Pence got that same advice earlier from Eric Herschmann; the same Whitehouse lawyer who told Eastman to find a good lawyer. Ironically, Pence didn’t he’d that advice until it came from Quayle...:)
Pence got that same advice earlier from Eric Herschmann; the same Whitehouse lawyer who told Eastman to find a good lawyer. Ironically, Pence didn’t he’d that advice until it came from Quayle...:)
Pence got that same advice earlier from Eric Herschmann; the same Whitehouse lawyer who told Eastman to find a good lawyer. Ironically, Pence didn’t he’d that advice until it came from Quayle...:)
Dan, a good man and fellow "christian." Herschmann; Jewish.
Hey, I resemble that remark; being Jewish that is, but fair point...:)
Yeah, me too and I can't but help make that observation. I hesitated to post this, but it seems obvious.