Bill Browder said that Trump is a security risk. There was a Russian news agent at the White House during Zelensky’s visit. Putin could have sent an assassin.
Trump is not MAGA, Trump is KGB with aim to rob Ukraine of precious minerals, along side Putin.
George Orwell’s powerful last words recorded live, “there will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party (Putin/Trump). But always, there will be the intoxication of power, always at every moment there will be the thrill of victory. The sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you”.
Took 50 minutes, but Chuck’s singular contempt for Joe Biden finally surfaced. I will never forget or forgive him for a MTP he did about 3 months into the Biden Presidency which he began with something to the effect of, Today we’ll examine the reasons for the failed Biden Presidency! Click - I turned him and MTP off. 3 months in we were deep into COVID, with a soon to be released vaccine which had zero distribution plan and a crashed economy. had Chuck been half as critical and intolerant of Trump as he was of Biden, we might not have Trump back. Plenty of blame to go around for the current situation, but Chuck a;ways trashed Biden. Was glad he was booted from MTP, glad he left NBC.
It is the biggest liability to the future of our democracy that a leading contender to lead a party or the country is only qualified in part by the amount of money they can generate. Regardless of what the Citizens United decision may dictate, corporations are not people. And should not be able to pour millions of dollars into political campaigns. It is a huge part of why we are where we are today. It must be overturned.
I feel as if I’ve been sitting on the stool next to you two (I’ve rarely missed a Sunday morning with Chuck Todd) at a bar, eavesdropping on your conversation. So insightful. You’ve confirmed much of my historical thoughts as a left-leaning democrat who did not support—but voted for—Hillary and Biden and felt the Democratic party had become the ‘parent’ as in ‘we know better’. This episode confirmed that it was worth a subscription for a gal working and living on SSA. So glad to be connected here.
What Joe Biden went through broke my heart, because I have been down that road with two close relatives. The blame for his late exit from the presidency lies squarely on the shoulders of the cabinet members and family members around him. As is usually the case, he was unable to assess his own capabilities. He lacked adequate insight. It was time to take the car keys away from Dad, long before he stepped down.
I don't agree with chuck todd on many things here. He said they went after Hillary as a woman early on because she didn't take her husband's name. They criticized Obama's clothes. Didn't call trump for what they knew he is. It's such a double standard. The msm press sold/ sells what it thinks the public wants/needs(?) at the time. Not what they know is right. It's a game and we are losing big time. And P., what a huge generalization, as a so-called baby boomer (as is Bernie Sanders) and not screwing anyone over, I sure as hell am not brainwashed by msm and stopped watching long ago. Better for it. Chuck todd's true colors really came thru here. Ugh. This talk is an example of why I don't watch him and others from classic msm. I barely made it thru but for Steve's opinion. I am really appreciating Jim Acosta's very well-done new show. But I am concerned independent media will be stained by chuck's and others idea of jumping into it. He laughs off independent media as kinda fun? How f'ng arrogant. I will/can not watch Chuck's stack. Steve endorsing him surprises me I guess. Thanks Steve for everything, it is so appreciated.
Chuck's narrative is a bit teleological. He makes connections like "O.J. Simpson leads to Trump via Bill Clinton" throughout the interview, which doesn't help clarify his points. If he explains Trump's current autocracy by alleging press bias, what would be the backlash for the GOP? He is just beating the already defeated and pretending to be an analyst. While writing this comment, he mentions Pete Buttigieg, and I agree with him on that point.
Bill Browder said that Trump is a security risk. There was a Russian news agent at the White House during Zelensky’s visit. Putin could have sent an assassin.
Trump is not MAGA, Trump is KGB with aim to rob Ukraine of precious minerals, along side Putin.
Trump is both Traitor MAGA and KGB/Putin.
George Orwell’s powerful last words recorded live, “there will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party (Putin/Trump). But always, there will be the intoxication of power, always at every moment there will be the thrill of victory. The sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you”.
Took 50 minutes, but Chuck’s singular contempt for Joe Biden finally surfaced. I will never forget or forgive him for a MTP he did about 3 months into the Biden Presidency which he began with something to the effect of, Today we’ll examine the reasons for the failed Biden Presidency! Click - I turned him and MTP off. 3 months in we were deep into COVID, with a soon to be released vaccine which had zero distribution plan and a crashed economy. had Chuck been half as critical and intolerant of Trump as he was of Biden, we might not have Trump back. Plenty of blame to go around for the current situation, but Chuck a;ways trashed Biden. Was glad he was booted from MTP, glad he left NBC.
I will never listen to an interview with Chuck.
It is the biggest liability to the future of our democracy that a leading contender to lead a party or the country is only qualified in part by the amount of money they can generate. Regardless of what the Citizens United decision may dictate, corporations are not people. And should not be able to pour millions of dollars into political campaigns. It is a huge part of why we are where we are today. It must be overturned.
Unless you’re a woman, it wasn’t tooo bad.
I feel as if I’ve been sitting on the stool next to you two (I’ve rarely missed a Sunday morning with Chuck Todd) at a bar, eavesdropping on your conversation. So insightful. You’ve confirmed much of my historical thoughts as a left-leaning democrat who did not support—but voted for—Hillary and Biden and felt the Democratic party had become the ‘parent’ as in ‘we know better’. This episode confirmed that it was worth a subscription for a gal working and living on SSA. So glad to be connected here.
What Joe Biden went through broke my heart, because I have been down that road with two close relatives. The blame for his late exit from the presidency lies squarely on the shoulders of the cabinet members and family members around him. As is usually the case, he was unable to assess his own capabilities. He lacked adequate insight. It was time to take the car keys away from Dad, long before he stepped down.
Great pod today.
I don't agree with chuck todd on many things here. He said they went after Hillary as a woman early on because she didn't take her husband's name. They criticized Obama's clothes. Didn't call trump for what they knew he is. It's such a double standard. The msm press sold/ sells what it thinks the public wants/needs(?) at the time. Not what they know is right. It's a game and we are losing big time. And P., what a huge generalization, as a so-called baby boomer (as is Bernie Sanders) and not screwing anyone over, I sure as hell am not brainwashed by msm and stopped watching long ago. Better for it. Chuck todd's true colors really came thru here. Ugh. This talk is an example of why I don't watch him and others from classic msm. I barely made it thru but for Steve's opinion. I am really appreciating Jim Acosta's very well-done new show. But I am concerned independent media will be stained by chuck's and others idea of jumping into it. He laughs off independent media as kinda fun? How f'ng arrogant. I will/can not watch Chuck's stack. Steve endorsing him surprises me I guess. Thanks Steve for everything, it is so appreciated.
Chuck's narrative is a bit teleological. He makes connections like "O.J. Simpson leads to Trump via Bill Clinton" throughout the interview, which doesn't help clarify his points. If he explains Trump's current autocracy by alleging press bias, what would be the backlash for the GOP? He is just beating the already defeated and pretending to be an analyst. While writing this comment, he mentions Pete Buttigieg, and I agree with him on that point.
Thank you for this. I learned so much.