I'm not at all sure I agree with your position this time because I'm not sure of all the facts... yes, it is horrible to work with the Saudis' murderous MLB but I'm not crazy about working with Isreal's Bibi either. However, I think we all know what will happen in Putin's war, if we don't try to stabilize the Middle East before the alliances leading to WW3 begin to develop. So we do need stability in the Middle East and these are the people we have to work with. Corporate America and the Republicans had the stomach to work with the Saudi's for oil and then the outrage when they embargoed it ( of course they blamed the Carter administration). I do think that I'm a little perplexed that the only time you mention Biden is to criticize his administrations discussions and most of the time you are bashing Trump and the house cabal....you are very adept at straddling the line...but I have noticed you can go on and on about your love of America and never mention anything good that Biden is doing for America...do you think he enjoys working with MLB? I don't. Maybe your intelligence would be better utilized by discussing with your paid subscribers WHY he is taking this on even though it will provoke outrage such as yours. Why are you fanning the flames?

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I couldn't agree more with you about Steve's complete dismissal of Biden's historical accomplishments. It's telling. And wrong.

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I believe your reference to WW3 is a bit of a stretch. As to Schmidt's bashing of Trump, bash on, bash on. Note your very scolding tone.

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Not scolding. I was saying his slip is showing and he might not know it. His comments today were on par, in my OPINION, with his screeds on Trump (whom I find revolting) and I do not think his reasoning was spot on this time and his rage about the Biden administration talking about developing an alliance with Israel and Saudi Arabia is premature.

(Now what I am about to write might be scolding but still not shrilling as Rose Ann said.)

Does anyone but me in this substack think the Bushes and Cheneys weren't buds with the Saudis? Wasn't on of the royal family fondly called the something Bush something? How about when the Republicans sold the Vietnamese a bunch of hooey that they would get a better deal if Nixon won? Or how about when Iraq held on to the hostages for a few more days so Reagan would get all the credit for freeing them? Yes, i think everyone should wait and see what is going on and quit being outraged over talking with our enemies when our history is riddled with truly despicable behavior by numerous presidents and this isn't the hat bad. I also did not find this particular substack very original. I know the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi Arabian. I know that MLB is a murderer. I know Bibi is brutal to the Palestinians and shouldn't be trusted. I am interested in why Biden is doing this. But I am not outraged, yet, because I trust Biden is working his tail off to save our democracy - and other democracies- and help Ukraine - and stop climate change - and right the economy - that Steve's old Republican friends helped put on life support. So yup. I think that Steve could have done much, much, better on this subject. And if he couldn't bring himself to do that, maybe he should have put his attention on the deplorable hearing the Republicans just put the attorney general through yesterday. That deserved his outrage.

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I too disagree with some of what Steve said because, right now, I don't have enough information.

It does not require a stretch of imagination to comprehend leaders throughout history built alliances with their enemies, and madmen who committed human atrocities (Japan and Germany). Let's not forget, it is our former President who invokes WW3 and Putin in the same sentence.

Dialog requires a thoughtful spectrum of understanding by all involved. Expresssing discomfort is how we reach consensus, solutions or commit to a path forward.

Martha prefaced her concerns by stating upfront "I'm not at all sure". I'll note your very scolding tone just might be shrilling.

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Martha's response was thorough, considerate. While I do not agree with everything she said, a good part of it was persuasive. I too, do not have enough information.

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deletedSep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023
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Some folks fear that we already are in the throes of WW3 with Russia's invasion into Ukraine.

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I don’t (want) to agree with what you have written, but, everything I have witnessed in my 75 years tells me it is so. Thank you. (I 🤔 think) 🤣🇺🇸

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I repeat your last words more and more these days. From teachers being told what history they can teach to the banning of books, there is a push to make our country a polyanna environment that is ignorant of realities in our universe. This especially applies to this Russian intrusion into Ukraine. Truly doomed to repeat the worst mistakes.

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American romance with wealth and power motivates its leadership to kneel at the feet of the likes of bin Salman and Putin. Biden is no different. “Until we can get the cash” should be added most prominently after “We will never forget” because a swooning Biden is as motivated by wealth as a anyone we’ve seen.

American leadership believes that aligning itself with the richest regimes, is somehow righteous, ignoring human dignity violations/ abuses, and downright murder, all permeating throughout, right down to the love affair with the NRA; ignoring our own death count of gun violence and the children they allow slaughtered.

When will this obsession with wealth end? When will the richest companies, stop taking and start giving to the American people who put them there? When will vapid mega-churches, stop begging it’s followers for more, to stock-pile in their evangelist’s mega-mansions? When will our leaders stop kneeling at the feet of anybody from whom they think they can get another shekel?

How, how, how, do we turn this around?

The American people have the power. It’s in their vote. Right now, even the democrats are refusing viable candidates who are attempting to run against Biden. Ones with ideas about re-aligning our world order. Gerry-meandering, and voter intimidation are weapons of a duopoly that doesn’t want to let go of its power. Getting that cash- that’s another way of keeping power.

It’s up to an INFORMED electorate. It’s up to us Keep writing Steve- keep pointing out how wrong this love affair is. Your listeners will turn their heads to listen to others. This all cannot be overstated.

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We can’t fix anything until or unless the Democratic Party regains the majority across the board for a consistent period of consecutive terms and the GOP flushes out its fascistic invaders. Voters must recognize the chaos and do something about it. Otherwise, the rest of the coffin nails will be hammered into the Republic.

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Mr. Blackwell, Correct on all! Don't think we can, will, ever, turn it around. Unfortunately.

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“North America holds the world’s largest energy reserves. We are self-sufficient. Let the Saudis choke on their oil and extortions.”---Steve Schmidt

I agree with you on your position with Saudi Arabia. We’re doing this for Israel’s security in the region. Personally, I wouldn’t support any initiatives by the Netanyahu fascist regime. They are almost as bad as the Saudi’s when it comes to human rights. And I’m Jewish, and lived in Israel and have traveled throughout the Middle East.

That said, while we may be the largest producer of oil and natural gas, and could be self sufficient, two problems exist.

One: our energy production and self sufficiency is irrelevant when you consider global energy markets. The US is the reserve currency of the world because of the stability of the dollar. We not only supply about 30-35% of our supplies to our world Allie’s, Saudi Arabia, Russian and OPEC can still wreak havoc on energy prices and world markets by reducing their output by 5% or less. 1 million barrels off the market daily, could be the difference in a $10-20 dollar global price increase. And Saudi alone has a 2 million barrel a day reserve. They’re like hostage takers, and should be given no quarter.

Secondly, we export about 30-35% of our supply to Asia because our Alaskan reserves and output, are cheaper to ship to Asia, than to the continental US. Therefore, our global output makes little difference to the entire global energy supply. That said, our biggest energy suppliers are Mexico and Canada. Another reason invading Canada to go after the cartels is a bad move (republiCons).

The second reason we shouldn’t get in bed with the Saudi’s is the fact that they are duplicitous. Why are the Saudi’s reducing output during inflationary times; adding to the global pain of world economies, if they are our friend? Clearly, they’d rather have a know-nothing imbecile in charge, like Trump, who has little interest in governing at home, never mind the intellectual capacity to understand all of the world complexities when it comes to energy markets and state interests.

Case in point: Kushner’s sweetheart $2 billion Private Equity deal. MbS is punishing Biden and letting us know they could help elect Trump again. And given a choice, they will.

When it comes to the Saudi’s, I have four words (immortal worlds of Bruce): No retreat, no surrender!

F....the Saudi’s, period!

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I paid $5.45 for REGULAR gasoline at Costco in Los Angeles yesterday! Costco! I was thinking the whole time about that smug MBS and his impotent explanation for decreasing oil production...the manipulation is grotesque.

I looked at all the people getting gas and thought about the growing number who don't have the funds to get the gas that they need. Frankly, $5.45/gal can lose the election for us and the Saudi's know it.

Thank you, Robert, for the thorough explanation of our energy production. US "energy independence" sounds great, which is why the lying orange guy kept telling his cult members that he made us energy independent during his regime which, of course, were lies #28,401-28,674.

I love Steve's quote too..."Let the Saudis choke on their oil and extortions.”

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023

Well on the east coast the average cost of gas over the summer at my closest gas station, s about $3.60. Is that low enough for you to get your vote?

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I'm not the voter we are are trying to persuade. My vote is secure : ). But, yes, I would love to pay $3.60/gal. James Carville has a famous quote that elections are about the economy, period. People vote with their wallet.

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Isn't your high cost basically caused by state taxes? Our tax is ten cents. So maybe the tax could be reduced as CA has many hardships right now, housing and environmental disasters. Write your governor?

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Good comments. You saved me some writing (and googling). Thanks!

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Love the tag name Ben!!

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Had to think about the Saudi issue. Two cups of coffee later I can see the web of alternatives facing this moment

No this is not Neville Chamberlain moment. We are not brokering peace on false assumptions

Yes 9/11 was a horrific attack on US soil akin to Dec 7 We have reached a place with the Japanese where we can build a bridge between them and South Korea. Are we looking at the Saudi in the same way?

Does this give the current administration leverage over the buddy buddy we are seeing between DJT and his crowd?

Is this following the old adage of holding your friends close and your enemies even closer? Or driving a wedge between the two?

Does this move us toward ending a 4500 year old family feud ? Most likely not, as those have roots in ancient and religious history

So I am not a fan, but neither am I dead set against it.

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Keep asking those kinds of questions! Love it! Thinking before raging

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Before your article, I did not know about the proposed treaty with the Saudis. I would love a more detailed discussion of their history as it pertains to 911 and forward and the Trump alliances, the money and weapons and technology that have been sold or traded to them, money given to Jared Kushner and Trump and the ties to our PGA. There is so much here that has not been put forth to the public in and in retrospect, it needs to be discussed and reviewed.

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Kathy, I am so glad that you are interested in getting informed. I want to qualify what I'm saying by making the point that I'm a political, cultural, history and current events addict. I am also retired and can devote my time to it and I know how to use information resources. That said, when I worked it was the same. I was a global pilot who read and watched news and information media everywhere I traveled. I flew troops into the wars that resulted from 911 and was able to experience first hand the views of nations other than the USA. That all said the information that you are curious about is the backbone of our modern culture and foreign relations. It's easily accessible. Google is a wonderful tool. Wikipedia is a wealth of monitored and edited information to say nothing of the vast and varied 24 hour daily news sources. Unfortunately there are many now who get their information from non-factual and questionable sources and that's an understatement so you have to be discriminating as to where you go for information . Start with this information which is factual; 11 of the 15 terrorists involved in the 911 attacks were citizens of Saudi Arabia which is a country that directly supports terrorism against western democracies. It seems that now "The Kingdom," after the backlash following the 15 man Saudi hit squad that murdered a US employed Saudi journalist, Jamal Kashoggi, has decided that buying our culture is more expeditious than grisly, bloody murder and flying aircraft into our office buildings. Also keep in mind as you educate yourself that Osama Bin Laden was from a very wealthy and favored Saudi family.

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The Saudi regime can not and should not be trusted. It is no coincidence that 15 of the 9/11 bombers were Saudi. They are are brutal in their dishonesty. Just ask the widow of the journalist killed after being lured to a meeting in Turkey. I know war and politics makes strange bedfellows but like Patton said at the end of WWII fuck the Russians. I say the same to the Saudis. They will not be a reliable partner in the Middle East. Their guarantees are as worthless as the sands that cover their lands. We should not lie down with scorpions because it will come back and bite you in the ass. I have a thought let Israel supply weapons to the Saudis and let the Saudis protect Netanyahu.

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Cannot emphasize what you are saying enough.

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I think it's unrealistic in this closely connected universe to think we are going to be able to be enemies with the people who control oil. What is so inspiring about the Ukrainian people and their leader is their refusal to bargain with their enemies. I'm glad we are on Ukraine's side, but America's own foreign relationships seem too tinged with expediency to satisfy my own moral values. I guess I'm very glad I am not President of the US. Ukraine's people are willing to starve and make ultimate sacrifices for their democracy, but I am quite sure Americans are not.

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This!! " but I am quite sure Americans are not".

Americans take their freedoms for granted, they scream "oppression" over masks that may (or may not, the jury is still out) help slow the transmission of a virus. Food's too expensive, but I don't see a lot of malnourished persons walking around. Gas is too expensive, but many have long commutes to work so they can live in a 'nicer' place. We scream over 1st World problems.

Then there are some who want to dictate what books can be in school libraries, calling themselves "Moms for Liberty"! Do they even know the definition of "liberty"? In short, we are accustomed to simply 'having' much liberty. We, personally, have never had to fight for it at length, not for decades, and then only politically. But liberty is not unlimited, and is currently being threatened by the very persons who want moves to curb our liberties in the the name of "freedom". If we were ever unfortunate enough to be attacked by an outside enemy, I'm not sure who would actually rise to the physical defense of the USA. Crap, most US citizens don't want to do hard labor, save it for the immigrants (who we will then hate upon).

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The only saving Grace I venture is Biden’s tremendous tactical foreign policy knowledge. I am skeptical though Steve ...for sure. My distrust is mounting towards the Saudis with this golf deal , the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention hearing it..they are far more savvy -I trust them - then dig deeper for the whys. But I trust your obvious insight as knowledgeable with your experience too . I look forward to every piece you do.


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Let us not forget it was 19 Saudis who created 9/11. The Saudis are super wealthy barbarians. The fact is, they hate the West but love us for our money. Years ago when connecting a flight in Riyadh, a sheik came into the lobby. When he saw me, pure hatred shot from his dark eyes. After all, I was a blue eye with auburn air. Not very Saudi. The U.S. romance with Saudi Arabia has always been tentative.

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Steve, your comparison of today’s United States’ political environment to Germany’s of the 1930s Weimar Republic is probably closer than most Americans either understand or want to see. Both Hitler and the wannabe strongman Trump have/had enablers. Hitler had van Papen, Hindenburg, and the German industrialists along with his fellow Nazi Party misfits and deviates. Trump has Rupert Murdoch, the libertarian billionaire class of the Koch’s and DeVos’s et al along with his fellow MAGA derangees. In both cases, these enablers were/are willing to hand the “keys to the kingdom” to a depraved megalomaniac that cared for nothing but power and the use of it to enrich cronies and exact revenge on their perceived enemies. The Democratic Party needs to make THIS the centerpiece of their campaign. This campaign centerpiece needs to, with precision and clarity, be communicated to every household in America. Through this communication plan every household needs to be made to understand that what’s at stake is their freedom as they know it today. They must see that a second Trump term means abolishing democracy and its freedoms, replacing it with a strongman despotic regime that would control all branches of government, including law enforcement and the judiciary. Trump and his minions have prepared the blueprint for this dictatorship- it’s called Project 2025. Google it. It’s long and detailed. It would change our government forever and not a single American would have anything to say about it. The strongman would do it here in America in 2025 much like Hitler did in Germany in 1933. It’s time for the Democratic Party to go on the offensive with this communication plan.


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We should sign a defense pact AGAINST any and all Saudi incursion, misdeed, violation of rights; give them Kushner and three cows and good riddance to both

MTG will be VP when I am starting QB for the Broncos.

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Thank you for your suggestions and the additional facts. I understand we, as Americans, myself included, seem to have a short memory. I think the media has contributed to this by largely reporting facts without sufficiently including the historical and political background information that would clarify the who, what, why, when, where...etc. The public would benefit from getting and being reminded of the fact rather than the much belabored political spin or interpretation on a given current event. I am appalled by the amount and prevalence of non-factual conspiratorial theories. They have taken wee bits of truth and spun outlandish nonsense. I, for one, am concerned that for some reason unbeknownst to me, there are more folks out there that are better at spreading misinformation than at disseminating truthful fact finding. When I come across a writer, such as Steve, I both applaud and beg for more.

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America, Power, Money, Always, People, Never!

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I personally believe that you should send the essay on "An Unholy Union", directly to President Biden, if you have not already!

In honor of those who died on 9/11, and after, we should not be doing any business w/the Saudis'. Let the Trump family do that!

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I agree Steve. Saudi Arabia long ago shed any positives for the U.S. in terms of a strategic partnership alliance partnership of any kind. The despotic Saudi regime and its surrogate OPEC have been screwing Americans in a number of ways since the oil embargo of the 1970s. When are we finally going to admit the Saudis complicity for 9/11? Plus, it’s no secret they are again jacking up the price of oil now to hurt Joe Biden’s presidential election chances. The Saudis want their lap dog Trump back in office. This is so, in exchange for their plying Trump with condo purchases, pro golf tournaments at his golf courses, and giving billions to his son-in-law, they can get damn near anything their hearts desire from the United State’s government. There’s a reason why kleptocratic Trump beat a path to visit the Saudis in his first year in office. A non-corrupt president would have visited one of our major allies first like Great Britain or the NATO alliance headquarters. But, the Saudis can easily sniff out rat and figure out how to exploit one which is exactly what they did with Trump. Hopefully President Biden will see the Saudis cannot give our country anything close to what the Saudis will take from us in an alliance. And we don’t need to shore up Israel until they stop demolishing their democracy.


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The plan Trump will implement is the product of the Heritage Foundation, Claremont and others, all of which have existed, with their tentacles attached to the Republican party for decades. None of it is new. It has simply evolved and become more insidious. Plan 25. Look it up. Scan through this interview.


We cannot let them get remotely close to the doing this.

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