Greatest country in the world? Sorry, it’s just not so. Divisions, hatred, bigotry run rampant. Gun violence rears its head and innocent Americans are slaughtered daily while bought and paid for politicians count their stacks of blood money from the NRA. Basic human rights are being taken away slowly but most surely, like the right to vote, or sovereignty over one’s own body.

The United States may have aspired to be the greatest country in the world at one time. It may even be again some day. But with the current and growing disparity between the haves and the have nots, with rampant white nationalism and amplified misinformation and outright lies, with denial of scientific facts and fundamentalist “Christian” movements that are hypocrisy incarnate, the US is anything but.

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Thanks Steve. It was inspiring to listen to Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation followed by your suitable update for our time. This was not just a polyanna proclamation but one that reflected truth in both recognizing the good in recounting our blessings but also sober in recognizing our imperfections. May we all do so today and many years in into the future together as one grateful nation recognizing that our strength comes from our diversity.

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Thank you Steve for another important historical reminder of what we need to honor and preserve our freedoms and responsibilities as citizens. I am grateful for your voice along with others who I turn to daily for insights and inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Thank you Steve for everything you have done and continue to do for our democracy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

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We are without a doubt the greatest nation in the world. Like every great nation throughout history, there remains some issues pretty much hidden until to rise of the MAGA movement. But now that they are exposed, we can and are dealing with them. The latest midterm elections are the beginning and proof of that. Although it may take generations to eradicate these previously hidden faults, they will be corrected. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Let’s not overlook New Zealand. Healthcare for all, no enemies, banned assault weapons within days of a mass murder, the greatest rugby franchise on the planet, great wine, friendly people, and, importantly no snakes.

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Happy Thanksgiving Steve. Thanks for publishing and reading this today. Thanks for all you’ve given to keep our country great. Thanks for your unwavering honesty.

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Happy Thanksgiving Steve and the Warning community of readers and fighters. We are blessed to be Americans, as Steve reminds us. We also have our demons, and Twyla points out have reared their ugly head of late and as Steve has pointed out, throughout our history. Though imperfect, I feel lucky to be American and cautiously optimistic about our future. A democracy depends on educated, informed and engaged citizens to actively participate. I hope our rent crisis has spurred many to get more involved. I know it has me.

I highly suggest folks who have the time step up and work as poll workers. In my county, there was an alarming shortage of qualified folks. During canvas, there was a protest against a person who voted impersonating his son. He said he did not realize this was improper and illegal. He had served as a CHIEF JUDGE during the primary. I knew they were desperate recruiting people, but I did not realize the situation was that bad. The quality of the poll workers, as well as the training given by the county Board of Elections, including clear instruction manuals, are absolutely key to pulling off excellence in American elections. Your election s should serve as the gold standard for democratic elections worldwide. THere's room for improvement, and I'm optimistic we will improve as we learn and more forward.

Our diversity is our second greatest strength, after our democracy. I can't think of another country with the combination of democracy and the amount of diversity that we have. This makes us special.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

First, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Steve. Hope you have a great day.

And thanks for what you do and for exposing the crazy GOP.

America was the greatest country when I was growing up, but we no longer lead the world in so many metrics that we used to.

My brother returned from two trips, one to Italy and one to Israel. The people of both those countries, think are country has gone nuts. They are terrified of what Trump would do to our country and the world if elected again.

We have our work cut out for all of us to restore our country’s democracy and reputation!

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I read Heather Cox Richardson’s wonderful “letter” last night and once again I learned so much. Thank you Steve for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving!

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I also am so grateful for The Warning and all you do to bring us the truth and the lessons ~ Happy Thanksgiving Steve to you and yours

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Thank You Sarah Josepha Hale, Abraham Lincoln, and all of those who persisted, who held our flag high and held the highest vision for our nation. Thank you Steve, Schmidt, and those in this community for your commitment to each other and to our country. Today is a day of deep Gratitude.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Steve. I’m with you that our country is the greatest place to be. I’d love to make everyone behave better considering we are in a war of some very modern type, we may be turning a corner and I’m full of gratitude for that as well. Have a peaceful day. 🍁

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Happy Thanksgiving, hugs and kisses to you all. Please continue to write essays that inspire us all and bring us together.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all, and Steve, thank you for bringing us together.

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Happy Thanksgiving Steve and family. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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