Today is a day that I can celebrate and hope that America is a work in progress. In the past day or so I have had my hope reinvigorated by words from American heroes less often elevated but to hear their words and hear of their fight I am inspired despite the the characters who bring us down. Yesterday alone I heard Yusef Salaam, exonerated member of the Central Park Five who was castigated by a former president of his own country who called for his death.
He now is a candidate for Harlem City Council and presumed to be elected. And Myrlie Evers, widow of slain civil rights activist, who spoke with a kind heart of an America her young husband had died for.
The words of these and many others will drive me to do my part in fighting for American independence.
Thank you. As I read what Steve wrote, and after this week's announcements of the SCOTUS decisions, and the hate and idiocy spewed by the GOP POTUS-wannabes and the one ex who wants it again. I was not feeling at all celebratory.
Rarely do I disagree with Steve or with those who post in our civil discourse. Today, I do. I was at first hopeful of what was written - he did use the late and wonderful civil rights activist and member of Congress, John Lewis. (On my days of "I can't do more" to advance rights, I think of John Lewis and think he did this until the day he died and I've not been beaten so surely I can speak up.)
It was "Freedom does not eliminate suffering, poverty, discrimination, unfairness, cruelty or hardship, but it makes it possible to fix what is broken and imagine new possibilities" and "There will be no knock at the door tonight by the secret police in America. The state will not put its jackboot on the neck of a single citizen and informants won’t make lists of who is going to church. We are free."
Those here under DACA, those whose families are without documents to live here, those suspected of .. many things .. may not be visited by the 'secret police' but perhaps the local police. My friends with just-beginning-to-drive teens - young Black men - who heard "the talk" long ago now in cars on streets may not consciously fear but in their heads - and in mine for them - is fear.
Our tradition is to watch "1776", the musical. It is joyous - it has all the right notes (musical and story) to make one believe the vision that was, albeit one that continued enslavement and disenfranchisement, hopeful. Such an idealist am I that I want to think we can do better.
I watched "1776" a few days ago, and plan to watch it again today. Love it, and highly recommend it. It's a wonderful, entertaining, historical musical for all ages.
We learned about it by watching the DVD “Extras” about the movie, and (I think) watching it with the director’s Commentary. That particular number helps me understand how so many vote against their own self-interest - “in the hopes of becoming rich rather the face the inevitability of being poor.” (Representative Dickenson)
Steve, you are right. America’s original sin was slavery and oppression of the indigenous .. the slave auction block in towns across the South is one proof. Rank intolerance and the KKK followed the emancipation proclamation, as we denied the freedoms to those once enslaved. Their freedom was denied by their color. We are doing this again. Republicans would effectively deny voting to non-white Americans and deny the right to choose to women by state laws forcing them to deliver the unwanted child, a form of discrimination and slavery. The party of intolerance has emerged from the party of Abraham Lincoln. Intolerance is rising, violence is rising. The Tower of Babel is the metaphor. Tribal behavior opposes tolerance. We must find the way to love our neighbors and treasure our differences, not fear them. Differences are the spice of life. They flavor sameness.
"Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people [of all races, ethnicities, religions] who live within it. Nationalism [by contrast] refers to devotion to only one group of people over all others." [e.g., white supremacists in the USA]
He concludes his essay: ‘This view is in line with that of French President Emmanuel Macron, who has stated that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.” “Nationalism,” he says, “is a betrayal of patriotism.”’
I posted to @Marie Lachat's post and mine is more along the lines of yours, @SB Lewis - looking at the intolerances that continue. I want to find optimism. Perhaps I do in that after fighting for herself and others for years, the marvelous and courageous Gaby Pacheco (an immigrant John Lewis in many ways) became a US citizen. Her citizenship gives her more rights to do even more for DREAMers and others. I want a MORE perfect union.
“Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society.” -John Lewis
“The only reason unjust systems exist is that the masses of people silently give their consent and believe these systems are necessary—whether for their security or survival.” -John Lewis
“I believe in freedom of speech, but I also believe that we have an obligation to condemn speech that is racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, or hateful.” -John Lewis
“It is the responsibility, yet the individual choice, of each of us to use the light we have to dispel the work of darkness, because if we do not, then the power of falsehood rises.” -John Lewis
Thank you Steve, and all here who love and work to protect Freedom in these Unites States!
Thank you, Lisa, for finding and bringing over these quotes from the truly great Congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis. ✨ May his angels and his shining spirit help guide the minds of American voters to protect and advance the freedoms we still (precariously) have.
Frankly, it’s the defiance and dissent that worries me. I think it is these that cleared the way for a Trump presidency and, perish the thought, lead to another one. Time to celebrate what we have and make damn sure we keep it. It is the balance you seek between society and self. if self prevails, defiance and dissent are the way to get others out of the way. If the society is the stronger then people will work on its behalf. Americans need to decide which is more important right now, today. identify those who want to tear it down and defeat them. It’s that simple. Forget about who you like. With the nation’s 250th birthday only two years away, imagine, if you can, Donald Trump as president. That 250th birthday will also be the death day. America is on the brink and there are very clever people scheming to reshape it in their image. Don’t let it happen. Live to see another day!
You continue to ask the question, “How can you love your country when you hate half the people in it?”
I’ve pondered this question since the first time you asked it..It is a troubling concept to consider..The answer is that you can’t..However, you can stand in defense of the founding values and ideals of your country against those of us that would seek to tear them down..And there will be an element of animosity in that defense.
We are slowly losing this country to fascism, they won’t stop at the LGBTQ folks, there will other groups and then the races. I fear we can no longer stop this by normal ways ie the courts, or the vote, or petitioning the Government for redress of grievances. Sadly it looks like violence is the only option to stop this before it is to late and we lose our democracy.
Yes, I fear more rights to be lost. But not violence to end violence surely. It has never been my way of being an activist. It wasn't John Lewis's.* It won't get US there and it won't stop others' violence. Might we find better ways?
*The US Postage stamp featuring Mr. Lewis's likeness is on sale now for pre-order at It is to be released 7.21. It will be a statement on letters I send and and on the cards to encourage voting.
Will you truly being saying that naive position when our democracy is lost? I wonder how many Germans said the same thing, then when all hope was lost wished they done things differently. You can live in fantasy world or you live in reality, but you cannot live in both. I’m not John Lewis, and neither are you. Cracked skulls on part of the oppressed is not a wise move against injustice, but the oppressed cracking the skulls of their oppressors is.
Yes, many of those in Germany and elsewhere in Europe refused to believe it could “happen there” - they were citizens after all. In talking with Jewish Survivors, there has not been agreement on “what should’ve been done.” I speak for myself: I won’t resort to buying a gun and shooting those who want to take away my rights.
Thank you for taking time to post this. I think I held my breath as I read it and realized those who do fight back and yes, I wonder if I have the strength to do so. I look at many who have. I’ll work to do what I can to keep it from happening. And yes, be prepared. Thank you. Again.
I have fought in a war to, Iraq. I don’t want that here either, I really don’t. But look around at what is happening in America especially the red states, you have to be a realist, dreams and wishful thinking is for children, not for adults.
I live in GA which is red in it’s roots but turning blue in all of it’s larger cities which is where the bulk of the population is today which is the reason we have 2 dems in the US Senate, and the way less than useful idiot mtg in the house. She comes from an area that used to be reliably democratic, albeit rascist in it’s roots in all probability, still it’s rural with lots of small businesses that might begin to see the wisdom of Biden’s economic programs. On a personal level I have a very hard time interacting with maggots, friendships have been lost to the scourge and they may never come back, but that’s a long ways from armed conflict. I can defend myself as no doubt you can as well, I just can’t see myself hunting people ever again, our democracy has it’s limitations in that it’s slow to change directions, but that may be a good thing in bringing the rest of the nation along for the ride.
I live in Texas, where the rural counties keeps the Fascist GOP in office along with gerrymandering. Our largest city Houston, the fourth largest city in nation, have had the Superintendent of HISD removed by the Governor replaced with a GOP stooge, the head of elections for Harris County removed and a GOP stooge put in there place, the GOP this session passed a law that only pertains to Houston/Harris county, because they have only the population numbers that fits the numbers set in the law! That law says if the Governor suspects foul play in the voting of Harris County, city of Houston, that election be overturned. Houston and Harris County is solid blue vote wise. Other blue cities are Austin, Dallas, San Antonio. They passed a law this session that no county or municipal government can pass any laws that restrict businesses, ie because of the heat cities passed mandatory water breaks for construction worker, that is gone with this law, the law basically is anything they pass at the county/city government that GOP and or business dislikes, the Governor can end it. Now tell me that is not fascism! It is not fascistic, almost Fascist, maybe Fascist, it is fucking fascism! I he state of Texas won’t help the poor, but they will give anyone $10,000 dollars for rating on woman who got an abortion.
I hear you. I cannot imagine the frustration living amongst this political ideology and action. I do not live in Texas, but I was sending my support to Beto for governor and his loss was heartbreaking. He could have made such wonderful change for Texas and the country. I hope that you can find a way to live your best life amongst this oppression. Thank you for your service.
This celebration of freedom is awash in a patina of hypocrisy that undermines your every word of hope and love of country more and more every day as we inch closer to that 250th birthday..Today will not be a joyous celebration of freedom for me, and many more I imagine, while the freedoms and rights of, women and the LBGTQ community are stripped away by a corrupt illegitimate SCOTUS, (a creation of the current GOP), and shreds our Constitution..
Rather this July 4th is a day of mourning, as we continue down a path of regression, it is a time of celebrated bigotry, hate and stunted progress.. Freedom for me but not yea..
A work in progress. No where where we need to be, but further along then when Cong John Lewis crossed the Pettis bridge.
Today is a day for parades, fireworks, stump speeches and too much ice cream. ( watermelon ok watermelon). It’s also a good day for a hand mirror. We hold up the mirror and see two images: those, through the SC rulings. , would drag us back to the 1950s. Those, through deliberate legislation would move us forward. Which will we select. Which, will make us a more perfect union.
Possibly my favorite all time essay that you have written, Steve. I empathize with your previous assertion that you dislike writing, while having a proficiency. It seems you have warmed to the task!
Gorgeous piece of writing today, Steve. Happy 4th! And on Independence Day may we all be liberated from our unwholesome qualities, and be strongly cultivating our wholesome ones 🌿🌺🌈🙏
Today is a day that I can celebrate and hope that America is a work in progress. In the past day or so I have had my hope reinvigorated by words from American heroes less often elevated but to hear their words and hear of their fight I am inspired despite the the characters who bring us down. Yesterday alone I heard Yusef Salaam, exonerated member of the Central Park Five who was castigated by a former president of his own country who called for his death.
He now is a candidate for Harlem City Council and presumed to be elected. And Myrlie Evers, widow of slain civil rights activist, who spoke with a kind heart of an America her young husband had died for.
The words of these and many others will drive me to do my part in fighting for American independence.
Thank you. As I read what Steve wrote, and after this week's announcements of the SCOTUS decisions, and the hate and idiocy spewed by the GOP POTUS-wannabes and the one ex who wants it again. I was not feeling at all celebratory.
Rarely do I disagree with Steve or with those who post in our civil discourse. Today, I do. I was at first hopeful of what was written - he did use the late and wonderful civil rights activist and member of Congress, John Lewis. (On my days of "I can't do more" to advance rights, I think of John Lewis and think he did this until the day he died and I've not been beaten so surely I can speak up.)
It was "Freedom does not eliminate suffering, poverty, discrimination, unfairness, cruelty or hardship, but it makes it possible to fix what is broken and imagine new possibilities" and "There will be no knock at the door tonight by the secret police in America. The state will not put its jackboot on the neck of a single citizen and informants won’t make lists of who is going to church. We are free."
Those here under DACA, those whose families are without documents to live here, those suspected of .. many things .. may not be visited by the 'secret police' but perhaps the local police. My friends with just-beginning-to-drive teens - young Black men - who heard "the talk" long ago now in cars on streets may not consciously fear but in their heads - and in mine for them - is fear.
Our tradition is to watch "1776", the musical. It is joyous - it has all the right notes (musical and story) to make one believe the vision that was, albeit one that continued enslavement and disenfranchisement, hopeful. Such an idealist am I that I want to think we can do better.
I watched "1776" a few days ago, and plan to watch it again today. Love it, and highly recommend it. It's a wonderful, entertaining, historical musical for all ages.
And as long as we remember that we can improve on what they left undone, even more inspiring!
We watch it every July 4th. Great movie. Glad they found the original part Nixon insisted be removed and reinserted it! (“Cool cool considerate men”)
How did I not know that re Nixon??
We learned about it by watching the DVD “Extras” about the movie, and (I think) watching it with the director’s Commentary. That particular number helps me understand how so many vote against their own self-interest - “in the hopes of becoming rich rather the face the inevitability of being poor.” (Representative Dickenson)
Thank you. We will, when we watch tonight, go to the extras which I don’t remember watching.
Steve, you are right. America’s original sin was slavery and oppression of the indigenous .. the slave auction block in towns across the South is one proof. Rank intolerance and the KKK followed the emancipation proclamation, as we denied the freedoms to those once enslaved. Their freedom was denied by their color. We are doing this again. Republicans would effectively deny voting to non-white Americans and deny the right to choose to women by state laws forcing them to deliver the unwanted child, a form of discrimination and slavery. The party of intolerance has emerged from the party of Abraham Lincoln. Intolerance is rising, violence is rising. The Tower of Babel is the metaphor. Tribal behavior opposes tolerance. We must find the way to love our neighbors and treasure our differences, not fear them. Differences are the spice of life. They flavor sameness.
Loved this, SB. There's a great essay over at The Conversation this morning, wherein political scientist Joshua Holzer expands on the distinction,
"Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people [of all races, ethnicities, religions] who live within it. Nationalism [by contrast] refers to devotion to only one group of people over all others." [e.g., white supremacists in the USA]
He concludes his essay: ‘This view is in line with that of French President Emmanuel Macron, who has stated that “patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.” “Nationalism,” he says, “is a betrayal of patriotism.”’
I posted to @Marie Lachat's post and mine is more along the lines of yours, @SB Lewis - looking at the intolerances that continue. I want to find optimism. Perhaps I do in that after fighting for herself and others for years, the marvelous and courageous Gaby Pacheco (an immigrant John Lewis in many ways) became a US citizen. Her citizenship gives her more rights to do even more for DREAMers and others. I want a MORE perfect union.
“Freedom is the continuous action we all must take, and each generation must do its part to create an even more fair, more just society.” -John Lewis
“The only reason unjust systems exist is that the masses of people silently give their consent and believe these systems are necessary—whether for their security or survival.” -John Lewis
“I believe in freedom of speech, but I also believe that we have an obligation to condemn speech that is racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, or hateful.” -John Lewis
“It is the responsibility, yet the individual choice, of each of us to use the light we have to dispel the work of darkness, because if we do not, then the power of falsehood rises.” -John Lewis
Thank you Steve, and all here who love and work to protect Freedom in these Unites States!
Thank you, Lisa, for finding and bringing over these quotes from the truly great Congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis. ✨ May his angels and his shining spirit help guide the minds of American voters to protect and advance the freedoms we still (precariously) have.
Lisa your quotes from John Lewis blessed my 4th of July…
Steve’s writing and your response
Gave me gratitude 🌹Marsha
Hi Marsha! 🌹 XO
Lisa thanks for saying hi…🌹XO
Thank you Steve for this eloquent reminder of what freedom is about. And thank you for featuring our beloved hero John Lewis.
Thanks Steve. Happy Fourth of July to everyone out there. We are being called upon to keep our democracy, so thsnks to sll of you who care
To Steve and The Warning community, happy 4th of July!
Frankly, it’s the defiance and dissent that worries me. I think it is these that cleared the way for a Trump presidency and, perish the thought, lead to another one. Time to celebrate what we have and make damn sure we keep it. It is the balance you seek between society and self. if self prevails, defiance and dissent are the way to get others out of the way. If the society is the stronger then people will work on its behalf. Americans need to decide which is more important right now, today. identify those who want to tear it down and defeat them. It’s that simple. Forget about who you like. With the nation’s 250th birthday only two years away, imagine, if you can, Donald Trump as president. That 250th birthday will also be the death day. America is on the brink and there are very clever people scheming to reshape it in their image. Don’t let it happen. Live to see another day!
God, Bob, that should be a terrifying, highly motivating, viral internet meme-- something like:
"On America's 250th anniversary in 2026,
we cannot have Donald Trump again in office,
for he will destroy the USA
to create his cruel dictatorship."
Well thought out and precisely communicated. Thank you, Steve. You are a True Champion!
You continue to ask the question, “How can you love your country when you hate half the people in it?”
I’ve pondered this question since the first time you asked it..It is a troubling concept to consider..The answer is that you can’t..However, you can stand in defense of the founding values and ideals of your country against those of us that would seek to tear them down..And there will be an element of animosity in that defense.
Excellent Steve, but I hope without the fireworks. My dogs don’t like it.
We are slowly losing this country to fascism, they won’t stop at the LGBTQ folks, there will other groups and then the races. I fear we can no longer stop this by normal ways ie the courts, or the vote, or petitioning the Government for redress of grievances. Sadly it looks like violence is the only option to stop this before it is to late and we lose our democracy.
Yes, I fear more rights to be lost. But not violence to end violence surely. It has never been my way of being an activist. It wasn't John Lewis's.* It won't get US there and it won't stop others' violence. Might we find better ways?
*The US Postage stamp featuring Mr. Lewis's likeness is on sale now for pre-order at It is to be released 7.21. It will be a statement on letters I send and and on the cards to encourage voting.
Will you truly being saying that naive position when our democracy is lost? I wonder how many Germans said the same thing, then when all hope was lost wished they done things differently. You can live in fantasy world or you live in reality, but you cannot live in both. I’m not John Lewis, and neither are you. Cracked skulls on part of the oppressed is not a wise move against injustice, but the oppressed cracking the skulls of their oppressors is.
Yes, many of those in Germany and elsewhere in Europe refused to believe it could “happen there” - they were citizens after all. In talking with Jewish Survivors, there has not been agreement on “what should’ve been done.” I speak for myself: I won’t resort to buying a gun and shooting those who want to take away my rights.
Good luck with that position. I believe you will come to regret it, if this continues on.
Thank you for taking time to post this. I think I held my breath as I read it and realized those who do fight back and yes, I wonder if I have the strength to do so. I look at many who have. I’ll work to do what I can to keep it from happening. And yes, be prepared. Thank you. Again.
I hope you are wrong in your conclusion, Stump. I have fought in a war and I wouldn’t ever want to see that happening in this land that I love.
I have fought in a war to, Iraq. I don’t want that here either, I really don’t. But look around at what is happening in America especially the red states, you have to be a realist, dreams and wishful thinking is for children, not for adults.
I live in GA which is red in it’s roots but turning blue in all of it’s larger cities which is where the bulk of the population is today which is the reason we have 2 dems in the US Senate, and the way less than useful idiot mtg in the house. She comes from an area that used to be reliably democratic, albeit rascist in it’s roots in all probability, still it’s rural with lots of small businesses that might begin to see the wisdom of Biden’s economic programs. On a personal level I have a very hard time interacting with maggots, friendships have been lost to the scourge and they may never come back, but that’s a long ways from armed conflict. I can defend myself as no doubt you can as well, I just can’t see myself hunting people ever again, our democracy has it’s limitations in that it’s slow to change directions, but that may be a good thing in bringing the rest of the nation along for the ride.
I live in Texas, where the rural counties keeps the Fascist GOP in office along with gerrymandering. Our largest city Houston, the fourth largest city in nation, have had the Superintendent of HISD removed by the Governor replaced with a GOP stooge, the head of elections for Harris County removed and a GOP stooge put in there place, the GOP this session passed a law that only pertains to Houston/Harris county, because they have only the population numbers that fits the numbers set in the law! That law says if the Governor suspects foul play in the voting of Harris County, city of Houston, that election be overturned. Houston and Harris County is solid blue vote wise. Other blue cities are Austin, Dallas, San Antonio. They passed a law this session that no county or municipal government can pass any laws that restrict businesses, ie because of the heat cities passed mandatory water breaks for construction worker, that is gone with this law, the law basically is anything they pass at the county/city government that GOP and or business dislikes, the Governor can end it. Now tell me that is not fascism! It is not fascistic, almost Fascist, maybe Fascist, it is fucking fascism! I he state of Texas won’t help the poor, but they will give anyone $10,000 dollars for rating on woman who got an abortion.
I hear you. I cannot imagine the frustration living amongst this political ideology and action. I do not live in Texas, but I was sending my support to Beto for governor and his loss was heartbreaking. He could have made such wonderful change for Texas and the country. I hope that you can find a way to live your best life amongst this oppression. Thank you for your service.
I also live in Texas, and you're right, unfortunately. It's sickening.
This celebration of freedom is awash in a patina of hypocrisy that undermines your every word of hope and love of country more and more every day as we inch closer to that 250th birthday..Today will not be a joyous celebration of freedom for me, and many more I imagine, while the freedoms and rights of, women and the LBGTQ community are stripped away by a corrupt illegitimate SCOTUS, (a creation of the current GOP), and shreds our Constitution..
Rather this July 4th is a day of mourning, as we continue down a path of regression, it is a time of celebrated bigotry, hate and stunted progress.. Freedom for me but not yea..
Happy Birthday America, wherever you are..
Happy 4th my fellow Americans. First generation Cuban American.
A work in progress. No where where we need to be, but further along then when Cong John Lewis crossed the Pettis bridge.
Today is a day for parades, fireworks, stump speeches and too much ice cream. ( watermelon ok watermelon). It’s also a good day for a hand mirror. We hold up the mirror and see two images: those, through the SC rulings. , would drag us back to the 1950s. Those, through deliberate legislation would move us forward. Which will we select. Which, will make us a more perfect union.
Possibly my favorite all time essay that you have written, Steve. I empathize with your previous assertion that you dislike writing, while having a proficiency. It seems you have warmed to the task!
Gorgeous piece of writing today, Steve. Happy 4th! And on Independence Day may we all be liberated from our unwholesome qualities, and be strongly cultivating our wholesome ones 🌿🌺🌈🙏