Thanks for sharing the story of Entebbe. I’ve read about it before, and all I can say is Bibi is no Yoni; and I’ll leave it at that…..:)

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Sep 5Liked by Sasha Ingber

Wow. Thank you Steve and Sasha for sharing this.

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Does the plot thicken or just a better understanding of Netanyahu’s psychotic pursuit of war crimes? How many are enough, Bibi? 40,000? Obviously not. 100,000? We may find out, more likely as not.

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Uh oh Steve, your first paragraph almost made it seem like it was Bibi Netanyahu and not his older brother that stormed the plane in Uganda. Hope people read past that and get the full story, which is a story for the ages. Yoni and his story is the stuff of legend. And Bibi Netanyahu has been riding his brother's coattails for decades.

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Steve didn’t write this. Guest post by Sasha Ingber.

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Netanyahu is Israel's Trump and most Israelis disagree with his unreasonable continuance of their country's genocidal attack on the Palestinians. He wants the conflict with Palestinians to continue and fears the beginning of diplomatic ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia as this would lead to an independent Palestinian state. Through his past support of Hamas and the atrocities committed by Israeli settlers in the West Bank he hopes to prevent the establishment of a an independent state. He does not want the Palestinian authority to become the government of an independent Palestine. He does what he does to maintain his personal power. If a lasting peace is established there will be no need for his extremism.

Being anti-Likkud and against the extreme Zionists who want Israel to control the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and all the lands they claimed made up biblical Israel does not make one anti-Semitic. In fact, it is the only way to squelch growing anti-Semitism.

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Netanyahu’s actions are further underscored by his criminal situation. LOOK! OVER HERE! He misdirects by murdering 40,000 inhabitants of his own lands. First in Gaza, now in the West Bank. Any other places he can find to continue his war crimes? A little excursion into Syria….Lebanon….the blood thirst of him and his supporters continues.

Shame. A pox on all your houses.

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Bibi has single-handedly removed the Holocaust card from Jews/Israelis and allows people with any antipathy to go after Jews/Israelis. There is never an excuse for genocide as the world has learned not just from the Nazis but from the Bosnian war too.

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I've read that the Israelis could not rescue everyone and that one person left behind was hospitalized and that the Uganda dictator Amin personally executed him/her. But I don't know if my memory is wrong.

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I remember much the same thing. I think it was an old lady, but I’m not sure she was killed personally by Bibi.

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That's my recollection, too, that it was an old lady. Amin would personally kill people, and he was humiliated by the Israelis, so it would be consistent, but I don't know for sure.

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I have no problem with Netanyahu going after the terrorist that killed Israeli citizens. I only disagree with the way he is carrying out his mission. He is destroying Gaza and the surrounding cities and towns and killing Palestinians who had nothing to do with the attacks last year. He is creating a new generation of terrorists that will hate Israel with a deep passion. Yes Israel has the right to defend itself but Netanyahu doesn't have the right to commit genocide as revenge of the horrible attacks. That solves nothing it only perpetuates more hate and hate does not solve problems it creates them.

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Thank you Sasha for another great Story. I didnt know this History. I pray for the Hostages and Israel every day. I do believe it's time for Bibi to step down. Hope springs eternal.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

No matter which side you are on, a lot of people will fight and die because of the political beliefs. The side that has a more universally just cause at the end will endure. Lies and deceits will eventually give way to truth and common sense. The conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East is a vivid reminder of the price Americans have paid for choosing liberty over monarchy and slavery. The choice Netanyahu makes personally affects the lives of the hostages and their family. It is the responsibility of the people therefore to choose their leaders wisely, going forward. https://youtu.be/pw59BwXLQKw?si=v7C4xXXTOon0YY78

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Incredible journalism. Thank you, Sasha. Keep teaching us.

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Oh how the world has changed. Today the college students would cheer on Idi Amin. Israel to be somehow to blame for the lives taken in the hostage rescue. The NYT would run a headline like “Plane hijacked to Uganda. Tourists quickly adjust travel plans to enjoy African culture. A few left behind but they had it coming.”

College administrators would debate whether or not this constituted a hate crime if just Jews and Israelis were targeted. Greta Thunberg would be arrested for supporting Idi Amin and the world would sympathize with her. Everyday is Bizarroday since 10/7.

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Most people have no idea why the State of Israel was established in 1948 and that it is the sole democracy surrounded by despotic leaders of Arab countries. Peace between Israel and Egypt was attempted, resulting in the assassinations of the two respective leaders. Sadly, the current P.M., who has out served his ability to lead the country, but is there to avoid facing consequences for his crimes, tarnished the image of Israel. Many people regard Israel as the bully and aggressor and I hold him responsible for all the harm that his policies have contributed to this view.

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Nothing bizarre about destroying living quarters and murdering approximately 40,000 inhabitants of lands Israel claims as its own. With landlords like this who need enemies?

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Thank you for saying this.

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