We wish peace, but we wish the peace of justice, the peace of righteousness. We wish it because we think it is right and because we are not afraid.

— Theodore Roosevelt

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Excellent. Thank you for sharing it.

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“History never forgets.” Thank you, Steve. After we crush MAGA, I’ll write a letter to my future grandchildren explaining what happened and ask them to pass it down to their children. As my dad’s stories from World War II fighting in Europe did for me, eyewitness accounts leave their mark. I’m looking forward to watching a glorious 3 days in Chicago, which will hopefully be as Steve predicts the beginning of the end for Trump/MAGA. We’ll fight to and through the end. Whatever it takes. Thanks Steve for your insight, activism, and encouragement.

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What a wonderful idea your letter to your future grandchildren about what a grotesque episode the Trump era was for America. This special gift will be cherished not only by them but also by their future progeny. I applaud this initiative.

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Elizabeth, so beautifully said - often wish I had asked my Dad and Grandfather more questions. How wonderful that your Dad had the foresight to give his account.

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Thank you for your hope and encouragement Elizabeth. 💙💙💙

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Like you, I'm also looking forward to the DNC.

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You are so right about Lindsey Graham, and so right that people will totally forget what he did. What a pathetic and revolting human being, yet he will pay zero personal or political price for his embarrassing, dangerous and creepy "Trump period." What a weak , gutless and transparently shallow person he is. Our complete ability to forget (Covid 2020 anyone?), is a terrible flaw in the American, and I guess human, character. It really is. For tribal America in particular, I know that is true, but it still infuriates and saddens me.

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I just saw Lindsey the weasel on television spouting that his dear leader needs to talk policy to beat Harris! What policy little weasel like becoming a dictator, huge taxes on goods called tariffs, more tax cuts for the rich, Project 25? Little Lindsey is a traitor fool!!!

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I wonder if Lindsey's friendship with John McCain was real, or was Lindsey just using McCain to get ahead in the Senate. If it were not for McCain, Lindsey, like so many other senators, would just be in the background. What an excuse of a man you are, Lindsey Graham! You are such a joke!

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Historical amnesia is the bane of US politics

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I am exhausted and angry that the last ten years for me have been age 69 to 79. How can the loss be measured? And I am left with this seething rage for those baby men the interminable wars of the 20th C produced. Martha Gelhorn, Elaine O’Shaugnesy, Dorothy Parker… but no one listened.

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Nancy, ages 61 to 71 for me. I concur. On another site I said I have aged 30 years in 10, because of the abject cruelty, vulgarity and insanity of one man------and the millions who enabled and reveled in his petty, corrupt, vulgar and yes, evil reign.......... watching our country do this may have aged me 30 years, but watching my fellow Christians, especially of my "evangelical" stripe, be "all in" has aged me 100 years. I wll never be able to understand or process this as long as I live.. Really. It is past time for this to be over---or "I" may be over!!!!! Could our "long national nightmare" be done? I pray it will be soon.

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I am so glad I was born a Catholic making my rejection of organized religion so much easier than the warming personal comfort falsely offered evangelicals. I think people are suffering from undiagnosed PTSD A as a result of this scourge.

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I know I have PTSD. Trouble is, there are a few more months left before we can start on Post Trauma.

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Let’s start a support group! I find I am having bouts of rage - actually helped me finally confront my adult daughter who is a whole earth, animal rights Karen type. It is a symptom tho and I don’t like losing control.

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Same for me! I became an atheist at age 12, more than 60 years ago. I distinctly remember the moment. So my sojourn in Catholicism had an impact. I went through catechism for my first communion at age 7. The catholic-school girls teaching the class couldn’t answer my questions and singled me out for asking so much. My closest call with the Church was trying to become an altar boy to get a Boy Scout merit badge. Glad to say it didn’t work; I did not try hard. Left the church and all religions shortly after. My folks did not object.

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Completely sympathetic Raul. Lutheran schools here. Catechism on Saturdays til confirmed. Two brothers weren't forced to be confirmed.

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You might have gotten more than a merit badge. Good they rejected you. That’s one thing they are good at -rejection, that and molestation. 🥹

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Nancy, as a Catholic, I can assure you that not all of us are of the MAGA flavor. Nothing is perfect except Christ which gives us the opportunity to strive for something even better than today. We are out here. Don’t give up on the idea that Christians can be Christ like.

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Same here. Retired during President Obama's last 6 months in office, before el chupacabra was elected. What an outrageous and downward slide for America followed the monster's tail. I will be 75 in November, after we elect the Harris/Walz team to be our next great President and Vice President. I have lived the stages of grief since birtherism, but now am joyful at a chance to break out of our miserable fugue.

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So many of us have been horribly mistreated by our brother Americans. And too many women have imitated the abusive behavior.

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What is fascinating about Trump's description of America as a failing nation declining economically, losing a battle against invading migrants, plagued by a corrupt and rigged electoral system, and victimized by a failing judicial system that has been weaponized by a Democratic administration, is that none of it is true.

California has a GDP far greater than the entire Russian nation. The stock and bond markets are doing very well, inflation is on the decline and was never as high as in the rest of the world. Immigrants are a source of strength for the country. Their rate of crime is significantly lower than the rate among Among American citizens. We need reform and strengthening of immigration controls but when a bipartisan . plan was introduced Trump told his stooge in Congress, Speaker Mike Johnson, to stop a vote so the border problem could remain as an issue for the amoral Trump to use in his campaign. Elections in America have been fair and the results accurately tallied. It is Trump and MAGA, knowing they can't win in a fair election, who are trying to rig it in their favor. There is no evidence that the judicial system has been weaponized against Trump and Republicans. In fact, strong evidence exists, the cases against Hunter Biden and Sen. Menendez, that the DOJ has risen above partisan interests. Any partisanship in the judicial system exists on the far right. With "jurists" like Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barett and Canon doing all they can to help Trump anf the MAGA cause.

Trump is a festering sore on the American political scene. He must be soundly defeated and we must do everything possible to accomplish that. I have been working on getting people I know who are indifferent and ignorant to the MAGA threat to reconsider, to register and vote, by offering to help them register and drive them to the polls.

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I remember Bill Moyers saying that Trump was an "open sore".

That was when he was first elected. Little did we know how bad it was going to get. I have been angry and sad for so.long that I can't relax until I see Harris/Walz at the helm.

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Nothing they say is true and if it is a grain of truth it is for very different reasons than those Trump and the white supremacists believe.

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Let's hope that in every state at least 500 more people vote blue than red in the tally that matters. That's my wish!

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Well said, Steve. You are on target. 🎯 So right. Say it again, Steve. Don’t slow down.

Governor Tim Walz is a good man, a great choice, and a pleasure.

Vice President Kamala Harris is a riot. She’s the best. The real deal. A hell of a speaker. Hilarious. On point. Profoundly effective. Breath of fresh air.

She’s President Joe Biden’s gift to America. His wisdom is deep. His modesty is incredible.

Our ten grandchildren will learn how close we were Joseph McCarthy.

Flawed sick Republicans are rising here and there, disgracing the party of Lincoln.

Thank you, Steve.

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Is it known if the DNC lineup of speakers will feature speakers younger than 30 in prime time? Surprises perhaps tho the published lineup is a tale of the past not a look forward. I’d hoped for the TN legislators who were booted and handily re-elected. It needs to show youth and vitality.

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I am puzzled by the absence of Josh Shapiro on the speakers list. Reporting has suggested that she passed him over because she was afraid that he could/would/might overshadow her. He gave a good, rousing speech a couple of weeks ago in Philly, so why knock him off the list now?

Could she be caving to the far-Left pro-Hamas "Undecided" gang? Why are these antisemites (and they are, because this is the true identity of all these river/sea dupes) getting their own round table at the convention? Why is there no equivalent pro-Israel Round table?

I'm old enough to have witnessed the 1968 convention and have some sympathy for the demonstrators who were opposed to the immoral VietNam war, as their friends were dying in rice paddies for no good reason. The Hamas/Iranian war against Israel bears no resemblance to VietNam. No American students are in danger of being drafted and sent to die in Rafah, so what's the real driver of these demonstrations?

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I just want to address the inference that Kamala was keeping Shapiro from speaking because he upstaged her in Phila. I was there. It was not like that at all. The media is attempting to sow division. Shapiro was featured prominently in Phillie because he is the much loved governor of the state. The event was to introduce Walz who gave a rousing speech comparable to Shapiro. Kamala Harris was an elegant and gracious guest I the city of brotherly love, which used to mean women also.

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Of course, Josh will speak… briefly.

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I canvassed this past weekend for Gloria Johnson for Senate. I encountered a few MAGA homeowners in a "well off" neighborhood. Their contempt for me was palpable. And they are spring loaded. Here's a sample:

Homeowner: "Are you voting for Kamala?!"

Me: "Yes."

"She wants open borders!"

"No she doesn't, and neither do I. The immigration bill that failed earlier this year, was essentially a Republican bill. Trump told reps to kill it."

No response. Then,

"Are you a Christian?!"

"I was raised a Catholic, but no, I'm not a practicing Christian."

"Well that's your problem!"

My co-canvasser said, "I respect your opinion.."


People talk about "fighting like hell" to win this election. I'm not fighting. I'm decided, and I believe most people are.

I will persist in trying to get out the Democratic vote. I do believe the biggest problem to overcome is the apathetic/cynical voter who stays home.

I think the best thing Kamala and Tim can do is stay joyful, stay concise, and lay out the positive VISION for our country. Love overwhelms hate. Let's be Overwhelming.

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Thank you for your efforts. Keep up the good work.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

"The Trump era has been a huge waste of national energy, time, focus and opportunity. These have been America’s lost years, and they are ending."

America seems to fall and rise in 80-year cycles with the end of WW2 in 1945, the end of the Civil War in 1865, and the Constitutional Convention in 1787. We seem to be at the precipice of a new era. Let's hope it's one of renewal and not chaos.

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I continue to network with my former volunteer friends from cat shelters in New Jersey and North Carolina. We have considerable numbers. And we know what the MAGA VP candidate thinks about us and we are organizing.

During my five years of cat shelter volunteer work, which was the best job I ever had, we found homes for over 700 cats. Thy work is not finished.

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The day after my husband died some cruel soul dumped a cat at my property, which because I live outside of town, has been common over the years. We always had dogs, but now I am truly a post Menopausal Cat Woman, and am I ever loving it. Thank you for your good work.

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Thank you for taking the cat in. I grew up with dogs and never had much familiarity with cats until my later years. At one time, I had three cats. I have two now. Both were rescued and live happily with me and I am equally grateful for them.

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Bless your heart.

I have a cat which I found at a pier 11 years ago

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This is a link to fabulous public message Gov Walz made about “Honey”, his new family member!

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Bless you John D

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While I’m as fatigued with all things maga as most, I’m not certain that a wake up call periodically isn’t a necessary moment for us to appreciate what we could lose.

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Interesting thought. But so painful to consider. And such periods are major opportunity costs.

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Steve, Thank you for your work. Would you please address two important, recently published items?:

1. "Autocracy Inc." (Appelbaum) suggests that trump will try another coup, but this time certain friendly dictators are likely planning to send help.

2. Seth Abramson's Substack article entitled "Yes, Donald Trump Has Formed a Shadow Government" Here's the link: https://sethabramson.substack.com?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web

I think your voice on the topic of how we prepare for a coming coup (especially one aided by dictators interested in destroying democracy so their oppressed populations don't rebel) could make a difference. Thank you!

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“Idealism is a more powerful force than cynicism, though it is much rarer. When it is seen, there is a magic that flows from it. “ Great words, Steve.

I try to spend my time with people who uplift and make me feel good. I call those people energy givers. Then there are those people who make you feel worse when you leave them. They make you feel drained and tired. I call them the energy suckers. I feel like this campaign is sending out energy and positivity which is how I think most people like to feel. While the alternatives are nothing but vampires … sucking all of the energy and good out of everything it touches.

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Steve and Susan, I agree. Mr. Rogers said to look for the helpers. Boy, we all need to be that helper and look for the other helpers today more than ever.

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Have you seen this, Rick?


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Ten years lost to progress on climate resilience, on housing, on poverty relief, all the advances that could have been America’s under Democratic administration. Let us elect Democratic president, House and Senate — and let them nit screw it up.

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That resonated with me, too, Christine. 10 years lost that we could have focused on healthcare, the climate, renewable energy, building alliances, and so much more. It is a very sad thing that has happened to America, but I do have hope now. People are tired of the lies, selfishness, and cruelty of the far right. I am curious how the enablers will fare in this election. Looking forward to the next 10 years, and I pray that we surge ahead.

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Yes, and now we have to spent time and energy to refight the battle for reproductive rights. when we should be focusing on climate change and other extremely important issues.

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A powerful and inspiring admonition to genuine patriotic love and action, Steve. To your clear differentiation between Democratic (and democratic) ideals and Republican MAGA (fascist) cynicism, we could add: As this Democratic National Convention will graphically underscore, In America we choose our presidents to serve the people’s interests rather than enabling their personal interest not to serve condign prison time.

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