Milley is a true hero. I guess the Navy and Army War college’s will have to add to their curriculum. Now they’ll be teaching case studies about “the war from within”: Trumpism!

Never in my lifetime could I imagine this. Although, nothing anymore surprises me. I’m still wondering how the hell we got here?...:)

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I wonder how the hell we're getting out of this. A man found guilty of rape, 91 indictments for egregious crimes, the most prolific liar in history and he's the GOP frontrunner to be president of the US. WTF? I feel like I'm living in Cinderella's rabbit hole.

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I know, huh? What a harsh divide: Gen Milley vs TFG. Class and integrity vs trash and insanity

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Agreed! Quick question though. Alice’s rabbit hole won’t suffice?...:)

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God bless him. May he have a long life and a happy retirement.

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Fifty years ago my country had me swear an oath, gave me an M-16, and sent me to Vietnam. I was one of many. My dad served in WWII. I was willing to do my part (even though I disagreed with the premise of our involvement at the time). When not flying missions by day we pulled guard duty at night. The term “Rules of Engagement” was important to understand when you were surrounded by enemy combatants. Today I look around at what MAGA is doing to our country and I see no difference to what other foreign (and domestic) entities have tried to do in the past. Our legacy media has failed miserably at their job of reporting. Social media and cable news have dumbed down our society. Our institutions are under siege. Our last hope is for voters to wake up, pay attention, get engaged, and clean house before it is too late. In the meantime, let’s not be afraid to name the problem. MAGA are traitors to what this country stands for (read General Milley’s letter again). My question will soon become: What are the rules of engagement? I may be 73, but I won’t let these morons take what so many of us have fought to defend without one more fight.

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Thank you for your service. And thank you for an honest insight. I fear for our country. The toxic nonsense people believe baffles me.

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As I wrote on your Warning on August 9: "I too, feel tremendous gratitude to General Milley for following his conscience, rather doing what he longed to: leave the insanity of the White House. He did this for US, the American people. He told the Chiefs of Staff that they were to report to him for any requests which they received, rather than to the so-called "Commander in Chief". As far as I'm concerned, he saved our nation. In my mind, he will always be one of the greatest Americans in U.S. history. I remember hearing that prior to Biden's Inauguration, that he was seated next to Mrs. Obama. She said, "I feel so relieved." He said, "You have NO idea." Now I understand. May the remainder of his life be filled with happiness and ease. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, General Milley. You are without question a 'Profile in Courage'. Many blessings and much gratitude to you, Sir."

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Gen Milley is remarkable. Much respect.

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We should all be faithful to our oath and rule of law. Thanks for leading the way.

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Mark Milley is an eighth wonder! Can you imagine what he had to handle and tolerate in the Trump White House? How did he ever accomplish anything on any day? But Milley did the job and kept his sanity! Amazing task! Kick Trump to the curb. VOTE blue and get rid of this useless cult everywhere.

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The Goldberg article, just like Steve Schmidt's piece from 2022, are required reading. I continue to be staggered by the complacency of the majority of Americans with regard to the danger that Trump and his ilk represent. As my mother, who was raised under the Nazis in Germany, drummed into me throughout my adolescence, it all started with lies. Unexamined, uncontradicted lies - and an environment where speaking the truth could cost you your livelihood, your health and ultimately, your life. The US is well down that slope and as a Canadian, living next door, that terrifies me.

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Hear hear fellow Canuck. Hold on to your tuque, the Americans are in for a rough ride.

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I am a little confused when what got written , bearing in mind hindsight is 2020. The saying ,is now differently famous for rather infamous reasons. Is it irony at its best?

It isn’t the greatest lesson taught it’s the greatest lesson the second time coming around the proverbial barn.

E. Casey talked about repeated dreams being messages needing ‘heard’.

But this is the proverbial nightmare at the barn door AGAIN!

The Dream is in danger!

The American Dream.

I told ya sos - will be too late. (That can be read/understood at least two ways)


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Well said! Really unbelievable. Thank goodness Milley didn't, early on, retire out of disgust. He had the brains and strength to take on Trump. But the contrast you describe is amazing, isn't it?

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Gen Milley is here for our Country, not the politics. He owned his oath and carried on accordingly, not engaging in the politician manipulations. He saw through the 45th administration and took the side of our Constitution.

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Oh, I read The Atlantic article on Milley. Everyone should read it and get an idea of how fortunate this country was to have him at the most important moment in current American history.

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Try to refer us to articles that don’t have a pay wall associated with them...ie Jeff Goldberg’s editorial about Miley.

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Contrast Biden's actions on foreign policy and the military with Trump, his MAGA crowd and Republicans in Congress. It should be clear to any reasonable voter which party supports our military. The MAGA base isn't reasonable and they never will be. They have always been there looking for a "leader" to bring them all together.

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I think Milley will go down in history as a great patriot - too bad he couldn't do more when in the company of the fat orange fuck but he did his best - thanks Steve

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Sure wish I could...but I don't have the money to do so, and also it seems that the GOPhers are fiddling with social security again...so I must hold on to the little I get every month which supports me and my 30 year old daughter. 700 bucks. That is it. And, SS tells me that I have resources, meaning my husband, who gives me zippo except yelling and screaming that I am a needy person because I want to be able to eat once in awhile. Right.

I have already exhausted my complaining today. Sorry for it.

But - one question...does anyone know where I can read this article so I can understand?

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Here we are, full of gratitude for the rare courage that a (very) few around Trump have shown. But oh Lord, we are also stricken to understand just how close we came to the end and how it all hinged on these few rare courageous people. Next time Trump will ensure there's none of them around to stop him and that is the awful realization. We're at the mercy of American voters and boy, I wish I felt better about that.

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