Nicely expressed, Steve, though for me the greatest miracle is that humanity has heretofore managed to elude its own self-induced extinction. A relaxing and reflective holiday season to you and your loved ones, Steve.

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Thank you for this diversion from the chaos in the midst of this insanity. It's a Zen moment for which I'm grateful. Haven't had many moments like this. l'Chaim.

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Thanks for sharing, Steve, and best wishes to you and everyone here for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I love space exploration and telescopes. I have always marveled how Frank Bormann and Jim Lovell spent two weeks in the Gemini 7 capsule. God bless them — too claustrophobic for me just looking at that capsule. But a good practice run for Apollo 8, for sure.

The Apple Store, and probably the Google Store, too, have the Webb Telescope App for free. Great app with extraordinary pictures to view.

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MERRY CHRISMAS TO ALL! Now we have to do Everything We can to bring back America to it's true Ideals of caring for earth and all its inhabitants! Spread Love and caring instead of Hate and Malice.

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That Earthrise photo and recitation of Genesis on Christmas Eve, 1968 was a seminal event for all Earthlings, including me at the age of 20. But it capped a terrible year: the February Tet Offensive, which convinced a lot of the country, including the trusted icon, Walter Cronkite, that Vietnam was lost and the slaughter a complete waste; the Mylai massacre in March, but we didn't learn about it until 1969 when the disgusting photos were published and plastered all over the place; the assassinations of Dr. King in March with the resulting riots, and in June of RFK, who might well have won the presidency and gotten us out of Vietnam years earlier, before we lost the war; campus protests and police busts; the disastrous Chicago Democratic convention and police riot in August; Nixon's November ascent, with his "secret plan" to end the war by threatening nuclear attack on North Vietnam; and then...as if to distract attention from this mess, the first moon shot.

So, yeah, thank you brave astronauts Bill Anders, Jim Lovell and Frank Borman for that moving, unforgettable farewell to an otherwise annus horribilus. And may all keep the wisdom of that moment front and center as humanity's next dangerous chapter unfolds.

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Miracles, my friend, miracles…realized, all.

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The Webb telescope shows the structure of the details of the universe like an X-ray shows the structure of our bodies. It may not be an exact analogy, but just look at this image:


A soul refreshing rabbit hole dive into Webb photos is just what the soul needs.

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Extraordinary, miraculous even, for this particular soul. Thank you Derek!

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Stunning! When will all of mankind stop bickering and reflect on the miracle that we all share, that which has been given to us from the depths of God's grace. If we can pause to see it.

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Amen!! 🙏

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I have the chills from reading this just now. Thank you for your wisdom, courage and commitment towards leadership and dedication to the project of spreading awareness, knowledge and truth. You’re a trusted voice. Blessings and happy holidays and stay safe.

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He is indeed a TRUSTED voice.


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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all us earthlings!

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Merry Christmas, Steve. Let’s hope Earth, or at least our corner of it, is on the rise above the long, smug, MAGA night we’ve endured since the election. It is always darkest before the dawn, but you’re helping to get us to that dawn. Wishing you excellent celebrations tomorrow and into 2025!

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I remember sitting at my dad's house and we were watching this on TV. I'll never forget those astronauts reading from the Book of Genesis. I remember wondering why they didn't read the Christmas story from the Bible, but all these years later, I know why. Because we may not have the same beliefs, but we are all one people created in a supreme being's image. We are diverse, we think each to our own ideas and opinions. We are all different, but we are the same. PEACE ON EARTH, ALL!

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Happy Holidays Steve!

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Happy Holidays to all here, may we find peace, love, hope and joy. Love this community! xo

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We love you too Lisa!! Merry Christmas!! ♥️🇺🇸💙😘🎄🎅

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Beautiful! Love you too Lisa! ♥️🇺🇸💙😘🎄🎅

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Ok, I am officially teary. It is what I needed to remind me that a spark remains...for all of us.If only we can figure out how to keep it burning...and not let it diminish or disappear. Like any spark, it takes vigilance to keep it alive. I am grateful to be reminded of that today. Thanks and wishes to you Steve and your family in that beautiful Park City ( home to some dear friends as well) ...and to all you out there in this community. Happy Holidays

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Lovely Steve. Thank you! I'm old enough to remember that special moment. Happy Christmas to you and all those touching down in this space.

As a secular Jew, I am a firm believer in and practitioner of Christmas. There are many ways to honor the day, the season, and even the man for whom the holiday gets its name.

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