Steve, I'm sorry, please, but you HAVE to stop saying that Ms Watts "put" the miscarried fetus in the toilet. She did not "put" the fetus in the toilet. A miscarriage at home induces the impression of needing to urinate, so the natural thing is to sit on the toilet. There is no way to keep the fetus from falling into the toilet. When you say that she put the fetus in the toilet, you imply that there is volition. There is no volition involved in a miscarriage.

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Not only urinate, but one is passing bloody, painful clots and placenta pieces. Not to be done preferably on the kitchen floor. This is for all the men that have no clue. Signed an MD that also had a “spontaneous abortion “= miscarriage

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Maybe it’s projection and they want to secretly, subconsciously let us know that they themselves wish they were terminated at birth.

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Carolyn. Men just plain don't understand women or anything about them and all the ways that their bodies are given over to the business of making babies, from menstruation to menopause, to pregnancies and miscarriages, the pain of childbirth and the possibility of dying in the Maternity Ward. All added to what is expected of them as Mothers 24/7, let alone that they might want to express themselves and have a modicum of independence and respect through a career. Besides, they're just better. Women should be making ALL decisions about women period, (no pun intended).

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Right. If anyone “put” the miscarried baby in the toilet, it was the hospital that sent her home rather than admit and induce her.

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Trumpler, am so sick of his image and sound emanating from every device, every channel. He’s a putrid, frothing, blistering, pustule of the ugliest, darkest underbelly of humanity.

We can’t ignore him; tried that. We must stare into the face of this dragon-monster. All of us, all responsible outlets, personalities, people, posters, commenters, whisperers... All of us must cover the grotesque train wreck of a human this slimy, shiny, orange-y, coagulation of hate, ignorance, stupidity, amorality, narcissism, bluster, bellicosity, stink, criminality is. The horror show must stop. November Bluenami -giant crashing blue wave.

And Joe, yep, he’s old. But if he’s in a coma he gets my vote over any fascist R on the ballot - all the way down to dog catcher.


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If Joe died, became a zombie, even trying to eat me, I would still vote for him over Trump.

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Steve, very well stated. Thank you. I am reminded of the Ancient Chinese Warrior, Sun Tzu: "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." ...

And, one from Cicero: "“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

After reading that Texas Governor Greg Abbott suggested he would shoot migrants were it not for the Department of Jusice and then reading that Texas agents watched as a mother and her two children drowned in the Rio Grande, I realized that Belly of the Beast has taken over. The Ugly American has come home to roost.

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Abbott has been spending millions to bus the migrants to the blue states and create chaos. When sued by NYC mayor, he switched to flying them to NJ next to NYC at the expense of the taxpayers. He is doing this to increase the illegal migrants into the country and to undermine the legal process and border security. Republicans are also refusing to pay for the border patrol.

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And, yet, they consider themselves "good" Americans and patriots. Right. Scum of the earth.

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And most likely good “Christians”, too.

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Tired of the human words & phrases uttered by the more intelligent...so tired when no one except a few gather it into their own psyche to consolidate some intelligence in this world.

Years ago, hearing a Homeless, ignorant man say to me, out time is coming, it will come & my kind will defeat you, yours......I understood then, that wars that are fought are between MENTALLY SICK HUMANS & THE SANE that exist in this world. This is what the world has always fought against & with.......There are many that exist in the human world that possess a psychotic mind/nature.....It is tragically what the Human Species Defect is about. How terrible this is for the good that lives within some of us, as we see the world fall off the edge..Again.

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We have been falling off that edge/ledge for generations. I think of Joe Biden, who I support. Yet, while he sings the praises of Israel he fully ignores the 23,000 and counting Palestinians killed. So much for being a "devout" Catholic. Only when that serves his personal needs. War is a game of profit, especially for the U.S. arms industry. One life has "value", while another life does not.

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It's getting to be a regular occurrence that DJT will shit on all of our national holidays, possibly delighting the worst dregs of our country and infuriating everyone else. Yet, hypocrites who once decried him (Mike Lee and Marco Rubio, currently) now announce their support. Thanks, Steve, for keeping the truth burning for those who listen.

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Just listened to MLK, Jr’s 1967 speech at Riverside Church. Amazing prescience. His brilliance, compassion, and courage have no equals.

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Thank you for including the links to speeches by Lincoln and King in your podcast today. I read several of them, including King’s speech in Memphis which i’d only heard bits of before now.

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How ironic that the first step toward a second Trump term falls on MLK day.

Also- while racism and discrimination are factors that drive the MAGA horde, the economy is the biggest issue. Finding a way to make those folks see the improving economic picture and how it will benefit them, while also significantly slowing the illegal immigration on our southern border..they think those folks are taking their jobs.. would have the biggest impact re changing some minds.

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People don’t seem to understand Trump’s clinical diagnosis and its ramifications. He is a malignant narcissist incapable of real human emotion. It is and will always be about him. There is no capacity for empathy. His world is black and white. Totality obey without question or you are the enemy and subject to his juvenile rants.

There is no substance to the man. There is a reason he won’t show his grades or taxes. By all definitions, he is a moron except at self promotion. But even that is smoke and mirrors supported by the right wing media, congressional sycophants and the pop driven mainstream media.

Expectations are low for Trump. He is a firehose of lies that are allowed to be echoed. Stop covering him!

On this day honoring a great man, it should not be degraded by even mentioning the despicable psychopath ex president.

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Another remarkable history lesson... thanks Steve.

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Be nice if a person of color was born equal in the United States. Fat chance, so "All men are created equal" is a totally ridiculous notion that gets trucked out when folks are coming all over dreamy, but just gets in the way of what needs to be fixed. Not to mention folks who are born with a mouthful of silver spoons vs the poor whites of Appalachia. Hardly equal. I admit, as a goal it is unbeatable!

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But they ARE born equal. It's just that racist systems won't acknowledge their equality.

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Mr. Trump, and I use the term MR LOOSELY, is going to win the GOP (and I use that term loosely as well) nomination and we are going to work as hard as we can to make sure he not only loses but loses by way more than he lost in 2020. As far as the other things are concerned, men know nothing, no matter what they may say or think, about women and women's issues so they should stay the hell away from us and them when it comes to our bodies. And you know I don't mean stay away from us entirely!!!!!! Just about the rules for how we care for ourselves. Honestly, let's get as many women in the house as we can as well, maybe they would stop measuring their dicks and get some work done.

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Great podcast Steve! Inspiring!

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Thanks Steve, perfect for MLK day to have the speeches of remarkable people included. If only the MAGGA MOB would read and understand them.

That the Abomination still stalks this nation is so demoralizing and frightening, When did so many become so stupid.

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It is ironic and yet fitting that in his speech celebrating the 4th of July as the anniversary of America’s revolution for independence and liberty, Frederick Douglass’s main theme was the inequality and enslavement of Black Americans. As he eloquently said, “I am not included within this glorious anniversary. Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us.”

As he explained, “My subject then, fellow citizens, is AMERICAN slavery.

Note how he capitalizes the word American to highlight the hypocrisy of white Americans celebrating liberty while they keep their fellow human beings enslaved and in chains, “men and women reared like swine for the market”.

It is also ironic that it was Republicans who Douglass was castigating for hypocrisy, because at that time it was the “Radical Republicans” who were in the vanguard of the American anti-slavery movement.

Whereas today, the Republicans have clearly been transformed by Donald Trump into the party of white supremacy and racial hatred.

Douglass called upon white Americans to “fling from you the hideous monster (of slavery and racism) ... crush and destroy it forever”.

This is what WE must do today: fling from us the hideous monster that is Donald Trump and crush his fawning MAGA Republicans --- on Martin Luther King Day and every day. We cannot allow them to so drastically turn back the clock of history and return to the days of such revolting inequality and hypocrisy.

And whether or not all people are born equal is not really the point. What we must strive for is for all people to have equal rights and be treated with equal dignity. We must strive for an end to hypocrisy.

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The sanctimonious beliefs of our religious nation that some god or other is on our side have ushered in little actual good. The belief in that imaginary god has allowed irrecoverable damage to millions who thanks to the destructive force of weaponry will forever remain unknown and nameless.

The results of the caucus now underway may indicate how enlightened or, judging by the candidacy of Mr Trump, more likely how deranged the people of our nation have become. His candidacy now, his earlier Presidency and embrace of both our nation's flag and upside down Bible are simply additional smears on our national fabric.

Is it anger, fear, greed or senility that drives those who support him? With the exception of our biennial elections we are not consulted and inquiries to the officials we elect are answered with form letters.

Although it is difficult to think we as a people care so little for the future of our children and the nation they will inherit the note of pessimism found in this latest video is, I am afraid, warranted.

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Is this a chicken/egg question? Heavy philosophical one for sure. I am saying that even at conception they are not equal with no possibility of equality and many become better for it to our everlasting benefit. But in such a world the banner has no place. No point professing what cannot be. Would that it could.

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