I can only hope that the pic is truly representative of the body politic.

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I was thinking the same thing.

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And I’m not sure it is. Given the crowds at the State Fair, this seems an anomaly.

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Oh please God, 🙏 let this be an accurate portrayal of the American people’s feelings about these MAGAs!

Let the election in 2024 be a MASSIVE repudiation of the Magapublican party. May every evil one of them be voted out of office! And may Trump be disqualified to even be on the ballot.

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I saw this last night. I laughed. Then I studied it a bit longer. Hard to zoom in on his face, but it is obvious this is not what he expected, but exactly what he deserved. Nice to know that this image will be everywhere over the next few days and he will not be able to run from it. Yes, there will be outrage, yes there will be spin, but as the saying goes-it is what it is.

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Susan, that’s the beauty of this photograph. No words are necessary. It’s complete.

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It looks like he’s shoving a giant turd into his ear with his thumb.

Just try to unsee that now.



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Aimed towards the wrong facial feature.... his open orifice would be more appropriate

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Only then it would be going the wrong way.

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CNN showed Trump getting cheered as he walked through the crowd. I hope the picture you shared is more accurate. It angers me that just like Trump’s first run for President, he is being allowed too much coverage by the media. I believe it actually helped his campaign then and will help him again. Today, we are constantly bombarded with Trump’s high poll numbers. We all have learned that poll numbers are seldom accurate. I have never been asked to participate in a poll! I truly believe that the majority of people do not want a Trump presidency. I hope I’m right. Thank you for your excellent commentary. I look forward to reading it each day.

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Truly that horrid man is again getting too much coverage is the media, and truly that’s what got him elected in 2016. As to whether he was dissed by the crowd, here is a different story:


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Sep 10, 2023
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You are likely correct, I just looked it up and found this:

‘Many years ago it was a regular newspaper, but now it's mainly a gossip rag that makes up sensationalist stories about anyone who's well known, such as The Duchess of Sussex. In order to get clicks to sell their advertising, they either twist or completely make up stories to suit a gullible readership.’

I should delete that reference, but I can’t edit my posts, I can only delete the whole thing

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It’s a right wing British tabloid. Don’t believe anything in it.

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Agree with you. The breathless media covered his every move in 2016. Dejavu all over again.

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Mainstream media are addicted to him. Giving him oxygen with no limits. Turn the O2 valve off

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Agree! we go again CNN and others giving free air time to a grifting con-man running for president. So disappointing.

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He gets way too much media coverage because medIa is a whorish game. Go for the short term revenue

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That is what I do every time I see a trump sign or flag in my area.

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Me too!

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Me too!! It's the only salute that bastard deserves.

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And when the hotel in Penna Av in DC was his, any trip home into DC from VA involved that for the entire block it occupied! I felt better especially when he resided [he never “lived” here - never went to anything local] in DC.

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I have a favorite two-word phrase I use. Second word is "you."

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Me too 😂

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A photo is worth a thousand words. Let’s see more negative coverage of Trump instead of hearing about his poll numbers. I am disappointed with the media coverage of him. Complete burn out. This has been eight years of nonsense and living hell. As a nation, we need to move on and become better people.

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"I am disappointed with the media coverage of him. Complete burn out. This has been eight years of nonsense and living hell"

I agree 100%🤬. I can't even remember what it was like to not be constantly stressed about Trump.😱

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100% AGREE

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I loathe him with every ounce of my being. God help us that there are still people who will vote for him.

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It’s the entire MAGA Party that is doing damage. Loathe them all too.

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That is the amazing and frightening thing: the number of mindless idiots among us.

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Raising kids just like them, too.

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Steve, yes, photography is incredible. Who said a picture is worth a million words?

Eddie Adams took one shot and the Vietnamese war ended. One shot, and Eddie was risking his life - walking backwards, shooting as he walked.

One shot - of one shot - on the street, and a disastrous undeclared war ended.

Can you find a more powerful, more effective, more spontaneous photograph?

In black and white, a 35 mm picture. Nikon loved that shot. Banked Eddie in their best ever after.

ALS took Eddie in 6 months. He did not know what he had.

Another shot: the great, modest man from MLB, Lou Gehrig saying goodbye in Yankee Stadium. ALS again. After a career that will not be matched.

Another, Stephen Hawking thinking. ALS again. In black and white.

A picture can end a war.

We need a cunning photographer to shoot TFG. We need Trump in a bathing suit on the beach. In the shower with wet hair.

We need Tucker at his most private moment. Guess why,,,

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“The Great Reveal” or “The Picture Heard ‘Round The World”

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I was just thinking of the Adams photo; truly extraordinary and heartbreaking beyond words. This one is actually quite hilarious but has a similar meaning: an accurate portrait of the zeitgeist.

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Well actually this is what those MAGA diehards do to America when they display their support for Trump. It is what the six Republican candidates did to America when they said they would support Trump if he was the Republican Presidential candidate. It is what Jim Jordan and Bob Cormer do to America with their committee leadership. It is what the congress and senate did with their delaying of electoral votes did . It certainly is what Jan 6 insurrectionists did to America.

I want Trump on the ballot, then I want America to decide who we are and what believe. I want and need to see Trump get his 20,000,000 or so MAGA votes and for Biden to get 150,000,000 votes. It is what we need to get our country back on track. If it is a squeaker then we are destined for further decline and division and a country that is no longer anyone’s shining beacon. We will fall into the Putin oligarch model and end up dust in the wind.

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I love this reply!!! 1000 Times Yes!! I think 150,000,0000 votes would finally shut them up. I firmly believe - especially watching voting in deep red states countering republican’s constant attempts to end abortion rights - that this country has had it. We are sick and tired of all their lying and duplicity. But the good news is, now we’re mad. And we vote. 😎

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Thank you Karen

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Exactly James. MAGA should be rebranded as the Fuck You Party, and part of the satisfaction of that photo is the Double Fuck You back atcha. Even more so, it’s the fight back spirit that’s missing in the impotent Democratic response to this hostile takeover. Anybody here not feeling good about it?

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I’m not feeling good about it.

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Thank you Forrest!

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James Towner: Excellent comment. Just one correction... I believe you’re referring to JAMES Cormer of Kentucky, not Bob.

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Right. Thanks🤪

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Donald Trump went to that game thinking he was going to be adored. I guess they fooled him.

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If the Heartland of America is giving trump the 'F' you, then it must mean he's not nearly as adored as he was in 2015 by the minority of US voters.

I do not know where these polling numbers are coming from showing trump v. Biden as a toss up. The indicted Impeachment candidate is a dumpster fire and will be flaming out as his trials get going.

How or why anyone gives this pile of shit any money to continue his campaign of terror is a complete mystery to me.

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You have the rich who think he's going to make them richer then, of course, the angry and dispossessed who think the economic changes in their lives, the loss of decent union manufacturing and assembly jobs, are the doings of one man or one party who set them up for globalization and trump is going to fix it, when in truth he wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

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Trump didn't help anyone except himself, his family, the wealthy individuals and corporations!

His MAGA rally followers don't have any idea how little he respects them.

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Same reason people empty their wallets for Bible thumping fake preachers. Relieves them of the basic need to “think,” if they are fed nonstop mental junk food. Makes life easier... no reason to reflect or ask questions

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Great point! Unconditional support for the orange buffoon is typically characteristic of cult members! Logic and truth aren’t factors!

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Sep 10, 2023
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The MSM is focused on Biden’s ‘unpopularity.’

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Well, my first thought these days is, “Is this a real or doctored image?” It this case, it doesn’t matter, I like it anyway and hope more and more people will wake up to the truth and exit the cult before the next election.

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My first thought as well, Pam.

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I like the guy was giving him two fingers, one for himself and the other for all the rest of us.

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It is another indication of our civil divide. Two Americas: one based on the constitution, truth and a believe in the common good. Then there is the alternate reality based on "alternative facts", bluster, lies and retribution. Both worlds raise their middle finger at the other as this picture illustrates.

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This photo does not represent the general reception or predominantly positive vibe that greeted Trump. I wish it did. There is good reporting on Trump’s, DeSantis’, Ramasmarmy’s visit available at The Des Moines Register online. This perennial game was marred by the presence of these three despicable men.

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To Tom Stephenson: Thanks for referring us to the Des Moines Register. I went to their website and started reading their coverage of tRump et al and their appearances at the football game and elsewhere.

I kept scrolling down and came to a guest column/opinion piece by one Jesse Green, who is an Iowa state senator.

He proceeded to make his case why tfg is NOT the candidate for POTUS. He does praise his accomplishments during his term in office. And as a true red, white and blue Republican, he slams President Biden for his failed policies. He then goes on to explain why he feels the orange man is not the man for Iowa this time around.

While it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words, or maybe a million words, sometimes less than 400 words (just a guesstimate... I didn’t count them) can paint a picture.

Green then writes that there ARE plenty of well qualified Republican candidates running for president. But when he then says that two of them are Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, I realized that Senator Green has shit for brains.

Tom, I agree with you that while Steve’s photograph of tRump being flipped off, while it started my Northern California Sunday off with a bang, it does not paint a picture of how middle America feels.

Sorry people, the 2024 election is not going to be as easy as giving the orange monster the finger. It’s going to take a lot of hard work.

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At first thought, I perceived that maybe, just maybe, there are more “woke” people than MSM is promoting. Like these polls that purportedly show Biden & the Orange Mussolini in a dead heat (emphasis on the DEAD). MSM is not very good when it comes to that (used to be) famous sign-off by a certain journalist on a major 📺 network when he said; “And that's the way it is (paraphrasing of course)…

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One of my all-time favorite photos

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Eddie was my photographer. We did a book together. His workshop educated hundreds.

Few better. None nicer.

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SB Lewis thank you for sharing

Your respect and esteem for

The talented Eddie’s photos

And your comment of..

Few better.none nicer. Kudos

You’re a treasure🌹Marsha

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Marsha Shalloway, Eddie softly remarked when increasingly unable to manipulate his Nikon equipment, what’s wrong with my hands? He was worried. His ALS was quick. A wonderful man. Incredible loss.

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