Donald Trump lied the entire time. President Biden spoke softly but I heard his honesty and compassion and accomplishments loud and clear.

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and I reluctantly say, that’s it not enough.

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There is no comparison between President Biden’s record of accomplishments and his goodness and compassion he has for every American compared to Donald Trumps record of death and lies and abuse and dismantling of our democracy. I don’t care how Biden says it I love what he says and what he does for our country every single day. Thank you.

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Someone on the watch party I attended said this: “Actions speak louder than lies”. We need to keep that in mind and broadcast President Biden’s actions everywhere and every chance we get.

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Was that someone actually referring to the American voter? Specifically to the UNDECIDEDS? Those voters?

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He has a cold and sore throat.

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But it doesn’t pump up the indifferent, unthinking mob who are not Maga but need someone to inspire them. Joe AND Kamala should both leave the stage. A Trump vs Harris match is not a winner, not if we put the country ahead of their potentially wounded feelings. ‘Thank you for your service. Please rest on your laurels or help the young candidates.’

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Agreed, Sandra! There is enough time to shift, in my view.

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It is all about optics. Trump does nothing but lie, lie, lie but more in control than Biden.

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Biden had a cold and sore throat.

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In my view, he should have mentioned it and apologized for the softness of his voice. I would have.

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Yes, he is a confident and energetic liar, which is what MAGA love about him.

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I don't know how you replace Joe Biden though...

Not this late.

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I’m voting D no matter who or what. I don’t want to see Biden ever disrespected and I do believe he is the only one who could beat Trump in 2020. 2024 stakes too high ; he just can’t communicate confidence and emotionally connect in this moment. I love Joe and his decency and his work for us and I want to cry.

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I know. I was watching the debate and when Joe stumbled badly , not only in words..I even do that…but in thought.. I pulled the blanket over my head and sat there till it was over.

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I will say it again. He was not well with a bad cold and sore throat. He will come back strong.

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I love Joe and what he stands for and what he has accomplished but this is no normal election. Years ago candidates were picked at the conventions. It could happen again.

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Too much is at stake at this time in History! And Joe promised to pass baton!! He is not able to “make the sale” sorry don’t at 63 be ageist but Joe seemed 30 years older than Trump who is a sociopath and truly insane !!

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He seemed to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of lies Trump spat out.

I don't understand why he wasn't prepared for it.

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Read Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter. The moderators should have stopped him from lying. The fact CNN didn't fact check in real time was a disgrace.

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You don't. You fight harder! That's what Rachel Maddow said on The View recently. I wish Steve Schmidt had as strong a core as Rachel Maddow. Here's her appearance on The View...


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Steve NEVER wanted Biden to run.

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In 2020 the field was vast. Biden was not at the forefront. James Clyburn put him there. Biden was not my first pick either. He did a tremendous job. But it’s time, Joe.

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Clyburn won the nomination for Joe in 2020.

and Joe was the best person to beat Trump- and he did.

and everyone said Biden was done going into SC.

Bernie was going to be the nominee.

and he would have lost.

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When I was a lad it high Wyoming, I got caught out in wind storms. When I got home I could pick up something to read, and though my eyes went through the words, I had no idea what I just read. It took about twenty minutes for my mind to reorient from the disorientation caused by the blizzarding winds. Years later, in North Dakota, there was a snow blizzard that killed eleven people. Most of those people died from freezing going to or coming from their barns because they were so completely disoriented by the blizzard they had no idea where they were . These people grew up in these farms and could walk from their houses to their barnes blind- folded. Another far more subtle disorientation is experienced in driving in a very strong snowstorm. You must concentrate on the road. If you look at the snow you are moving through, you will soon become "hypnotized" by the ocean of flakes moving fast at you. You will the hit something or run off the road. I was often counselled by many about this snow/driving phenonmenon. Powerful outside, unrelenting influences can completely disorient the human mind of focus. I worried and stated that Biden's weeklong marathon might have unwanted dire consequences. Clearly what was only emphacized was facts, facts, facts. You can have a sky full of flaks and hit no planes. Clearly Biden was not tutored on elements that would improve his debate performance--slowing way down his talking speed, which, in the debate, cost him when he talked so fast he lost control of the sentence and caused him to stumble and fail to complete his sentences; assume a stance of comfort that beamed with smiling confidence; natural medications to make his weakened, strained voice much stronger; so many numerous hacks that can project a positive image. I see Biden blizzarded by the ceaseless concentration of facts that he did not need at all. Gone was any positive mein he displayed in the State of the Union address. The first shot of him was a very weakended vessel and a look of disorientation. He looked defeated from being worn out. The fate of the debate was over before it began. Without any preparation, left to himself, he could have easily handled Trump, who lied and evaded almost every question. His performance tonight did him in. He is finished. The people who marathoned the weeks preparation did all they could. They did it in spades.

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That's exactly what happened.

He was trying to match Trump's speed.

They should have prepared him for that.

It just seems the volume and the intensity of Trump's lies knocked him back for an hour.

The last half hour he was much better.

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Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom!!

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Cannot have an all Cali ticket

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I think Kamala officially lives in DC right now.

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Both would lose

Gretchen Whitmer or Jared Polis

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Josh Shapiro

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Yes we can. Trump has thrown tradition out the window! Why can’t we!!!!

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JuliaForDemocracy, I would submit that your instincts are entirely correct and that, as a start, you join with the rest of us on this site who want to be part of enabling a transition that affords Biden the highest praise for 50 years of immeasurable service as he passes the baton to the next generation of leaders.

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But I think anyone who doesn’t think the optics were a disaster for Biden needs to get their head examined.

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Agreed. I like the Whitmer and Moore ticket. Sorry friends. I'm surrounded by Republicans. I know what they see and what they want. And Joe looked awful. God love him. Trump is a psycho. We've got to defeat him. Period.

I hope people remember all Trump's lies. JB said "There's a reason over 40 of your administration officials won't support or endorse you for President." Trump's line of the night: "I didn't have sex with a porn star."

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We do have to defeat Trump.

He's a mad man.

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?Whitmer - Moore? As in Michael? Which Moore. No one else comes to my mind. Hakeem Jeffries- Eric Swallwell YOUNG DEVOTED DEMS. How does that sound?

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Wes Moore, Gov of MD

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One can acknowledge that he had a cold and had a less than stellar night without jumping to panic mode. See my attachment above on a better way to respond to this evening's debate.

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But it is hard to overcome a performance this bad, and the stakes are so high.

Our republic is at stake.

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You are right. The prospect of Project 2025 derailed my brain. Definitely put me fully into panic mode, as opposed to the edge of panic where I have been since 2015.

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agreed, but it will be a disaster if he drops out now.

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He’s lost more than a step, likely as much to do with Hunter’s mess as with the rest of the world that’s on fire.

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Not necessarily. What would be worse?! If he stays in and we lose everything?! Omg.

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It would be just as bad if he gets out and we lose, wouldn't it?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I agree. Only, uncommitted voters, if there really is such a thing, are basing their decision for president on the look of the president! If they paid attention to the facts alone, Biden would win hands down! Dems have bad messaging of their accomplishments and unfortunately, people seem to be selfish and superficial these days and seem to only care about the price of bread and eggs when it comes to picking a president.

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Exactly. So ‘if’ is the key word I that last sentence. The Romans liked ‘bread and circuses’ and so do the majority of the non-thinking voters. They’ll do what ‘Pastor Enqvist’ tells them, our wonderful ‘Christian’ brethren.

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People are not selfish they are scared and misinformed by the media.

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He had a bad cold and a sore throat, that's why his voice wasn't strong.

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He spoke the truth. I will take his imperfect speech over lies any day of the week and twice on Saturday.

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Biden was exactly who I expected him to be and he. Also had a cold. I didn't expect anything more or anything less. His record speaks for itself. And I think that is volumes. Unfortunately, we have a media that plays on histrionics and catastrophizing. Anything that doesn't model a egocentric. Academy award-winning performance and that the liar who is used to grand standing gets The Pass. This is bullshit. We need to support Biden. He will never allow this country. To falter, he will always defer to others around him and make the right decision period

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I agree wholeheartedly. Once again the media went hard on Biden and soft on the convicted felon

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Right On! Thanks.

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I totally disagree with you on this one. Biden has delivered a lot in his time in office. Had a repug done what he has done it would be spread over all the newspapers on TV stations. Dems are so bad at messaging. Biden did not perform tonight. He was elected as our candidate. I far trust an older man than a con man any day. Biden has a moral backbone and will surround himself with capable democracy loving advisors .. Sorry but 90 minutes doesn’t sway my opinion. Don’t think that independents and dissatisfied republicans would vote for Newsome or someone else like him. We stick with our man. Our job is to show Trump for what he is, a frigging Fascist dumb narcissist liar. Time to get to work, not whine about tonight.

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Right On! Thanks.

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Hear! Hear!

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He must be persuaded not to run There is a winning ticket out there for the dems but its not this one

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Agreed. He needs to bail immediately. Harris also isn’t the answer. Trump will have a field day.

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Harris is NOT THE ANSWER. Dreadful campaigner. May resonate on women’s health and rights but not much else.

If anyone saw Gavin Newsom over-defending the Dems and giving a giant pep talk immediately after the debacle on MSNBC ….He is prepping to be “ready” at an open convention.

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Meryl, I watched that segment and was left with the same impression.

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Schadenfreude much?

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Robert, A few days ago, you mentioned you had friends in high places both at the state and federal levels. While you acknowledged that they lacked influence with Biden’s inner circle—those folks who presumably spent the last week prepping Biden for Thursday’s debate—if you have any thoughts as to how to transition to a brokered Convention that would allow for highly qualified candidates battling for the nomination, I would like to hear them.

I simply would submit 2 points: 1) the announcement would have to occur close enough to the Convention to cushion Biden from having to weigh in on who would become the nominee and 2) Biden must be afforded the opportunity to choose not to seek re-election for noble reasons, e.g, he can’t invest sufficiently in critical unrest both at home and abroad and also run for re-election.

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I’ll let you know what the prevailing thoughts are as soon as I speak with my friends…:)

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Robert, Thank you so much for your quick reply. In case you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend NYTimes Editorialist Thomas L. Friedman’s heartfelt piece “President Biden Is My Friend. He Must Bow Out of the Race” posted June 28th, 2024 1:57 a.m. ET.

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No friend of Joe Biden.. no friend of anyone who cares about the future of America. Friedman now wants trump to be president. Get off the ledge Thomas.

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Pat, As a Friedman reader for as long as I can remember, I’m confident Friedman solely is concerned with whether Biden can defeat Trump.

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Your two points are right in the mark.

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Thank you, Christianne.

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Thank you, Barbara! A good suggestion. I remember when Lyndon Johnson announced he would not seek a second term! How can the Democratic Party skillfully pave the way for a dynamic candidate team? I’m 72. I dearly respect Biden. What a career! Yet, so many Americans who are in their 50’s, 40’s, 30’s, and 20’s feel their voices are not heard. I see the future and I will not be living into it as these younger folks will.

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Susan, Reaching back to 1968, when, on March 31st, Johnson announced he would not seek a second term, had RFK not been assassinated, he handily would have won the Party’s nomination and, very likely, the Presidency. In my view, were Biden to do the same, the amount of chaos that invariably would ensue would pale in comparison to the energy unleashed by the Slate of highly qualified articulate candidates battling for the nomination. Admittedly, my favorite picks would be Governors Gretchen Whitmer (MI) and Wes Moore (MD).

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I agree. Thank you Barbara.

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So well said & to the point!! ☹️

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It's simply too late....let it go and move on.

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Disagree! Eileen that is exactly what the Rethuglicans wat.

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I get the impression that many are more worried about Biden’s feelings than about the country. I love Biden…but remember ‘one term?’

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If it were a disaster Steve, I’d be more than content. I’m pressing panic mode. We have seriously reached DEFCON 1 status.

I had to turn it off after five minutes. Watching paint dry would have been less painful, and more entertaining.

Trump lied the entire time. Anyone with half a brain could have decimated Trump. Yet, instead, Biden mumbled and stumbled his way into handing the election to Trump.

No amount of the best surrogates and crisis management experts could undo the damage. How can we vote for a man who can’t even defend himself against the only person alive, who could make George Santos appear to be another Teresa.

Replace Biden now, or prepare to lose. And Harris is a loss as well. I wouldn’t be shocked if Trump is up by 15’points in the next major poll taken after tonight.

This truly was a colossal clusterfuck!!!!!!!!!!!

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and shame on Joe Biden for not realizing he can’t carry the flag for us!!! He couldn’t counter Trump with his own words of love for Putin and Orban!!! And he is so old school he couldn’t say what Trumps Nazis said at Charlottesville “Jews will not replace us” PLEASE STEVE SHARE THIS THREAD WITH THE POWERS THAT BE IN BIDEN WORLD THAT YOU KNOW!! I feel Joe Biden what one feels about an aged parent one loves but has to make arrangements to put in a nursing home!! Not saying Biden needs to be in a nursing home but he is NOT up to the hardest job in the world!! 😳😢

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Well said…:)

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Danger Will Roger!!! ( for those old enough to remember that TV show of days of yore!)

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. . . that's "Robinson" . . . Danger, Will Robinson! lol

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Schadenfreude much?

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AGREED!!! Our eyes and ears 👂 did not lie to us!! And shame on Nicolle Wallace for talking about this situation as campaign having to rework itself to somehow convince us that Joe is still our guy!!

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Agreed. She’s trying to put a positive spin, but I guarantee everyone is in GINORMOUS panic mode. Biden will be slaughtered at the polls, and he might take the entire “down-ballot” party with him.

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Agree totally. Totally. Harris has limited appeal and does not connect well… except maybe on women’s issues.

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This is on the DNC again. Three presidential elections in a row. Hillary, the only candidate that could lose to Trump. Then in 2020 it was going to be Bernie Sanders… Biden was a ninth inning reliever. The DNC should have groomed someone as early as 2021, to be a younger centrist candidate. They are just stupid because they did not learn from their mistakes. They did not listen to the constituents that did not want Biden.

This debate is a Godsend for the Democrats. No excuses, they can see for themselves how poor their judgement has been. They need another 9th inning reliever to try and save this election. Democracy, our economy, our justice system and all three branches of government are on the line. Help.

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Thank you!! We barely won the last one. Wake up people!! Come live in Red Indiana and hear what I hear. This is a disaster.

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And exactly who was going to run against or instead of Biden? I don’t recall anyone.

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Gavin Newsom thank you!!

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Support President Biden now; Newsom in 2028. Although I have to admit, if Dems do switch to Newsom now, I will support him 120%.

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Gavin New

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Gretchen Witmer

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Eric LOL

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I had to turn it off - it was too painful to watch Biden struggle and Trump dominate with his lies and calm demeanor. If Biden can't step aside, then others will have to force the issue. He cannot win.

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Amen 🙏👏👏👏

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I couldn’t turn it off even when I was at the point of tears. I was in disbelief as the moderators continued to let T-Rump ramble on and on with his outrageous lies! According to him, our country was running perfectly during his administration. Remember the drink the bleach statement?! It will be much worse than that if he gets elected. While I respect President Biden, he needs to step aside. Young people will not vote for him after his performance last night or, if they’re smart enough not to trust the “big orange guy,” as my 10 year old grandson calls him, they will either refrain from voting or vote for Kennedy. God help us!

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Me too. Couldn’t watch it after Biden’s first few comments.

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Trump spewed utter nonsense, but forcefully and clearly.

Biden seemed tired and has served his country long enough. He should pardon his son, retire from the race and let a brokered convention choose a democrat to run. He saved us from Trump 4 years ago, but now he deserves to retire after a lifetime of honor.

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Biden won on substance. Trump won on style by default.

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This was the Kennedy Nixon debate repeated, however Biden came across like Nixon did in their debate. Trump spewed total nonsense, but it seems too many will be swayed be the grifter. I’m concerned that Biden is being kept out of the public eye. I’d still vote from him as Trump will be an abomination.

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Please don’t! If in your comparison Biden was like Nixon…please don’t say that Trump was like….no I can’t say it! But I catch your drift.

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Biden did not “win” anything tonight. He does not even get a “participation” award.

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Donald Trump WILL destroy America, the institutions of America, and American democracy if he is elected. And America will go up in flames fighting against his and his sycophants (via Project 2025 and other plans that they have) attempted take over of America. Americans will NOT stand by and let Trump do what he wants. Trump is America's Hitler and those that care about our democracy will NEVER submit to his tyranny!!

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I listened on the radio in the car. All I hope is that no swing voters did the same. It was terrible. Biden spoke too fast, too garbled and too softly. Sure Trump lied, avoided answers and was nonsensical. But that’s what he is. Honestly, the only glimmer for the entire evening was the appearance of Gavin Newsome on MSNBC where he chided is viewers to stop being pansies and get back to the fight.

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Gavin getting out in front of people at the opportune moment: reminding Dems and double haters get there is a way forward … his energy and affect and devotion to Biden were clever … he is in the wings for an open convention

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I thought you were made of stronger stuff, Steve. Shame on you for calling on Joe Biden to be replaced! Instead of saying Biden is weak (ignoring his towering strength in accomplishing more than any POTUS since FDR for the common people of America), you should be saying you will contact his people to help him counteract Trump's use of the Gish Gallop debating technique. You always sound tough. But tonight you sound like you are running scared... just what Trump wants. I am sad to see you collapse like this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop

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Brilliant! I’m beginning to regret having paid for a subscription here.

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Thank you. And I have now cancelled mine (which was going to renew soon).

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Steve B, did you watch the debate? Steve S is merely reporting what happened and what in his opinion is likely to happen moving forward. Nobody likes what Biden looked and sounded like in the debate…it was excruciating to watch. Do you only want to read and consider what you’ve already made your mind up upon. I’ll never vote for Trump but that debate performance hurt Biden.

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I’m with Steve and I always have been. Time for Biden to do the right thing and step aside. Time to pass the torch to a new generation.

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Yes, the Gish Gallop poll would be good information for 'The Warning', not "I told you so."

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Gish Gallop is not a "poll", it is a debating "style"/technique. Funny, Steve has never struck me as an "I-told-you-so " type. He's just reminding us of where he has been on this issue of Biden and his age problem for over a year now. And he happens to have opined correctly.

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Yes, you make good point here. Thanks.

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The sky is falling…The sky is falling….Buck Up!! You’re reacting to optics not substance… Joe is the only politician who can beat trump..It’s very early and the Chicken Littles are running amok!!

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Optics? People overwhelmingly vote their emotions not their rational minds

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Says you…

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Substance beats optics with the American electorate? Say what???

You do realize there is a substantial number of voters who are UNDECIDED. Now once you let the possibility that can be true sink in, think how those clueless bozos will be watching the attack ads the days leading up to the election. Substance over optics? HAH! You had it right up until you typed that capital B.

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Your assumptions about undecided voters presume the worst about them. Trump has lost 2 consecutive popular votes. Relax before you lose any more feathers.

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One word...UNDECIDED. Only a moron is still undecided. Do the math. So if you want to throw your lot in with them then it's the company you keep. Enjoy snuggling in your nest.

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Exactly…there is no one undecided..it is a construct of our media implying that there is. Nothing I posted implied that I am undecided nor that I am alarmed at Joe’s performance. However your response smacks of desperation.

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Steve was absolutely, no doubt about it, 100% right. I thought about what he had said a few times during the debate.

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I just canceled my subscription. I can't support someone who is so scared after tonight's debate that he wants to kick Biden to the side of the road instead of helping him win. Given all he has accomplished and can still accomplish, Biden deserves to be helped not discarded.

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Don’t shoot the messenger! Did you even watch any of it? It was painfully obvious that Biden is in decline and performed poorly…Steve is merely providing what he promises…A Warning!

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It has been a long range wisdom and not fear from Steve. Biden is of course the better man, trump a fool, and liar, no doubt. However, these times call for individuals with exceptional communication skills.

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I appreciate your "long range" point... but do not agree with the "wisdom" final word in that overall point. In my opinion, a wise man knows that a weak communicator need not be seen as "standing all alone against the forces of fascism". The Biden campaign has the time and capability to enlist the support of others to help communicate the critical need for Biden to complete his plans (which I wish he would spell out in detail). I believe Biden should team up with people capable of helping him produce a compelling visionary campaign event... with satellite events around the country... perhaps to be held once a month between now and November. Biden has a team around him. He has friends in the entertainment world too. Let them create the excitement and momentum needed for there to be a Blue Wave that washes the GOP out of office across the land in November!

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The bottom line is, Biden will have to be deeply honest with himself. The decision to run (ideally) is for the betterment of country. It is not personal. These times are different. It is not like when Obama didn't do well in his first debate with Romney. Sorry, didn't realize how late it is.

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Biden's campaign and communication team has failed. They have shown little to no ability to adjust. They prepared for a week and that's what we got? We can wish for all the things you say, but the reality is it will be difficult, if not impossible, to overcome last night's epic debacle. Biden is the better candidate than TFG, clearly, but that was not communicated in any manner last night, so that means it doesn't matter. This will have adverse effects on the entire ticket, so wishing for folks to wake up and realize the threat that TFG presents is unrealistic and not supported by any facts.

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Good bye.

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On substance Trump was totally wacked out!! That said Joe Biden visually and verbally was a disaster!! I am a life long Democrat and have been a regular small dollar donor and Biden aligns with all my values!! But this is NOT a hole Dems can dig out of with Joe at top of ticket!! MSNBC anchors are in denial!! Joe must get out and pass torch to Gavin Newsom !! If not his loss on them….better yet make Kamala the candidate with Newsom as VP!!

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Kamala cannot carry top of the ticket. Newsom could.

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I sure would like to see Gretchen Whitmer in there somewhere. I don't think Newsom would take second fiddle to her but I love her. And she's electable if the damn terrorists who tried to kidnap her don't kill her, God forbid. She just gave a wonderful interview on her new autobiography.

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Agreed as well!! Whatever it takes!! But action is needed NOW or Dems will hit iceberg right in front of us all!!

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We already hit an iceberg tonight. It’s too late.

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Yes Ann!!!

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MSNBC anchors are not disagreeing this was disaster. I have been listening to it all night.

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Okay, stand corrected ….but imho anything short of replacing Joe will lead to loss of Dems up and down ballot. 😓

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Who are you going to believe? Rachel and the gang or your lying eyes.

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Why not Whitmer Fred?! Gavin has a lot of baggage and is from California. Not to mention a career politician. I'm from the middle of the country. Whitmer and Moore or Shapiro are better choices in my opinion.

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Sorry. Sorry. And sorry-er.

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No way should Kamala be at the top of the ticket. She is toxic to too many voters and has no charisma

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As much as I like Harris…she’s not the answer too many people are afraid of or dislike her.

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And yes: MSNBC was working hard / nonstop putting lipstick on the pig once the shock dissipated after the debate.

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