I like to read a cross section of sources. I do not have a TV in my home. Some of the sources include The New Yorker, Vox, Axios, The Atlantic, Politico, and the NY Review of Books.

Today, for instance, Chump said he wants to restore the original name to Fort Liberty in North Carolina. It was originally Fort Bragg. A native North Carolinian, Braxton Bragg was one of the worst generals of the Civil War. He lost almost every battle he ever fought and was demolished by US Grant at Chattanooga.

He does share one thing with Chump. Bragg was a traitor.

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Will listen to the polling piece but you have raised another issue in my mind that I’ve been wondering about: what will the cable news folks you describe do when Harris wins? Will they keep Trumpism alive and well for ratings sake even if Trump slithers away to jail or Mar a Lago? And, Steve, what will you be doing? Back to normal politicking would be lovely I’d imagine.

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If they come for you they will have to go through us! But we aren’t losing, and it’s Trump who will be tapping out nonsense from his Federal prison camp.

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Frankly I thought the pod cast was on the “lite” side after the buildup. They brought up nothing new that hadn’t been said elsewhere. I was disappointed!

How about some deep analysis from 44 years of experience teaching college with white working class American students?

The connection between the dots is to look at what created this massive under educated mass? When the entire working class brains of the country were needed as a resource to compete with “Sputnik”,

Our educational system went into high alert! Smart Jews could now go to Harvard and Yale! And Everyone could go to Junior College or even university on their work-study and summer jobs, they could even afford dorms and books then!

But what happened???

They got educated and turned against the corrupt systems war machine!

“Wow!” Those high level corporate controllers of our educational system said: “We can’t have this!

So you can clearly see what was done!

Just as “they” dismantled home ownership for the working class by carving a bigger “cut” from our wages; they upped the price and privilege of the education that most research finds is liberalizing! Yes! Voila! Undereducated, white, working and lower class become Republican because a lot of Racism and ignorance dies under the lamp of knowledge.

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I like your analysis, we’ve turned out dummies. I also agree about the podcast, I listened to about half and felt like I had heard it all before.

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One of those dummies has an excellent chance of being elected to run the entire public school system for the State of North Carolina. A conspiracy loon and QAnon advocate who has called for the execution of Democrats, she despises public schools and calls teachers “indoctrinators.” So, she has risen to nearly the top here, and has a reasonable chance of taking over. This is what we have these days. Tragic.

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Frightening, John. Even more terrifying that she is on the ballot in the first place with such ideas.

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I am still flabbergasted how she got to where she is. She is the last person I would want to have in charge of public education. But here we are.

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I can’t listen to anything else. I’m discouraged. I don’t understand how ANYONE could want Donald Trump as POTUS after all his has done and said and fomented. My neighbors, who I thought were decent people, have a Trump sign in their yard. For me, it comes down to this: if you still support Donald Trump after listening to even ONE hateful diatribe, then you’re not a decent person. If you can support an adjudicated rapist, and be the parent of two boys, then there is something very wrong with you. If you can overlook 400,000 needless COVID deaths and say I STILL WANT TRUMP, then your judgment is massively flawed. If you want the guy who promises mass deportation, then your heart is sick and dark.

I can’t do Trumpers anymore. They make me sick inside. I’m so afraid that we will get The Disgusting Duo, forever, because even outwardly “decent” and “normal” people are sucked into the hate and the darkness.

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Love the gallows humor - feeling it. 😬Will listen.

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Listened to it. Well, I don’t feel any better.

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I am sure someday, they will write about this trinity of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, JD Vance. Billionaires & their lackey, attempting to redefine the American way of life for the rest of us, mortal “peasants “

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I guess if you are a billionaire gay guy like Peter Thiel, then that is OK with the anti gay Republicans, and long as they can get you to give them lots of money. Hey JD, I am confused how he fits into your "family values" ideology. Well I guess if JD can make an exception for a convicted rapist then gay would be even easier.

I personally have nothing against LGBTQ+ humans and I even know a few good billionaires, though not as many as this planet needs. We need more like Gregory Carr who restored the Mozambique's Gorongosa National Park for the elephants and other wildlife. He said in the

60 Minutes interview, as trite as it sounds, but so true, "you can't take it with you."

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Hey Steve thanks for this recommendation I can’t wait to go listen. Also I wanted to say that in the paragraph that starts w/ the word ”Cable News” I think instead of the words “they stake” you meant to type “they stare”

Thanks for everything you do!!

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Corrected! Thank you!


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This election should not be close. There are the Trump believers/cultists versus democracy.

Trump has an army of useful idiots that will simply be discarded after if he is elected. The others don’t believe in Trump but think they can control him. They are the greedy and short sighted. They don’t realize that when Trump destroys this country that their fortunes will also be destroyed. If the US in under the Trump regime, it will bring instability to the whole world and the rich won’t be able to hide from it.

You may feel Harris is a weak candidate but the others will bring nothing but chaos and calamity.

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I just finished listening to the podcast you recommended. I live in GA where I have been hearing that the insipid orange turd is leading by a couple points. That doesn’t comport with what I have been seeing. I don’t know anyone R, I, or D that has said that they will vote for that POS, the Cheney republicans are patriots like most of the rest of us, politics is one thing, the survival of our republic is an entirely different matter, granted everyone I know is either in college, or graduated many years ago. I don’t think those pollsters captured the passion of the youth vote and their desire to see a fundamental change to the way our country operates. If nothing else, the insipid OT has demonstrated how much our justice system is skewed towards the very wealthy. Wealth exists in my family, earned wealth, so I don’t have any problem with people achieving wealth. We are donating to candidates all over the country, some of us more so than others, but what we can give pales in comparison to the Musks and Thiels of the billionaire class, they are buying elections, none of us can buy candidates, but those guys can, which is one of the things that needs to change. I can clearly see the unwashed of the maggot base, they stand proudly behind him at his rallies, no one I know would be caught dead at one of those things. What those panelists had to say about Pennsylvania going for Kamala was heartening, North Carolina not so, but then I think who in their right mind would be OK with the repugnantkin slate in NC with a “black nazi” in the mix, blessed by the top of their ticket. Maybe all is not lost after all, maybe the patriots who are standing up are going to prevail, I have been in the breech before and I didn’t back down then, I’m not going to do it now. We can win this thing, but it’s going to take all of us doing whatever we can to make that happen, donate to senate candidates who need help if you have the means, vote early and then encourage everyone you know to do the same. We are organized and highly motivated by our love of this country, they have only their grievances and a convicted felon for a leader, this should be a slam dunk, let’s make that be true. 🙏💥

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Greg Strimpler: “Subtle contrast doesn’t work in American politics”. The jugular, Dems, the jugular. Starting now!

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Steve, I've learned so much from "The Warning" this past two years. You're truly a beacon of light!

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Steve, I’m terrified. According to Sarah Longwell and John Heilman, whom my respect ,most of the American working class does not favor forever wars, and the Democrats have opened two fronts of forever wars. How can this be happening that Trump can present himself as the anti-war candidate? Steve I’m terrified.

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While Trump was in office, Congress voted for aid to Ukraine to defend against Putin. We had troops in Somalia and Syria and elsewhere. There is always war going on somewhere.

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steeped in the practice of “look at me-ism.” Are you talking about Rachel or Lawrence?

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Certainly not! They are the adults and informed ones. As is Nicole Wallace. The CNN guys, not so much.

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Nicole Wallace says umm way too much. It drives me crazy so I can't listen to her. She had a substitute host one day this week and that woman ( sorry I don't recall her name), but she NEVER said umm and she was much more professional than Nicole.

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Was speaking of her gravitas and thoughts....not her manner of presentation. Style is not important, what is being said is the issue.

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Sorry to disagree Margo, but I do respect your opinion. I just think that when one is in Nicole's position as a broadcaster they should not expect their audience to put up with such an unprofessional speech pattern. You never hear Steve say umm. Lots of others on MSNBC hold the same thoughts as Nicole, but don't have the same trouble spitting out their thoughts. I was a trained debater and we were instructed to never say umm.

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P.S. I wouldn't call Nicole a stimulating conversationalists.

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The over- optimism of those supporting Harris is actually quite concerning. Why?

Simply put, What Country Are You Living In??

The America that elected JFK, LBJ, Clinton, and Obama, no longer exists. Sorry to break it to you but the descent into darkness and madness had its seeds in the 8 years of lies and massive incompetence of Bush/ Cheney.

The Obama presidency was a brief interlude wedged between insane stupidity.

The overestimation of the intellectual capacity of the American voter to distinguish between good and evil is a crucial error. Nations rot from the core and the moral decay of this nation is exponentially worsening.

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I listened to a few minutes of the podcast and heard one of the experts, not Eugene, saying that the people running dominating the media are the "far left and far right." BS! Biden, Harris and waltz are not far left and the coverage I hear on MSNBC is representative of the what would have been called center-center-left in Reagan's days. As the right has moved the whole spectrum has shifted right and still our prosecutor and mid-western values -"mind your own business' VP are clearly in the center. I would listen further if he had said center left but FAR LEFT! That's got to be a republican talking.

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