy of the actual election. It's about ten months to election day this year, during which time all kinds of issues will remain in flux, particularly with the cases surrounding trump. I'm Biden's age, and I would not be wasting my time and energy on combatting every fire the GOP wants to light at this point - given all the other pieces of chaos around the globe. In Biden's shoes, I would begin to escalate in June and pick up speed and strength from September to November. That's about as long as the average person can concentrate anyway. (I don't think "all" the public thinks of him as senile and weak - certainly not most in my circle.)

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Yes turn it around and aim for the orange fastass’ head

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Yes!!! 😆😆😆

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Garland is a joke. Barr writes his own four page conclusion, refuting Mueller’s report, and mischaracterizing Mueller’s narrative and the press prints Barr’s nonsensical summary.

Garland allows a former Trump appointee to draw conclusions which doesn’t exist, and paints Biden as an old man with dementia; yet Garland says nothing.

Why did Garland even allow Hur to publish his conclusions without being edited; especially given the fact that Hur said there was no willful intent? It’s a rhetorical question, no need to answer!

As for the election, it’s hard to fight, when the MSM is complicit in regurgitating this false narrative.

Biden is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t! End of story!

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Biden needs to hire the Lincoln Project quick, fast and in a hurry.

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Don’t say that to Steve…:)

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:). They're the best in the biz.

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Agreed, but a sore point for Steve…:)

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whatever Steve's feelings are about the Lincoln Project I think he would understand that it was the "spirit" in which the LP approached the last campaign that needs to be undertaken....by someone....now. Clever, hard-hitting, visceral ads. Things that shock a bit but get attention. That might get people to register to vote...and vote for democracy.

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No he doesn’t. They are doing their own thing.

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Hur is just another MAGAT wanting power. It is disgusting how the ‘journalists’ were so disrespectful with their questions/accusations to Biden. Yet they lick drumpfs boots and treat him like a god. FFS it is maddening! Hur is not a physician or psychologist and that BS should have never been in the report.

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I thought they were way over the top. Was wondering if anyone else thought the same

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Leigh, I sent an email to the White House Press Core. Realize it won’t do any good, but their behavior last night needs to be called out.

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I kinda loved Biden's answer when he said his memory is bad enough to call on her for a question. See? He's not that slow and senile.

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Hur has joined the ranks of Aileen Cannon. Using his position to put a finger on the scale in favor of his benefactor. It can’t be overlooked that like Cannon, he is a trump appointee.

How can anyone watch trump’s decline live and go unchallenged, yet buy into this hatchet job?

Garland has responsibility in part for this. He might have been a brilliant jurist, worthy of the Supreme Court, but he is an abject failure as the AG. He wastes too much energy trying to be unbiased. If we are fortunate to have a second Biden term, Garland cannot be part of it.

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They are not putting their fingers on the scale, they are standing on it with their full weight.

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My stated feeling, exactly. Garland must go.

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Why wait until after the election 2024?

Now is the hour and perfect time?

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As much as people criticize Keith Olbermann, sometimes with good reason, he warned us in the very beginning this special prosecutor would act in bad faith, and here we are. What a no-good SOB.

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"Good reason"??????

Both sides bullshit.

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The special prosecutor DID act in bad faith. Hur fancied himself a cognitive psychologist, and his ruminations and editorializing were completely out of the bounds of his actual purpose. He knew what he was doing, and he has willfully attempted to tank Biden’s campaign.

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That Hur guy is an arrogant, cocky bastard! Wonder where he received his negative words? Trump has loved it and will probably appoint him AG if he is elected. He is a member of The Federalist Society, after all!

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The fact I'm still seething about your comment four hours later is probably indicative of my own issues, so I'm going to delete my over-the-top response, especially since, relative to us Boomers, your probably just a kid. But let me ask you: Is it really necessary to repeatedly embarrass old colleagues by retelling mortifying stories if no greater journalistic failing is at issue? Also, KO is hardly in the unenviable position of those many Fox reporters who now can't get jobs in a real news organization. Easier to be above the fray when you're not worried about losing your apartment or defaulting on student loans. I say this as someone who listens to "Countdown" religiously and idolizes Keith Olbermann professionally. He's so goddamn talented! But he has issues. Don't we all.

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The special prosecutor was out of line and so was the White House press corps. The President was right to get angry. I want more of this. Hey Trump! Do you want a street fight? BRING IT!!

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First Charlie he’ll have to cinch up his diaper before he gets in a fight with Biden.

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Recall Biden said way back he would take him out behind the bleachers? He needs to get back in that frame of mind..sad its devolved into this BS be its now time..

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"The Biden campaign must brawl and fight and brawl some more."


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I'm furious. How completely unprofessional for Hur to make these comments in the report. Did Garland ok the public release of this report with the inclusion of the personal smear comments made by Hur? These comments are what you might expect in the pages of a National Enquirer newspaper. You are right, Steve. Nothing but a smear job coming from Hur. Garland??? I don't know anymore.............

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Garland is out of office recovering from back surgery! So there!

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Hur should be fired. Having said that he is typical of law enforcement. I have met police officers that ridicule and laugh at poor and disadvantaged people and are all too willing to spout their opinions about how stupid or deficient they are. I have long thought it should be a job requirement for police to keep their opinions to themselves. They should not be able to lecture the people they arrest or give them civics tests (in order to have a good laugh). Police officers often think they are superior to the people they police and are all too willing to say so. There was no reason to say anything more than our investigation found Biden had no classified or confidential documents in his possession (or just what he had) as opposed to Hur’s opinion of Biden’s mental acuity. Hur should be fired.

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Fired immediately, Hur has no respect for the Office! Any office even his own!

Imagine Boss Citizen Trump ordered the wording? Approval now!

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Does the Biden campaign have enough lions and tigers and brute hand to hand bare knuckle fighters? Have you offered your services or have they contacted you?

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The gloves are off. I hope.

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I've been sick of Merrick Garland since he sat on his hands regarding January 6th 2021. Feckless.

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I see the report not to prosecute President Biden like a sketch from an old Abbott & Costello routine. The one where Costello (Biden) is in the fight ring with the heavyweight champ and the referee, Hur (Abbott) is going through the prefight rules and sucker-punches Costello (Biden) in the groin. OK, Joe now you definitely know for sure the fight is not going to be a gentlemanly sport fight fought under Marquis of Queensbury Rules. Are you going to quiver and quake like Lou or are you going to come out swinging and land a few shots and turn this fight around? No one has hit Donald in fear he would attack them. I say hit Donald where it counts, his being a loser. Get in the fight Joe and strike a blow for democracy. Don't let the bastard breathe and keep hitting him until he shuts his bloated mouth in defeat.

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Love this!

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I'm going to be brutally honest. Biden has been a good president but his narcissism is endangering us all. By failing to pass the baton to someone who could overcome any doubt, he is enabling His Heinous who, while insane and doddering himself, at least comes off with some energy. If Biden loses, and he could, American and Western democracies will be truly endangered. I will vote for Biden because I have no choice, but I am really pissed off about this situation.

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I am going to play the game we’re in- I am increasing my donation to the Biden campaign and making sure to support voices like yours with paid subscriptions. Small sacrifices in the war to save democracy for future generations.

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I agree. I keep adding to my subscription list too. It's adding up but it's worth it bc we are all fighting for the same thing...Save our Country and #StopTrump!!!!

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Thank you so much for your support, Gloria. I'm grateful.


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The DOJ is setting up Joe Biden just as Comey did to Hilary Clinton, only earlier in the game.

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I thought this immediately.

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