President Joe Biden possesses the wisdom and the integrity, the heart and soul, of a good man, and his faith and empathy inform him... We have not had such a president since Abraham Lincoln... Joe knows best, his age is merely a number... he knows himself, he knows us, and we know Joe... President Biden is an elected leader that believes in the constitution, and he will follow its dictates... in prayer.
This country has always been youth-obsessed. And negligent of its elders; deaf to their wisdom. Why would we be surprised about Steve’s daughter’s experience? I suspect that the TikTok mockery is largely the creation of the brilliant pro-Trump communications mega strategy. The Bannon-esque, the clever minions from Putin and Xi, are likely fueling the TikTok content. Those people take their mission seriously.
On the 9th page of the NYT op/ed section today there was a small article about President Biden’s financial success. Media vile bias. It’s crept up over the last several decades and now reigns supreme. Bye-bye NYT! I’ll only miss your crossword puzzle and the Sunday Book Review. So many other sources for real news, book reviews, and who really needs the crossword.
An eloquent speech. But it is simply lipstick on a pig, just as Trump is trying to be as he talks about how he will save America from the ideas of freedom of expression, truth, facts, science , morality and that all men/women are created equal.
Trump destroys, not builds. He separates people rather than unite them, he wants to shrink our horizons rather than expand them. Trump is the poster child for being so stupid he doesn’t know he is stupid ( for example, the sound of a windmill causes cancer).
Trump is leading the charge, like the confederacy, against enlightenment, against equality, against the better nature of people. Chaos over harmony. Exclusion rather than inclusion. He wants the darkness of our souls rather than the light of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
And only he and “his wisdom “ can achieve that.
He is mentally and morally bankrupt and wants everyone to be the same. He is corrupt to his very bones. As a result, he attracts the corrupt. He never gets his hand dirty, he uses surrogates to do his dirty. He is a coward in every sense of the word.
God help us all if he is elected. The US will simply exist with no direction or purpose.
The concept of “ founded on principles” as you stated in your article is lost on part of our nation that does not discuss or have knowledge of good principles. Lying seems commonly accepted as a way to influence or get what you want. Some media organizations and candidates boldly lie with no repercussions. This dates me but when I watched the news as a kid when Huntley Brinkley reported the news it never occurred to me that they would lie.
Yes. The civilized News, two mature very intelligent sound kindly gentlemen. David used to walk briskly down the west side of Park Avenue at 73rd in the afternoon after Chet died of lung cancer. Chet smoked on camera.
“Below is an excerpt from the “Cornerstone“ speech by Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy. Below is what the Civil War was about. Let the dead Confederates tell us plainly. They knew what they were fighting for, and their spiritual descendants are on the march again.”
Excellent history lesson Steve, I remember reading this speech in high school. It should be mandatory in every school throughout the country; yet instead, some schools are teaching curriculum’s from PragerU and banning history. I read some school districts have even banned dictionaries because they define sex. Good times!
And to all those from north and southern states alike, and who are card carrying members of the mango mafia. You are also a member of the Confederacy of Dunces and will only realize your folly after it’s too late.
You can’t reach these people, and like all those Brit’s experiencing buyers remorse from Brexit, you will soon regret your support of the “teapot” terrorist!
As the adage goes: “beware of what you wish for”......:)
Yes, Robert Jaffee, on the march, again... and “I know Joe, what’s more important, Joe knows us - in quiet dialogue for all to hear, in the 3rd pew, South Carolina’s best... Whip James Clyburn... with the lady that asked, for whom will you vote in the primary... and Whip Clyburn answered... igniting Black Women across the state and the nation...
“igniting Black Women across the state and the nation...”--SB Lewis.
I’m not sure your point, but bear in mind, this isn’t 2020, when democrats had a plethora of nominees who couldn’t connect to the voter and Biden was the safe choice.
Yes, Joe has done a great job, but this 2024, when Trump has an entire media ecosystem carrying his water. He has united the Republican Party and has galvanized the base. He also has a much smarter and more organized campaign operation than in 2016 or 20’, and has gained ground with Hispanic’s, African American’s and the youth vote. Not to mention, the built in advantages of gerrymandering, the electoral college, voter suppression and all the intrusive state laws making it harder for minorities to vote.
Biden has lost ground with the youth vote thanks to the Israel/Palestinian War, and has three independent spoilers in RFK Jr., Stein and West. Not to mention, no one is stoked by his candidacy and most democrats and left-leaning independents would rather have a younger more dynamic candidate.
Right now, Biden is the underdog and it’s not looking good. We need all hands on deck and we need to hammer home what’s truly at stake in those elections.
So I’m glad you think this is a cake walk and African American women will save the day, but they were only benefiting Biden during the 20’ primary, they won’t decide the general election in 2024.
Could not agree more. Young voters will simply abstain because of their disgust for Biden. They aren’t experienced enough, generally, to understand the complexity of interconnections with global dynamics as well as our domestic institutions.
Youth are idealistic and optimistic. That is great except this year.
As for Black women, this is not monolithic sector. Who “knows” that they would have been furious if he jettisoned Kamala? She is unpopular overall.
I live near San Francisco. She started out as a good Senator. She was NOT an icon for the a Black community in this state.
Thinking that black women only want to support black women for office is as mistaken as thinking that Jews only want to vote for Jews. It doesn’t happen.
Robert, I couldn’t subscribe more fully to your perspective and simply would add that Trump, contrary to any other current political figure, has built an actual movement. Trump’s illiberal orthodoxy notwithstanding, he is a masterful organizer who, by stoking the grievances (many legitimate) of a substantial swath of the population that doubts politicians, by and large, care about the wreckage of their dreams, singularly has created an experience for his followers bigger than their individual selves that binds them, albeit in an authoritarian bind, to a community.
In case you were interested, I would note my post in today’s Comment Section asserts that our side, too, requires a kind of public awakening that allows us to transcend our egocentric predicaments and connects us to a profound sense of what it is to be a citizen among citizens. If time warrants, I would welcome your thoughts to my post, replete with its call to action.
For the "card carrying members" of the cult of tRump, it is already too late. They have picked up the snake and have drunk the Kool-Aid. My apologies to snakes.
Yikes Steve!!!! I’m just going to say it, your 20 year old daughter votes for Republicans?!?! I find this surprising & depressing. There are very few (if any) people out now that can so eloquently put into context as you do, the mortal danger we face if YES, any current Republican wins the next election.
When I was in the eighth grade of a Catholic school deep in Greenwich Village, NY, Sister Patricia taught us all that the Civil War was fought over states rights. She was correct of course but had neglected to finish the sentence. The Civil War was fought over states rights to buy, hold and keep slaves. That war, although not physical continues today, some 163 years from its beginning. How can that be? How can better educated, people still believe that the black person should be subjugated to the white person. Really, there is only one way. That thinking is passed on from generation to generation from parents to children, from teacher to student from pastor to churchgoer. And on and on it goes.
No idea, but she did not speak with a southern accent. I believe however that she was carrying on some kind of affair with a young parish priest who would visit her just about daily outside our classroom. A very nice person given she was a teaching nun.
This piece is another excruciatingly frustrating demonstrations of the blindness that afflicts so many Americans at a time when they most need a keen perception of reality. At the same time it is also -- for me anyway -- almost blindingly illuminating. What is it that infuses otherwise intelligent people with such unreasoning animosity and almost pure hatred for President Joe Biden? Whether one might see him as a wise, kindly, somewhat ancient gentle soul or a senior man with experience and insights and toughness borne of decades in the saddle, how does either translate to hatred? Even the obvious mistakes and gaffes and wrong turns collected over a career of 50 years in government lose some of their offense from the fact that he seems to have learned from all of them. So what does that leave one as an explanation. With all due respect to her good faith -- after all she's only 20, a college student and a victim of grandfatherly bad advice -- Steve's daughter exhibits the answer. For me anyway -- and unmistakably, undeniably, irrefutably. It's ageism, pure and simple. He fits the bill in all respects -- white, male, experienced, straight (hah!), married, children, grandchildren -- but he has one characteristic outside the expected, demanded mainstream. He's old. Discard him. She's 20, but she's not alone. There's lots of ageism out there, even from the oldsters. I was never a fan of the New England Patriots or Tom Brady, but it wasn't hard to see that Brady at 44 or 45 was still the best quarterback in the NFL, better than all those guys in their 20s and 30s. Get over it, folks!!
Well said!! We need to all do our part to re elect Joe. It’s either Biden and democracy or Trump’s dictatorship. Really there should be no question in anyone’s mind.
I do think Biden with a stronger VP would help such as Raskin, Porter or Swalwell. If Harris remains the VP, she needs to up her visibility and accomplishments.
Do you think she is voting for Nikki because she is a woman? In addition to the complete racism, and the dismantling of our Democracy- yes Nikki is down with that, too-
I wonder if your daughter fully understands the Republican Party wants to ensure that her right to choose is completely taken away -
permanently. Does she understand the right to choose isn’t about abortion it’s about women’s health? I am so sick and tired of the propagation that abortion is not related to women’s health. I think the word abortion needs to be fully defined so young people truly understand what is at stake. It’s not about getting pregnant and not “wanting” to have the baby. It is often a matter of life and death. It may seem dramatic but at this point but we need to be dramatic. This election is too important to the rest of your daughter’s life. Does she fully understand the definition of freedom?
Freedom is defined by Merriam Webster as the quality or state of being free, such as: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. liberation from slavery or from the power of another. boldness of conception or execution. a political right.
Voting Republican will ensure many of the freedoms your daughter enjoys today will be taken away. Again, too dramatic? We need to be dramatic.
Oh and if Trump wins you will end up in concentration camp or jail for enjoying your right to freely speak against him. Too dramatic??
Nikki Haley??? She has no core, no values, no moral soul, except to be liked, famous, and elected. So in November will your daughter vote for Trump or Biden, or no one?
So many of the voters who are anti Biden are "Christians." If they believe that Noah built the Ark at an age over 100 and Abraham was able to father children when he was about 800, why do they think Biden is too old to continue to lead this country? According to their beliefs Biden is a young man.
How these people are able to walk and breathe at the same time just stuns me.
And, yes, he’s a born again, and again, and again Christian, a self righteous deluded prejudiced liar that hates and fears those that are different. No part of him is well. He can kill anyone without remorse, and he believes in his own infallibility. He is a dangerous person. He is not that uncommon. He’s not a fictional character. He’s as common as the filth in our sewers.
Justice will put away for life.
Trump will be tried, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment - protected by Secret Service.
Will his tribal cartel be prosecuted? Yes.
We will address them all as Israel must address Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi’s and Iran, or our enemies will do to us what Iran will do to the Israelis.
Ukraine is dealing with the fascist boot of Putin’s Moscow - and Iran turns East for direction.
The United States and Germany and England and Japan and Australia and France and NATO and many others will join hands.
Liars, congenital liars, hear and see what they want to hear and see, believe what they want to believe, and they are sick in body and mind and soul. That liar cannot be cured. He’s happy with himself.
The war was not fought over land and territory, or over political disagreements. There was a single transcendent moral issue around which the war was fought. It must never be forgotten because what sustained the Southern cause was a profound evil and malevolence that has never been extinguished. In fact, it is rising again. The deadliest lie in history is making a comeback. It gathers strength when it can remain obscured, hidden and camouflaged.
And it was racist fascism, subset of the holocaust department.
And today’s Big Lie envelopes a version of the Confederacy’s Big Lie. Yes, a version of ...
For Donald Trump et al are the FASCISTS of now.
The GOP, the raped and murdered party of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, assassinated by a fascist of his day. Lincoln’s Republicans are not Trump’s.
Trump is a knockoff of Mussolini, fascism’s God Father, Adolf Hitler’s teacher.
Yes, Steve, they’re coming again. The GOP is the party of Hitler, the party of Henry Ford, the party of the Pilot of the Spirit of St. Louis.
Will we lose our democracy in November?
Ask your daughter in Iowa. Wake her up.
It starts when they are young. There’s a great poem by an English poet that speaks of the importance of up bringing.
Do you know the poet, his poem?
Happy New Year, Steve. I will forward the poem .. after my first cup of coffee ☕️, Black.
Put that speech up on TikTok -- in TikTok-Ian bites -- and see what the comments are. Fight the fight on the ground where it will be won or lost. It won’t be won on Substack. Can you enlist your daughter or her friends in TikTok Trump subversion?
"One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were."
Up is down. I wish there was a catchier term for stupid-certitude than the Dunning-Kruger effect, but only the term is new. The concept of projection isn't new either, but I prefer "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?"
The long dead Confederate leader wasn't wrong though. He just happened to inhabit the same backwards Bizarro World of today's Republicans. His own premises were based on nothing except his own cockeyed bias, but he was damn sure they were correct.
Republican voters believe to their core that trust-fund baby Tucker Carlson is with them. The Australian billionaire Murdoch family wouldn't broadcast self-serving propaganda, and that Republican free-market policies and deregulation couldn't possibly have anything to do with inflation and a shrinking middle class.
There is a cure for this cancer that Steve identifies, but if we couldn't get half the country to accept the medical science on vaccinations, we're unlikely to convince them that fear-stoking Republican politicians and power-seekers are playing them like fiddles.
Is age now a bad thing? Biden has done more for this country than Trump ever will.
President Joe Biden possesses the wisdom and the integrity, the heart and soul, of a good man, and his faith and empathy inform him... We have not had such a president since Abraham Lincoln... Joe knows best, his age is merely a number... he knows himself, he knows us, and we know Joe... President Biden is an elected leader that believes in the constitution, and he will follow its dictates... in prayer.
This country has always been youth-obsessed. And negligent of its elders; deaf to their wisdom. Why would we be surprised about Steve’s daughter’s experience? I suspect that the TikTok mockery is largely the creation of the brilliant pro-Trump communications mega strategy. The Bannon-esque, the clever minions from Putin and Xi, are likely fueling the TikTok content. Those people take their mission seriously.
On the 9th page of the NYT op/ed section today there was a small article about President Biden’s financial success. Media vile bias. It’s crept up over the last several decades and now reigns supreme. Bye-bye NYT! I’ll only miss your crossword puzzle and the Sunday Book Review. So many other sources for real news, book reviews, and who really needs the crossword.
Yes, and that was merely one year in his political career..Trump has no clue
An eloquent speech. But it is simply lipstick on a pig, just as Trump is trying to be as he talks about how he will save America from the ideas of freedom of expression, truth, facts, science , morality and that all men/women are created equal.
Trump destroys, not builds. He separates people rather than unite them, he wants to shrink our horizons rather than expand them. Trump is the poster child for being so stupid he doesn’t know he is stupid ( for example, the sound of a windmill causes cancer).
Trump is leading the charge, like the confederacy, against enlightenment, against equality, against the better nature of people. Chaos over harmony. Exclusion rather than inclusion. He wants the darkness of our souls rather than the light of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
And only he and “his wisdom “ can achieve that.
He is mentally and morally bankrupt and wants everyone to be the same. He is corrupt to his very bones. As a result, he attracts the corrupt. He never gets his hand dirty, he uses surrogates to do his dirty. He is a coward in every sense of the word.
God help us all if he is elected. The US will simply exist with no direction or purpose.
The concept of “ founded on principles” as you stated in your article is lost on part of our nation that does not discuss or have knowledge of good principles. Lying seems commonly accepted as a way to influence or get what you want. Some media organizations and candidates boldly lie with no repercussions. This dates me but when I watched the news as a kid when Huntley Brinkley reported the news it never occurred to me that they would lie.
Chet and David did not lie... they were old fashioned... and Huntley Brinkley was iconic... the first of its kind....
Hi, Sandy, I am reminded of this poem from Mad Magazine:
If wishes were horses
Rides would be free
If Huntley were Cronkite
We'd watch NBC
I remember that quote!
“Goodnight Chet, Goodnight David”
Yes. The civilized News, two mature very intelligent sound kindly gentlemen. David used to walk briskly down the west side of Park Avenue at 73rd in the afternoon after Chet died of lung cancer. Chet smoked on camera.
I blame World Wide Wrestling
“Below is an excerpt from the “Cornerstone“ speech by Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy. Below is what the Civil War was about. Let the dead Confederates tell us plainly. They knew what they were fighting for, and their spiritual descendants are on the march again.”
Excellent history lesson Steve, I remember reading this speech in high school. It should be mandatory in every school throughout the country; yet instead, some schools are teaching curriculum’s from PragerU and banning history. I read some school districts have even banned dictionaries because they define sex. Good times!
And to all those from north and southern states alike, and who are card carrying members of the mango mafia. You are also a member of the Confederacy of Dunces and will only realize your folly after it’s too late.
You can’t reach these people, and like all those Brit’s experiencing buyers remorse from Brexit, you will soon regret your support of the “teapot” terrorist!
As the adage goes: “beware of what you wish for”......:)
Yes, Robert Jaffee, on the march, again... and “I know Joe, what’s more important, Joe knows us - in quiet dialogue for all to hear, in the 3rd pew, South Carolina’s best... Whip James Clyburn... with the lady that asked, for whom will you vote in the primary... and Whip Clyburn answered... igniting Black Women across the state and the nation...
“igniting Black Women across the state and the nation...”--SB Lewis.
I’m not sure your point, but bear in mind, this isn’t 2020, when democrats had a plethora of nominees who couldn’t connect to the voter and Biden was the safe choice.
Yes, Joe has done a great job, but this 2024, when Trump has an entire media ecosystem carrying his water. He has united the Republican Party and has galvanized the base. He also has a much smarter and more organized campaign operation than in 2016 or 20’, and has gained ground with Hispanic’s, African American’s and the youth vote. Not to mention, the built in advantages of gerrymandering, the electoral college, voter suppression and all the intrusive state laws making it harder for minorities to vote.
Biden has lost ground with the youth vote thanks to the Israel/Palestinian War, and has three independent spoilers in RFK Jr., Stein and West. Not to mention, no one is stoked by his candidacy and most democrats and left-leaning independents would rather have a younger more dynamic candidate.
Right now, Biden is the underdog and it’s not looking good. We need all hands on deck and we need to hammer home what’s truly at stake in those elections.
So I’m glad you think this is a cake walk and African American women will save the day, but they were only benefiting Biden during the 20’ primary, they won’t decide the general election in 2024.
Ya just can’t take “doing a good job” for an answer can ya?
Could not agree more. Young voters will simply abstain because of their disgust for Biden. They aren’t experienced enough, generally, to understand the complexity of interconnections with global dynamics as well as our domestic institutions.
Youth are idealistic and optimistic. That is great except this year.
As for Black women, this is not monolithic sector. Who “knows” that they would have been furious if he jettisoned Kamala? She is unpopular overall.
I live near San Francisco. She started out as a good Senator. She was NOT an icon for the a Black community in this state.
Thinking that black women only want to support black women for office is as mistaken as thinking that Jews only want to vote for Jews. It doesn’t happen.
Robert, I couldn’t subscribe more fully to your perspective and simply would add that Trump, contrary to any other current political figure, has built an actual movement. Trump’s illiberal orthodoxy notwithstanding, he is a masterful organizer who, by stoking the grievances (many legitimate) of a substantial swath of the population that doubts politicians, by and large, care about the wreckage of their dreams, singularly has created an experience for his followers bigger than their individual selves that binds them, albeit in an authoritarian bind, to a community.
In case you were interested, I would note my post in today’s Comment Section asserts that our side, too, requires a kind of public awakening that allows us to transcend our egocentric predicaments and connects us to a profound sense of what it is to be a citizen among citizens. If time warrants, I would welcome your thoughts to my post, replete with its call to action.
Well said, and I will definitely read your comment later and respond. Thank you..:)
Robert, I deeply appreciate your quick response and look forward to your thoughts.
How many hands are actually on deck matters not. Come Election Day Joe simply has to have demonstrated he has enough strength to tow his own line.
His supporters can prop a dying a king up in the bed, but that only makes his subjects look instinctively to the strong man lurking behind.
For the "card carrying members" of the cult of tRump, it is already too late. They have picked up the snake and have drunk the Kool-Aid. My apologies to snakes.
Yikes Steve!!!! I’m just going to say it, your 20 year old daughter votes for Republicans?!?! I find this surprising & depressing. There are very few (if any) people out now that can so eloquently put into context as you do, the mortal danger we face if YES, any current Republican wins the next election.
Yes, she’s voting against Biden. She’s drunk the Koolaid of his being too old. Steve, you need to show her his Valley Ford speech.
And Gen. Mileys letter of resignation, a document i hope survives the ages
I think he means in the caucus, i.e., against Trump. "She will be voting against the 77-year-old Donald Trump..."
When I was in the eighth grade of a Catholic school deep in Greenwich Village, NY, Sister Patricia taught us all that the Civil War was fought over states rights. She was correct of course but had neglected to finish the sentence. The Civil War was fought over states rights to buy, hold and keep slaves. That war, although not physical continues today, some 163 years from its beginning. How can that be? How can better educated, people still believe that the black person should be subjugated to the white person. Really, there is only one way. That thinking is passed on from generation to generation from parents to children, from teacher to student from pastor to churchgoer. And on and on it goes.
Do you know where Sister Patricia grew up? Just curious.
No idea, but she did not speak with a southern accent. I believe however that she was carrying on some kind of affair with a young parish priest who would visit her just about daily outside our classroom. A very nice person given she was a teaching nun.
This piece is another excruciatingly frustrating demonstrations of the blindness that afflicts so many Americans at a time when they most need a keen perception of reality. At the same time it is also -- for me anyway -- almost blindingly illuminating. What is it that infuses otherwise intelligent people with such unreasoning animosity and almost pure hatred for President Joe Biden? Whether one might see him as a wise, kindly, somewhat ancient gentle soul or a senior man with experience and insights and toughness borne of decades in the saddle, how does either translate to hatred? Even the obvious mistakes and gaffes and wrong turns collected over a career of 50 years in government lose some of their offense from the fact that he seems to have learned from all of them. So what does that leave one as an explanation. With all due respect to her good faith -- after all she's only 20, a college student and a victim of grandfatherly bad advice -- Steve's daughter exhibits the answer. For me anyway -- and unmistakably, undeniably, irrefutably. It's ageism, pure and simple. He fits the bill in all respects -- white, male, experienced, straight (hah!), married, children, grandchildren -- but he has one characteristic outside the expected, demanded mainstream. He's old. Discard him. She's 20, but she's not alone. There's lots of ageism out there, even from the oldsters. I was never a fan of the New England Patriots or Tom Brady, but it wasn't hard to see that Brady at 44 or 45 was still the best quarterback in the NFL, better than all those guys in their 20s and 30s. Get over it, folks!!
Well said!! We need to all do our part to re elect Joe. It’s either Biden and democracy or Trump’s dictatorship. Really there should be no question in anyone’s mind.
I do think Biden with a stronger VP would help such as Raskin, Porter or Swalwell. If Harris remains the VP, she needs to up her visibility and accomplishments.
Do you think she is voting for Nikki because she is a woman? In addition to the complete racism, and the dismantling of our Democracy- yes Nikki is down with that, too-
I wonder if your daughter fully understands the Republican Party wants to ensure that her right to choose is completely taken away -
permanently. Does she understand the right to choose isn’t about abortion it’s about women’s health? I am so sick and tired of the propagation that abortion is not related to women’s health. I think the word abortion needs to be fully defined so young people truly understand what is at stake. It’s not about getting pregnant and not “wanting” to have the baby. It is often a matter of life and death. It may seem dramatic but at this point but we need to be dramatic. This election is too important to the rest of your daughter’s life. Does she fully understand the definition of freedom?
Freedom is defined by Merriam Webster as the quality or state of being free, such as: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. liberation from slavery or from the power of another. boldness of conception or execution. a political right.
Voting Republican will ensure many of the freedoms your daughter enjoys today will be taken away. Again, too dramatic? We need to be dramatic.
Oh and if Trump wins you will end up in concentration camp or jail for enjoying your right to freely speak against him. Too dramatic??
Does she fully understand???
Nikki Haley??? She has no core, no values, no moral soul, except to be liked, famous, and elected. So in November will your daughter vote for Trump or Biden, or no one?
I think he means in the caucus, i.e., against Trump. "She will be voting against the 77-year-old Donald Trump..."
So many of the voters who are anti Biden are "Christians." If they believe that Noah built the Ark at an age over 100 and Abraham was able to father children when he was about 800, why do they think Biden is too old to continue to lead this country? According to their beliefs Biden is a young man.
How these people are able to walk and breathe at the same time just stuns me.
And, yes, he’s a born again, and again, and again Christian, a self righteous deluded prejudiced liar that hates and fears those that are different. No part of him is well. He can kill anyone without remorse, and he believes in his own infallibility. He is a dangerous person. He is not that uncommon. He’s not a fictional character. He’s as common as the filth in our sewers.
Justice will put away for life.
Trump will be tried, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment - protected by Secret Service.
Will his tribal cartel be prosecuted? Yes.
We will address them all as Israel must address Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi’s and Iran, or our enemies will do to us what Iran will do to the Israelis.
Ukraine is dealing with the fascist boot of Putin’s Moscow - and Iran turns East for direction.
The United States and Germany and England and Japan and Australia and France and NATO and many others will join hands.
Freedom and democracy will prevail.
Liars, congenital liars, hear and see what they want to hear and see, believe what they want to believe, and they are sick in body and mind and soul. That liar cannot be cured. He’s happy with himself.
September 1, 1939, by WH Auden,
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
The war was not fought over land and territory, or over political disagreements. There was a single transcendent moral issue around which the war was fought. It must never be forgotten because what sustained the Southern cause was a profound evil and malevolence that has never been extinguished. In fact, it is rising again. The deadliest lie in history is making a comeback. It gathers strength when it can remain obscured, hidden and camouflaged.
And it was racist fascism, subset of the holocaust department.
And today’s Big Lie envelopes a version of the Confederacy’s Big Lie. Yes, a version of ...
For Donald Trump et al are the FASCISTS of now.
The GOP, the raped and murdered party of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, assassinated by a fascist of his day. Lincoln’s Republicans are not Trump’s.
Trump is a knockoff of Mussolini, fascism’s God Father, Adolf Hitler’s teacher.
Yes, Steve, they’re coming again. The GOP is the party of Hitler, the party of Henry Ford, the party of the Pilot of the Spirit of St. Louis.
Will we lose our democracy in November?
Ask your daughter in Iowa. Wake her up.
It starts when they are young. There’s a great poem by an English poet that speaks of the importance of up bringing.
Do you know the poet, his poem?
Happy New Year, Steve. I will forward the poem .. after my first cup of coffee ☕️, Black.
Thank you Steve. The Civil War never ended. It may never end.
Put that speech up on TikTok -- in TikTok-Ian bites -- and see what the comments are. Fight the fight on the ground where it will be won or lost. It won’t be won on Substack. Can you enlist your daughter or her friends in TikTok Trump subversion?
"One of the most striking characteristics of insanity, in many instances, is forming correct conclusions from fancied or erroneous premises; so with the anti-slavery fanatics. Their conclusions are right if their premises were."
Up is down. I wish there was a catchier term for stupid-certitude than the Dunning-Kruger effect, but only the term is new. The concept of projection isn't new either, but I prefer "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?"
The long dead Confederate leader wasn't wrong though. He just happened to inhabit the same backwards Bizarro World of today's Republicans. His own premises were based on nothing except his own cockeyed bias, but he was damn sure they were correct.
Republican voters believe to their core that trust-fund baby Tucker Carlson is with them. The Australian billionaire Murdoch family wouldn't broadcast self-serving propaganda, and that Republican free-market policies and deregulation couldn't possibly have anything to do with inflation and a shrinking middle class.
There is a cure for this cancer that Steve identifies, but if we couldn't get half the country to accept the medical science on vaccinations, we're unlikely to convince them that fear-stoking Republican politicians and power-seekers are playing them like fiddles.
Children, thy name be Karma.