Thank you Steve, that was beautiful. The Carter's are what Christianity is all about. Btw, Jimmy Carter was the first president I voted for back in '76.

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I was one year too young to vote that year but voted for him in '80, what a disappointment that election turned out to be.

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Same with me—first President I ever voted for. And voted for him twice. Such a good Christian man, as was she. I give him no more than two weeks before he joins her. May she rest in peace until he does.

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Maria, he was the first President I ever voted for also. I was 20.💙💙💙

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We are the same age!

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Dear Steve,

Thank you kindly for your heartfelt and beautiful tribute to both Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter. They well-deserve the detailed honor you gave them, as we should also.

We are in great need in this country of their kind, loving and caring souls.

Thanks, Steve!!


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Surely they will each in their turn be greeted by their Lord,

“Well done, good and faithful servant!”

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Thank you Steve, I was chocked up reading your tribute to Rosalynn Carter. What generous and good people she and Jimmy Carter are. When the inevitable comparison between the Carters and the Trumps sneaks in and interrupts my grief and pure appreciation for Rosalynn Carter, my heart sinks even further.

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THE best. Not BE best.

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The commitment those two people displayed throughout their lives to each other, to the country, to decency, to their faith, I always found awe inspiring. Go rest high on that mountain Rosalyn. Peace and blessings to President Carter.

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Beautiful tribute to a woman of great principle.

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When I heard the news I was shocked how quickly it happened. I also said that Jimmy won’t be long now. I won’t be surprised to see the other First Ladies attend the funeral.

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Exept for Melania !

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Most definitely

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Thank you for this moving tribute. A First Lady of grace and compassion. What a gift she and Jimmy have been to our nation.

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She gave so much. Such amazing grace.

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Beautiful piece! May God bless.

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Thank you Steve.

A simple beautiful post. I daresay Rosalynn would approve❤️

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This essay is a lovely tribute to such a beautiful and devoted couple; a couple devoted not only to each other, but to public service. They will be missed.

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Your tribute to Rosalynn Carter is eloquent, honorable and heartfelt...much like her life. May she rest in peace and await reuniting with her husband. God bless.

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Thank you for this moving tribute to an inspiring person. Your words have transformed my experience this morning from the usual worries and rush to one of gentle appreciation for those who make our world a better place.

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hat a beautiful eulogy! Thank you....

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Well said Steve! As young man I failed to appreciate the Carters when they occupied the White House. But many years later and after a career in public service myself, I can’t say strongly enough how much I regret my lack of appreciation back then for their selfless public service. My perspective on the Carters has changed full circle. We have been blessed as a nation for the work the Carters did, including after leaving the White House. But more than that, we’ve been blessed by the example they set for us as to what servant leadership should look like. Compare the Carter’s’ words and deeds to those of so many in the public arena today. We should feel inspired by the Carter’s’ example and disgusted and appalled at what we have surrounding us now, especially the words and actions of the MAGAs. The Carters lived their Christian faith by their words and actions. The new Speaker of the House should study the Carters public service career if he wants to see what Christianity in daily life and in the public area should consist of according to Jesus. I would suspect that the Carters would reject what is oxymoronically called Christian nationalism espoused by many evangelicals as not being Christian at all. God bless the Carters. We will miss Rosalyn Carter, and prayers of comfort for Jimmy who we know loved her so deeply.


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You’re exactly right! The Carters set the bar so high that it’s doubtful anyone can match their achievements!

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The Carters would ABSOLUTELY reject the Christian Nationalism drivel of my supposed fellow Baptist Speaker Johnson. It is so far from the historic Baptist position on the separation of church and state, it is absurd. I cannot even comprehend how this garbage has infected our country. What was once a fringe, and yes loony, philosophy even in Christian circles is now being trumpeted by this powerful person as true. Saying that we were created to be a “Christian country” is historically, legally, morally and theologically wrong, dishonest and shameful.

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Beautiful Steve🙏

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