Trump’s apologists have raced to defend their dime-store Mussolini and living desecration of the American presidency by saying his Oval Office outburst, loss of control and moral implosion were not what we all saw.
I'm an artist, I've been to Ukraine and even painted on location in Lviv! It is a gorgeous city filled with kind and generous people, a wonderful country. I have been so proud of America for helping the Ukrainians fight Putin. For Trump to publicly abuse Zelensky and completely change course to now supporting Putin is beyond reprehensible but not beyond belief unfortunately. I'd like to think that yesterday was the lowest point but I'm guessing we will see worse in the near future. What's next? Will Trump will be offering our weapons to Russia? There seems to be no line that he won't cross and the entire Republican party seems to be onboard with every decision no matter how bad or disgraceful and no matter if it is a decision that they previously opposed in public. Thank you Steve Schmidt for your relentless reporting!
I hope everyone who's defending the actions from yesterday's shit show,gets Voted out of office. I hope that the American people are finally seeing what they voted for. We're watching the end of Democracy, and if we don't stand up and do something about it, ALL is Lost. Again, Steve, Thank You, for Standing Up for the American people and me 💔🇺🇦🙏
And why are we not on the streets today??? Trump and Vance yesterday were …there are really no words. Why haven’t we hit the streets? Well, It’s Saturday…just came back from the market, have laundry to do and a FaceTime with my bestie scheduled at 4ish. Oh, and there’s my taxes to get to the accountant on Monday. Life goes on for me and everyone I know as normally as ever. Our lack of imagination, our inability to think about the next few months will do us in. We need to act now. Wish I knew what to do other than this…(and calls and emails and texts…not nearly enough…l)
I did that last week. There’s only a smallish group of Democrats in my small SW town that’s mostly farmers, ranchers, & tourists from Texas. But I didn’t care, I made a sign, put a harness on one of my dogs & walked up & down the Main Street.
They protested loudly in VT when Vance and his family arrived for a ski vacation on Saturday morning. It was outstanding! More than 1000 people lined the streets in protest. Way to go VT!
What can we do? This is a question I've been wondering for over a year, and even more so in recent weeks. Why can't we bring a class action suit against Trump for destroying our lives and or our country? The class action suit could be the biggest ever filed if most Democrats and Republican voters against Trump were on board. Surely one lawyer would be willing or even eager to take on this challenge.
There are MANY lawsuits going on, over 43 by now, maybe more. Our Democrats are doing & planning more behind the scenes than we are aware of. I read a summary report from the Zoom mtg Rep Raskin & one other held last Tuesday or Wed, it gave me hope.
But the bottom line still remains; it is up to us; We The People to go out in large numbers & let them see, we will not stand for this corruption.
This is the "man" who said if Republicans nominated Trump in 2016 he would destroy the party. The party has been destroyed, Miss Graham (sorry, I hate loud-mouth bigoted closet cases). And now, it appears you are so deeply into kissing Trump's ass, you are willing to sacrifice every value this country has ever stood for to stay on the good side of the most malevolent president in our history. Watch out, Missy, he doesn't like your kind of sexual preferences.
Steve, yesterday’s debacle was the lowest moral failure I can think of since the US refused to permit the SS St Louis to dock and allow close to 1000 Jewish people seeking to escape the holocaust to disembark. An American refusal to help the most vulnerable in a time of desperate need. It’s the same shame we are stained with yet again.
The vile and disgusting show put on by Trump and Vance yesterday is depressing and yet motivating. I always admire shows of strength by citizens around the world against their countries' wrongdoings. We need to mobilize further than we have to let this feckless administration know that we, the people, do NOT support their actions and will fight back against it. Gathering and marching, calling and writing, we need to push back hard against the road we're going down now. I voted for Kamala. I did NOT vote for this in any way, shape or form. I've never been so ashamed and embarrassed to be an American. My heart is breaking more and more every day as new horrors are imposed on our formerly admirable country.
Utterly disgraceful denial, then. This time his medicaid cut will affect impoverished MAGA Red States deeply, not just immigrants seeking asylum. His own base. We thought they had grievances before. They will be howling in the wind with their pants down when the support system collapses. We are now the pariah of the world next to Putin.
I found this comment elsewhere and Iʻm pasting it here: I wrote this letter to Usha Vance, JD’s wife.
Dear Madam Vance,
I was SHOCKED and ASHAMED at how our ALLY was treated at the White House Friday. No lunch was offered. His attire criticized. REALLY?!!
President Zelensky should be chastising Trump! In 1994, the “Budapest Memorandum” was created and agreed to by the United States, the UK, N. Ireland & Russia. In exchange for Ukraine giving their huge stockpile of nuclear warheads, Russia agreed to recognize & respect Ukraine as a sovereign country promising NOT to take any of its territory. The U.S., UK & N. Ireland agreed to help defend and come to Ukraine’s aide if their country was invaded.
We Are COMMITTED To Aiding & Defending Ukraine! If we don’t who will ever trust our word again? And maybe Russia should return the nuclear warheads.
The United States has not held up their side of the bargain.
So YOUR husband needs to APOLOGIZE to President Zelensky. JD Vance is not well liked. Maybe if he reminded Trump about the agreement, defended Ukraine and TOOK UKRAINE’s side, our DEMOCRATIC ALLY, instead of our ENEMY, DICTATOR Putin, maybe they would think more favorably. If not, he WILL be voted out of office. Please talk to him, won’t you?
Also, Trump only won the election because the Republicans purged over 5 million LEGAL votes. The people wanted Harris, NOT Trump. Trump lied to the American people.
Remember your husband once said Trump was “America’s Hitler.” Well with all the haphazard cuts made, NO fraud, very little savings, firing 4 star generals, firing inspector generals who investigate corruption, having to call back people, he is acting like Hitler. it’s like an animal house.
Do you feel safe knowing we are no longer arresting diseases in other countries so they won’t come to our country? Like the current hemorrhagic fever QUICKLY KILLING many in the Congo. The Ebola virus. HIV. The list is long.
Trump wants to give a $4.5 TRILLION tax cuts to his rich friends WHO DON’T NEED THE MONEY! He wants to slash Medicaid. That won’t make a dent but will hurt the elderly, the disabled, the poor. What’s going to happen to the elderly? You going to throw them out in the street? The American people didn’t vote for this.
Your husband should be more compassionate as he was dirt poor. Trump could do so much good. Instead he is alienating our friends, our allies. Who will come to our aide if we were attacked?
Please start with the aide to Ukraine. Help them win the war. Put boots on the ground and get it over with. Get UK & Ireland to help.
You see how good , honest & hardworking Pres. Zelensky is. He is our friend. He has SUFFERED DEATH & DESTRUCTION. Trump and your husband came off as BULLIIES. I was ASHAMED and so was America.
I think the choices and equivalences that people make today are not as clear cut as we would like to believe. I find Americans to be strange. I saw it around me, with perhaps 70 percent in favor of MAGA. And the ones who call themselves devout are the strangest of all.
You are not wrong. Except the 70% part. I cannot believe that. I can believe 35ish give or take 2%. 10%, or so, of the rest can't seem to pay attention. I'm not sure why but if we can speak to them, help them to undstand why they need to speak up we can right this ship.
When I say 70 percent, it refers to the voters around me in this Southern town. Indeed, I may be wrong. I thought some data here, exit poll data, showed 60 percent. I thought it was higher, though. I try, as others do, to frame things right or wrong, especially something as clear as Russia invading a sovereign nation. Then I realize that people view it differently, for whatever reason, and it becomes a gray area to them. Much of the voting around me is just plain weird. We elected a man Lieutenant Governor in 2020 after he said things were better when women could not vote.
How awful. I thank my lucky stars I live in the North, as was born and raised in a male dominated Southern society. The men here are educated and hardworking and have some moral fibre (in general).
I observe things down this way that I find strange. Over in Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn won the female vote there, despite voting against Federal equal pay laws for women. It is not a good societal look when you see that. And when she was asked why she did that, she could not offer an intelligible response.
the lack of solidarity in women is to their own detriment....attending consciousness raising groups in the 70's at beginning of feminist movement should be required. They will probably ban Women's Studies now, too,,,,
Yes. And voting against your own interest is probably not a good idea and why it is hard for people to realize that is hard for me to fathom. The rural people down here who rely on Medicaid continually vote for politicians here who want to take it away from them. It is a bad joke on them, but one of their own making.
• It will soon be too late to prevent the total collapse of the rule of law and irreversible implosion of America's Constitutional government ...
• Stop asking us for money!
• Stop trying to alarm us about the terrible things the treasonous Putin surrogates in the White House are doing to America and the world! ...
• We already know! ...
• All of you, along with all the military and national guard, who vowed to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" ...
Forget Republicans. They've been on Putin's dole for years. They are all traitors.
147 Congressional Republican seditionists supported Trump’s “Big Lie,” met with insurrectionists ahead of the attack and helped incite the January 6th insurrection.
Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Paul Gosar, and Ted Cruz recruited 100s of Republican members of Congress to overthrow the U.S. government on January 6th — calling their mission “The Green Bay Sweep”
and please stop asking for money several times a day.... you just look like the grifter in the Oval Office... if my $2 will save you then we are royally screwed...
Sane & moral Republicans, do your part: Leave the disgraced party now & start a Conservative Party. Create a banner to stand under. It is the responsibility of all Americans to rise up!
Yes Steve! Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors yesterday. The Emperor now has no clothes. But it will take a few Republicans with a spine to impeach Trump now, before he destroys our democracy!
"Dime-store Mussolini." Good one, Steve! Republicans have always been good at historical revisionism. They have waffling down to a science (although they once accused John Kerry of being the ultimate waffler). I get so tired of that whining little b**ch Graham. And, RUBIO? The Party of Eunuchs stands tall in their emasculation. We must not leave out Musk, who reputedly is on one type of drug or another jumping up and down on stage like a crazed animal. Our republic has been dangerously weakened by that lot. We are barely into the 2nd month of Trump. He accused Zelenskyy of wanting WW3. Nope. I think Trump and Putin are all in on that one.
“What occurred in the Oval Office yesterday is the most shameful conduct the world has ever witnessed from an American president. It must be stopped by the collective revulsion of the American people who know right from wrong, and something about freedom.”
It cannot wait until ’26 or ‘28, to not create a strategic solution to put an end to this treason now is a fools errand.
The time of phone calls to your representatives is over. The time of letters to senators is over. They don’t listen, they don’t care. Doesn’t matter whether they are democrats or magas. All that’s left is protests, boycotts and shutting the business of the country down. I am taking to the streets.
I called Tim Kaine’s office every day for 4 weeks addressing only two issues. Care for Veterans and the protection of social security and medical data from DOGE vandals. I also sent letters.
Last week I got a letter thanking me for my interest in school choice. I don’t even know what that is. It felt like a gut punch.
Did the same with Mark Warner and MAGA Morgan Griffith. Sent a copy of my latter to Griffith to the local newspaper. No response.
Democrats are MIA. Republicans are in favor of the heist they are pulling off. The reverse Robin Hood. Stealing from children to give to the rich.
Absolutely nothing will happen till we shut this shit show down. I hope at some point in the future I get to see Vance, Trump, Rubio and the department heads recruited from Barnum and Bailey, face trial for treason.
Buzz I called my senators and voiced my concerns about musk and the tin foil king . The democrats listened and took my information. The Republican senator from the eastern shore of maryland, told me he didn’t represent me because I’m not in his district. I protested and remarked you serve Americans. They hung up the phone. Forget phones. Protest, protest, mass propaganda campaigns. Action with feet not phone calls. And send money to anti fascist organizations that deeply care about moving democracy forward.
We are not those people anymore. This is no longer the home of the brave and as a consequence is on the way to ceasing to be the land of the free. We are held down by our fear, driven by mass media and social media. But courage means facing our fears and persisting in spite of them. It is to be hoped that there are enough people in our beloved country who retain enough courage to oppose this onslaught against the most basic American values. Perhaps yesterday's disgusting spectacle in the Oval Office might disturb enough of our fearful people to start standing up for what is right. Or at least to stop rolling over and cooperating in their own destruction.
The abject cowardice of every Republican “leader” who remains silent and does not vehemently reject this abomination by Trump , Vance (and the unlawful ransacking of government by Elon Musk), MUST BE RECALLED BY CITIZEN PETITION. In every Congressional District in every state and every Republican Senator MUST BE
They are a disgrace and have abandoned
their oaths of office. The National is in
grave peril. These monsters must be removed from office. There won’t be any
I'm an artist, I've been to Ukraine and even painted on location in Lviv! It is a gorgeous city filled with kind and generous people, a wonderful country. I have been so proud of America for helping the Ukrainians fight Putin. For Trump to publicly abuse Zelensky and completely change course to now supporting Putin is beyond reprehensible but not beyond belief unfortunately. I'd like to think that yesterday was the lowest point but I'm guessing we will see worse in the near future. What's next? Will Trump will be offering our weapons to Russia? There seems to be no line that he won't cross and the entire Republican party seems to be onboard with every decision no matter how bad or disgraceful and no matter if it is a decision that they previously opposed in public. Thank you Steve Schmidt for your relentless reporting!
Wunsix: Trump or Musk or both?
Right on!
That Oval Office meeting totally confirmed what a MONSTER Trump is: kicking a heroic patriot while he’s down.
Flaunting “his” (our) power over a smaller country: “you don’t have the cards”.
There is no punishment great enough for this clown. I hope to live to see his comeuppance. 💪
I hope everyone who's defending the actions from yesterday's shit show,gets Voted out of office. I hope that the American people are finally seeing what they voted for. We're watching the end of Democracy, and if we don't stand up and do something about it, ALL is Lost. Again, Steve, Thank You, for Standing Up for the American people and me 💔🇺🇦🙏
And why are we not on the streets today??? Trump and Vance yesterday were …there are really no words. Why haven’t we hit the streets? Well, It’s Saturday…just came back from the market, have laundry to do and a FaceTime with my bestie scheduled at 4ish. Oh, and there’s my taxes to get to the accountant on Monday. Life goes on for me and everyone I know as normally as ever. Our lack of imagination, our inability to think about the next few months will do us in. We need to act now. Wish I knew what to do other than this…(and calls and emails and texts…not nearly enough…l)
We're hitting the streets tomorrow in little Lawrence, Kansas. If we can do it, so can you. Make A sign and stand on a corner where you are.
Good job Stacey. We have a called protest Thusday. Let freedom ring.
I did that last week. There’s only a smallish group of Democrats in my small SW town that’s mostly farmers, ranchers, & tourists from Texas. But I didn’t care, I made a sign, put a harness on one of my dogs & walked up & down the Main Street.
I’m 74, & crippled by polio since a baby.
If I can protest, so can you.
I plan to do so again.
They protested loudly in VT when Vance and his family arrived for a ski vacation on Saturday morning. It was outstanding! More than 1000 people lined the streets in protest. Way to go VT!
What can we do? This is a question I've been wondering for over a year, and even more so in recent weeks. Why can't we bring a class action suit against Trump for destroying our lives and or our country? The class action suit could be the biggest ever filed if most Democrats and Republican voters against Trump were on board. Surely one lawyer would be willing or even eager to take on this challenge.
There are MANY lawsuits going on, over 43 by now, maybe more. Our Democrats are doing & planning more behind the scenes than we are aware of. I read a summary report from the Zoom mtg Rep Raskin & one other held last Tuesday or Wed, it gave me hope.
But the bottom line still remains; it is up to us; We The People to go out in large numbers & let them see, we will not stand for this corruption.
At the top of my list of senators I want voted out of office is the hypocritical, ass-kissing, partisan before patriot, Lindsey Graham:
"Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) slammed Volodymyr Zelensky for arguing with President Trump and Vice President JD Vance during an Oval Office meeting Friday, telling reporters Kyiv’s leader should consider his political future."
This is the "man" who said if Republicans nominated Trump in 2016 he would destroy the party. The party has been destroyed, Miss Graham (sorry, I hate loud-mouth bigoted closet cases). And now, it appears you are so deeply into kissing Trump's ass, you are willing to sacrifice every value this country has ever stood for to stay on the good side of the most malevolent president in our history. Watch out, Missy, he doesn't like your kind of sexual preferences.
Don't care if he's gay. Only care that he is a LICKSPITTLE ASSHOLE of the highest order.
totally agree.
Don't just "hope"... make it happen!
Steve, yesterday’s debacle was the lowest moral failure I can think of since the US refused to permit the SS St Louis to dock and allow close to 1000 Jewish people seeking to escape the holocaust to disembark. An American refusal to help the most vulnerable in a time of desperate need. It’s the same shame we are stained with yet again.
The vile and disgusting show put on by Trump and Vance yesterday is depressing and yet motivating. I always admire shows of strength by citizens around the world against their countries' wrongdoings. We need to mobilize further than we have to let this feckless administration know that we, the people, do NOT support their actions and will fight back against it. Gathering and marching, calling and writing, we need to push back hard against the road we're going down now. I voted for Kamala. I did NOT vote for this in any way, shape or form. I've never been so ashamed and embarrassed to be an American. My heart is breaking more and more every day as new horrors are imposed on our formerly admirable country.
Because it's part of who we are, who we have always been. Remember SLAVERY? The slaughter of millions of Native Americans? Taking land from Mexico?
We are and always have been at our core a brutal people. It's been covered up for a long time, but we are reverting back to who we have always been.
Utterly disgraceful denial, then. This time his medicaid cut will affect impoverished MAGA Red States deeply, not just immigrants seeking asylum. His own base. We thought they had grievances before. They will be howling in the wind with their pants down when the support system collapses. We are now the pariah of the world next to Putin.
I found this comment elsewhere and Iʻm pasting it here: I wrote this letter to Usha Vance, JD’s wife.
Dear Madam Vance,
I was SHOCKED and ASHAMED at how our ALLY was treated at the White House Friday. No lunch was offered. His attire criticized. REALLY?!!
President Zelensky should be chastising Trump! In 1994, the “Budapest Memorandum” was created and agreed to by the United States, the UK, N. Ireland & Russia. In exchange for Ukraine giving their huge stockpile of nuclear warheads, Russia agreed to recognize & respect Ukraine as a sovereign country promising NOT to take any of its territory. The U.S., UK & N. Ireland agreed to help defend and come to Ukraine’s aide if their country was invaded.
We Are COMMITTED To Aiding & Defending Ukraine! If we don’t who will ever trust our word again? And maybe Russia should return the nuclear warheads.
The United States has not held up their side of the bargain.
So YOUR husband needs to APOLOGIZE to President Zelensky. JD Vance is not well liked. Maybe if he reminded Trump about the agreement, defended Ukraine and TOOK UKRAINE’s side, our DEMOCRATIC ALLY, instead of our ENEMY, DICTATOR Putin, maybe they would think more favorably. If not, he WILL be voted out of office. Please talk to him, won’t you?
Also, Trump only won the election because the Republicans purged over 5 million LEGAL votes. The people wanted Harris, NOT Trump. Trump lied to the American people.
Remember your husband once said Trump was “America’s Hitler.” Well with all the haphazard cuts made, NO fraud, very little savings, firing 4 star generals, firing inspector generals who investigate corruption, having to call back people, he is acting like Hitler. it’s like an animal house.
Do you feel safe knowing we are no longer arresting diseases in other countries so they won’t come to our country? Like the current hemorrhagic fever QUICKLY KILLING many in the Congo. The Ebola virus. HIV. The list is long.
Trump wants to give a $4.5 TRILLION tax cuts to his rich friends WHO DON’T NEED THE MONEY! He wants to slash Medicaid. That won’t make a dent but will hurt the elderly, the disabled, the poor. What’s going to happen to the elderly? You going to throw them out in the street? The American people didn’t vote for this.
Your husband should be more compassionate as he was dirt poor. Trump could do so much good. Instead he is alienating our friends, our allies. Who will come to our aide if we were attacked?
Please start with the aide to Ukraine. Help them win the war. Put boots on the ground and get it over with. Get UK & Ireland to help.
You see how good , honest & hardworking Pres. Zelensky is. He is our friend. He has SUFFERED DEATH & DESTRUCTION. Trump and your husband came off as BULLIIES. I was ASHAMED and so was America.
I sent letter to (many asked):
👉 We need to call our Representatives and implore them to start IMPEACHMENT proceedings on Trump and
JD Vance for TREASON!
(202) 225-3121
I think the choices and equivalences that people make today are not as clear cut as we would like to believe. I find Americans to be strange. I saw it around me, with perhaps 70 percent in favor of MAGA. And the ones who call themselves devout are the strangest of all.
You are not wrong. Except the 70% part. I cannot believe that. I can believe 35ish give or take 2%. 10%, or so, of the rest can't seem to pay attention. I'm not sure why but if we can speak to them, help them to undstand why they need to speak up we can right this ship.
When I say 70 percent, it refers to the voters around me in this Southern town. Indeed, I may be wrong. I thought some data here, exit poll data, showed 60 percent. I thought it was higher, though. I try, as others do, to frame things right or wrong, especially something as clear as Russia invading a sovereign nation. Then I realize that people view it differently, for whatever reason, and it becomes a gray area to them. Much of the voting around me is just plain weird. We elected a man Lieutenant Governor in 2020 after he said things were better when women could not vote.
Sorry that ignorance is rampant in your town!
How awful. I thank my lucky stars I live in the North, as was born and raised in a male dominated Southern society. The men here are educated and hardworking and have some moral fibre (in general).
I observe things down this way that I find strange. Over in Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn won the female vote there, despite voting against Federal equal pay laws for women. It is not a good societal look when you see that. And when she was asked why she did that, she could not offer an intelligible response.
the lack of solidarity in women is to their own detriment....attending consciousness raising groups in the 70's at beginning of feminist movement should be required. They will probably ban Women's Studies now, too,,,,
Yes. And voting against your own interest is probably not a good idea and why it is hard for people to realize that is hard for me to fathom. The rural people down here who rely on Medicaid continually vote for politicians here who want to take it away from them. It is a bad joke on them, but one of their own making.
• It will soon be too late to prevent the total collapse of the rule of law and irreversible implosion of America's Constitutional government ...
• Stop asking us for money!
• Stop trying to alarm us about the terrible things the treasonous Putin surrogates in the White House are doing to America and the world! ...
• We already know! ...
• All of you, along with all the military and national guard, who vowed to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" ...
Hear! Hear!!
These pleas should be directed to REPUBLICAN leaders too. After all, they are also Americans (supposedly).
Forget Republicans. They've been on Putin's dole for years. They are all traitors.
147 Congressional Republican seditionists supported Trump’s “Big Lie,” met with insurrectionists ahead of the attack and helped incite the January 6th insurrection.
Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Paul Gosar, and Ted Cruz recruited 100s of Republican members of Congress to overthrow the U.S. government on January 6th — calling their mission “The Green Bay Sweep”
and please stop asking for money several times a day.... you just look like the grifter in the Oval Office... if my $2 will save you then we are royally screwed...
Sane & moral Republicans, do your part: Leave the disgraced party now & start a Conservative Party. Create a banner to stand under. It is the responsibility of all Americans to rise up!
Yes Steve! Putin's Manchurian candidate showed his true colors yesterday. The Emperor now has no clothes. But it will take a few Republicans with a spine to impeach Trump now, before he destroys our democracy!
The Ugly American phrase has never been more true than now - he is alive and (not) well, and making the rest of America sick in body, soul, and mind.
"Dime-store Mussolini." Good one, Steve! Republicans have always been good at historical revisionism. They have waffling down to a science (although they once accused John Kerry of being the ultimate waffler). I get so tired of that whining little b**ch Graham. And, RUBIO? The Party of Eunuchs stands tall in their emasculation. We must not leave out Musk, who reputedly is on one type of drug or another jumping up and down on stage like a crazed animal. Our republic has been dangerously weakened by that lot. We are barely into the 2nd month of Trump. He accused Zelenskyy of wanting WW3. Nope. I think Trump and Putin are all in on that one.
Carville reckons the cause of his madness could be syphilis
This is not the first time I have read this. But, then, there is Vance with a three-time name change. Scary.
“What occurred in the Oval Office yesterday is the most shameful conduct the world has ever witnessed from an American president. It must be stopped by the collective revulsion of the American people who know right from wrong, and something about freedom.”
It cannot wait until ’26 or ‘28, to not create a strategic solution to put an end to this treason now is a fools errand.
The time of phone calls to your representatives is over. The time of letters to senators is over. They don’t listen, they don’t care. Doesn’t matter whether they are democrats or magas. All that’s left is protests, boycotts and shutting the business of the country down. I am taking to the streets.
I called Tim Kaine’s office every day for 4 weeks addressing only two issues. Care for Veterans and the protection of social security and medical data from DOGE vandals. I also sent letters.
Last week I got a letter thanking me for my interest in school choice. I don’t even know what that is. It felt like a gut punch.
Did the same with Mark Warner and MAGA Morgan Griffith. Sent a copy of my latter to Griffith to the local newspaper. No response.
Democrats are MIA. Republicans are in favor of the heist they are pulling off. The reverse Robin Hood. Stealing from children to give to the rich.
Absolutely nothing will happen till we shut this shit show down. I hope at some point in the future I get to see Vance, Trump, Rubio and the department heads recruited from Barnum and Bailey, face trial for treason.
Buzz I called my senators and voiced my concerns about musk and the tin foil king . The democrats listened and took my information. The Republican senator from the eastern shore of maryland, told me he didn’t represent me because I’m not in his district. I protested and remarked you serve Americans. They hung up the phone. Forget phones. Protest, protest, mass propaganda campaigns. Action with feet not phone calls. And send money to anti fascist organizations that deeply care about moving democracy forward.
As Churchill said when he and his country stood alone against the Nazis, "we shall never surrender. ".
We are not those people anymore. This is no longer the home of the brave and as a consequence is on the way to ceasing to be the land of the free. We are held down by our fear, driven by mass media and social media. But courage means facing our fears and persisting in spite of them. It is to be hoped that there are enough people in our beloved country who retain enough courage to oppose this onslaught against the most basic American values. Perhaps yesterday's disgusting spectacle in the Oval Office might disturb enough of our fearful people to start standing up for what is right. Or at least to stop rolling over and cooperating in their own destruction.
The abject cowardice of every Republican “leader” who remains silent and does not vehemently reject this abomination by Trump , Vance (and the unlawful ransacking of government by Elon Musk), MUST BE RECALLED BY CITIZEN PETITION. In every Congressional District in every state and every Republican Senator MUST BE
They are a disgrace and have abandoned
their oaths of office. The National is in
grave peril. These monsters must be removed from office. There won’t be any
America 🇺🇸 to vote on by November 2026.