Jan 5, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

And this is why I watch Nicole Wallace and read Steve Schmidt! Thank You!!

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Stephanie Ruhle is by all accounts of those who know her a very nice person, fun to be around, kind and caring, a good mom. She was a capable business reporter when she was doing that on CNBC and then on MSNBC, because that is where her experience is - she worked on Wall Street and knows that swamp. But unlike Ali Velshi, who came from the business reporting side at the same time, she is not that knowledgeable about politics in any deep way, and it shows, every night. She is way out of her depth. If they were going to elevate someone to replace Brian Williams, it should have been Velshi, the James Brown of Cable TV News ("The hardest-working man" in TV).

You were right to partner with Nicole on the McCain campaign. She is "one smart cookie" when it comes to politics. I never miss her show, because she brings both breadth and depth to her knowledge. As they say, "Experience matters!"

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

This is your best, ever. "Posterity! You will never know, how much it cost the present Generation, to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make a good Use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it." (John Adams) And: "The Syrian civil war offers a pristine example of the dynamic at hand. Occasionally, Al-Qaeda factions and ISIS factions have fought and killed each other. When they fight, it doesn’t make one side the “good guys” and the other the “bad guys. They are all bad guys." (Steve Schmidt) P.S. The "rare hybrid solar eclipse" analogy is hilarious!

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Steve, spot on again with your analysis. And you called this long ago. Soooo, what does your Political Magic 8 Ball say about who will be the speaker? Is there any hope of the few R's who care about getting stuff done would vote for a non-R in the house (currently)? what are the odds for Fred Upton? Justin Amash? Hakeem Jeffries? Just think-- those few decent R's could get plum assignments from Jeffries. And he's pretty moderate by D standards.

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Watching this implosion by the GOP is one of the best things I’ve seen since the debacle and lose by the orange sweaty monster. The inevitability of it and the sheer stupidity writ large is a relief to those of us who recognize that we have been traumatized and held hostage by the insane. Let it go on for as long as it takes, long enough for everyone to admit that the GOP is a swarming mass of MAGAots trying to sneak away from their much deserved public karma. Even the media will have to stop calling for the Republicans to ‘act as if’ they have come to a logical conclusion, something they are COMPLETELY incapable of and long past that point. At the same time, let’s not start blaming the democrats for not fixing this situation and hope that they can make the offers Steve’s suggested but without a guarantee that the loonies are going to cooperate or keep their word. In the end it will all be on the shoulders of this fallen and destroyed party of soulless jackasses.

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Very frustrating that if my New York hadn’t fallen for Republican BS we wouldn’t be going through this nonsense and perhaps the crazies would be gone for good

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Ruhle's comments suggest that by her logic, that Democrats should likewise be voting for McCarthy since the House cannot function without a speaker. As we know from Schmidt's earlier suggestions of Dems compromising with moderate Republicans, there are more fitting solutions that will leave the nut jobs opposing McCarthy from having any power in the House. And neither involve giving the incompetent and man with the morals of a weasel the Speaker position, as well as becoming second in line to take over the Presidency should the need arise...

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Steve, personally I don’t think God gives a shit.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

Steve, excellent political analysis. My only concern is the example of the war in Syria. You write:

>> They are all bad guys, and the right answer regarding who to root for in that fight is this: root for both sides to kill each other. Let God sort it out. 

If the problem was just the “bad guys”, that would be one thing. But your stance is extremely myopic. Add to this the innocent civilian population and the opportunity of growing more hatred and incivility in a country torn by war which spills over into other countries, the weapon suppliers who are happy to make a profit, etc, it is clear that “laissez-faire” actions can have their own negative consequences. Many American people don’t feel a connection with the Syrian people like they do with Ukraine, but they hurt just as badly when children are killed, families torn apart and displaced and the civilian casualties keep mounting. Perhaps when people create such a mess, God would like other people to help sort it out. That is why organizations like the UN should be overhauled. Read more about the Syrian Civil War at:


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Thank you for taking us beyond the mediocrity and simplicity of not truly understanding what unfolds before our eyes. I learn a lot through your writings.

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To those who are referring to 'Karma' and 'God to Fix this': If G.O.D. is 'Good Orderly Direction', which it is to me, then you make a point here. The scientific laws of cause and effect do seem to be at play. Otherwise, I don't feel, at all, that terms like 'karma' are fitting, or that we should ask some personified God to fix anything! We made this mess and it is up to us to fix it. We need to repudiate all seditionists in order to move on, as N. Zampierollo states. We need to get dark money out of politics. We need to see what social media algorithms and cult indoctrination has done to the minds of the citizens in this country. We need to fund quality education. Separation of church and state -let's walk our talk. Let's address the CAUSES of this mess so we can get a better EFFECT! Thanks.

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As is SOP for Republicans, they’re looking to the Dems to repair the damage they’ve done. No.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

Nicolle Wallace and you, Steve, were much younger when you both crossed paths in politics. You have stood together against the ups and downs and turmoils of politics, and you have both left the Republican Party for what is expressed in this essay succinctly.

I would urge everyone reading The Warning to listen to both Nicolle Wallace and Steve, for they lead the way for America from a different perspective, a renewed one. I have not watched Deadline White House in a long time, nor did I see Stephanie Ruhle's interview last night. I like Stephanie, so I will not comment. What I wish for her is the same I wish for Nicolle, interviews. With Republicans. Echo chambers are not the way to better politics.

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Steve, thank you for assembling particularly cogent takes on the split among the bad guys - morally empty establishment vs. ignorant populism (see the knowledge/education-snubbing Boebert as spokesperson). I feel emotionally disconnected from it all since the election. I live in the Catskills and work at the polls. Republicans here vote religiously for Republicans, cynically noting that they'll get nothing resembling actual representation in Congress. Between the seat losses upstate and the debacle in Nassau County, Tim Miller is right. Republicans voted for all the chaos, chicanery, treason, and criminality in the current House majority, with not one problem solving leader among them.

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Let the fascists fight it out, and dig their own graves. The longer this sordid public spectacle continues, the deeper the hole for burying the corrupt corpse of the Republican Party.

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I agree with your assessment, let them kill each other and let God sort them out. I am cynical because the likes of McCarthy, Biggs, Boebert and Jordan do not inspire a more perfect union. They inspire greed, graft and disfunction. Now that we have come to the conclusion there are no good options for Speaker on the Republican side of the house, we have to pick the best of the worst options, Someone who will not disgrace the office with lies and partisanship. Who they choose needs to be able to reach across the isle to get America's business done.

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