I keep hearing how Voters do not want to see a rematch Trump v Biden. Of course I'd rather see a Repub, a REAL Republican other than Trump but I am absolutely happy. with Biden. He has accomplished soooo very much. My personal economic life has not been this good since the GOP killed the economy & took us into the Great Recession. I absolutely refuse to buy into this 'Biden is to old' and rematch business. With all due respect Steve

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

For sure! Read my comment below, Claudia. There are LOTS of us.

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Ransom, unfortunately your comment isn't showing up for me. I would like to see the many other commenbts too. Perhaps I commented in the wrong area. I will explore the comments sections. Thanks for your response!

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I tried to cut and paste it to you but Substack won;t let me. Oh well.

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Found them Ransom! Thanks. I commented in the wrong place.

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I agree Claudia. I am totally behind Joe Biden. He has done a masterful job as President

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Yay! I agree

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

Let’s be clear. The problem is not Biden’s age. Bernie Sanders is a year older than Biden. The problem is Biden’s inability to take full advantage of the bully pulpit, and, therefore, his inability to control the narrative. If we don’t start acknowledging that politics, largely, is perception, the dues we pay for such denial could be immeasurable.

As for Schmidt’s earlier reference to Feinstein, I urge we keep in mind, that were she to step down before her term ends, per Senate rules, Dems would need to meet a 60-vote threshold to assign her replacement to the Judiciary Committee.

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Right! Many do not know the GOP changed the rule. Thanks for bringing that up. Schumer would do it in a heartbeat.

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You are dead right about that the future lies with the American people. But let’s look at the lives the American people lead: a high percentage are among the working poor, often working two jobs or one full-time job + gig work, with children and the elderly who need daily care, trying to keep schedules for medical care that they will go into debt for, struggles to keep cars fixed and running, a living on the hope of one day earning a living wage.

These people are not like you and me, and very likely not like those who subscribe here -- we are all life-long high-information voters. The overwhelmed and underpaid vote without adequate or honest information. The internet isn’t as helpful as it could/should be to get accurate, quick information on presidential and congressional hopefuls, let those increasingly important down-ticket races. When voters only have time for name-recognition voting, they aren’t able to consider policies that will affect them the days following the election. News is probably running in the background of meals, homework checks, and chores. Unfortunately, much of cable news is the deathstar of democracy. Yes, until we have journalists like Madhi Hasan everywhere, the truth will never be fought for. (Rachel Maddow, as well.)

But just as important, we need an educated populace that can challenge the bullshit as soon as they hear it. But the general populace does not have the time to dedicate the hours each day that we get to dedicate to unearthing facts and the relative quiet we get in order to think clearly and logically about what is being shoved at us daily. How can we create both the will of and the privilege we enjoy for the American populace? Civics is hard when you are too damned tired even to eat..

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You make a lot of good points. But I take exception to your "They are not like you and me." I lived most of my life paycheck to paycheck. I used to joke that I was so poor I couldn't pay attention. Life was a struggle. But it was a struggle for my ancestors also. We all did the best we could. Probably more of my ancestors wore grey than blue during the Civil War but I forgive them. Our Union is far from perfect, but it still belongs to us. It's up to us to make it more fair. If the Tangerine Palpatine wins in 2024, He will try to take our democracy.

A favorite movie scene of mine is in Unforgiven. When the sheriff says "You just shot an unarmed man!" William Munny replies "Well he should have armed himself if he was going to decorate his saloon with the body of my friend."

We need to inform ourselves and vote or our precious democracy will soon be gone.

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You are right to correct me. The “you” here is meant to name Steve, to whom my comment is addressed. I should have said, “They are not like you (Steve) and me. I hedge with “‘very likely not those who subscribe” believing that folks who can pay to subscribe are probably basically ok, but I was thinking of the time when I lived paycheck to paycheck, as my son now does ... working full time and driving for Door Dash.

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I take your point. When I was working in construction, and sometimes working two jobs, and barely getting by, I wouldn't have been paying for a subscription, and being exhausted all the time probably wouldn't have been reading on Substack. But I have an idea that the younger generations these are very tech savvy and can be well informed if they want to. I agree with many of your other points, including improvement in education. Without that, you don't know what you don't know. We all should be trying to get the message out somehow.

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey et al made the world smaller and more democratic. But Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg and others are tearing our democracy apart.

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Agreed. Someone, though, must educate folks on how to avoid confirmation bias (and other biases), especially on the Internet. Algorithms do too much thinking for those who aren’t savvy about research and the questions that researchers, scientists, and skeptics of all kinds ask when they read something that seems right but may not be. Here is where Steve is helpful: push back. I’m on several political sites, have worked with disinformation strategists, have had to use fake accounts (avatars). Pushing back on the micro-level (individuals) is so damned tiresome. I’m retired, and I’m pissed.

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I've tried to be the voice of reason. It can be tiring indeed.

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May The I add that education has taken a beating over the past 40 years.

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Yes, absolutely. As a retired teacher who is still working on school board and library board elections, I can personally attest to the struggles in American public education. I have much to say about that, but will save it for a substack analysis that addresses the woes and ills, including the conservative attack through the policies that would strangle one of the best institutions that should guarantee the health of our democracy. Oh, yes, I have much to say.

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Another retired teacher here...I'd be very interested to hear your ideas about the struggles of American education today. I taught in LA for 17 years -- everything from English language learners to highly gifted magnet students. Other than my teacher training and subject proficiency (English), I have no background in the bigger picture of pubic education. For me the biggest issue was class size. (One year I had apx 40 students per period.) Lack of basic reading skills was another biggie.

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Which of the Substack writers do you think could take that on as a topic? Except for maga book banning ( which is sickening), education is not even on the radar screen this election cycle ( yet). So much has been sidelined by attention to the orange traitor.

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You survived! I don't know where you found the time to keep us up to date. That sounded like a trip one should make on a regular basis with aforementioned company.

Biden is handling his stutter just fine. It has nothing to do with his brain function, as some people are apt to jump to conclusions. My mother- in -law is 96 and sharp as tacks. She follows MSNBC most of the day and then fills me in while I set the table for dinner. She has been railing about tRump since he started the birther bullshit about Obama.

She was sent to a concentration camp at Heart Mountain, Wyoming in 1942. She is quite sensitive to that kind of racist blather.

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Ransom, I love and admire your mother in law!

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She is recovering from a bout of GI problems and wants to have her sewing machine set up so she can get back to work. She is a Master Quilter. Fine art, not craftsy. Needs a walker and moves slowly, but tries to stay in motion. I can only hope to have that umph if I can make it that long.

Thank you Helen, good wishes go a long way. With things looking totally wacked out these past six years or so, it is comforting to realize that after following Heather, Joyce, Steve, Karrem and others, there is a solid articulate and knowledgable group of good folks out there. I see very positive interactions between many readers that continue the discusions with respectful back and forth. I'll keep an eye on the comments.

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I am amazed and astonished at the political and legal knowledge of this wonderful woman, Fani Willis. What an ethical, moral woman! She will be the last American woman to have stood for righteousness and justice, if mister trump wins. The legal battle against d.t. will last for at least a year, and even maybe a year and a half, and if so, then by that time, mister trump may be president and he will put 66% of Americans in fear of going to jail--.By that time, I think the Perfect Planet for Heavenly Life will be imminently mordant, and not just the USA will be thirsting for fresh water and starving. ...Our time is short, so let us NOW make a time capsule for Fani Willis's legacy and place in it the glories of her efforts, so that if newly created sentient life reoccurs in a million years, and gets civilized after another million years, they will find it floating on the dead oceans and know that once a upon a time, a great, new version of goddess Athena Pallas--one who was a petite Black woman-- once strode staunchly in this world. .. That tribute ought to be placed inside a huge unsinkable bubble on the lifeless Oceans, be 2 stories tall, and enclose her marvelous shape and form with an 18' high sculpted statue of her attractive Self inside it. For the time being, let's all give a toast, everywhere and at anytime, in any party of savvy people, to Fani Willis, the Pallas Athena who is fighting Satan, and give her a rousing three cheers.

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Yes Tracy, Fani Willis is a true American hero!

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Yes, yes, YES!!! As usual, beautifully crafted and delivered. Ramaswamy is a snake, trying to slither his way into office. I totally buy that he is a professional bullshitter, but Trump does have 40 more years of lying and cheating experience, both personally and professionally. They are both an extreme danger to our way of life and Democracy!

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At this time when the continuation of our democracy is truly in peril, I think it’s misguided to place emphasis and importance on a poll that says most Americans do not prefer a rematch between Trump and Biden. I believe that any sane American (most of whom don’t track politics closely at all) would say that of course they don’t want to see a presidential contest between a 70-something man who is an indicted liar promising revenge and an 80-year-old man even if he is considered decent. I agree that we the people deserve better. But this is out of context. We do not live in a perfect world. We are actually living in a world where a vote for Trump is a vote to bring about authoritarianism, while a vote for Biden preserves democracy, the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the opportunity to continue to strive for a more perfect union. Almost anything else said about this election is irrelevant.

This brings me to No Labels. In my opinion if they were a legitimate force for improving our democracy they would be totally focusing on 2028. That they are even considering that it might be a good idea to run a third-party candidate in 2024 when our democracy is on the line, not to mention all their secrecy, bodes ill.

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"We are actually living in a world where a vote for Trump is a vote to bring about authoritarianism, while a vote for Biden preserves democracy, the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the opportunity to continue to strive for a more perfect union. Almost anything else said about this election is irrelevant."

Perfectly said!

Also, Steve, I have admired and respected you since you first started speaking out against Trump. However, we know that polls have been wrong for years. Just ask yourself who is participating in these polls. As someone who has made campaign calls for years, I can confirm that the majority of people don't answer there phones..and it has gotten less and less with each year. Therefore, who are the people answering these pollsters? I don't believe that the polling information people are currently referring to are a true reflection of the options of the majority of the American people.

I do, however, believe that our democracy is in great danger.

I just wish that the President, the DNC and everyone else would focus on spreading the truth about the danger facing the United States of America and our democracy! **No policy is more important**

I'm going to keep saying that wishing for other candidates does no good! It is what it is, and we need to figure out the best way to deal with the situation. And, it's my opinion that if we don't focus on the extreme comparison between the vision of the MAGA Republicans- whoever the nominee- their Project 2025, and that of Joe Biden and the Democrats we are doing a disservice to the American people who are still paying attention!

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@ this point, so far has the party fallen that a vote for any Republican is a vote against democracy.

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This is really good too! I agree with what you wrote

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Hassan learned from the best in the UK. North Americans would keel over watching the UK Sunday shows where politicians are, without fail, held to account. No echo-chamber there.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

Also, we must remember Biden kneecapping the repubs during the State of The Union. That was off the cuff and did the trick to make them say Medicare was off the table for cuts.

Remember, Barbara Jo?

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Excellent review Steven. I have to say the George Stephanopous’s interview with Vivek last Sunday was also very good. Stephanopolous held Vivek’s feet to the fire...and Vivek stumbles his way to the end. HE IS DANGEROUS, - and I could easily see Trump choosing him as a suitable Vice President contender. Vivek is a silver-tongued demagogue and he must be recognized for what he is. He is dangerous so caution is duly in order. He may not be “Trump-like’ quite yet, but practice makes perfect, - and the media is giving him that opportunity. BEWARE! This guy is HORRIBLE~

Thanks for this one Stephen.

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we are in the hands of a master to get rid of populistic psychopaths.I am amazed and astonished at the political and legal knowledge of this wonderful woman, Fani Willis. What an ethical, moral woman! She will be the last American woman to have stood for righteousness and justice, if mister trump wins. The legal battle against d.t. will last for at least a year, and even maybe a year and a half, and if so, then by that time, mister trump may be president and he will put 66% of Americans in fear of going to jail--.By that time, I think the Perfect Planet for Heavenly Life will be imminently mordant, and not just the USA will be thirsting for fresh water and starving. ...Our time is short, so let us NOW make a time capsule for Fani Willis's legacy and place in it the glories of her efforts, so that if newly created sentient life reoccurs in a million years, and gets civilized after another million years, they will find it floating on the dead oceans and know that once a upon a time, a great, new version of goddess Athena Pallas--one who was a petite Black woman-- once strode staunchly in this world. .. That tribute ought to be placed inside a huge unsinkable bubble on the lifeless Oceans, be 2 stories tall, and enclose her marvelous shape and form with an 18' high sculpted statue of her attractive Self inside it. For the time being, let's all give a toast, everywhere and at anytime, in any party of savvy people, to Fani Willis, the Pallas Athena who is fighting Satan, and give her a rousing three cheers.

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What we have done, to our sorrow, is indulged the unfit, the non-credible, the grossly ridiculous, as it they were legitimate, and by so doing we have complicity adulterated our sociopolitical system such that in this moment extraordinary bravery is required to denounce this monstrosity and deny it traction.

We all need to collectively make clear that we ain't having it, although now we're shooing the goats back onto their paddock after they're having a rollicking good time running amok in a rodeo of their own making.

Also, we need many more Medhi Hasans.

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Medhi Hassan should be asking the questions at the debates. And definitely doing more interviews like this if the repug candidates dare face him.

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I believe I now know what quicksand feels like. It’s like there’s no way out of this mess. Sharks everywhere!! Oh, & Mehdi is the best there is. Why? Because he just states the facts and knows his business. He is exactly what a man of character should be.

I was so mad at myself for missing the live stream last night. I completely lost track of time! I’m going to listen to the recording now. Thanks for doing these interviews- love em!

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I never expected Steve to use the word “bullshit” now that’s a word I don’t have to look up !

Great message Steve - well laid out - simple and concise - thank you

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One of the first my husband has seen , it’s Friday and happy hour!

He said he agreed with everything you said…even chuckled a few times..well that’s impressive for my Joe.

And as for OUR Joe and supposedly some people saying they don’t want a rematch ..I think that’s a few people and a news media wanting to fan fires …anyone who is paying attention and seeing the progress Biden and his team is doing has to be impressed.

We , those in the know, and a growing number of fence sitters are on the board !


The steady progress unfolding is truth happening and a President who knows what he is doing. It doesn’t sell very good for the soap opera mentality.

We’ve got a lot to change , the points are quite clear.

I truly don’t listen to the MAGA people , my profound thanks to you and my other favorite writers for doing this and keeping score …and teaching me.

For those that don’t see it I’ll not cry a drop as they slip over the cliff .

There’s a long list of who THEY are and we sure know who NOT to vote for ever again.

Thanks Steve . You and yours are always welcome at my table.🫶


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