This podcast is wonderful. I am so proud of my son. He is so courageous to keep on through all the threats and terrible things that have been thrown at him. His love of country has never faltered since he was a young child.

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He is a treasure. Good job Mom and thank you. I too worry about the threats that he has bravely chosen to endure.

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And you should be proud!

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Being "defiant" does not translate into being belligerent. Trump & Co. is belligerence on steroids. Also, defiance to be effective must be properly executed and prosecuted. There are numerous synonyms for the word. Choose wisely and carefully.

Trump sucks out all the good oxygen, leaving a cloud of toxic waste. Yet, the MEDIA has been an asset to Trump because too much of the MEDIA elevates Trump in a constant state of celebrity. The excesses of ratings greed have been poisonous to our society and culture. Even if Trump loses in November (fingers crossed!), enough irreparable damage has been done to our republic. Our weaknesses, moral and political, have been laid bare before the world. Recovery will be a very long and drawn-out hangover.

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I had chills when you called us to not be afraid and to be defiant. I feel deflated when I hear people say they will leave the country and am glad you said you're staying here and will be defiant. Thanks for your leadership and courage that inspires and emboldens other freedom fighters. "A rogues gallery for the ages" are your enemies. Well put.

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Every nation says they are DEFIANT! "Don't tread on me" kind of stuff.

WHere is the nation that says "Come into our nation and be welcomed with Love and Understanding, and we will defy all who say you are not loved here"?

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In terms of defiance, it appears that Christian Zealot Mike Johnson is not far enough to the right. We go from a Zealot to what have you because of Ukraine.

I will note that one of the people seeking to oust Johnson is Thomas Massie of Kentucky. George Will recently praised him in a column, though Will strongly supports helping Ukraine.

Then again, Mr. Will also praised Tim Scott as Presidential material. Only to change his mind a few weeks later when Scott became Trump’s “cringeworthy toadie.”

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Yes, let's replace him with a Godless secular zealot of leftist Maoist politics instead.

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And now Johnson appears to have jumped to the head of the democratic parade to fund the foreign aid bill(s) so... commie?

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If anyone is a good Christian, then they would support Ukraine against the barbaric attacks by Russia on men, women, and children.

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“The first-ever criminal trial of a President in American history is based on the accusation that Donald Trump criminally defrauded *himself* eight years ago by mislabeling a payment on his own corporate ledgers. Couldn’t possibly be more stupid.” — Michael Tracey

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This interview was really interesting. I'm surprised to hear you don't get paid by campaigns. What do they do with the money they raise? The Trump campaign has flags, billboards, tshirts, hats everywhere. I never see any democrat merch ever. Do the dems just use the money to fly around from state to state in their fancy jets to speak to 10 people? I gave a lot of money (for me) to the Clinton campaign and I won't do it again. I get the Adam Schiff text messages but they have little substance, only money requests. The democrats need to get back to basics and stop thinking "throw money at it" is the way to win.

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