I disagree that the MAGA idiots are so unlike the party of Bush, Reagan and Nixon. Those assholes planted the seeds for MAGA by courting the extremists and giving them oxygen to grow. This coddling of the John Birch Society assholes, southern racists, gun nuts and Christian taliban are all gathered together under a leader (and his corporate enablers) who are now ready to do away with the pretense of democracy.

They lit this fire. Now we all get to pay the price.

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No, we get to put it out! 💦 🔥

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While I wouldn't call them assholes, the party did coddle and use the crazies in their party to win elections. The Republicans have been on wrong side of popular issues for a long time, but now they have sunk to a new, all-time low. It can't and won't last - Trump will die or be defeated, and then what happens?

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I’ll call them assholes

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You’re more civilized than me. 😉

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Hey, Dems have some crazies too.

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You’re right, but they’re not the ones driving the bus. The R’s have primaried every reasonable person out of the party and all they’re left with are the wackos. It’s the Dimwit Brigade who have no ability or desire to run the country (unless it’s into a tree). Their only focus is to dunk on libs and sow chaos so the crooks can destroy what’s left of FDR’s New Deal.

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This is not a revolt led by business as much as it is by far right Catholics.

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The Koch Foundation and all their progeny are 100% behind this nonsense. Peter Theil, Elon Musk and a huge majority of the plutocrat class are also funding and driving the narrative. The Heritage Foundation aren’t a handful of misguided Catholics.

Your party has been the party of big business for a long time. Since Nixon though, they’ve been grafting on the support of the conspiracy minded, the ignorant racists, the gun nuts, and the fundamentalist Christians. Add in the Q anon morons and you have the modern Republican Party, which acts more like a cult than a party interested in governing a country.

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Well said!! 👏👏👏

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Actually, it is a coalition of far right Catholics, evangelical Christians, racists, mysoginists, autocrats, homophobes, Qanon wing nuts, and the unscrupulous politicians selling their souls and betraying their country by aligning with the former to gain high office, power, and wealth.

As stated in previous posts the roots go way back in right wing GOP politics from Lindbergh's America First, through McCarthyism, Gingrich's Contract with (on) America, the Tea Party to the current and most ominous threat, the Trump/MAGA movement.

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Yep you're so right Anthony!! You can draw the line straight through it all. Hillary was absolutely 💯 RIGHT.

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The Catholics may play a part, but when Citizens United allowed corporations to be people, business started to and still does donate vast sums of money to corrupt, dishonest criminal politicians. So, my thoughts are business is buying up our country one elected official at a time.

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Seriously? You're going to 'both sides' this? Whenever I hear that, I point out that the "crazies" by whom I assume you mean the farther left in the party, have never been the leaders or had control of the party. That is an absurd false equivalence.

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You must not be over 50.

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I am and your examples and argument are both weak and pathetic.

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The problem is that when you are the far left you don’t see your place on the line.

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Actually, I am.

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Vastly outnumbered though

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Examples please.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

I was a member SDS in the 60s and left, when they began asking us to participate in bombing our university.Some of our unions became gatherings of thugs. Every group has lunatics, but right now they seem to all have been gathered into the MAGA movement. That doesn’t mean we won’t continue to have our share.

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FFS, what a seriously false equivalence. Sure, let's go back 60 years to find the crazies. Not defending their positions back then, but seriously, try to keep it in the last effing decade or two or even the turn of the century. Please try again.

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The pendulum swings every 50-60 years.

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Well said. I howl at the moon, but same concept. Lol.

Had exact thought. Reagan, Bush I & II gave us Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Roberts, & Alito...& Reagan, in particular, with Roberts his 'captain', polished Nixon's 'Southern Strategy to a bright sheen.

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Bullseye! The aforementioned previous presidents are a part of the cumulative forces that brought us here today. Republican my arse.

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That’s what I’ve been saying for years!

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Yup, Reagan, both Bushes and the like started the fire and now we’re like Australia’s wildfires! The whole country is on fire! If we can’t put it out no more USA. We will be “Magaland”

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Everything you’ve said here applies equally to the Supreme Court, the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, the Murdochs, Sinclair…domestic enemies all.

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There is no greater example of what the MAGA Party represents than North Carolina’s own Mark Robinson. This is the man that Trump compared to Martin Luther King, Jr. Where do I begin?

1. He has referred to women as “skanks” and said things were better when women could not vote.

2. He has called gay people “filth.”

3. When a woman was brutally assaulted by her football player boyfriend, he said she had it coming.

4. He has questioned The Holocaust and denigrated Jewish people.

5. He believes life starts at conception and wants to jail women seeking abortions.

6. He said some people in this country deserve to be killed.

7. He wants to ban the teaching of science through the 5th Grade.

I could go on, but you get the picture.

This is MAGA. He was elected Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina by a plurality of 300,000 votes, which says as much about the people here as it does about him.

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John I swear when I think of Mark Robinson saying "Some people just "Really need killin" I hope he's talking about himself. And Trump. God help us. I pray for you all there. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Thanks Lisa. I am laser focused on showing Mark Robinson the door, plus all the other MAGA morons.

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Sam, I like your style.

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I understand your pain. I live in Florida.

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I used to have fond memories of Florida. My grandmother lived in Lake Worth.

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finally, calling by the correct name. All DEMS must start using the term fascist, make the media use it. The use fear, we must too. As the political landscape becomes increasingly polarized, it's crucial for the Democratic Party to adopt a strategy that effectively communicates the gravity of the threat posed by their opponents. By labeling them as 'fascists,' they can highlight the authoritarian tendencies and anti-democratic practices that are at the core of the opposition's agenda. This is not merely about adopting a new vocabulary; it's about making the public aware of the real and present dangers to democracy and freedom.

The media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception and discourse. Therefore, it's imperative that Democrats work to ensure that news outlets understand the importance of accurately characterizing the actions and policies of the opposition. By consistently framing the opposition's behavior within the context of fascism, the media can help the public recognize the stakes involved in political decisions and elections.

Using the term 'fascist' is not about instilling fear for the sake of fear itself. It's about waking the electorate up to the urgent need to defend democratic institutions and values. When the public understands the fascist tendencies of the opposition, they are more likely to mobilize in defense of democracy. This mobilization can take many forms, from voting to participating in peaceful protests, to engaging in civic discourse.

It's important, however, that this strategy is employed with care and precision. The term 'fascist' carries significant weight and historical baggage. Its use must be backed by clear examples and evidence of authoritarian behavior, suppression of dissent, and other anti-democratic actions. Democrats must be prepared to explain why the label applies, citing specific policies, statements, and actions that demonstrate a fascist agenda.

Moreover, this approach requires unity and consistency among Democrats. Fragmentation or half-hearted adoption of this terminology will dilute its impact. As such, party leaders and members alike must commit to this framing and work collaboratively to educate the public on the importance of recognizing and opposing fascism in all its forms.

In conclusion, the call for Democrats to label their opponents as 'fascists' is more than a rhetorical strategy; it's a necessary response to the erosion of democratic norms and values. By making the media and the public aware of the fascist tendencies of their opponents, Democrats can help safeguard democracy. However, this strategy must be implemented thoughtfully and responsibly, with a commitment to truth and a clear understanding of the implications of such powerful language.

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The Word "Fascist" is of Italian heritage and the word "Nazi" is of German heritage. Let's say the word "MAGA" is of American heritage.

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Love your analogy!

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Beautifully written but it makes me actually cry that at this point americans don t freaking know this?

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More & more are beginning to every day. When Taraji P Henson called out Project 2025 at the BET Awards, with just a brief reference to what it would do & urged the audience to “Look it up,” there was a huge increase in the number of google searches for it.

There has been a huge increase in posts about it on sm sites too.

Ali Velshi is going to be covering portions of it on his weekend shows going forward starting today. Joy Reid also has committed to covering it daily.

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Maybe mAgats will understand the word “dictatorship” better than fascism- they seem at a loss to understanding “antifa”.

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I often refer to the most ardent Trump fans as terrorists. Anyone who calls, emails, texts, etc threats to rape, torture, or kill a person or any of their family members for the crime of speaking ill of their Dear Leader or holding him accountable for his crimes, is a terrorist.

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For my entire life I have been hearing that the best defense is a strong offense. It’s time to punch the bully in the face, breaking his nose and knocking out a few teeth. While putting him down on the ground, but permanently. We were attacked by a domestic terrorist with an act of war on Jan 6th. 2021. Enough of the bullshit!

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Why haven t we been screaming about this since jan 7 th!! KEEEK!!!!

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Some have, only others are listening now. But never quit screaming.

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I have been posting, commenting some form of this ever since, posting it to Reps, Senators, Journalists, anyone with a following. But no one ever listens.. Even before Jan 6th. Perhaps you will recognize some. "Desperate times, desperate measures" or "A fish rots from the head, cut of the head the body withers and dies." or the quote from dialog from a popular motion picture.

“If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone”

~Michael Corleone

The Godfather Part II, art imitating life..

All of these things are real and true, but so few give a shit.

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Sam, I like your style.

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Have to distract the SS to do that

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A Nuremberg Rally in Wisconsin. Too bad it’s in a domed building, Leni Riefenstahl would have loved an arial view.

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Mark Robinson chastised women who could not keep their skirts down…. No mention of men who could not keep their zippers up. Sums him up

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If you are very involved in pro choice sm sites, such as Jessica Valenti’s TikTok page & bother to read the comments, that sentiment is almost 100% the barb thrown by male anti abortion advocates. The “You should have kept your legs closed” is their go to accusation almost exclusively. There is rarely a word even suggesting that there is a male involved at all.

It is always about blaming & shaming the female for HER behavior.

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Plus the fact that his wife or a previous wife (gf?) has had 1-2 abortions, but now he’s decided it’s a punishable crime? Seems he now has a severe guilt complex so he’s going to take it out on all other women.

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Those things are all true, and they should alarm all Americans. Yet when I visited back in the Midwest recently, in a red state, they seem not to know, or care if the do.

And I wondereed, who's fault is that? In part it's our horrible media's obsession with bothsiderism, but I think the Democrats are to blame too. We fail to go on the offensive, to attack and get angry. We are too complacent and fearful.

That's one of the reasons I'd like to see Harris takeover as our candidate. She can use her lawyerly ways to question and probe Trump and bust holes in his delusional thinkng. Plus she provides youthful optimism, and is a strong voice for a woman 's right to choose, a key issue in this election.

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Yes!!! She would be fabulous at taking down the orange menace Margo.

You're exactly right about the Midwest Red states. At least the one I live in. They make excuses for all his bad behavior and justify anything and everything. I'll never understand how mostly good people of faith could turn a blind eye to such abhorrent behavior. It is beyond my comprehension any longer. I've tried to figure it out for years. The only thing I have left to conclude is they somehow have become convinced ours is worse. 💔🇺🇸💙🙏🏻

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Tim Alberta wrote “The Kingdom, The Power, & The Glory” subtitled American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism. He is an Evangelical Christian, his father was an Evangelical minister & Tim wanted to figure that out too. It’s really good, I got the audiobook.

Another good book explaining the phenomena is; “Jesus & John Wayne” by Kristin Kobes du Mez; subtitled How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith & Fractured a Nation. I thought it was an excellent explanation.

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Spot on Steve. Thanks for continuing to speak out against the fascist threat to our country. I sincerely appreciate it.

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Project 2025 has finally become common knowledge and most Americans don’t like it. Trump is finally being called out as unfit for office by major news media.

Instead of directing fire at MAGA, Democrats are taking shots at Biden because he’s not a good speaker and is old. Biden understands government and has been an effective President. He’s not the best messenger for his campaign, so assign others to spread the Democratic message.

What Biden needs and deserves is unity. Let’s stop wringing our hands and give it to him.

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I agree completely. Let’s get behind Joe and stop all the hand wringing. And definitely, let’s get other Dems to spread the message; we need unity and fast!!!

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If you have to say you are, you aren’t . The louder you say it, the even less you are. Trump and his MAGA cult shout it because they are the least connected to American democracy and justice. It makes them pretend to be patriots while their thoughts and activities as the least American.

How many times has the most destructive force in a country used the slogan Make —-Great Again?

I wouldn’t be surprised if archeologists uncovered a banner reading Make Rome Great Again.

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😆 🤣 😂 That's funny. They probably will!!!

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Women and children are invariably the victims of male aggression, but women are also the key to winning this election ........ the most important in our history.

May read as over the top hysteria rather than a cold assessment of what is being presented to us by aberrant male leaders, but women will either vote in their own and their children's interests or watch as these men, whose only desire is to control, pursue their own selfish end of might making right

Women have the potential and if they unite, our society's future and by extension the world's, will turn away from the irrational and destructive path of war to the reasonable and productive road to peace.

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Can you please share this message with the Independents in MI, WI and PA before it’s too late?

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Thank you, Steve! Keep hitting TFG/MAGA/Fascism hard. They must be exposed and destroyed.

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Wonder how Mr Orban liked the chocolate cake😡

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The following is a quote by FDR: “The liberty of democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is facism, ownership of government by an individual or by a group.”

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Great quote, Pat.

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