Thanks Steve, I’m putting this book on my reading list. And I agree, Russia has already lost, even if Ukraine can’t win the war outright.

Russia has lost their entire technology sector. They have a brain drain of talent that left the country. The military has shown itself a paper Tiger, and Putin sounds and acts more like Trump on a daily basis. The definition of a Pyrrhic victory.

As for Gaza, we’ve seen this movie before. The US revenge tour in Afghanistan and Iraq. We won every battle, installed a US friendly regime, and after ten years in Iraq; we failed. After twenty years in Afghanistan, we left with our tails tucked way up our a**!

And what did we have to show for it? Over 10k American dead. 50k American’s wounded, and a cost of over $2.5 trillion and counting. And we didn’t destroy ISIL, Al Qaeda or the Taliban. They are bigger and stronger today, than ever before.

So why should we expect anything differed from the Israeli’s? They’re using a page from our own playbook. Clear an area, and move on the next place; allowing the enemy to regroup.

This has remnants of Israel’s Lebanon invasion. They’d clear a city, leave a minimal force, and then Hezbollah would disappear, regroup in tunnels, and eventually ambush the Israeli’s after the Israeli’s believed they destroyed all of Hamas weapons and infrastructure.

And we all know how that war ended for Israel; not very well. High casualties, and the eventual withdrawal in despair. Please tell me what’s different in Gaza? Reports are confirming that Hamas is filling the vacuum in places Israel has said it already cleared. Expect ambushes through Hamas’s tunnel networks, and Israel eventually claiming victory, leaving Gaza worse off with no government to rule, and Hamas morphing into an even more dangerous entity.

Rinse, lather, repeat!….:)

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Robert you should check out a Substack called "Grumpy Combat Veteran". Did I tell you about him already? His name is Will Selber and He's a retired Major from the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and writes beautifully about both. He's highly intelligent and calls himself an intel-weenie. He has a lot to say and I've learned a lot from him already. I can send you a link if you'd like. He's helped me with my ptsd too.

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May 14·edited May 14

If we don’t win it outright in Ukraine it will be hard to convince Taiwan to fight the giant China. China is the menace supporting Putin, Iran and North Korea in the shadow calling it friendship with no end.

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I agree with you May. This is so far beyond my intelligence. I have subscribed to Humint already awhile back.

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Sometimes I wonder if the international problems of today wouldn't be as difficult for a JFK or FDR to handle?

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It's like a giant board game. Ten spaces forward, eight back. Meanwhile, the money is disappearing because of investments in property (think country) one doesn't own or maintain. It never ends well unless you're the greedy capitalist who scoops up all the money.

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