This is the best column and analysis I've read this morning. Problem is - there will be no fair election in 2026 - Trump is fixing it now - letting Russian cyber security in, letting Musk fool around with his tech and gutting voting rights all over the place - states doing it too. So we can't fool ourselves into thinking the mid-terms will turn things around. We can't wait - we need a unified opposition party with a clear leader now - to be speaking for the opposition in one voice everyday - with press conferences and a loud voice about Trump the traitor - aiding and abetting our enemy and abandoning and punishing our allies. The Democrats were an embarassment last night - just action out - but not showing strength in unity and opposition.

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I fear you are correct. We can't wait for 2026, because PINO(president in name only) will have destroyed our electoral system. He may, by then, have simply declared Martial Law and set himself with his minions up as fuhrer.

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Cybersecurity. We House Dems and Senate Dems, using PAC money along with billionaires’ help, privately hire technicians to replace what we just lost, to help secure our country from Russia and trumps treason. We can probably duplicate the mission and even hire techs that were let go.

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Cybersecurity. We House Dems and Senate Dems, using PAC money along with billionaires’ help, privately hire

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Privately hire technicians to replace what we just lost, to help secure our country from Russia and trumps treason. We can probably duplicate the mission and even hire techs that were let go.

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Senator Slotkin delivered a beautiful speech. But, while I agree with everything she said, something was missing. She seemed to normalize the moment, comparing it to other times of instability in our nation.

Until Democratic leadership acknowledges the existential danger we are facing, I fear that danger will only grow.

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Sen. Sanders is the only one on-the-road taking the urgent message to Americans.

Where are all the others? And he is an Independent.

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That is the truth. Talk about doing what we need right now ! Thank you Bernie!

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This not business as usual, a challenge to rise to


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Diane! You see things that I missed, entirely!

You have the BIG picture!

Slotkin did need to address the lawlessness and wretched

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I couldn’t watch last night read many comments about the lying, etc. I am happy our Senator Slotkin did a great job speaking the truth to Americans. I know a lot of people who will fight til we are rid of the MAGA scum currently in DC.

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Love her speech but that ain't going to change anything. Democrats need to be out there across America convincing voters to vote for them and to protest this corrupt administration.

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Yes they have to do things differently now.

They need to get loud and just meet this moment!! Democrats this is a coup and if we don’t meet this moment we are going to lose all our rights. What’s left of them anyway…!!!

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Sen. Slotkin spoke to the “ normies “ in this country in her rebuttal. Normies, as in just left of center. Or just right of center. Not the batshit crazy of MAGA and not the MEGA Woke virus either. Simply common sense solutions. You need ideas Dems. You need a better plan than MAGA.

The Dems need to keep hammering this home to the American populace. For example, immigration. Wouldn’t it be better for individuals if conditions are optimal in their own countries? No gangs running your village. Good jobs. Low crime. Affordable food. Schools for the children. And, not having to pay coyotes to get you out of said country fast before something tragic happens to you or your family.

This is what USAID and other govt orgs, that the DOGE dotards are cutting, help to do. And, its what the Dumpster and his MAGA nutters are cutting or eliminating. Proof positive they have no clue what they are doing.

Drive these points home Dems. This isn’t a right or left, blue or red, dem or repub issue. It’s an ( normie ) American issue. We all want safe borders. But a wrecking ball approach just isn’t the way to achieve this.

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We as a country owe Ukraine for stripping Russia of its conventional military strength and war-making ability. I have the numbers.


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Do you find it a bit ironic that the speaker was lecturing Al Green about decorum? We passed decorum some time ago when the orange man sicced his thugs on Congress while they were trying to certify the election.

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I believe the speaker was one of the main implementers of the insurrection. The gaslighting from start to finish. It's exhausting. And I fear, very hard or impossible to penetrate.

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He's a slimy piece of work. Looks and acts sweet, squeaky clean, and the epitome of Christian values and love. He's an absolute viper not to be trusted on anything. And second in line to the presidency

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Excellent point, they nuked decorum with that. Never forgive, never forget

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SCOTUS DECISION: release funds for USAID!!! ❤️

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This just sends it back to District Court for trial, which can be appealed when complete. It never ends. Most ominous is that this was a 5-4 decision.

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Not that big of a deal. The ruling didn’t change the plan at all, they paid back wages and I assume other bills that are owed, they will delay, you know the drill. I will believe this ever so small vote not to screw work that was done. It’s something dirty don has done as a lifelong ‘business strategy then the king of bankruptcies won’t have to pay anyway. The point could be made that the US is close to bankruptcy right now, it’s the old playbook and nothing new here.

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Finally some good news!

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“We are no longer moving towards an oligarchy, we are living IN an oligarchy”. Bernie Sanders

Last night, Trump spoke 90 mins and not word on healthcare, outrageous prescription drug cost. Not one word about homelessness, or climate change. The reality of medicaid cuts. He didn’t say he would end corrupt campaign finance systems and move to public funding. Nothing was said about raising minimum wage. the list goes on. “Despair is not an option. “

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Bernie's speech was way better than Slotkin's.

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In other words, he said nothing about all those issues we're told Americans want to hear about & Democrats failed to address. Seems like a disconnect somewhere, right?

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In no other words, those are the words. 🙂

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It took a while for my Senator Slotkin to awaken. She voted for the Lincoln Riley bill along with a gaggle of other Dems in a CYA move. Good to see her rise to occasion. Hope she will continue to do so.

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Slotkin along with several others, including someone I donated quite a lot of money to, Ruben Gallego, also voted for a few of the cabinet nominees.

Those wholly unfit, unqualified people should have never received even 1 single vote from any Democrat, not one. They shouldn’t have voted for little Marco as they did either.

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Whoops. Laken Riley

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Agreed. Senator Elise Slotkin. A breath of reality after a slog of treachery and delusion.

In all my adult years, I’ve never seen a truly deplorable group of people, as the republicans last night. All of them.

There’s just no other way to describe the self-satisfied sadistic pleasure derived and relished not as they’ve said or would have anyone believe from the upset of the democrats in attendance last night [though that was a palpable presence of their delight], or “owning the libs” these just excuses to exhibit an omnipresent, underlying pathological unadulterated grotesqueness, a false gold-lacquer superiority consuming them, wealth placing them above care, the callous disregard for all the people they’re celebrating deceiving, even those they claim as their own — those who believe they’re included, will at some point recognize they’ve been used and are dispensable. Evidence of this, as you've called out, Trump even diminishing Marco Rubio last night in front of a national and international audience. His self glorification. His pronouncements. Profoundly. Sick. Laughing at people, anyone and everyone not in their in group. Pathological immaturity.

I’ve just never seen anything like it. The taking pleasure from power. The absolute absence of anything they’re doing for the people, while claiming the opposite, knowing it’s all a lie. The glee, that they’re fooling people, and believe they’re getting away with it. The pompousness. The duplicity. The smirking hypocrisy.

I feel bad for the young people they used as stooges, young enough to not realize they were being used. The American they secured the release for, he and his mother - one thing they did to have that credit, when everything else is utterly abysmal. Used. Exploited. Nothing, genuinely selfless.

Grotesque. The only word I can find to describe it. And unfortunately they thrive and are nourished being seen as and called grotesque.

My hope is, as an American believing in my country, that the American people and other countries will collectively gather ourselves to diminish this grotesqueness in every way possible.

And understanding, this isn’t politics per se. It isn’t as straightforward as, presenting policies and demonstrating integrity as the opposite of. It’s a battle with “tribal-narcissism”, “tribal-gaslighting” of an entire population of people as their targets and their supply. Everyone has to begin to discern the distinction to confront and successfully do battle with it. And politics. And policy.

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The normalcy, sanity, and patriotism of Slotkin was an excellent counterpoint to Trumps lies and buffoonery. She is now on the list of potential leaders who could help us avoid the abyss.

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She was solid and on point, but I can see the point Tom Nicholas made last night in the Atlantic that just being normal is not the answer for these times. Wasn't that Biden's theory of the case? Age aside, all that earned him was a kick in the teeth.

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Hated what Nichols said, but he is right: all Slotkin’s grace and eloquence belong to a civilized time. This is not that time. I keep waiting for our team to act in a unified way. But I am not sure what that means in practice. Should they have gotten up and left at Trump’s first lie? I do not know - we saw the glee with which an old man with a cane (Rep. Al Green of Texas) was escorted out— but I do know that at the very least, it is time for us to call our reps DAILY and demand that Tim Snyder’s idea of a Shadow Cabinet {or any idea that gets action such as a lie-disputing press conference held at the same time every day at the same DC location by Obama? Pete? Governor Pritzker (so far the only one with guts)} gets attention across the country. I hate feeling impotent. (BIG BTW, Steve, thanks for your Substack. Between your words and those of Tim Snyder, along with Indivisible’s Thursday meetings, i feel less alone.)

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Pritzker IS impressive. He doesn't try to sanewash this coup. He's a billionaire so harder to attack by being "primaried" out of office. Born with the proverbial silver spoon, he managed his businesses well and increased his wealth. Never needed perpetual bankruptcy filings.

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I think there should have been some performative reaction. Something like, every time Trump lied, one Dem rep should have turned his back and left. And then the departed reps should have held a press conference. That would have been a story. Not business as usual.

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There probably wouldn't have been a single Dem left by the end of the speech. :-)

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Works for me!

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The big problem is reaching people. Democrats just don't have the massive propaganda network the right has built over decades. Pritzker,my gov, is great. Definitely not Obama. Nobody escorted MTG out when she rudely screamed at Biden's speeches, or Boebert,or Joe "you lie" Wilson back in the day, which illustrates the double standard.

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Cybersecurity. We House Dems and Senate Dems, using PAC money along with billionaires’ help, privately hire technicians to replace what we just lost, to help secure our country from Russia and trumps treason. We can probably duplicate the mission and even hire techs that were let go.

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What a hypocrite Mike Johnson is. When MTG interrupted Biden it was ok but when Al Green did it was throw him out. Disgusting hypocrisy.

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I vehemently disagree with Steve’s dismissal of Al Green’s protest. Apparently Steve is not in touch with what the average Democrat is looking for. I was watching 2 live streams at the same time & the chats were overflowing with praise for Al Green, & people wishing that at least several more Dems would have exited with him. The majority of the thousands in the chats were PROUD of Al Green. He damned sure cares enough to call out the lying.

Does anyone remember that Rep Green got out of his hospital bed after having a procedure & made it to a floor vote in order to throw a monkey wrench in Holy Mike’s vote count & stop a bill from passing? I do, & he was thought of as pretty heroic for that.

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Senator Slotkin was excellent although I don’t like the references to Reagan. He was an awful president who plunged the country into the worst depression since The Great Depression.

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I agree!! I very much want our Democratic leaders to just STOP holding him up as some kind of icon of Republican virtue & patriotism. He was a horrible president, who perhaps had a great speech writer. He used the Southern Strategy just as Republicans still do, pick at that scab that barely covers the racism hiding beneath.

The “Reagan Republican” is no better than the W Bush Republican, who now fails to speak up against the horrors his party is committing now.

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Cybersecurity. We House Dems and Senate Dems, using PAC money along with billionaires’ help, privately hire technicians to replace what we just lost, to help secure our country from Russia and trumps treason. We can probably duplicate the mission and even hire techs that were let go.

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@ J Fender: I've lost count. What is this, the 6th time you've copied/pasted this same comment? Seriously, we got it the first time. Please stop.

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Thank you.

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It is amazing, and terribly disappointing, that the Dems didn’t make more use of last night. What are they afraid of? Why did the vast majority of them stay? A walk out en masse would have provided some hope. It would have been good television, too. If the guy lies, which is what he does, why stay to listen? Worse, the Dems don’t seem to have a compelling story to tell. Aside from Bernie, that is. Get your shit together, Dems. Today would not be too soon.

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I agree - like Steve suggested yesterday.

It would have been so powerful if they all stood simultaneously and exited quietly, orderly, and completely.

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Suffering from 20th centuryism.

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And the question remains: How do we counter lies that so many prefer to believe? Who will die for these lies? This Kool Aid is very strong! When facts and truth are inverted, how do we counter them? How do us non-billionaires fight money, threats to free speech, to food security and financial security in old age?

How do we fight the lies about Social Security when the puppets refuse to cut their strings?

The rebuttal is brilliant, truthful, but how does it gain power and influence?

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Polls suggest about 5% of T voters now regret their choice. Almost certainly that will grow substantially. But the really dark question is whether meaningful elections will themselves survive in time to matter.

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I agree. People talk about taking it back in 2026 but I wonder if we will have elections. T mostly lies, but when he says no more need for elections, he means no more possibility. We know 2024 was rigged with voter suppression etc. and it can only get worse for 2026. I know it is up to us, but we cannot alone turn the tide. we need more officials inside government who speak out and carry much larger sticks than prim signs in the room.

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Cybersecurity. We House Dems and Senate Dems, using PAC money along with billionaires’ help, privately hire technicians to replace what we just lost, to help secure our country from Russia and trumps treason. We can probably duplicate the mission and even hire techs that were let go.

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OH thank you! This is the stuff we don't know and doesn't get reported! I love this, thank you so much for responding! This gives me so much hope! I KNOW we can do this, it's just a matter of organizing, focusing, integrating. Thank you for leading the way.

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Elise Slotkin response was wonderful. Thanks for posting, because after 'watching' with you, Steve, I shut down in despair and would have missed this display of statesmanship, leadership and democracy. The republican sycophancy is exhaustingly disgusting.

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You stopped me with the AfD blood oath! Welcome home, barbarians! My distant Scottish ancestors might relish the moment, but not today. We no longer paint our faces in green and blue. Trump & Co. are using blasting charges against our republic. Far more destructive than a wrecking ball with a wider range of deadly shrapnel, the damage created can be wholly irreparable. Who would ever have guessed a president of our great republic would become Enemy #1 of our great republic? "He" is taking us ever-downward. At this rate there will soon be little left to salvage.

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