Trump, MAGA, Project 2025….. they’re really clear about their goals. Yet, too many either pay no attention or totally disregard what they say! If they’re successful, Americans will deeply regret their lack of concern!

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Absolutely....if Americans vote MAGA into power, when it does heinous things to Americans, MAGA will simply say...'You wanted this because YOU voted for us'

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Without American, the world would be a much sadder and dangerous place. Trump is a dangerous individual who with his MAGA base would put the world in that position while of course enriching himself. He does not care about the world or even America and its citizens. MAGA will wake up some day, hopefully not too late. We can help in any way we can, but the best way will be to help Biden win in November.

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Reading this made me so sad. I have heard about this before. But this beautifully written piece made me so sad. What do their lives mean, just as with the lives lost fighting for freedom, if we do anything but condemn the Trumps, and Stephen Millers, and John Eastmans, and McConnells that engage in conduct that disregards fellow human beings. It is evil, pure and simple. I ended friendships with people I thought I valued when the Electoral College took the lid off of Pandora's Box in November 2016 - a sad day for America. Born in 1943, I never thought I would live to see an openly evil man win the hearts of Republicans and Evangelical Christians. I didn't think it was possible to make us wonder if Hitler is in America now.

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Dan Stone, a British Holocaust historian, published "The Holocaust: an Unfinished History," last year. Part of a literature he says is beyond the ability of any one person to comprehend, this book is well worth your money and time. The preface, alone, should be widely distributed. Among his points that I found most telling:

1. The Holocaust was widely distributed across Europe and into European colonies in Africa.

2. A lot of (mainly) Christians killed a lot of Jews, up close and personal, mostly through maltreatment and one-on-one murder rather than the industrial killing described in these essays.

3. The killers were driven both by centuries of Christian Jew-hatred. (The Jews murdered our Savior and we speak of this in every Eucharist, not just at Easter!) and by the idea that the Jews represented a Modernity that had treated people very badly in the 20s and 30s.

4. Israel is the "Necessary Country" for Jews, created after the war for Holocaust survivors who were rejected by their thieving neighbors when they tried to go home and who were concentrated in "Displaced Persons (DP) camps. until Israel and the US took them in.



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Daniel, re: #4, I was pleased to hear our Episcopal priest say in his sermon yesterday for Second Easter that referring to the disciples hiding because they were "afraid of the Jews" perhaps should be looked at more closely. The disciples, Jesus and his followers were all Jews, and that they were fearful of those in authority, both Jews and Romans. Similar to what we've seen here over the past 50 years, in the marriage of the leaders of the Republican party and the Evangelical/ conservative faction of the Roman Catholic church. It's a money and power play. Recommend Tim Alberta's book The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.

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One of the priests at Boston's Trinity Episcopal Church several years ago read that particular scripture as, "fear of the religious authorities." Important words, "fear" and "authority."

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Thank you Steve, for your profound warning. My heart aches with yours.

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Following the war, the Czech art historian Hana Volavková,( the only curator of the Jewish Museum in Prague to survive the Holocaust) compiled a book "I Never Saw Another Butterfly", of artwork and poems by the children of Theresianstadt. I cherish my copy, which I bought in Prague in the summer of 1990 after visiting the site.

After reading Steve's moving post, on a whim I looked on Abe Books and there are many copies there for sale:


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I just ordered one of these books, too. I bought a very reasonably priced used copy from Amazon books. Maybe these books should be sent to Holocaust deniers who have children?

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Thank you for the link to this important book. I just ordered one.

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I was just able to request a copy from my library. Thank you for the reference.

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Hi Michelle,

How nice that it is included in library collections!

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Thank you for the painful but important messages you are sending us from the camps. I have been comfortably Jewish for 70 years in America, but somewhere deep inside there was always the idea that terrible things could happen again. Growing up the child of a Viennese survivor , I was reminded how lucky we were to be US citizens and was taught in school that the US was a beacon for democracy. I fear for me kids and grands if T is elected. It will be an unrecognizable country and no one will be safe.

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Your passion and words are poetic. Keep writing and working for our better world.

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Your words are so moving, Steve. You somehow capture unimaginable horror in such a profound way. “America First” is such a greedy, inhumane notion. We are all in this life together, and we need to look out for all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.

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Your words are powerful! They resonate truth and must be shared...

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The innocence and tenderness of these children's drawings from Theresienstadt was so sad that I am in tears. I taught K-12 art for many years. Children's art is universal. I was always delighted and surprised by each child's creativity and individuality. That the children in Theresienstadt were used for deception and suffered unimaginable horror and deaths must be shared more widely and more often. Children have no voice and no choice. These children's drawings, though, may speak to some in this country who are ignorant about the danger of fascism. May their memories and drawings be a blessing. Thank you, Steve, for personalizing the horrors of Fascism. This is the best wake up call I have ever seen or read. We cannot look away from the past or the imminent dangers we now face. Steve, keep hitting hard. You are an inspiration. This is education at its best.

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I agree I wish everyone could see the world through children's eyes. They're hearts are open wider than the eyes of the world.

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What you wrote is beautifully poetic and true :-)

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‘America First Wannsee Conference’ hatched, organized and chaired by Herr Stephen ‘Heydrich’ Miller? Coming to venue near you.

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Just yesterday I referred to one of Mr. Schmidt's columns as thought-provoking. Now he's gone and done it again.

I've always thought of Democracy as a system, or a series of practices, not a faith. If you look a bit more closely, however, you see that American Democracy is based on articles of faith: the inalienable rights stated clearly in the Declaration of Independence. The purpose of our government is to secure those rights. The Preamble to our Constitution identifies what needs to be done to achieve that purpose.

Democracy is a human institution, whether or not one believes the rights it seeks to preserve are divine in origin. We are all flawed creatures, and our Democracy is thus imperfect. It is a work in progress. We need to keep working on it to make it better, to try to make sure that its benefits extend to all of us.

That is hard work. To paraphrase Mr. Churchill, it calls for our toil, tears, sweat, and sometimes even our blood to put democracy into practice and to preserve it. So many of us take democracy for granted, are indifferent to it, or are unwilling to put in the work necessary to preserve it. A lot fewer people can establish autocracy, as long as they are sufficiently energetic and persistent, and the majority remains indifferent to their activities.

When you think about it, as Mr. Schmidt so clearly has, it is indeed Democracy that keeps us safe. Let us continue to practice Democracy to keep us that way, and to thwart those who would destroy it.

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I am sick of the far right using the slogan America first. Everyone knows what Trump means by that slogan. It means Trump first and what Trump wants. In his vision of Amerika he is not above the law, he is the law and his un-justice department will be filled with sycophants who's only job is to please the Orange Messiah. I have lost so much because of that evil man. I lost family members and former friends who believe Trump's lies and follow him blindly. There is no room for discussion or debate, it is their way and no one else has a right to their opinion. I have given thousands to the cause to keep Trump away from the Whitehouse. I have taken monies meant for my daily retirement so he never steps on the hallow grounds of the seat of our democracy ever again. My family members and friends will be missed but my freedom and the freedom of our country mean more to me than their love and support. Please vote blue and get out the vote. Unite the never for Trump, the former Trump supporters and rational Republicans and vote blue this November.

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Steve, You have touched many hearts today with your special message. Truth about freedom where ever it may come from or is going. We must understand how wonderful it is and not take it for granted. In our country today, it is on a very narrow, shaky path, yet we must not lose it or let it run away. Our lives would never be the same.

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