Hi Steve -

Advance notice on a topic I would like for you to discuss: the triangular relationship between Maggie Haberman, DJT, and the New York Times with a particular focus on what she saved for her book versus what was reported on through the paper. You have addressed it several times and it feels a lot more significant than I have heretofore thought. Thank you.

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Hi Steve- I am a regular viewer of MSNBC. However I have long advocated that they should feature more balance rather than the usual lineup of guest commentators who concur with the hosts. To my knowledge Ari Melber is the only one who features guests with opposing views. Your thoughts?

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My questions:

Midterms historically have lower turnout.

1. What can we do beyond door knocking and calling to drive increase ?

2. How can we re-energize the impact of the Dobbs decision to increase turnout?

3. How do we expand beyond our bubble -- those of us who know, feel viscerally ,the threat that the current Republican party poses to our democracy and way of life -- to get people out to vote?

4. How do we find a chink in the armor of talk radio (this is huge), FOX, and other MAGA supporting channels to compromise their influence?

There are two issues that Republicans are hammering: immigration and inflation.

Everything is local,

- People are disgusted, and don't think government works

A lot has been accomplished by our legislative process in the past two years:

- More jobs, new jobs, new investments -- Ohio and other states are getting new factories in new industries that are the future.

5. Aren't you sick of anger? Of gridlock and focus on issues that don't affect your lives? If Republicans win either the House or the Senate, do you want to do this for another two years?

○ Investigate things that do not affect your lives

○ Impeach Biden and others

○ Get NO improvement in programs that need help? Health Care, Social Security, infrastructure build?

○ Tear down improvements to your lives?

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I was one of those left at the altar and was sorry that people who showed up wouldn't stick around for conversation among ourselves. Conversation on all levels is lacking these days, where we're still in old models of listening and asking questions of experts while the experts talk to customers and students but not to each other.

How about an event with fellow pundits, not about what's wrong and what needs to change but what we-the-people could do to end run around our governments to make change happen? I'd like to hear a conversation among you, Michael Moore, Thom Hartmann, Robert Reich, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Greg Palast and a few others about what you would do if you ran the country.

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I am a paid subscriber. How do I link to “Ask me anything”?

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I waited on the zoom call last night for 15 minutes. There were only three people, so I left. I’m not sure what happened, but it might be good to confirm that you’re going to be there.

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