I have lived through life and business transformations many times haven’t you? I survived. Why? Freedom. What’s on the line here isn’t the performance it’s democracy. The first principle in Timothy Snyder book On Tyranny … it’s NOT to SURRENDER to fascism. DONT GIVE UP WHAT YOU ARE ALREADY BLESSED WITH.

Think about it. I would vote for anyone other than Trump. Wouldn’t you?

Keep it simple. It’s freedom through the constitutional government that’s on the line … not Joe Biden.

His campaign may suck for now but I’m not voting for them I’m voting for US because this is the last election I will have a choice.

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Great campaign slogan.

"I'm voting for US"

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Speaking about French President Emmanuel Macron, Trump explained, "You know, he's for France. I'm for us. I'm for us. You know how you spell 'us' right? You spell it U-S!"

The crowd cheered.

"I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that be — I just picked that up," Trump continued.

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It was just riffin' in the wind.

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Of course it’s good versus evil but that’s how they see it as well.

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Their visceral hate is against social mores they destest: LGBT, POC bettering them, mystical fetus that even a god miscarries without help, and the lies to keep their comfortable small life happy.

The gop have inculcated the social mores into their policies vs actual governance and Constitutional protected rights for the living. Their policies are of money, power and rights to rule OVER your rights.

They do not want pulpits - they want cohesive and power of law by government to “fix” all that ails them to include othering every other citizen they disagree with. The 2A screed was fear of guns assaulting you if you don’t conform to their ideas.

As a US Marine Vet - we took an oath to defend the Constitution for ALL 320Million citizens and to participate in legal debate of governing power for the good of society and not just reward to no nothing sycophants.

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Bill, First thanks for your service. I don't understand how ANY of our military personnel could vote for Trump. He has insulted our service members by calling them "suckers" and asking "what's in it for them? I liked Nikki Haley's response to Trump about her husband absence on the campaign trail -" Michael is deployed serving our country, something you know nothing about."

Then she should have said - by the way where is Melania, in the spa?"

Take the gloves Joe and Nikki!

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Good ideas and clear thoughts. Biden needs a guy who isn't afraid of a scrap. You have the cred, cojones and composure to assist him. I can only hope you and he both see this asset as one to be exploited.

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I love the train idea. I think it's so cool. But this week has been so dispiriting, it's hard to think straight. People do not believe facts, and I really have no idea how you combat something like that.

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There’s a lot of us who DO believe in the facts. Enough to keep on winning seat after seat, ballot after ballot, and show the world their incessant claims are just AGAIN …more lies.

Don’t. Buy. It.

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Just finished posting this in the WP and saw your email…

Bidens’s going to have to be more careful out there - getting set up like that. However, please spare me the comparison to the grave behavior of the world class malignant narcissist he is running against.

It makes good theatre…but try a little exercise. Spend an hour making a list of the lies told, the obscenities hurled and the divisive conspiracies communicated by you know who …and after 20 pages do you feel as though you could keep going on for another 100 pages?

How about an article with those who worked for Dumpy who have grave concerns about him ever leaving if he gets in again?

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“It is wake-up time at the White House. It is a brutal moment, and it sucks. Utterly. The good news is that resiliency builds character and strength. The effort ahead is going to require every ounce of it.”

That’s the problem. The Biden team is complacent and possibly incompetent. They think Trump’s issues and mixed word salads will do him in. Unfortunately, Trump has an entire media ecosystem dedicated to carrying his water, and excusing the indefensible. He’s only getting stronger.

If the Biden team doesn’t attack, they are doomed. Biden isn’t even doing a Super Bowl interview which is nuts. He’d have the entire country and world listening to his every word, so why won’t his team make him available? Is there something going on they don’t want us to know about?

If Biden isn’t fully cognizant and coherent, then we need to know now. Another Trump presidency would be a disaster and the Biden team seems to be giving the election away.

Something needs to give, and Biden needs to step up or step off. And he also needs to be more forceful with Israel. The Palestinian and Muslim communities could derail him in Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania. All must win states for democrats.

Additionally, Biden needs to stress what another term means for the judiciary and abortion rights. If Trump wins and republicans take back the senate, both Alito and Thomas will retire before the midterms and republicans will control the SC for the next 40 years; ruling by judicial fiat, regardless of which party is in power.

So my only question is “what the hell is going on with team Biden?” Their current strategy is a nightmare for America and clearly isn’t working!

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Trump shows strength and vitality to his base and Biden needs to level the playing field.

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Strength and vitality, Trump? That’s not what I’m seeing.

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I did say to his base.

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His base is not sufficient to win the election.

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Fair enough. But neither was Hitler’s.

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Both can be true at the same time. He’s really weak, but projects strength when he has an entire media ecosystem dedicated to disseminating is Bull Shit and turning it into fertilizer…:)

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We are not the Weimar Republic.

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Do not count on it! If Biden has another week like this last one, Biden is over!

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Utter nonsense.

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Trump is a fat, Adderall addled old man. There is video out there of him sweating his fake tan off and stammering. But there isn't anything like the RŴ media machine to push that narrative 24/7.

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And when not on Adderall he looks like he’s whacked on a benzodiazepine.

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Good. Benzo's might just kill him.

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Agreed. The Super Bowl interview could put a lot of unease regarding his cognitive abilities to rest; yet, Biden’s team isn’t making him available; why?

If his team’s only message is “we aren’t Trump,” then it’s game over…:)

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I am sick of politics of criminal trump. Can’t we have one day for a peaceful contest that ends with one winner and one loser - AND both shaking hands afterwards.

UFC attitude and politicizing by TFG was too much and so, so inappropriate (IMHO).

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Unfortunately, you picked the wrong newsletter for that, but point taken….:)

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Putting Biden on an antique rail car and rolling him around on our antique rail system is the opposite of a good idea. Why not have him ride a mule? Or a Zimmer frame? I think we want him to come off as less of a dinosaur than more. He’s done a ton of good as president, and has made most people’s lives better. Run on that. He should be showing up to campaign stops in a fleet of electric Ford trucks. Talk about his list of accomplishments in only three years vs the chaos of Cheeto Hitler’s four years. And for F’s sake, fire the freaking cowards who are supposed to be running his campaign and hire some actual fighters!

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Before we sh!t post on the Campaign staff we need to look at last night’s late filing by TFG lawyers in his classified records case. They pulled extracts from the Hur report to insert into their motion to dismiss based on political interference vs. law.

TFG has done one thing, magically almost with his money and sycophant tribe of lawyers and bankers/backers, to fully muddy the waters between politics and law. He fully expects to delay himself out of all culpability for a lifetime of criminal hood.

The thing the Biden campaign has not gotten right is how to fight “in the ring” without everything getting distorted in the true court of Justice and law. Last night and Judge Cannon’s order yesterday fully plan to exploit into public opinion his court fight. Once, fully compromised he’ll ask for dismissal or mistrial or disallowing evidence he and his lawyers planted into the public bloodstream. He is a parasite which needs a public antidote in the political arena without losing the court fight.


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I agree with everything you say,and I wonder…is anyone involved with Biden listening, or are they closed off to any input from the “outside”. The press conference was so brutal, I could hardly stand to watch it. A pack of wild animals tearing their prey to pieces. The train idea is so good, I pray that someone is listening to you!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Wonderful column! I have been in communications for 64 years. It would be beyond tragic to lose the country to ineffectual communications but that is my fear. The car wreck gets the attention. Smoothly running traffic is boring. Trump is a regenerating car wreck like on Groundhog Day except that each time it is worse. This week he had the Supreme Court looking like a guy trying to pry a very determined octopus off his face without anyone noticing. Instead of big picture - should Trump be off the ballot because he is an insurrectionist, not to mention a menu of other unmentionable stuff, they went infinitesimal picture, smaller than a gnat - Is he or isn’t he an officer? With this kind of powerhouse performance Doom can be practically assured. So Trump gets all the looks - I don’t care what you say, just spell my name right. And he is just the tip of the iceberg. Biden’s team has no greater friend than the Republican Party, who keep tripping over their, aaaah, shoelaces, hourly. The worst House in history and a cast of characters that attract ridicule like flies to flypaper. All the Dems have to do is POINT in a sophisticated, captivating way. The Republicans are falling all over themselves showing how useless and evil and counter-productive they are. Help them do it! Biden is pissed off. Use it ! Trump is a criminal. Remind everyone every day! He is an insurrectionist, rapist, lying cheat, would-be dictator, would-be killer, con artist, sleazy scumbag creep. There’s a start to your vocabulary. Bury this bastard and his party forever in truth-supported insults. Support them and never stop till he is GONE BABY GONE! WOW! I think I need a Valium.

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Republican Party today is doing the most favor for President Biden. They are keeping the border wide open because Trump wants it to campaign on. They are opposing Ukraine funding because Trump likes Putin better than America. They want abortion ban and erase the word “rape” because Trump is a rapist. What better help do you need to campaign on?

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May. Yes, but they are in disgrace too. Birds of a feather!

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Bob, please come help campaign for Biden. Communications could make or break us.

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Hello, Steve: Please volunteer to work and help out in the Biden campaign. Uncle Sam needs you desperately! Please, please, please!

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Thanks Steve. Biden is the Harry Truman of our time. He needs to get out there with all of his accomplishments and some perspective on problems like the Israel-Hamas war. We need FDR, Winston Churchill. Get Dr B on this. She’s tougher than many so called professionals.

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By simply “reporting” the lies and propaganda MSM spreads the MAGA message even if it’s coated with eye rolling and disbelief. Even the network evening news reported the part of Hur’s report regarding his age that was NOT professional or relevant to the investigation. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s stupidity in thinking you can cover the trump campaign as a normal one. His useful idiots are everywhere.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Katy Tur is the most recent disappointment. After her getting personally called out and attacked in 2016 you’d think she’d be less hateful to Biden and more so to her abuser. I am fully convinced TFG has used the casino hustle model to cajole, influence, fear monger people into “staying at the tables” long after there is only lint left in their pockets.

I can’t figure the elixir Koolaid he gets people hooked into. Maybe it’s just the dark human aspects he taps. But, it’s sure mainlining to many citizens that SHOULD know better.

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Exactly, who were the screaming scumbags at the Biden press?

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Just to remind: Voting for Joe Biden is to vote for he AND his cabinet. His choices of Cabinet officials and his policy on governing is winning for America.

Offering an alternate Presidential at this stage against a metastatic tumor we’re fighting IN the courts and on the campaign level is the conundrum TFG is counting on to win himself out of his legal troubles. His ego won’t let him quit.

Way too much is in motion to right and keep afloat our ship of state - to include ridding sycophants in the judiciary is paramount to progress at pace forward.

For God’s sake let’s not shoot ourselves in both feet with fully upsetting the cauldron of gop in hot water that we’ve been winning back from the brink at expensive cost.

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Well said, Bill; please keep speaking out on this.

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Even I could have run a better press conference than that! We took a major 2 X 4 to the head yesterday. Time to grab the board out of their hands and swing back.

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That’s what I thought too.

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Sorry, but I’m hoping this is the wake-up call President Biden needs to avoid having his legacy become that of the man who ushered in a second trump presidency.

Those closest to him must read him the riot act. Time to step aside to make room for an open convention. He was the very best president for this time. He has exceeded all expectations. Let his legacy be that of the man who knew when to stand down for the sake of the country he spent a lifetime serving.

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This is absolutely the best advice.

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I said it the first time you posted about the train…it would be a wonderful way to engage the public, hard for even the MSM to ignore, and tie in to all the Biden/Democrat message is about. Please wake up Dems.

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Yes…it was distressing. Will it show the American people how biased the media is, holding Dems them to a much higher standard?

When Trump said Nikki Haley as opposed to Nancy Pelosi, it’s obvious that Trump told his minions not to say it was an error, but instead say to the reporters, when asked about it, “No! (He didn’t err or get confused) Trump made a calculated statement comparing Haley to the crazy policies of Pelosi, comparing this to that, blah blah blah.” The Trump team NEVER EVER admits error, lying their way out of it, always. The lies about Trump’s errors makes no difference to his base, and, apparently, no difference to many Americans, given the polls.

My suggestion is for the Dems and Biden’s PR teams to use all of Trump’s videoed mistakes, his bad pronunciations, inability to read (Yosemite and Minneapolis) mixing up names, dates, events, etc and include his statements such as “punishment for women” who’ve had an abortion…and his insults to entire American cities and states, Nevada is Pathetic…Even calling Post Office workers “stupid” not to mention what he’s called Teachers, Generals, Judges etc. In Trump’s own words we can show his utter disdain for America, pointing out that the “marxist vermin child traffickers” are actually people they know, people we all know and we see everyday at Banks, Markets, Museums and Parks.

It’s all on video and his words, mistakes, insults about all of us, really - should be shown, over and over again in TV and online Ads.

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Imagine if Biden ever f***ed up like Trump!!! Injecting bleach!!!

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I would donate to an ad like that, Doris.

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