Tme is of the essence. Tomorrow will be only four weeks from election day.

Democrats and sympathetic Republicans must “flood the zone“ with condemnation of the flood of lies. President Biden should deliver a prime-time address to the nation. Some will condemn this as “election interference” but so what? Democrats need to stop fighting with one hand tied behind their backs. This is a “break the glass in case of an emergency” moment.

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President Biden, as Commander-in-Chief, should also invoke emergency powers to assume control of every state’s National Guard and deploy them at all polling places in the nation on the argument that Trump’s threat, including violence, to election integrity is both a real and urgent menace to democracy and freedom.

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Exactly! I thought it for the last election as well. They told us what they were up to, but we didn't listen. Why, I do not know. Hitler was elected to office.

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Glass was broken a long time ago…

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So now you believe he is winning? That we will soon be living a fascist nightmare? I wish you would transcribe his appalling hate and fascism from his rally. I can’t play the clips because I can’t stand to watch his twisted face and hear his loathsome voice. And the fact that fucking Elon Musk was there spreading his own brand of hate with sick lies WHILE collecting $15 billion in government contracts under the Biden administration is also appalling. Trump is lying about the disaster response, and Elon is blasting out disinformation on his platform to back up the lies.

If we get this guy again forever we are going to richly deserve it. If the majority of us wants this desiccated man and Ketamine Elon to be in charge of our lives, then we are already doomed. I’m fucking sick of everything we have been subjected to by Donald Trump for the last over NINE YEARS.

We all should be sick of it. It’s twisted and disgusting.

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You see it, I see it, the world sees it. Why can’t mAgats see it? I understand the wealthy see it but don’t care about it if it makes them more money. But the poor magat nimrods that keep sending him money and fervently support this shit, that’s crazy! I’m Bryan Fellow!!!

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Mark Cuban has tried to warn Elon that Trump will use him and take what he wants then toss him aside.

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Elon isn’t listening. And he is in a ketamine fugue. Elon doesn’t have any real character. He’s perfect for Trump, who has none, either.

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It is kind of strange. A crook is about to be handed the keys to the Treasury, Federal Reserve (write his own check), Defense Dept (nuclear weapons). Control over the lives of thousands of young men and women in honorable military service.

Promises to arrest and deport 20 million men, women and children, regardless of the harm. If he actually tries to do this, hundreds of thousands of people will die. And the economy will crater. Insane.

Hand Europe over to his pals Putin and Lukashenko and Orban. Millions will die.

Donald wouldn't qualify for a barber's license due to his stealing and sexual depravity. But he can weasel his way into the biggest job on Earth.

"Trust me!" says the lifelong criminal conman pervert.

(See "The Longest Con" for what MAGA is actually about. Money scam.)

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It’s insane. No one who votes for Trump would HIRE him, or want him anywhere near their children or daughters, but they want him to upend and ruin all of our lives for decades and decades to come.

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Donald is toxic and corrosive. Vote blue🇺🇸💙

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Thomas Jefferson — “You elect the government you deserve.“

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Thanks Steve! And see "The Longest Con" by Joe Conason. Look down on Trump World from 10,000 feet and you see all the signs, the red flags, of a huge money scam. Donald doesn't believe any of the shit he spouts. Project 2025 is a diversion. It is all lies in service of the con game. The goal, the purpose of MAGA is to put more money in Donald's pocket. Trump World-GOP-RNC-147 Congressional Objectors is all about the MONEY. If Donald gets back in the WH he will steal everything he can. And, like Putin, kill innocents to achieve his goal. More power. More money.

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Like Putin killing tens of thousands of his own young men and many more women and children and old people in Ukraine, Donald will have no limits. No scruples. No shame.

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Do not forget his revenge. It may take hold very early in his term. He will appoint an Attorney General on a temporary basis. All hell will let loose.

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"Project 2025 is a diversion.

I'm not so sure. Lately I've been wondering if TFG isn't a diversion for Project 2025. Project 2025 is 920 pages of carefully thought out policy built over 50 years of Heritage Foundation brainstorming and work. The only thing TFG has ever worked on is his golf game and he hasn't even done a very good job at that. His own brainstorming resulted in Jan. 6. The Heritage Foundation is a group of deeply conservative Christians who believe they should rule the world, or at least the USA. TFG has no spiritual beliefs whatsoever - he is his own doG. So who is zooming who here?

VP hopeful and TFG running mate Shady Vance is the author of the foreword to Kevin Roberts’s book, Dawn’s Early Light. Coincidently Roberts is also the chief architect of Project 2025. I doubt very much that the Heritage Foundation gives a flying fuck in a rolling donut for TFG at all except as a vehicle to take the White House. Consider this: TFG wins the election and is elevated to the WH throne. He will do all kinds of wild $hit right from the git go. He has said he will and I believe him. VP Shady Vance drops the 25th amendment on TFG. TFG's cabinet is in on the plan and before TFG can $hit or go blind, he is out of office and Shady Vance becomes president. And Shady Vance is the Heritage Foundation's boy and takes his orders from them.

Probably a pretty far fetched scenario, but not any more far fetched than the crap that QAnon spouts all day every day.

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Donald is well aware of the money grabbing opportunity for him and his family if he can control the Treasury and the Federal Reserve. Imagine if Donald got his hands on the $100 bill printing presses!!! (Actually it's easier than that. He can just control the Fed's balance sheet and transfer a $ trillion or so to his own account. Donald can call the money transfer "official presidential business" and claim immunity!)

Former Ukrainian President Yanukovich stole $100 Billion from his government.


Putin and his oligarch network has stolen $1 Trillion from his citizens. The Magnitsky Act is working overtime to stop them. And the mass media press fails to inform Americans. Bot and pd for?


Britain and the US help launder the oligarchs' ill gotten billions.


And see Anne Applebaum's "Autocracy, Inc." Musk and Murdoch and their pals are out to destroy self rule and human rights. In America and worldwide. It's not paranoia if they are actually out to get you. And these guys are out to get Democracy.

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I think you have it right, although I would contend that trump is Project 2025's diversion and useful idiot. Vance is far more cogent than trump and if he is elevated to President under the 25th amendment, I believe he will want to be in more control than to just be a puppet for the Heritage foundation. And then there is always this, if trump is ousted, his Magat's will riot. They may accept Vance as VP but not pres.

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Is all this shit just some fun times for billionaires. With the knowledge of manipulating people, let's see if we can totally shift an election, right in front of their eyes. They already got their money - what else might be fun?

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With T**mp, it’s ALWAYS about the money.

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And the POWER...

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As I wrote in an earlier susbtack concerning DonOld’’s decline: “I’m sure that Vance must be whistling Dixie, as he envisions having to serve under Trump for a few months only if the latter wins, when the backroom boys tell him that it’s time to invoke the 25th. He’ll then be the puppet of the sycophants and Project 2025 will become the new way of life in America. This is not a fictitious scenario. Disregard at your own peril.”

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It is not curious to me that I have seen the very same as you. However, it is curious to me that I also have seen something that is rarely spoken of. I have summed it up on what is now four separate Substack newsletters in almost as many days. In their comments section using the very same words. It is also curious that the very same words are an appropriate reply to four separate essays by four different writers. They are these.

"Had Trump been properly dealt with over the past four years and more recourses went to dealing with this voter suppression issue, we would not be having this conversation."

The thing I have seen that is rarely spoken of is the failure to adequately act, that is for our countries critical thinking leaders to take the necessary actions to rid us of a dangerous fascist domestic terrorist, traitor and enemy. And all that are in league with him, from every single traitor in Congress to the Supreme Court to and then some. All that has happened and all that is being spoken of here in this piece has been allowed. I am sick to my stomach over it. It did not have to go this way.

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Instead of Trump being locked up, he's the GOP nominee; he's out there right now creating mayhem/lies about migrants and a lack of disaster relief aide to the worst hit places by Helene. Safe-guarding the capitol on J-6 all but failed, the justice system is almost too late in dealing with Trump. Global Democracy is on the line because he wasn't properly dealt with years ago.

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"the justice system is almost too late in dealing with Trump."

Lisa it seems to me that the justice system as a whole has been completely MIA about dealing with TFG.

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Lately whenever I take the time to see who made a comment I admire it turns out it’s an over 65!!! Too bad no one listens to us.

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I am in total agreement. It is no accident we are here, but rather a string of inactions reflecting a paralyzed society. Frozen, numb, hoping to be rescued.

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Following is a link to the Hartmann Report today (how trauma over Covid plays into the MAGA-Cult: https://hartmannreport.com/p/trumps-death-cult-how-the-trauma-8e6

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Thank you for posting the URL. I’d not heard about the Hartman Report. Being part of this substack is highly informative and very often thought provoking.

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You're welcome. I was likely introduced to Hartmann on this forum, too :-)

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Absolutely, Covid made people make hurtful choices and things never got back to normal even though we voted the monster out of office. So many have ptsd.

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A little bit of truth! This torrent of lies by the three shitheads over the weekend by Traitor Trump, Just Dumb (JD) Vance or whatever the hell his name is?, and newly joined traitor conspirator NAZI Elon Musk! Some call these clowns the Three Stooges but the original stooges were my favorite show growing up! By the way, I talked with my cousin yesterday who lives in the bullseye of a now Category 5 hurricane and FEMA is already set up in her neighborhood!!!

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Launch the paper towels!

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Maybe he’ll toss toilet paper this time.

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Maybe he still has a pallet of Trump Water he can donate to his humanitarian efforts. I just hope he doesn't clock some little old lady in the head when he starts flinging those bottles out to his crowd.

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I am 77 years old, have been through many elections, have seen some threatening things, but never, never anything like this.

There is evilness at work, among the sophisticated , greedy cabal propping him up and the ignorant, self aggrieved who follow him like the pied piper, too lazy to question the “perfect answers for their perfect world” he espouses.

Fear has taken me to a life disrupting place, leaving me with little but hope.

I am writing postcards, donating what I can when I can as a senior on a fixed income and invading my friends’ Facebooks with warnings.

Beyond that, I would say, “Pray to the god your choice we will be released from this horror and will begin to heal.”

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I am with you 100%. As a 70 year old, I am heartbroken that we have lost so much that we have previously fought for.

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I was going to say Amen but “yes indeed” is a better choice as a response .

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I see an Orwellian nightmare coming that there a no words yet invented to describe. Your Warning must be shared widely. With Trump’s rapid deterioration and fuckery there should no longer be anyone on the fence.

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I feel the coming storm. It’s in my bones. It’s in my brain. I’m afraid for our country if Trump is elected or loses. Either way he will have his armies to fight and kill anyone who is in his way to victory. Does he have his own electors to protest the real electors? I have read that he and his gang have plans to fight

if he loses this time. He can’t win, he has to go away.

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As I sit in my house waiting for yet another hurricane to cause great damage to SWFlorida, I take great pride in knowing that my Congressman Byron Donalds voted against more funding for FEMA/s! Seriously these azzhats here in Fort Myers love this guy and will reelect him again as they clean up and repair their homes from the storm.

PS, I live in an evacuation zone and I can't tell you the number of Trump flags and signs I see in this area. Bet after the fact they will blame it all on Biden/Harris and scream because they can't afford home owners insurance

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That Johnson considers himself a good Christian is an insult to atheists everywhere. /s

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I have thought the same thing. What a phony Johnson is.

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Bone chilling is right -- all the clips you showed. I hope everyone who loves liberty will follow Michelle Obama's directive to "do something." I'm making calls for the Harris campaign, donating to the swing state races, and sending your and Heather Cox Richardson's blogs to my friends and family. Thank you for your voice!!!

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Regarding Musk stumping for Trump last weekend, in my book that makes Musk MAGA.

That makes every Tesla owner MAGA too.

If you own a Tesla and are not MAGA: immediately, if not sooner, sell your car. And never again buy a Musk product.

If you are an X user and not MAGA, stop using the service.

Boycott any and all Musk products (including "X" and Tesla).

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I have a friend who has a Tesla… she put a bumper sticker on it that says “I bought this before I knew he was an asshole.”

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Damn tooting. Good idea.

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Musk is the Henry Ford of our generation.

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Unless somehow the message gets through to the professional class including comfortable whites, but more critically the many Asian and Latino communities who think they will be spared, think again. I’m warning you, as a white woman with years of watching and listening. Deportation may be in your future, especially if you’ve engaged in businesses disfavored by the Nazis.

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In Lee, the movie about Lee Miller, WWII photographer, she says during a later years interview that when Hitler was rising, it didn't feel real. People didn't suspect how bad it could get, and even as they saw what was coming, it felt surreal. Now we know. Mystery solved. America is not exceptional, it's a never ending battle between good and evil, and it is exhausting.

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I'm a Canadian, Montreal. I have been watching this go on since the beginning when Trump came down the escalator...What I think happened to me was I could not believe for one second that people would take him seriously considering the almost daily antics he pulled, then the court cases he lost, then the stories coming from some of his closest colleagues. What the HELL HAS HAPPENED??? Merrick Garland, paralyzed with ???? fear???? threats to family and friends??? I keep waiting for something to "crack"...Jack Smith seems to be our only hope but it also seems A LOT TOO LATE!!! I, too, feel sick...I cannot watch him or listen to his voice. How was this allowed to happen???

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I share your grief, mainly due to my reluctant realization that too many people are capable of evil. I don’t know if trump is the next Hitler, but I do know the foundational ignorance that will allow it to happen is already here. When you couple morons with fear and oligarchs who only care about cutting their own taxes and regulations, over half the US is implicated, suggesting our experiment has an end date.

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I'm currently watching "How the Nazis Lost the War." It's on Prime (free on Freevee). It is an absolute blueprint for what's happening with Trump and his minions. Episodes 3 and 4 are blowing my mind. It was made fairly recently...2020. It's incredible, if chilling, viewing.

A lot of this I knew, much I didn't. Like did anyone know that Hitler had woefully underdeveloped genitals, according to his records as a WWI soldier? As Freud said, "anatomy is destiny." Great watch!

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There is an "Unstacked" post from Substack itself that offered various takes on the VP debate. That means there were voices there from both sides, where I really came face to face with men and women trying to make their MAGA case. In short, the women seem terrified of the immigrant rape stories (even though they're singular cases thousands of miles away from them), and the men have that type of rage unique to incels. One guy actually said he had proof that Harris never actually prosecuted a single case, but of course he didn't say what that proof was. He also said she had no qualifications to be president.

And this was a serious guy. Decent writing, although there was hate in every sentence.

The failure of imagination by the Dems as to what has been coming has been their (our) tragic flaw. One night, before the 2020 election, Bill Maher had a guest who was hired by the Dems to review and present all possible outcomes for a Biden win (like what should we do if Trump simply doesn't leave the White House?).

This advisor said that, without fail, every time his team presented a scary scenario, the Dems would say, "Oh, that would never happen." He said they had too much faith in the strength of the system, instead of understanding the fragility of democracy and what we were really facing.

But I'm to blame, too. Why didn't I show up at my representatives' offices and ask face to face what they were doing about the electoral college, about the Senate imbalance (leading us to be ruled by the minority), about the wealth gap? I've been a poor citizen and that's on me.

I pray Harris wins so that I get a second chance to do better. I will not be the same Mary Ann going forward. Should the Dems win, this time I want RESULTS, not business as usual, where I will say (to quote Harris), "Tell me what you are doing about this TO MY FACE." The Dems have allowed the wealth gap to absolutely destroy the middle class. Why? Explain that, bub, or ma'am. This time, I'll want answers and ACTION.

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With the Supreme Court in Trump's pocket, that should be the first thing to correct. They will destroy our country and not even care.

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They have their talking points, but someone didn't tell Trump. They want to talk about the future, yet Trump has no plan he wants to talk about (because he knows people will not like the Project 2025) except that he is a victim because he is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Lies, conspiracy theories, bigotry and violence are his plan and his minions kiss his ass and go along with him. Trump is demented. Either he has dementia or his age is simply making him feeble minded (I go with the last). What is so despicable is that so many are afraid to go against him, just in case he gets re-elected, they will do and say anything. If he loses he WILL start some kind of war because all the lies he has told will spur his followers on. They are not patriotic Americans, they are loyalist to Donald Trump. DONALD TRUMP DOES NOT REPRESENT THE UNITED STATES. He represents an old man who does not like to lose, and who is afraid if he doesn't get into office he will go to jail for the crimes he has committed (and there is enough evidence, not made up, to support that). Trump has sold out our country for personal gain, and there is no doubt he will do it again. He is a danger to our liberty, and out future.

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