Well Steve today nothing surprises me about what many Americans will do for financial gain. Selling their soul to MBS for billions of dollars is just the tip of the iceberg my friend as you know.

This story is emblematic of the avarice and greed displayed by our own "Oligarchs".

I often ask the question" just how much money is enough!"

Obviously there is NEVER enough for the top 20%.

I have never been in that group nor have I even come close so I can not imagine what it must be like to feel insecure that I only have 200 million dollars in wealth. So insecure that I would sell my children to get another 20 million dollars from a despot like MBS.

I am so thankful that my life is ending in the near term so that I do not have to see where it all ends.

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Al, your thoughts ruminate with me and though nothing surprises me much of it scares me to death. Though I am around a lot of like minded friends no one wants to give up a moment’s pleasure to talk about this let alone make a contribution to stopping this race to fascism. One could say we’re there. In the forties the army published its scription of fascism. We are there and I see no signs that there will be a change of course. Even if we defeat the republicans mostly MAGA we will still have great loopholes for the rich, capitalism buying our electors, and a devious greedy upper echelon and a corrupt Supreme court. The entire family of the TFG is owned by the Saudi money of which our gas guzzling decades have enriched. Shame died a long time ago. Since RFK and MLK I have no heroes.

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Marie I do understand your feelings and share most of them. We must keep the fight going to change our Country even as we dwindle in numbers and faith. It is afterall about the fight not about victories and there will be many but there will never be an end since what we are fighting for, justice, equality, empathy and an end to corruption and graff by the wealthy will never be totally changed since those traits are innate.

We are afterall humans and easily swayed towards vice of all kinds.

Let's just fight like hell and make the best of it!

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Thanks, Al. I needed that especially since I had just read this in a Montgomery County PA newsletter. “Top Hat’ Plans Allow CEOs to Amass Even More Wealth.” by Ken Knickerbocker. Did a NYT and Wapo search and nothing about this plan came up though I didn’t look past 50 ebtries. Lots of fashion, movies, food came up. I will reread and be glad you wrote this. Keeps me sane assuming I ever was!

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Jimmy Carter has always remained one of mine.

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Thanks! Me too KD. How could I forget!

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I ask that question constantly. How much money does one person need? I have never, and will never, be in that group either. I do believe money IS the root of all evil. It certainly is proving to be, isn't it?

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Do you know Tolstoy's short story, "How Much Land Does a Man Need"? In the story, land is being given away. The distance an individual walks around a rectangle of land is the amount that will be awarded to them. In the story, one man starts walking. Since the distance he walks determines the amount of land he will receive, he pushes and pushes himself, "just a little bit farther, a little farther". Finally he has covered a great distance, but has so exhausted himself that he falls dead at the end of his long walk. Tolstoy's final line: "How much land does a man need? Six feet."

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I have not read Tolstoy. I'm not sure why not. I like this. Thank you.

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You're welcome!

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I have a silly one. I have a little sign that says. "Money is the root of all evil. Women need roots"

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

You are so spot on with this and I am crushed! I live on a small island in the Southeast part of the US. MANY PGA (well, now former) golfers live and visit here. They have become a fabric of our community and it pains me to now say that I will Never attend nor watch an event involving these thugs.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

The Russians, the Saudis, Domestic terrorists, we must recognize we are at war from out and from within. But at least we can focus on drag shows and ban books. What a crock!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Carlin was right about golf - it is a place where men of privilege hangout and find more ways to carve out a bigger piece of the pie for themselves.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Tiger Woods, a fellow flawed human being passed on a 100 million dollars plus pay day. What did Jay get?

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Hopefully we find out in the future since he obviously will be fired and then the truth will come out.

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But, look at the role Monahan played, and he was not a “volunteer.” Jay can be fired since he will retire after the big pay off? The Saudis are now the new owners and in charge. So much for the former PGA players who refused to accept the BIG bucks! Ethics and morals were not part of the deal! Money can make men lose their standards and memory.

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I made a statement yesterday after the announcement to a non golf following friend that I will no longer watch golf on TV. He laughed but I was deadly serious. This is not only a betrayal to the PGA tour members who held fast and did not sell their souls to the corrupt Saudis. It is a betrayal to all who love the sport across the world. The PGA tour now stands for exclusion instead of inclusion. It now stands for women as 2nd class citizens. It now stands for murdering journalists who do not agree with the tyranny of the Saudi Royals. The PGA now stands for crimes against humanity for the starvation of children in Yemen.

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How will this affect the LPGA?

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

“The only threats to his rule are assassination or terminal illness.”

🤔 ...Steve! You need to use your imagination here! Think like Vlad! The Prince could get defenestrated or prick his hand on a poisoned umbrella tip! Or he might fall into a swamp and be eaten by an alligator. The possibilities are limitless.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Golf, as other sports is a nicety, not a necessity. If people neither watch nor attend , they disappear .

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Combined with advertisers pulling out...(not holding my breath)

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Ah yes a large scale boycott would be good but hard to pull off.Boycott the companies that advertise on the new pga/liv tv shows.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

This really shocked me. I live about 3 miles from a PGA course in Louisville where one will be held this summer. Now its definitely a NO for me.

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I never heard of Jay Monahan before yesterday and I don’t give a toss about golf. But I know how popular it is and it’s nauseating to see it bought by Saudis whose ruler is a murderer. Anyone who has Netflix might want to watch Hitler and His Circle. It’s a docudrama, not award worthy but it outlines who the Nazis were and how they took over Germany. Parts of it are very eerie because the lead up was exactly 100 years ago and the tactics and propaganda seem far too familiar for comfort.

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I say it all the time. We are approaching Nazi Germany 2.0 I also “think” to myself, the current Maga Cult would have voted for Hitler.

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I belive you aer correct from what I’ve seen. Violence. Thuggery. Scapegoating. Blaming. Grievance. Anger. Teh same toxic stew.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thanks once again Steve for speaking truth to power. There is no bottom to the craven hypocrisy.

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How much of the West can MBS buy? How much has he already bought from Trump and Kushner? Bought secret document on how to attack Iran? The Saudis have bought a lot more than golf, and much of the US media doesn’t seem interested in investigating.

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Time to buy Craig Unger's "House of Bush, House of Saud." I liked his more recent "House of Trump, House of Putin." Looks like his next book should have a title like "House of Trump, House of Putin and Saud."

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Did anyone notice in the photos the self satisfied look on the face of MBS, especially the photo of MBS and Jared Kushner. Given what a pitiful business person Kushner is, as evidenced by his overpriced purchase of 666 Fifth Avenue, MBS was making a calculated purchase of Kushner. He got something for his payment of $2 billion to Kushner's investment firm. I doubt it was investment advice.

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Well said.

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I wonder if we should give this news a few days to digest. I love the game of golf ⛳️ because of it’s reliance on scrupulous honesty, and the fact that the PGA Tour while enriching the players has given away billions to charities, no other professional sport has come even close, every single PGA Tour event has a designated charity or group of charities that they benefit. All of the players that chose to stay with the Tour and reject LIV walked away from tens of millions and in some cases hundred’s of millions, they have to be pissed off big time. Everyone that plays on the tour is wealthy through sponsorship branding or purses, my bet is that there are a lot of phone calls with each other and lawyers, if you think this news is giving you indigestion, imagine having your economic wellbeing connected to it. The negative reaction this news is generating is not going to go away, maybe Monahan has the corporate juice to pull this off, or maybe he guessed wrong, I’m hoping, for the good of the game that I love, for the latter. If this deal sticks I’m done with the PGA Tour, remember the image of the World Trade Center buildings with the words Never Forget? I have a very long memory and have not forgotten.

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What a tragedy, indeed. I'm not a golfer, nor do I follow the sport, but the acceptance of the murderous tyrant into otherwise civilized society is a travesty.

Trump has become MBS' ball washer.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

What the hell!

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Absolutely Steve, there is no other valid way of looking at it. This just reinforces the notion that principle and integrity many times takes a back seat to money and that many decision makers today subscribe to this infection. How infuriating but sad as well. Not only for the betrayal which is horrible enough, but for what it says about us.

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