There is no other area of medical care as understood in the 1860s that would (let alone should) be acceptable to anyone. Germ theory was in its infancy, genetics was unknown, anesthesia consisted of ether or chloroform, there were no blood transfusions, antibiotics, radiography, or electrocardiography, etc. To apply this zombie law in the 21st century has nothing to do with health care. It is about control and subjugation of women. This ruling is yet another reminder that "freedom's just another word for *somethin'' left to lose." In this case, it's bodily autonomy. The "Free-dumb" caucus, the Republicon party, the right-wing Supreme Courts in Arizona and the U.S., are forcing their Handmaid's Tale authoritarianism down the throats of anyone who has a body. I truly hope this ruling comes to bite them very hard in their white male asses.

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The "Republicants" is my equally applicable name!

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Well said Bronwyn!! 👏

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Jessica Valenti is righteously pissed off, Joyce Vance explains the law and implications of the ruling, and Heather Cox Richardson gives us an excellent history. I recommend their Substack newsletters to my fellow readers.

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Absolutely. Three excellent women to read every day.

And we are all REALLY pissed off. And we are coming for you Republicans. Every. Single. One. Of. You. We are coming for you in November. You can run. You can hide. You can obfuscate. But we will find you. And we will vote you out. We will vote you off the planet. We will vote you into oblivion.

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I live in Florida, where the Democratic Party has been moribund for years. It’s been a frustrating and disheartening battle. But, abortion is on the ballot, Amendment 4, in November. A lot of us worked to get the requisite signatures and it’s all hands on deck to get people to vote for it. The tide might be changing and a glimmer of hope has returned.

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Absolutely. And let's kick Rick Scott out and into the gutter so hard that he finally gives up and goes away.

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And I will send money and write postcards to flip FL! Thanks for laying the ground work.

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👍Floridians Protecting Freedom is the go to organization.

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Always read them and you are right.

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I read both as often as they're published. Both excellent sources.

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The Kari Lake Abortion Law will help Gallego get elected. He deserves election on his merits alone but the boost he gets from Kari Lake’s support of enforcing this draconian law, will seal the deal imo. Despite her running away from it now for her deplorable political ambitions.

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Your typing fingers to God’s inbox.

Meanwhile, I am writing postcards for Gallego among others.

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And I’m donating too from here in Fort Lauderdale. Let’s get this done!

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Me too from New York!

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Me three from Indiana!! 💙🇺🇸

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Stepping on the brakes won't help much once you've driven off the cliff.

It will be interesting to see how fast right-wing talking fidget spinners can twirl this one.

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Think about what would be happening if any of this was being imposed upon the male portion of the population. Where are the men like Steve? Thank you Steve, I'm genuinely grateful for your voice and tenacity.

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Women always have had to fight for themselves. Some men join but few. Instead of a war against women when will we address the real elephant in the room. All over this world wars are started for men and their personal interest. Who pays? Women and children. To not see this and accept this is immoral, dishonest,and depraved.

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One hundred percent agree

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Apr 10
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And hopefully together we will make a difference in November!

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Men's rights have never been brought to the table.

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You really should have made a video on this. I think it would be more impactful Regardless, greetings from Canada where some of us are horrified by the mere possibility of a Trump win in November; particularly given its implications for the accelerating climate change crisis.

Bruce Allen

St. Catharines, Ontario

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Apr 10
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I should add that I majored in Soviet Studies in university and travelled extensively throughout East Central Europe in the 1980s and am a lifelong student of modern German history so the antics I see going on in your country really unnerve me. In a way January 6 reminded me of the Nazis attempted putsch in Munich in 1923 which was largely inspired by Mussolini's march on Rome approximately a year earlier. Trump is ignorant about this history but Banon and others around him are not. The danger is very real.

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A modern day adaptation of Martin Niemöller’s lament

First they came for abortion rights

And I did not speak out

Because I did not need an abortion

Then they came for IVF

And I did not speak out

Because I did not need IVF

Then they came for contraception

And I did not speak out

Because I did not need contraception

Then they came for same sex marriage

And I did not speak out

Because I did not need that right

Then they came for the the right to transition

And I did not speak out

Because I am cis-gender

Then they came for the right to travel across state lines

And I did not speak out

Because I was not in the target group at risk

Then they came for my rights

And there was no one left

To speak out for me and my rights

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Well said! Yes, DJT and his MAGAts will be coming for all our rights. STOP Trump from being re elected! It’s an absolute necessity to stop this country from falling apart.

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Nicely said. MLK Jr: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." We should heed this warning.

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These words from Bon Dylan’s song describe Donald Trump, the pathological lying narcissist . He asks: who’s gonna take away his license to kill.

We are. We are the woman on the hill. And we must take away his license to destroy our country. WE are the answer!

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Now he's hell-bent for destruction, he's afraid and confused

And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill

And all he believes are his eyes

And his eyes, they just tell him lies

But there's a woman on my block

Sitting there in a cold chill

She say who gonna take away his license to kill?

Even noisemaker, spirit maker

Heartbreaker, backbreaker

Leave no stone unturned

May be an actor in a plot

That might be all that you got

'Til your error you clearly learn

Now he worships at an altar, of a stagnant pool

And when he sees his reflection, he's fulfilled

Oh, man is opposed to fair play

He wants it all and he wants it his way

Now, there's a woman on my block

She just sit there as the night grows still

She say who wanna take away his license to kill?

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He is still my favorite poet

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Nicely said, Mr. S. You have outrage.

Lawrence O'Donnel, in his standard opening monlogue, was also outraged, and had on his show some Arizonian officials to speak of their outrage: the Attorney General of Arizon, a state senator ( she had charisma), the Governor, and the opponent to Kari Lake. They all were outraged.

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Arizona women and those that cherish individual rights and freedom are not going to accept this hot mess ..hurry 11/5 hurry..

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None of their goddamn business.

Their insistence on their brand of twisted Christianity becoming everyone’s belief system is rotten control by a party that is a minority in this country but lies about being the majority. They have learned the most devious deceptions to achieve their goals on every level .

Their goals are completely controlling and in American . Just like their scurrilous leader Donald Trump.

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Steve, I am awestruck by this commentary. How can this be happening in 2024??? It seems the more technology advanced society becomes, the more it moves backwards! Perhaps, our educational curriculum needs to focus serious time on teaching young people how to think and act from love, kindness, empathy, and compassion. Perhaps, the tech revolution is driving people apart, making people feel more isolated, making the act of connection so challenging that people have become more vulnerable to ridiculous “thought viruses”…like the people you highlight are spreading. I don’t spend my time fretting over the fate of the this country, I spend it being a living example of love, kindness, compassion, and empathy, so people I encounter can see a positive alternative. Thanks again, Steve, for shining a spotlight on this issue! Cheers!

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When mama isn't happy, no one is happy! Some pretty dim wealthy soldiers have a false idea women are property.

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One of your best pieces so far. Heartfelt and illuminating.

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Republicans , if they have their way , will destroy the rights of women on every level because they are a party of destruction.

A return to 1864 law is so spectacularly stupid and backward and absolutely insulting to women everywhere.

It’s none of their goddamn business.

Their threats to make contraception illegal, none of their goddamn business.

Attempt to remove freedom for women from

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