I'm totally against it, but

The ultimate irony of this insane comical decision is that this would give Biden the capability to stay in power IF he wanted to and IF the military follows his orders.

Biden could follow Project 2025!!!

There'd be a Civil War.

This is what happens when The Rule of Law has ended.

We've become a Banana Republic.


I doubt Biden would do this but IF he doesn't, Trump would, on the back of a dime.

Case closed.

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Damn straight he would!In a split second!

I say turn it on him!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 2

Biden must use this to get rid of Trump’s threat to our democracy. It will free Biden to use the presidential podium to beat up Trump every day, every minute and at every opportunity. He must do it. Or give up entirely. https://www.youtube.com/live/vtc_n4Tqr8k?si=uf81HQ6ESrbNU8iw

Biden on the court decision.

This is our last and only chance to stop Trump’s dictatorship. Use the power just was thrust on him Biden can use all that to push out Trump’s brand of extremism.

Biden must now step up to the warrior game. Trump and Putin both were acting with impunity because Biden has granted them that promise of safety net. They both were so immune because Biden assured them as such. Here at home and in Russia. Biden doesn’t have to suddenly mimic Trump and Putin. But he can stop being Biden who constantly reassured both men that Biden is too rational to harm their positions. Biden now can at least use this blanket immunity on official acts as a cover and project his power over these two cowards and take them down at their own games. Rattle and push them over the edge. He can give Ukraine more ability and also start a conversation as to how his responsibilities include protecting the country from a proven criminal. Biden should no longer have any restraint on calling out the two most dangerous dictators.

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And to be a democratic loving benevolent dictator who could restore and strengthen the constitution and democracy, redo the supreme court.

He should fix this one swoop, then have a new election (only democracy lovers) next year Nov.

Stay in power and fix!

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Cynical moves can be a very slippery slope, especially in defense of a criminal who openly defied the rule of law.

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Biden now would be following the ew rule from Justices. They gave him the power to fix things, if Biden has the determination. I hope he does not just roll over and say he can't do anything.

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After his humiliating debate, he should feel absolutely exalted to have this power. So he must use it to the country’s advantage. It will also teach the MAGAs that unlimited power is a danger to every one.

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Biden is now free to do the right thing! Biden may now stay in office with military support, be a democratic dictator by restoring strengthen democracy, holding a constitutional convention of top legal experts, hold no election till NEXT year Nov, but only with people who have proved they love democracy, and can take the Oath honestly, which Trump can't, and a Justice cannot give the Oath as they would aid/abet that evil. Biden must arrest the insurrectionist candidates (Trump, part of team, 2 supreme court justices under house arrest or more), have all news carry honest news, or get removed!

Biden should do this act and surprise them. They won’t let him win, look they Maga won every step of the way. The democratic strategies are not working, change course, be a moral President, but super tough.

Biden the court freed YOU to do what you want. Do the right thing, do what our founding fathers did make USA.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Biden has to use his newly strengthened authority responsible and justly for tje good of the country--not for pers0nal power or gain as Trump would do.

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We no longer have a two-party system. One said 'party' is the ongoing MAGA-Coup that not only refuses to play by the rules of Democracy, but are corrupt to the core.

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Can't Biden now over-ride the MAGA-House on whatever he and his team need to get done?

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"Executive Order!"

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Agree, Biden must act now. Every day that passes legitimizes their attempted judicial coup to get their leader in office and, then, rubber stamp his every move.

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Catch 22 SQUARED.

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Yes, it's that. Well put. It's either King Joe or Emperor Donald.

Something precious has been lost, but it's us or them.

Praying I'm wrong, but it looks like Civil War to me, and I'd rather be an existing government with inherent powers than an insurgency.

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Biden wouldn't follow Project 2025 - they're part of the problem. National security would have to be disciplined because there are already zealots working on the inside - military too. The wealthy folks are quite powerful, cleverly organized, and not friends of the people. This is a serious problem. Project 2025 people want to be the rulers, they will replace Trump before long.

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Actually think Trump would outmaneuver his $$$$$$-backers.

Autocratic power, once achieved, triumphs over wealth, imo.

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Patrick Henry in his "Liberty or Empire" speech to the Constitutional Convention in 1788 warned about the proposed constitutional powers granted to the minority and to the executive. He observed that a "Bad Man" could use the Executive Powers to control the Justice Department and the Military to install himself as King. Patrick Henry warned that the reliance on the Executive being a Good Man was not enough. He argued for majority rule and limited executive power.

Now we have the prospect of a Bad Man to return to control the Executive Branch of the Government. Who has stated clearly, over and over again, that he will use the Presidential power to prosecute his enemies. shut down media outlets that tell the truth and, like Putin, use the military and election processes for his own benefit. To become a King for life. Exactly what Patrick Henry warned us about 236 years ago.

Here's the link to his speech.


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If Donald gets back in the Oval he will use this Opinion for political cover. He won't need immunity from prosecution because he will control the courts. Including SCOTUS. And he will be able jail his opponents in the House and Senate. There will be no checks on his use of Executive Power.

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Steve, what a shame this ruling is! Our country fought a revolutionary war to eliminate a king, we fought a civil war so that the country “of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth”, and now this corrupt Supreme Court, with one ideological ruling gives us back a king who is above the law and tells us the country belongs not to the people but to the imperial king. What a slap in the face to every American who cherishes our democratic republic and its values. There is no sugarcoating this, we must use every legitimate tool in our arsenal to fix this ASAP. Sadly, only one party will oppose this monstrosity when we need everybody.

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We will probably need another "revolutionary war" to eliminate MAGA.

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…and what would a revolutionary war look like on the ground in blue states? Red states? Rural, small town and big city America? Would retirees Social Security and pension income be threatened? How about our grocery stores and fuel stations? Medicare recipients? I feel like the embodiment of Mad Comics Alfred E Neumann “What? Me worry?”

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We have a great deal to worry about. Americans might face the problems faced by others living in a war zone, famine, injury and death from weaponry, inability to travel, difficult access to drugs and medical care etc.

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It would be pretty ugly.

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They will be looking for us. We need to be able to track them down first.

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It also means that Biden can do the same!

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Except he would not. Nor would any other President in recent history. Even Nixon would not have ordered Seal Team six to assassinate. This is madness. The Supreme Court is corrupted. Because of Trump.

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Biden could hold to power, stop the election, be a benevolent dictator fix things hold a new election next year only with democracy lovers. I would trust Biden on this!

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Exactly. Anarchy and nihilism dominate when The Rule of Law has been rescinded.

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I don't think so! I think that this decision is a "one way street" for the MAGA's only!

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This is bullshit that we cannot institute a recall on this UnSupreme Court. We should not have to wait for the next election’s outcome to fix the problems with Trump’s lackey justices who shout flagrant partisan “FU” to the American people. I know you have expressed your regret over the ones you helped get confirmed. I believe you… What I can’t believe is that today’s SC is the vision our founding fathers had. If Presidents aren’t supposed to be lifetime appointments, why would we want our judges to be? I vote Blue up and down the ballot, regardless of candidate

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If our government was working as the founders envisioned, and patriotism as allegiance to the Constitution prevailed over partisanship, the six , sick, SCOTUS "justices" (what a laugh) endorsing this decision would be impeached and removed from office after conviction in the Senate.

They will live in infamy, an ugly stain on our history of moving slowly but steadily toward a greater democracy.

Shame on them. They are enemies. Pack the f'ing court. It is our only recourse, unless President Biden uses the power they have given him to order a hit on every monstrous leader of this disgusting movement to destroy our country.

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Our vote may not count, with the electoral college! Some states will overide.

Biden should just say he is staying in power and fixing the democracy, news, laws, etc. all by exec order. Whatever he wants, I trust him, certainly more than Trump.

We should have signs saying we want Dictator Biden to fix things and then return our democracy. He would!

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I no longer recognize the highest court as being Supreme. Forevermore, it shall be thought of as a political court of the Republican party. They have lost all credibility and no longer deserve the recognition of Supreme. They pick and choose a fragment of the Constitution to uphold instead of precedent or the document itself. To this political court the Constitution is as worthless as their rulings and will be overturned in time when honor and justice is returned to the highest court. These 6 right-wing justices of the 9 individual justices can no longer be trusted with guarding the laws of the land and interpreting the Constitution.

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I would not lump all nine together - only 6 - Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett.

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You are correct of course but I am afraid politics will always be part of the court from this day forward.

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They need to join Trump Nation of seceders from USA, get off OUR courts. Maga is taking over, we need to stop.

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What are the odds of Biden increasing seats.on the court...another 4 to match districts. I forgot if Congress has to do it....

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I am not a lawyer but I believe only Congress can increase the court.

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Plans to take Trump out, under the rationale that he poses an imminent threat to national security and domestic peace, could legitimately be inaugurated today, according to the cockamamie pseudo-judicial reasoning of the corrupt and sophistical Court majority in this ruling. And while Biden exercises his newly anointed powers, he could perform a twofer of an official act by permanently and existentially removing the totalitarian, forced-birth, Christo-fascist judicial theocrats responsible for this morally scrofulous beaut!

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Ooooo… “sophistical” — a new (to me) word. So appropriate! I love it 😍

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Oh, and another new one: scrofulous”. Gross, but spot on :-)

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Brave new world then, m F’ers. The Roberts court gave us this “wide open plain”, as you say Steve.

Now how can Biden use it to “fix” some things …?

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Chaos follows when civility, structure, and laws erode and then end. Dark days may lie ahead. Okay,, Biden trumps Trump and SCOTUS. Then what? Exactly. The game has exploded and nobody knows what tomorrow's rules may be.

Tragic day for our democracy. It's gone from the ICU to the cemetery.

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Nope dude,Say Hello to King Biden!

Tfg WOULD NOT HESITATE to lock Biden's entire family up,and then have them all executed.Yes he would and y'all KNOW IT!

So Biden should lock tfg up and throw away the key.He now has the power,and the immunity.Do it just to show them how goddamn stupid they look now.The gorilla in the room needs to be taught a lesson he will never forget.

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Very clearly, this is a slippery slope to hell on earth.

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All jokes aside,this is very frightening.

And seriously, I'm actually wondering how much greasing of palms did tfg do.

Tho Biden should really give all of them something to study on, because Biden would show restraint,but not tfg.He would burn down our entire country without a second thought.

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Intimidation is easier and cheaper than greasing the palms of the Supreme Six (aka the Six Shooters) as his Brownshirts —ooops, I mean his MAGA henchmen— are just itching to fondle and exercise their AK rifles

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Maybe this will be the straw that breaks the back of how far from democracy we have strayed. Could this be soooooo shocking that even some number of the uninformed people who blindly follow Trump will open their eyes? Could it be a blessing in disguise?

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No. Uninformed people who follow Trump will have no idea this even happened. If they did, they likely wouldn't understand it and/or care. They'll only pay attention to it if it's used against their adored leader.

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"No'? This is an unfortunately popular way to slam each other around, which should be limited to Trumpers.

Suggested rewrite: Uninformed people who follow Trump likely will have no idea this even happened.

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This will undoubtedly excite our base.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

EXCELLENT, Steve! Keep hitting MAGA and SCOTUS hard! This is the what we need to WIN in Nov.

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Today’s horrendous SCOTUS decision may work in Biden/Dem’s favour. Two types of justice - one for Trump; another for the rest of us? I’m thinking that won’t go over well with voters, and it’s all thanks to Trump.

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Yes, a potential silver lining for the Dems. The lousy Biden campaign needs to USE this.

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How do you square handing immunity to the Sentient Evil Hairpiece with taking power away from the Executive/Administrative state? I guess being a Roberts jurist means holding on two opposing lies at the same time. A Warren Buffet level investment by Leonard Leo, to be sure....

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Jul 2Liked by Steve Schmidt

The only dare left to We The People is the Ballot Box. SCOTUS has made this the only way past Donald Trump. They have dared US.

People only you have this power now .. only you and your vote.

It’s really quite that simple.


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Jul 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, I'm a paying subscriber out of gratitude for your work. There may be a small silver lining in this horrifying SCOTUS decision. If we're realistic, the only way to keep Trump from being re-elected is to offer a Democratic candidate that thousands of undecided voters will vote for - and in swing states. (That many Biden supporters say "Joe just had 1 bad evening, he can still do the job" is not so relevant - millions of people disagree and that number has grown since the debate.) With the Scotus decision, the stakes have just gotten much higher. So maybe this decision will increase the pressure on Biden to step aside - that's our only hope. It would be disruptive at first, but there are at least half-dozen Democratic governors who could step in and beat Trump. Biden cannot beat Trump. Focus4Dmocracy is doing a Zoom on Tuesday evening to share their plans for educating undecided voters in swing states to vote to save democracy. They have a very effective plan. Please register and attend - https://bit.ly/F4D2July BTW while I'm a lefty, my view of identity politics has evolved. I now feel that the constant talk about pronouns and bathrooms has lost the Democratic party a lot of moderate voters, I am not at all anti-LBGTQ but I don't think it needs to be discussed constantly in the liberal media. This has done more harm than good.

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I’m grateful for your support of The Warning, and for all of the work that you’re doing to ensure Trump is defeated. Unfortunately I have a prior commitment tomorrow night, but please do report back to our community about the event.


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Steve, I'm a note-taker, so here's my report. A very motivating event last night. The Focus4Democrac zoom opened with an appearance by Jamie Raskin who gave a rousing speech quoting Tom Paine and focusing on the need to keep fighting. F4D acknowledges the effect of Biden’s poor debate performance and the terrible SCOTUS decision on immunity. They didn’t take a stance on whether Biden should step down and let a different candidate run. Founder Aaron Frank said their focus on getting people to vote Democratic is not changed. The organizations they recommend have gained about 200,000 Democratic votes - many times more than the distance between Trump’s & Biden’s votes. One of the orgs they recommend is Accelerate Change which is fighting Project 2025, they have many media properties and aim to reach voters thru TikTok, etc. - that’s how many young people are reached. They track their results and have learned that re-playing Trump’s disturbing actions don’t necessarily help. They figure out how to reach people. They think they can reach 45% of voters. They’ve learned that talking about Biden’s age is not effective. They can win about abortion, reproductive freedom, Biden’s fight for working people, Rx drug coverage, etc.

The next org they recommend is Galvanize Action, which focuses on white women – a larger voting block then white men or black voters. Their digital ad campaign can move these women to vote for Democratic candidates. They look at at the percentage of moderate white women voters in Pennsylvania & Wisconsin, etc.

Jackie Payne From Galvanize - https://www.galvanizeusa.org/ - said extremists are trying to connect by scaring moderate white women, using the grievance narrative, focusing on fear and threat. It’s not very effective, they’ve found. Galvanize does extensive psycho-social research to learn these women’s core values and motivations. Moderate white women are concerned about economic security for their families and reproductive freedom. Galvanize is solutions-focused, they talk about things like capping the price of insulin.

Focus4Democracy’s founder, Aaron Frank, said there are a lot of ads out there, but most are not effective. They’ve studied them and tracked results. Frank talked about a cost-per-Democratic-vote and how donations to Accelerate Change or Galvanize are effective - $300 can get a Democratic vote, in contrast w/ other options that cost thousands per vote.

Jackie Payne from Galvanize said if someone takes Biden’s place, anything you donate to them would be moved to the new Democratic candidate.

Peter Murray, founder of the other recommended group, Accelerate Change - https://acceleratechange.org/about/ - talked about the randomized controlled trials they use that find out how many voters were swayed, due to their efforts. It was very impressive.

Ms. Payne of Galvanize said they’ve learned they have to be careful about how they criticize the Supreme Court, because people still want to trust the Supreme Court. So their messages are very carefully crafted - to focus on the outcomes that people want.

Anyhow, I’m totally motivated !! to donate to both Accelerate Change and Galvanize. Focus4Democracy does a Zoom every 2 weeks. They always have a “generous donor” offering a Matching grant. They raised serious money last night, but that won’t stop me from making my modest contributions. It feels good to take action!

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John Roberts has been complaining abou Americans losing respect for SCOTUS. He sided with the other five fascists in effectively granting a president dictatorial powers; their beloved "unified executive" is a euphemism for dictatorship.

Roberts is a scoundrel and will go down in history as the worst ever Chief Justice, heading the worst SCOTUS ever.

Now the Italian word VERGOGNA is appropriate. SHAME on them all for betraying their country.

SHAME on Thomas and Alito for failing to recuse themselves. But what could we expect from two such corrupt people in thrall to the Orange Fat Ass?

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Ooh nice tie-in to "Vergogna", maybe Martha Ann's flag should be posted outside the SCOTUS building! Till "whenever"

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