I wanted to share something beautiful, tragic, idealistic and hopeful with you.
Below is a song about American martyrdom. There are no villains on our National Mall. Courage, love, honor, duty, patriotism and all of the worthy virtues are what is remembered because they are enduring and true.
I have written about all of the men in the song: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. Understanding their lives is paramount in this moment of national doubt and crisis. Each was a giant figure, and they died young. Lincoln lived the longest at 56. JFK was struck down at 46, Bobby at 41 and King at 39.
In my opinion, this version below, sung by Marvin Gaye, is the most beautiful rendition. Listen to it when you can, then up the sound, and tune out the noise. There is great purpose in the right fights. Freedom is a worthy cause. Humanity is a worthy cause. Justice is a worthy cause. Peace is a worthy pursuit. Reconciliation over retribution is any easy moral choice. There is urgency in the cause of liberty. The advancement of freedom has come at a terrible cost. The price paid has purchased a right that should be treasured by all of us. It should be practiced by all of us, and remembered on this Super Tuesday.
Politics is about what is possible. It is about imagining something better for everyone. Understanding that there is great wisdom in believing a rising tide can lift all boats, while understanding that drinking poison and hoping an enemy will die, is foolish and self-defeating.
Optimism is the answer to disillusionment. Sometimes a song helps us remember that.
VIDEO COMMENTARY: Why Mark Cuban would never vote for Donald Trump
Billionaire entrepreneur and “Shark Tank” investor Mark Cuban said he’d vote for Joe Biden even if “he was being given last rites” before he voted for Donald Trump. Cuban has been critical of Trump and told Bloomberg that he planned on voting for his Republican opponent Nikki Haley in the Texas primary on Super Tuesday. But is Cuban emblematic of a larger trend of anti-Trump Republicans? Will they follow his stance and jump parties come Election Day? Or will they stay home and protest Trump by casting no ballot at all? I explain what this trend could mean for Donald Trump in 2024:
And Kyrsten Sinema has bowed out of a run for re-election. Please Arizona — spare the country Kari Lake as your US Senator. Let’s move forward with the idea of keeping lunatics out of public service.
Something I came across today that I wanted to share.
Here is Richard Nixon, in 1994, entirely predicting Putin. Nixon said if freedom failed in Russia, then what he called a New Despotism would arise. This New Despotism would bring with it Russian Imperialism that would pose a mortal danger to the world.
Sounds right.