Jul 7·edited Jul 7

There were two men on that debate stage. For the 2nd week we are still talking about how poorly Biden performed. We all agree that he did. So. Did. Trump.

So, why then, is the convo ONLY about Biden’s bad debate?

There are two guys on the ticket today.

How about a focus on the stakes in this election? How about a focus on Project 2025?

It’s not a contest between two older guys. It’s a contest between good and evil. It’s a contest between democracy and authoritarianism. It’s a contest about the future of America and the world order.

Let’s get going on communicating those choices.

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As I’ve written in another substack this morning, Project 2025 must be synthesized in order for the Magats to understand what awaits them under a Trump leadership. I started reading the document and will say that it was a nauseating read. I started with the Education Section and was appalled at what awaits America if this is imposed. The plan to abolish the public school system, the Department of Education and its devolution of authority to the States will make education unaffordable to immigrants and those with lesser means. A synthesis of the document must be ready and available for distribution pronto. Time is of the essence.

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I agree! Lets get doing just that and posting it everywhere we can! And send it to media too.

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These things that simplify the 900 plus pages are already on line. Google it and pass these around. Don’t reinvent the wheel. All kinds of Project 2025 info has been out there for ages. Are our Democratic leaders that dense or maybe self absorbed? It seems they haven’t been that intent on winning this race and I for one am disgusted that they couldn’t unify as a party even in these dire times.

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If it is exposed by the current occupant of the WH, or reliable source it will be worth more than the TikTok version. But thank you for guiding me to this version. Just not sure that the Magats, I.e. the over 60s group have access to TikTok. I sure don’t because I’m not interested, yet I’m well informed.

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Without proper education in history, civics, and critical thinking skills, we're doomed. Project 2025 is a continuation of the Fascist-MAGA-Coup plan to destroy Democracy.

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Correct, they both performed miserably however it is Biden’s own party that’s being critical of him, I haven’t seen anyone from the Republican Party criticize trump’s performance. We know that our candidate underperformed and we aren’t afraid to say it. The R’s know that their candidate performed as expected (underperformed in the real world) and they just keep right on pretending.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 8

Really??? I just watched one this morning on CBS - Face the Nation - at 10:30 am ET - Lindsay Graham was all in with his critique while saying "I like Joe Biden..but..."

Media must be called out and boycotted if they don't provide balance. It’s that simple.

Republicans pretend out of fear. At least the R politicos do. Which is why they CAN NOT WIN!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Here is what Jasmine Crockett said about Lloyd Doggett’s comment. She said, “not respecting people’s choice of Biden and trying to force someone else is not democracy.” https://youtu.be/4ti6LxBN3x8?si=7ZPy4xAcI2vS37SI

And also another woman in support of Biden. https://youtu.be/oPm3MpEJiQg?si=QoSqdQc7a7RMmhYG

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Biden needed to stand up to Trump in that situation and he did not. He was too sick and weak voiced to be in that situation against the psychotic buffoon, bullshit firehose named Trump. The situation the network and moderators created made things worse.

Yes Trump was also horrible and almost everything he said was a lie. Someone needed to point that out in real time.

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You are so right, keep repeating it.

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How about a focus on Project 2025—indeed. How much longer do we have to rehash the debate only from Biden’s less than stellar performance. I say we look at Trump’s lies for a change

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Steve Schmidt: Fight MAGA, not Biden!! Expose project 2025, Epstein connection, Russia connection, corruption in Congress. Hit them hard, Steve, like you did with Lincoln Project!

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We all wish it was -only- a bad debate. From that Malady, a candidate can recover. The bad news is the debate debacle was a spectacular capper which confirms the observable decline since the first 2020 debate. It was significant in its severity. Within the last year our feeble President (bless his heart) has fallen down on stage & on the steps of AirForce One, trailed off into mumble speech of non sequitur comments, repeatedly wandered off stage, lost, requiring redirection, etc.. What the nation watched was more than just a bad omen to how that continuing decline might manifest in the years to come. Joe Biden is no Benjamin Buttons…the decline will be inexorable. And, swing voters will absolutely choose strength (albeit flawed) over infirmity of both mind -and- body.

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💯 % with you on this.

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How did the Congressional Dems go this long (and actually still) without pounding on the Project 2025. It’s been on the Heritage website at least for a year. What’s wrong with these elected officials. This was a total lost opportunity. Soon there will be as many maybe more people bolting the party as dropping the NYTimes. It was only the election of Obama and then Biden that kept me from becoming an independent. This would still allow you to vote for the candidate who is not Trump. This party is beyond disgraceful.

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Well, I do think Dems were speaking about it. But there’s so much noise around Trump and his many and ongoing court cases, no one was paying attention. Certainly media hasn’t been

Now media is obsessing on Biden and is he going - yes or now.

The SCOTUS decision is nowhere. Holding Trump to the fire is nowhere.

Please don’t give up on Dems. It’s the only Party that can save the country. The other one is corrupt and bloody dangerous.

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The “what about” narrative is particularly ineffective when played from a weak hand.

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I’m pretty sure the “what about” narrative is not my point. A “weak hand”? I don’t see it that way. Again, two guys/Parties running, so let’s hear balanced focus on both. No matter the narrative - only targeting one of them is a very skewed view of the capacity of the Democratic Party. There’s the Project 2025, led by Trump, that must be given equal attention.

My point is that there’s nothing left to say about Joe Biden. We’ve heard, listened, read and weighed in on that discussion. In the end, he will decide.

All the while the potential danger of a Trump Presidency looms large.

No media “ whole cloth” devoted to any of that. Instead it’s hand wringing and punditry of the first order.

At a minimum, balance, must be the order of the day.

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Even though I agree with what you said, the problem is demanding action from an obtuse and profit driven (not accuracy driven) media is aspirational, not realistic. They have absolutely no incentive to do this. Sure, we can say protecting American democracy and even though that's true, but they don't give a shit and have 100% caved and normalized TFG's behavior.

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Then we must call them out on it. Daily! Stop watching. Tell them we are boycotting and why. The incentive is to cause them loss of advertising $$$.

They think with their pocketbook? So, be it.

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I have advocated several times on several sites that boycotting is the one action that would bring the large and larger corporations to their knees. Loss of profit is the one thing that they cannot abide, since profit growth is their core concern. But my advocations were summarily ignored by all political flags. You would have thought I advocated pooping in public, but on second thought that was a poor metaphor choice, since Trump has done and that was too ignored. Corporations have tried and have put forth laws that would prohibit boycotting altogether, knowing the peril it represents. But the silence runs deeper. Ordinary people seem to believe or have been brought to believe that directly attacking a corporation is attacking capitalism itself. The tribal CEO's have said that no criticism of capitalism can be tolerated, that unfettered growth is the inviolate principle of its existence. They shutter because they know that should any boycotting grow meaningful large, they would have to compromise. Have to.

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I understand your feelings, but why hasn’t the mainstream media beaten up on Trump? why hasn’t the mainstream media done anything about Trump? Why are they constantly criticizing Biden and nobody is telling Trump to get out of the race the 34 count convicted felon. This is more upsetting. They’re letting him ride.

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As they have done since the down escalator ride in 2015. They've normalized his behavior. Not saying it's right, just what they've done.

As Jon Stewart said in May 2024, "Outrage is the engine of our modern media economy." More insanity from TFG does nothing for their bottom line, so they don't care.

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I think they are AFRAID to fight Trump TOO! They're AFRAID of the MAGA RETALIATION!

Steve was targeted + forced out of his home! STORMY DANIELS LOST HER LIFE +





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Trump and team are THE MAGA-MOB. This is a FASCIST-COUP. WAKE UP USA!

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💯 % agree. If Trump wins it’s MSM fault. I truly believe that.

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It was media's fault he won the first time tbh, along with Comey pushing Hillary backward with no time to recover.

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> "...why hasn’t the mainstream media beaten up on Trump?"

After the debate, the mainstream media I watch reported that Trump lied throughout. Still, Trump supporters are not calling to replace him. Replacing Biden has become the story. News of the debate is last week's news.

Trump is a convicted felon. In their alternate universe, MAGAs view that trial as illegitimate. Clearly, they can excuse anything that Trump does or says. Anything. I have to think there are more reasonable voters than such unreasonable ones, whoever the Dems put up.

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It’s called complicit

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"why hasn’t the mainstream media beaten up on Trump?"

It's about money - as usual. All corporate media depends on revenue to be profitable and they get it by playing to the sensational. Corporate media is dependent on advertising for that revenue so they are always going to go with what gets the most "likes", "clicks", or whatever so they can up their rates. TFG gets them that. The plain fact is Joe Biden and all conventional politics are genuinely boring to most people and you can always count on TFG to blow up everything. It's what makes fascism work; Mussolini described fascism as reactionary. Reaction sells so corporate media will invest heavily in it. It's also why these independent and alternate news sources like all these substacks and YouTube videos are so important to our freedom. I don't imagine there are too many of these news sources that are getting rich so one might assume that they have purer motives than corporate media for the content they produce. Steve is probably driving around in a minivan and Tucker Carlson probably drives a Corvette or some other expensive vehicle.

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Steve I’m tired of you running down the POTUS, give it a break. While trying to be an honest broker you do great harm to the cause, by the way that is defending Democracy and defeating the convicted criminal.

If you spent half the energy breaking down the lies Trump repeated at the debate you would be providing a great service to the voters.

I still say when someone leaves a party and joins the other party they bring with them many of there old biases and beliefs.

Let the Democratic Party sort it out.

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The voters here already know the problems with TFG. Don't like or agree with the article, don't read it. Steve is saying for many what needs to be heard. For those of us who agree, Biden cannot win and is trending down, not up. Against an utterly despicable POS on the other side. Were he an effective and viable candidate, he would be kicking TFG's ass, but the opposite is true. That this is not a landslide means it's time to wake the fuck up.

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And it would be wishcasting and magical thinking. Biden can’t fight Trump. He has been worn down by the presidency just like every POTUS before him except Trump, and Trump only served himself in the WH, as primarily evidenced by 400 THOUSAND COVID deaths before he left office while HE focused on his idiotic press conferences. And so much more.

Biden will lose to Trump. And Biden is digging in, which is only prolonging the magical thinking and the frustration and sucking up time that is getting shorter by the day to consolidate around a new ticket and FIGHT TRUMP EVERY DAY.

Project 2025 is looming. Biden is countering this mess by saying he will go to bed at 8 pm. And I LOVE Biden. He has been a fantastic POTUS and will be remembered for it if he will GET OUT OF THE WAY NOW.

If he doesn’t, he will LOSE and lose hard. And we will be living in a dystopian hellscape with Stephen Miller and a host of other misfits calling the shots and running what is left of our lives.

And THAT will be Biden’s legacy.

Steve Schmidt is RIGHT.

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Yikes 😳 Really?? You are presently living in the Twilight Zone. The very latest indicators are that even more Blue states are tottering and quite possibly could be lost in November.

Do you want to win this election?

Continue down the road you and others are going down and you will get exactly what you claim not to want-Trump in a crushing electoral victory in which both houses of Congress are controlled by the Republican- Fascists😱

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Steve Schmidt: Fight MAGA, not Biden! Steve was a founder of the Lincoln Project. They helped us win in 2020. Hit TFG/MAGA hard, Steve: Powerful 'Schmidt Storms'!

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Steve Schmidt: Fight MAGA, not Biden! Take it TO TFG/MAGA, Steve; take them down!

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yesterday, to take your quotes as representative of the Stephanopoulos interview with President

Biden! I should not have blindly trusted your take on the interview, before watching it myself!

When I watched it later in the day- it was nothing like the characterization from you and others

in the media!!! The quotes you chose were not representative of Biden's EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE


I BELIEVE in Kamala Harris, but it is SHAMEFUL the way the MEDIA, is trying to force Biden out!!!

I MUST INCLUDE you in there, too Steve, to some extent. I HEARD a report- I'm not sure it is true- that you, Steve, supported RFK Jr.'s run for President? Nevertheless, whether it is true or not-

many reports on President Biden in the MEDIA are LIES + DISTORTIONS! AGE DOES NOT DEFINE

A PERSON! Each person is unique! WHO IS BEHIND THIS PILE-UP IN THE MEDIA AGAINST BIDEN?? THE BILLIONAIRES LIKE MURDOCH, WHO OWN THE NEWS CHANNELS? LIKE THE SHAMEFUL ELON MUSK OF X? LIKE THE DISNEY CARTOON HEIRESS WHO FEELS SHE'S QUALIFIED TO DICTATE WHO OUR NEXT PRESIDENT WILL BE - BECAUSE SHE CAN WITHHOLD MILLIONS IN DONATIONS?? I will support President Biden, if he runs. His age, experience, wisdom, talents, and relationships, with world leaders will not be easily matched, by ANYONE, who could replace him! It's DISGUSTING the way you are treating a human being, of age, with a slight


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I have no idea what report you’re referring to that I support RFK Jr.’s candidacy. That is absolutely untrue.


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Excellent and timely promotion of Kamala Harris. I knew she had a strong voice, if and when she got the opportunity to speak. She is talking about our VOICES and VOTES!

I strongly feel, though, that Biden and Harris need to be shown as a TEAM. Thank you!

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Thank you for clearing that up, Steve. I don't remember where I read that.

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I am in complete agreement with your take on that below level interview of our sitting President and hopefully re-elected if he continues to run. It was lower than low, and Biden was captive...I thought he should have told him off for not asking him questions about his future plans for America...maybe that would have satisfied people instead of treating him like a PATIENT and not like a President! It was surprising and demeaning at best...Biden is not just a person but a person with a plan that is much better than the alternative plan...as Trump is just the empty vehicle setting the stage for his much smarter leaders ...dangerous as they may be.

Thank you!!

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Biden should have turned every question to the future, to his plans. That was his job. Just as it was in the debate. He has not done that, and that’s why I’m worried. That’s what people want to know, what are you going to do? What’s this about? What are you about? One thing about elections, folks aren’t looking back at what you, the office holder, has done. It’s what’s next, not what happened. Maybe not fair, but there you go.

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it's not Biden's nature to deflect from the questions...but the entire interview was, in my opinion, shallow and demeaning...I am sure Biden knew he was being tested with every word he said...FYI...he is tested everyday with extremely important decisions and seems to be doing it well...as we are a team...unlike Republicans who are the party of ONE!

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And Biden has a TEAM, including VP Harris!

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Agree, Linda,

Thank you,


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Trump may be an empty vehicle but for undecided voters he may have looked stronger and more capable than Joe Biden did. Electability is the key to this election and Joe didn’t instill any confidence in those on the fence. Die hard R’s will vote for trump and die hard D’s will vote for Biden but the race is going to be decided by those that are undecided and unfortunately Joe did nothing to help that situation. On the contrary, he hurt his chances, and our chance of saving democracy.

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According to polls Independents are going to Bidon...also we forget that many of the polls are just telling you that they believe Biden should not be running...it does not mean they won't vote for him...most important is getting the info out to the voter...2025 Project ...etc...I do believe he can do it if he is not alone...not if made to walk the plank by his own!

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I strongly feel that Steve can do a lot of damage to TFG/MAGA with his "Schmidt Storms". The Lincoln Project helped us win in 2020. I hope Steve will "Fight MAGA, not Biden!": Hit Hard!

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AGREE LISA, Steve is gifted at hitting on target, few commentators had impressed me as much, through the terrible Trump years! Eloquent, moral, effective- but in this essay, I felt pulled in wrong direction!

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Yes, Steve has and can to further damage to TFG/MAGA leaders. 2025 needs to be hit hard non-stop. Trump need to be exposed for how dangerous he really IS!

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Sorry, Judy, but your comment/rant is almost unreadable and thus incomprehensible. If you want people to read and understand the points you’re trying to make, drop both the ALL CAPS and the overuse of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Neither one adds a scintilla of logic, reason, or understanding to your statement.

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Hi Martha,

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Today, alone, I'VE gotten over 40 LIKES, on

a few of my comments. As well as some replies, saying they agree w/ me. Those

people seemed to have no reading comprehension problems you refer to. Also, I've

been a member of Substack- this one- + Mary Trump's- for over 6 months. I've

gotten a lot of other LIKES + POSITIVE REPLIES to my comments typed similarly.




to accept myself as I am. I'm a visual artist + writer. Inclusion in the Democratic

party used to mean accepting others- even if they're different. Not everyone talks

the same, ( some of us stutter), or writes the same, or thinks the same. If my style doesn't suit you it's ok. Not everyone will like me or my work. But some people will understand + like it. Have a good evening.


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You Rock, Judy!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Content is more important than style...so I give the content an A + As far as style...my three dots will always appear and I have been published...right or wrong...FYI...TRUMP won in 2016 with all of his CAPS!! I certainly don't want Trump but not for using CAPS!

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....and Kamala Harris is Biden's VP! They work well together! Support the Biden-TEAM!

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Love Joyce Vance today. I'm with her 200%. WE CANNOT withstand another 4 years of a Trump Presidency, as below.

"Wherever you stand on the debate over whether Biden should be the Democratic Party’s nominee (I’m still firmly behind the Biden/Harris ticket), one thing we can all agree on is that the country cannot withstand another four years of Donald Trump in office. Trump benefits from this dispute just like he does from the delays in sentencing him in the Manhattan case and in moving forward with the prosecutions in Washington, D.C. and Florida. We may not control that, but there is still important work we can do. It’s imperative that we continue to focus on the fact that democracy is on the ballot in November, and that educating and motivating as many voters as possible is the path forward. There are a lot of challenges—voter suppression, the Supreme Court—but we did this in 2020 and we can do it again, as long as we don’t let anyone convince us we can’t before we get there." Yea, baby!

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Hoping your dreams come through is not enough...I still say that the course has to be Biden against Trump...voters will be more apt to take the road they know as opposed to dealing with the new while they are being decimated by the Rt Wing Maga Trumpsters...and I mean all of them as I am watching Lindsay Graham right now spatting out lies just like the rest of them and of course bringing up Biden's mental capacity because Dems have not been bold enough like Bernie Sanders just did and cement his...Bidens... agenda not just Biden the older guy and his everyday moves. He was terrific and set the stage for moving ahead...voting blue no matter who...if it comes to that is what matters for Democracy!!

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Yes! Also, it isn't Biden OR Harris....it is Biden AND Harris. Biden has a qualified TEAM.

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Thank you...They need unconditional support!! Wake up Dems and more!!

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Maybe if you stopped playing into the Project 2025s hands and focus on the REAL threat the campaign wouldn't seem adrift. It's perception. Stop the circular firing squad. We won't win if Biden drops out. Work towards the goal not this longing for a sure thing.

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Please stop shooting the messenger. Steve is not the cause of Biden's inability to make a cogent argument for another term. Biden and his staff are 100% to blame. Reporting what is plainly seen rather than declaring fealty to Biden, exactly what we ridicule MAGA for with TFG, is denying reality.

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Agreed! 👍🏻

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Amen! 👏

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Debra, Many of us think that we won’t win if Joe STAYS in the race. He looked completely inept during the debate. Those of us that follow politics daily have a good idea that he is doing a very good job and has done a good job for 3-1/2 years, but most people don’t follow politics daily and if they watched that debate they didn’t see a Democratic candidate that looked presidential.

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I’m not sure how Lawrence O’Donell would know for sure how many undecideds watched. And please note: I didn’t even need to use capital letters to share this comment.

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Why don't you watch the Lawrence O'Donnell show, Friday night following

debate? and you'll find out Henry. it was a very informative show. I'M SORRY


who types slowly + doesn't always have time to switch keys or notice small



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People are criticizing capitals? WE NEED TO UNITE to SAVE DEMOCRACY.

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An hour and a half. What does Trump look like? You are panicking and ignoring all the days afterward he did well. Keep calm. This is no way to keep a democracy. The stakes are higher than they've ever been and we're panicking over every gaffe. If it took near perfection to win, Trump would never had been near the White House. The GOP sticks together. Joe is more than capable and the democratic system behind him can handle any unforseen problems. We can't let the authoritarian party win.

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Joe’s performance at the debate was more than a gaffe. It was a disaster. Yes, an hour and a half of disaster. Look at film from 2020 debates and what happened last Thursday. Joe is not the same person. He did not look like the leader of the free world. We can’t candy coat this election. Yes, it’s very important and we need someone that can stand up to trump and call him out on every one of his lies. Joe failed that test! If Joe doesn’t walk away from the race ASAP what will he look like at the next debate which will be after the convention and much closer to the election? There won’t be time to regroup.

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Biden is already on a PAP machine for sleep apnea. Sticking with him now to spearhead a victorious assault on Trump would be tantamount to voluntarily putting the Democratic Party and our democracy on life-support.

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Seriously?? You think that's crippling? How old are you?

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I concur that my comment seems harsh toward Biden, but I meant the analogy more metaphorically than literally. I have great and genuine respect and empathy for Joe Biden whose positive accomplishments as president have been unprecedented. But encouraging him to keep pushing on against the mass psychotic delusion of Trump and his cult at this point requires vast reserves of mental and physical stamina that he is doubtful capable of marshaling and sustaining, especially if an underlying condition is revealed upon an exhaustive physical and mental medical exam that goes beyond and updates the last official annual exam from February. (BTW, iI am not unfamiliar with the purpose and functionality of prophylactic PAP/CPAP treatment.)

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Then why act like a CPAP is a sign of failing health? 50 year olds use them. You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. Joe AND our system can get through this together. You are just feeding the chaos that makes the Democrats look incompetent and untrustworthy. Quit looking at the trees and look at the big picture.

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Ken; then why did you bring it up?

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Do you understand the meaning of metaphor? Assuming that you do, then we simply disagree regarding its apropos application in this instance. The bottom line is that Democrats need to act now to breathe new life into a moribund but exigent effort to stanch Trump’s mortal peril to democracy and freedom.

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There are good metaphors and bad metaphors Ken.

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Ken Pap machines are very common. How can you use that as evidence? Do some homework on that one.

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Sleep apnea can make you exhausted.... this guy needs to fg SHOW UP to his interviews, debates, campaign events with ENERGY AND VITALITY. He is blowing it, not those who are scared shitless because our lives depend on him WINNING. He's failing to convince us he can beat Trump or even show up with 86 million plus on pins and needles. So sick of dems shit talking those who dare to question Biden's capabilities....the man should have NEVER run. He should have kept his word and been a one term president and we would nit be in this convoluted mess!

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Having used one nightly for the past 5 years, I am quite conversant with their purpose and function, thank you very much.

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Really??? I know 20 year olds on a CPAP for sleep apnea.

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Your scenario of VP Harris being able to defeat Trump by teaming up with Moore is flawed. However, there is another person who would make a better running mate and who has what it takes to take on Trump and his corruption. I see a ticket of Harris and Cheney or Kinzinger that could unite the middle of both parties where Democracy wins and Trump loses. A combined ticket is how you beat Trump and defeat fascism.

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True or not, and I respect what both of them have said and done, Cheney is opposed to TFG, not his policies. She voted with him 95% of the time. And no one here, not even Steve, has any say who replaces Biden should he step aside.

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It may not be a perfect match but the middle is stronger when both sides vote for a common good.

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Perhaps, but have you been paying attention to the partisan politics of the last several decades? What, we want to fix that now? In this election, when American democracy is on the line? Yet again, we don't decide on who it will be anyway.

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I like Harris - Kinzinger if at the time of the dem convention it looks like Harris is going to lose. Right now I am going to hope she will be winning with a strong dem ticket.

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Steve's boxing analogy was a bit off. Biden WAS on the mat, but they have carried him out of the ring and now he isn't even in the arena. WTF? With less than 4 months to go, you need a Google search to find the democratic candidate for president! If Biden has ANY energy left, why isn't he out there every day..all day..berating Trump and his brownshirts and toadies? Come on, Dems. Make your move. Now!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, In the past couple of days, with a growing chorus of Democratic office holders and major donors asking Biden to step aside, I've felt hope for the first time in a long while. But what can the average person do? ACT. Venting here is not enough. We should be calling our congress people and governors, urging them to join in pressing Biden to step aside. Only if an electable candidate takes takes Biden's place at the top of the ticket can we be saved from Trump. I called & emailed them, and I also contacted Chuck Schumer as he's Majority Leader. All these people need to pressure Biden to step down.

And as election day nears, don't forget the "lesser" offices - if people are so dispirited by their presidential choices, they may stay home on election day. That would have an awful downstream effect on dozens of other offices. And don't forget that sometimes judges are elected. Visit OATH - https://app.oath.vote/ - you can specify your greatest concerns (getting more Dems in Congress, reproductive rights, and a few other options) and see which are the most critical campaigns. You can only vote in your own state, but you can donate money. Add pls foward this info to friends around the nation.

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Agreed! She can oppose Trump, belittle Trump, laugh in his face, get under his skin, sneer at his obvious misogyny and call out his cringeworthy lies. I’d like to see her say on a debate stage, “Look at that face.” As he said to Carly Fiorina. She’s a former prosecutor, so please let her prosecute this guy. But finally: hey DNC:!For God and Democracy: please put someone in the fight. Anyone.

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I’d support anyone they agreed to also.

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When I read this, I didn’t like it. Period. It’s a media thing, normalizing Trumps hideous behavior.

I’m a supporter of yours, but also a proud Supporter and Patreon of The Meidas Touch Network. No blowing smoke and sunshine. Nothing but facts and reality. Let’s try to put a little more positive light on the Biden Administration after these years. Huh?!

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Hakeem called an emergency meeting for this morning with Democrats. I don’t know who is participating. I saw him on tv yesterday.

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That is hopeful. I feel like the spirit of fdr and jfk need to be defended from what seems to be a crisis in character.

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Steve I watched you on Bad Faith when I rented it for 99 cents on Amazon Prime. You were so right, as usual. Please make sure you promote this very important program!!

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Mark Robinson going into a church and telling Americans to be prepared to kill other Americans is nothing new. It is entirely keeping with the hatred he spews every single day here.

Robinson is a MAGA Standard-Bearer and the second highest ranking public official in the State of North Carolina. He is popular here. What does that tell you about your fellow Americans?

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A James Carville War Room Bill Clinton era approach is what's needed!

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