Dec 17, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

“2024 will decide if the end has arrived for America. Are we ready to turn over our fate to Donald Trump and the MAGA cause? Are we ready to submit? 

I don’t think so. Never.”--Steve Schmidt

Excellent history lesson, Steve. Great newsletter.

Agreed, we will never submit! That said, I still this felling of dread when it comes to this election. I feel like we’re watching a slow-motion train wreck occur right before our eyes, except instead of being observers; we’re actually passengers on the train.

That said, I sometimes make fun of the religious fanatics and FreeDumb caucus (guilty as charged and trying to change). Watching “My Kevin squirm” and beg is funny, or at least a worthwhile Schadenfreude moment. However, I’m starting to realize it may not be funny at all.

These fanatics can lose almost every battle, but have never lost the war. They are ruthless, relentless and have no moral compass, which not only makes the dangerous, but makes them a formidable adversary who we shouldn’t underestimate. They have billions at their disposal and many intellectuals and experts that are dedicated to turning this country into an authoritarian kakistocracy, adhering to a Christian version of Sharia Law.

Yes, for all those who were never a Republican, we laughed at the Young Guns; they may have been intellectual lightweights, but they weren’t fanatics. There was always a deal to be had. They had a line, they wouldn’t cross, which can’t be said for the MAGA mafia.

Now we have a MAGA court that will haunt us for decades, and if Trump wins, more than 2/3rds of the federal court will be MAGA approved justices, resembling more Eileen Cannon, than Sandra Day O’Conner.

We now have a Speaker who believes dinosaurs roamed the earth with man, and the LGBTQ community should be put to death or imprisoned, and all abortions should be outlawed: period. And he’s second inline to the presidency.

Couple this with all the right-wing media and ecosystem dedicated to carrying Trump’s baggage and denigrating Biden, which now includes Univision, which reaches more than half of all Hispanic households in the US, and suddenly the math becomes more convoluted and our chances of winning, almost impossible to forecast.

Whether democrat, republican or independent. The stakes are higher than we can calculate. Even if Trump wins and decides to leave office in 28’, he will have laid more land mines throughout our government, making it impossible to function properly; and I’m not talking about Congress, I’m talking about the institutions that keep this country running efficiently, legally and effectively, in spite of a dysfunctional Congress and the “know-nothing imbeciles that infest its halls. It will take the next president his/her entire presidency to undo the damage, if at all.

So it’s not just the election at stake or democracy. Republicans have already destroyed our democracy; it’s what comes afterwards that scares the hell out of me.

Just some thoughts...:)

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Your term the “MAGA Mafia” is right on point! Hope our citizens will recognize them for what they actually are!

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Great post! I'd like to share it. Is that okay with you?

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt


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Great. Your name on it of course. <3

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Doesn’t matter...:)

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I cleaned it up a little. Nothing serious. A punctuation or a missing word or two. You can see it on my Facebook page:


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Thank you. I realized after the fact I made some grammatical errors, but the app doesn’t have an edit feature.

I’m not on Facebook but good luck and thank you...:)

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Robert, I understand and it’s been tough. But don’t give in to it. Good people rise and we’d have had success over the past few years. The wins in the House, Senate and Presidency, the Stock Market kicking ass. Inflation? What inflation? 91 felony pending? Record low unemployment, numerous wins in the special elections, and I could go on and on, Good things are happening and as we just read, good people step up during tough times and do the right thing. I’m ready and I’m speaking out. DON’T BACK DOWN. And remember the line, thank you Rick; “All things that Trump touches dies.”

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The shocker for me is the tiny number of people needed to drive this threat while hundreds of millions of people seem at their mercy. That is both the problem and the opportunity and the challenge is communications. How so many Americans can believe the economy isn’t working or Biden being ineffective is because of both the presence and absence of communications and until the left realizes and corrects this absurd imbalance then the threat of collapse is real, very real and very scary and the clock is ticking louder everyday. There is no problem identifying the corruption and uselessness of the Right as they demonstrate every day, from failing to do the business of the country to chipping away at individual rights and promising worse. There needs to be a massive and much better organized communications war on MAGA, the big lie and all that goes with it. Not doing that increases the chance of failure and Trump and doom.

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Agreed, they have a small number of very dedicated individuals, and evil genius’s who know how the government operates; some of them probably wrote many of the laws and bills passed by congress.

Yet, while the rest of us are experiencing a collective form of PTSD or a “shock” doctrine; focusing on an incompetent Trump; they have think tanks, experts and religious institutions and organizations planning for a new government meant for the few and their own, while the rest of us become hostages.

Trump isn’t the problem, it’s that we underestimate his people and the organizations supporting his efforts. And while the rest of us fight over small issues, they never stop plodding and conspiring to rid us of our civil liberties and rights.

We need to wake up because it may already be too late.

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Hi Robert, unfortunately we're not a trauma-informed society. I appreciate that you used the terms PTSD and "shock". Some of the faux "leaders" on the Right know how to over-ride the reasoning pre-frontal cortex of the human brain and to incite fear, or anger from the more primal brain -i.e. creating a perceived 'enemy' and so on. Fear, real or imagined, most often results in a physiological fight or flight response. If neither of these responses result in a sense of safety or survival, the entity will then go into a freeze response (play dead), also a survival response. Well, we need to take back our power and fight, wisely, collectively, as freezing will lead to being consumed by the predators. We need to understand how social media algorithms are designed to exploit our attention, how to communicate and collaborate, and how to back off the predators. This isn't a time for us to flee or play dead. Education and information, the truth, is what we need to survive this, as well as working together to defeat exploitative forces. I appreciate all you bring to this space.

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Well said....:)

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I saw someone interviewing Trump supporters and they simply refuse to listen to the truth. They will not hear it. Fingers in ears, la la la la la.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 18, 2023

The truth is the gop were very good at creating the narrative and putting the dems on defense.

The recently discovered method of no engagement on their lies has opened the door to let the Dem narrative seep through. It is seeping through. The challenge will be to keep the facts front and centered above the rhetoric of BS the MAGA crowd throws. Offense with facts. Ignore the time consuming irrelevant issues that distract from the main focus they keep trying to bury - their want for an autocratic Lords/Serfs model with them the lords. Add Theocracy.

The battle must be to get the truth that a multi-cultural society with rights for ALL, not just the unborn IS winning for ALL the promises of opportunity. This must be won viscerally through actions and success as noted above. The Democracy over Ayn Rand selfish'ism, monopolistic vulture capitalism - must win.

320M people's rights to the establishment of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is at stake.

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It is all because of the high viewership of Fox. More people watch Fox then all the other stations combined. How this A hole, Rupert from Australia, could screw up our country so badly is beyond me.

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I agree with Robert that the big problem is the groups in the background who want to deliver all of it to the “elites” (read wealthy), people like Leonard Leo, but the fulcrum is Trump and I am encouraged today by his rhetoric because it is becoming more outrageous every day and I believe that as he gets crazier, layers of his support will fall away. I think Trump cannot control himself. He will get worse and more folks who thought he was just a tough guy shaking things up will start to recognize him for the threat he is to virtually every American. This does not ease the responsibility of the Democrats to find a unified and LOUD voice in opposition. As Lisa says, we need to FIGHT. As Bill says, we need to get off Defense and go OFFENSE.

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Everything you said is true Mr Jaffe.

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In this TikTok environment you have 20 seconds to impress anyone under 35 so the campaign needs to adopt:

VOTE LIKE followed by


YOUR LIVES DEPENDED ON IT mass shootings, suicides, all by guns

YOUR DEMOCRACY DEPENDED ON IT trump saying he will be dictator on day 1

YOUR CAREERS DEPENDED ON show speech demanding the end of civil service jobs

YOUR FREEDOM DEPENDED ON IT show speech asking for concentrations camps, expulsion of Muslims, arrest of journalists and more

YOUR WORLD DEPENDED ON IT abandon NATO, all treaties, Putin takes over Europe, China Asia and Kim So Korea

I also heard Donnie Deutsch the other day running the old morning in America against some of the above as well. Really good idea i will get buzz and replays

If the dems do not get out the vote, it is hopeless, and they must spend money in red states as well, there are many people who will turn out when they know the stakes

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Very well said!

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The very best 30 sec short commercial is the mother daughter in the car, stopped by the police to ask where they are going?, if she is pregnant?,... It is painful medicine to watch.

These are visceral, real and happening now in TX, OK, etc.

The harder the factual messaging that hits people in their gut and not easily dismissed as "political rhetoric", which the gop is throwing as perfect propaganda, must become the main message.

Bumper stickers and buttons are too cliche/trite.

People shouldn't shy away from the hard facts this election cycle of an autocratic sub-population working very hard. AND, the general public has to know their individual vote matters. The gop have been disincentivizing (and threatening) as hard as they can because they know they can't win on policy.

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Well you know Steve, the Jan sixers will attempt to draw a parallel between themselves and the colonials. The J sixers have one major problem, they chose to follow the wrong guy. I don’t think their hearts and motives were pure. We know for a fact their leader was no Ben Franklin, they followed Benedict Arnold

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Steve you hit the nail on the head.

The seemingly unlimited money that all these dark forces have lets them continue on with no shame or consequences. Look at Netanyahu. Says he's more committed than ever to see his war plans through, despite the friendly fire fatalities and world condemnation.

Vladimir Putin says no peace without total surrender. You know he feels emboldened by what's going on in our political landscape.

Can only hope his government collapses from within.

What will be our Boston Tea Party moment? We may never realize we even get to that point. Big Tech and Big Media are doing a great job distracting us.

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The classic American democratic foundation is now being shaken from the roots by the technology revolution in social interaction. While we were all reveling in wealth created by the big tech platforms, the enemies of western democracies went to work from day one. They covertly sabotaged the democracy promotions, then pushed for antidemocratic messages. They are technologically sophisticated, patient and at the same time vicious and persistent. The big tech stories of it becoming an anti democratic tool is only beginning. The fight to save our democratic heritage needs a rethink on understanding how the autocrats have weaponized the new social platforms. They are succeeding by turning it into a Trojan horse for the tyranny of the fake majority supported by the AI trolls and bots. While big techs are not working to fortify democracy.

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Excellent -please keep speaking out on this!

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Thank you Steve for filling in many of the details we were not taught in our history classes. Basically, we were told there was some tea and some ships and we threw the tea overboard because the king of England wanted to tax us for it and that was it.

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Just finished the James Bennet essay. Thanks Steve for referring us to that. (Long, but so worth it)

We had better return to facts and tolerance as the bedrock of our society or we are done.

I will do my part to forestall the Trumpocalypse.

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Those old guys back then were brave.If Britain had caught them,they all would have been dragged back to England,and Crazy King George would have made examples out of them,and had them executed.I believe they knew this,and did this anyway,just to prove they wouldn't be bullied anymore.As the Great Virginian Patrick Henry said,"Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" They were as tired of a shadow government who did not represent them as we are.

We as well might have to do this,risk our lives,to put this down.We can NOT allow this bastard to destroy our democracy.He is already trying to make himself an absolute ruler,trying to make himself immune to any prosecution or account,and pulling people in who hide behind a FAKE form of their religion to force us under a dictatorship.

I ask,Why the Hell isn't this shit illegal???These are people who are OPENLY plotting the overthrow of our government and our country!!When will someone step up and do something to stop this madness?

As my ex husband used to yell in traffic,"Do something,even if it's wrong!"Those long ago patriots did something very wrong and risked their lives to preserve everyone's liberty from a tyrant,that broke a fever that set in motion the revolution.We are at that same crossroads,and something has to be done before it's too late to matter.

Do we want to wake up to a Trump dictatorship?This is the question that must be answered.Also understand the morons who want this, don't realize that what will follow will also apply to them,and their families,and their communities.They will not be an exception,and will realize too late what they've done.I know it's crazy,but in the end we have to save them too.

As Joyce Vance says, We're all in this together.

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Look it is really simple, there are millions more of us than them. People just have to get off their asses and VOTE!!!!

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You are absolutely right.We can't let despair and fear keep us from voting.I try to mention every so often about checking on voter status,and when the election days are,when you can early vote vs.finding your polling site,etc.

This election is vitally important and no one can sit out.And until someone who can without a doubt run instead of Biden and win,we have to vote for him.We can't take chances on an unknown,or third parties,etc.We need to win.Everything is at stake.

So get your behinds out there and do the duty!

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Hi Karen. I believe that is true for millions. I think there is a great swath of undecided or moveable people that must be convinced. They won’t be convinced if no one tries to convince them or does a poor job of it. I think there are still more good people than bad. Bob

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This is why I turn to your column everyday. History lessons like this are not only real but inspiring to those of us who want to know or be reminded of those who stood up for what we value. The quotes and stories of those I admire will remain with me thanks to your interest and talent in highlighting them.

As for yesterday’s account of the NYT mess and deception, I need to go back and finish what was not just disturbing but also validating what I was seeing for a long time anyway.

Mostly I kept going back 25 years ago when I thought I was so sophisticated to have become a subscriber though I am not a New Yorker.

Feeling like a succor right now.

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I’m of the same mind Steve. I will never submit. For the sake of my children and my grandchildren, my intent is that U.S. democracy “will not go gentle into that good night” (thanks Dylan Thomas). I believe that is the least we baby boomers (whose family members fought fascism in WWII) can do for the younger generations of Americans. That is, leave them a democracy that is at least as good as the one we had, and hopefully, better. Our nation’s founders, as they look down upon us, must be appalled that even one American would seriously consider submitting to a Trump MAGA dictatorship/kleptocracy.


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Great historical letter Steve. Thank you.

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There is a great push back against NY Times today from a very influential Ukraine drone commander called Magyar, which is named after one of the Hungary’s tribes. He sounded like Steve. He is furious. And he is articulate and prolific. He not only commands but is also a great fundraiser for his drone army. He is highly respected and successful. If you know how you can see the translated caption. Here is his take down of The NY Times in Ukrainian. https://youtu.be/6tvxOse1Kck?si=YZ-ickU0d-utgLWT He is basically furious about how NY Times misconstrues Ukraine war in a recent article.

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Thank you for sharing this link.

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Great story, and summary. Will we submit? I don’t think so. Never. Everyone get their Mohawk Indian outfit ready, the fun is just beginning

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I had not watched the video when I wrote my .02 piece ..but this now almost ‘evening’ .

I applaud you Steve...

the clarity of your message..and wonder will you ?..would you ? ...consider running for our highest office ? Because we need another after our win in ‘24 to continue in the position of TRUSTED , FOR THE PEOPLE, leadership. You certainly fit that bill.

Thanks. 🫶👏

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The Tea Party incident and the description of the boarding the boats by the boatswain was very interesting.

One fact seems not to interest anyone:

Why did they dress as Indians?

Why not simply wear masks?

Why make it seem as if "SAVAGES" had tossed the tea overboard?

It is because Amsricans then, and amazingly even now, think of Indians as less worthy of respect and basic human rights than other humans. At the time, in 1775, they were not even thought to have souls, and were called subhuman.

I am sure all of us would have felt the same way then, in 1775, and I do not think any of us can judge those insurrgents who put on black face and dropped the tea.

But, why have we, as a nation, still put Indians on barren reservations and made their lives miserable?

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Tracy, thanks for speaking up for the Native Americans!

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