"My path through life is now coming to a close. Fate has worked out a truly sad ending for me. How fortunate were the comrades who were allowed to die an honest soldier's death."

This statement alone bears out the delusion of thinking that took place under the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler and the millions of his followers. No parting thoughts for the "sad ending" of the thousands of people that were put to death for no reason other than someone thought they were vermin, just his own selfish feeling for his fate.

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Oh my...such a huge pity pot he sat on. Introspection wasn't exactly his strong suit, nor was reason and logic. "The Hollow Men" indeed, and he went out with a whimper. Pitiful. As for apples not falling too far from the tree, I see our present day fraudsters and grifters, the Javankas, each the spawn of criminals. After reading about such filth I need a shower. I don't have the stomach for watching the Iowa proceedings, so will rely on you, Steve, to present just the facts. Thank you for this posting.

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This is what I find so damnable and unforgivable as a human.

"The goal of the many years of rigid S.S. training was to make each S.S. soldier a tool without its own will who would carry out blindly all of Himmler's plans. That is the reason why I also became a blind, obedient robot who carried out every order.

My fanatic patriotism and my most exaggerated sense of duty were good prerequisites for this training."

THIS is fascism and the ultimate triumphant of "might over right" that too many think loyalty excuses.

Loyalty expected by DJT is for him to achieve this ultimate power and clear robotic responses of his followers. How people can become so numb or un-able to use free will to discern otherwise is beyond my comprehension.

As you said Steve, yes this is evil. The fact he cannot discuss with anyone for fear of retribution is the gop in a simple nutshell today.

FASCISTS of the most evil walk amongst us today using fear, power, money, lies, and sedition to achieve their goals.

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Of course, Hitler was the „RETRIBUTION“ for all those Germans who had grievances against life in general and Jews in particular. My Father-law, a Polish Catholic, was put into the German „Camp System“. He survived only because he was pulled naked off of a pile of bodies and nursed back to health by a French Priest. 25 of the 30.kids in my 6th grade class were Jews who lost family in the Holocaust! Please understand our dread today as we listen to „contamination of blood“ comments. Thank you Steve for letting the world see the teeth of this deluded monster!

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Hoss’s letter is brilliant!

“Without realising it, I had become a cog in the terrible German extermination machine.”--Hoss

Does this guy have any sense of self-awareness?

He further writes to his wife, “don’t lose your faith in humanity?

HUH????! Clearly, this guy had no sense of irony in his statements. Is self-delusion a prerequisite of evil intent? These excuses and justifications are ludicrous on their face’s.

Yet here we are in 2024, discussing pathologies and analogies between the Third Reich and the Trump administration. Like there isn’t a better use of our time.

Clearly, any future Trump administration wouldn’t be anti-Semitic since his daughter and son-in-law are Jewish; immigrants and disloyalist’s will initially feel the brunt of Trump’s rage and anger. Eventually, all other dissenters will be labeled communists and socialists, and finally they’ll come for the Jews.

History doesn’t repeat itself in a vacuum; there are plenty of scapegoats available to the MAGA mob.

So grab your popcorn, because this ride is about to get very bumpy and uncomfortable, to say the least...:)

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Evil is insidious. It, generally, doesn't come wrapped in the ugly countenance of a gargoyle or the creature in the movie, "Alien." If evil came clothed with its interior horribleness, we would recoil and run away. But it comes looking ordinary or even beautiful, which is much easier to embrace.

When power centralizes to one person, absolute corruption and evil appears. Think of Roman emperors, kings of countless nations, Stalin, responsible for the deaths of more than 20 million people. Hitler and the Holocaust are horrible because he had people exterminated on an assembly line basis. Could people in the surrounding area not smell the burning flesh?! How heartbreaking that Holocaust exhibits say, "Never again!" and human beings keep doing the same kind of grisly, atrocious

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to add, "Could people in the surrounding area not *see the drowning* flesh?", courtesy of Abbott - another very dangerous and cultist evil.

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I agree with everything you said.

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Hi Robert. His letter is a great insight into the fascist mind and reminds me of animals who look in the mirror with no self awareness. Hoss is a blank canvas spiritually, and like baby ducks, can be imprinted by a stronger entity. The MAGAs, impervious to facts and reason, must hang onto the fascist bleatings of a trump as their raison d'être or they risk disappearing. Being a mindless robot is preferable to being a non entity, like Hoss, who can claim ignorance when justice prevails. The twin to fascism is religion (as opposed to spirituality), the demand of mindless obedience to a doctrine of submission to a stronger entity.

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I wholeheartedly agree about religion. You can’t argue with a belief system. It’s a fool’s errand...:)

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Because religious “Beliefs”, by definition, don’t demand “Proofs, evidence, facts,...

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Because religious “Beliefs”, by definition, don’t demand “Proofs, evidence, facts,...

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And buckle up!

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Thank you Steve. The Holocaust is always there, and is unfortunately only too relevant today.

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True. As a generational descendant of this horror particular horror I heard stories passed on from a concentration camp. I visited one in Germany on a business trip. Today we see more, newer, examples evil with new techniques a modern, "twist" but the horror is pretty much the same. I feel conflicts with sadness, anger and questions. There's a book, Sapiens, that explores our unique genetic code, distinguishing "us" from other species, specifically hominids. Not individually, but as a community, a society. It goes back thousands of years -- on every inhabited continent. It seems, to those who witness the beginnings of evil, that it's new and unique. Not. Thanks, Steve, and fellow commenters for today's (MLK) wake up call. ☕️

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A letter written 80 years ago, could be written by a lot of people today. Denialism is rampant today as it was then. As with our former president, denialism is a strong narcotic that we use to excuse inexcusable acts. Hoss was obviously an educated man . Yet he oversaw one of the acts to humanity ever. He could deny what everyone could see, hear and even smell.

We have people today in this country that I believe are just as capable of being as inhumane as Hoss. They are here preparing their cruelty for after this coming election.

They will either be active participants or supporters of cruelty for the sake of being cruel. Names such as Stephen Miller, Roger Stone, General Flynn, Stefanik, Lindsey Graham, Greg Abbott , Gosar ( who wants migrants shot at the border).

We have no shortage of bigots, sadistic people waiting to practice their cruelty on others. Pandora’s box has been opened and only hope is left.

We have a chance to stop it before it happens. Vote for humanity not a party.

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That letter is gut punching. Yes, I can see the evil. Yes, I can feel the evil. It is all too real as to our present circumstances. The letter tells a frightening tale.

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How men, insidiously, become monsters.

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I believe they were always this way……crawling out from under their rocks when the right opportunity presented itself.

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I’ve been looking forward to seeing this film since I heard about it, although “looking forward” aren’t exactly the right words to express my feelings. Having lost family in the Holocaust, I have an unending curiosity about all things connected to the war, no matter how morbid and difficult it may be. I feel the same about October 7 and the aftermath in Israel and Gaza, especially having lived in Israel. The comparison to our current political situation is not lost on me and I find it frightening. To even imagine trump back in the White House is is more unsettling than I can imagine. I also can’t understand what so many people see in him ... or more importantly, miss seeing. Thank you for continuing to shine a light on his evil ways.

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I have studied this period in our history from an early age, and to read this dillusional letter by Hoss reflects what we are going through now. Not only here but throughout the world, so many are leaning far right. We the people, have to vote to quell the sickness that is spewed at us from the right.

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Interesting how he repeatedly refers to his wife and children as being good. Is he hoping his evil won't be visited in them? Is he telling himself, "They're so decent, if there weren't also some goodness in me, they wouldn't love me." I wonder.

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Bluenami - massive crashing blue wave.

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I don’t think it is the direction we lean as much as it is the ideology we lean into that is dangerous.

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A bunch of excuses just like Herr Trump. 😳

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Trump has no conscience and now the bi-partisan immigration is dead. Mike Johnson says there will be no immigration bill until a Republican is in the Whitehouse. He has capitulated to the far right to keep his job. Another gutless individual.

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Pathetic, sickening political game; not addressing the border to damage a POTUS of the other party. One example in many of full on GOP rot.

Urgent: we desperately need our November Bluenami - massive crashing blue wave - create new supermajorities. They must boldly and expeditiously correct the Swiss cheese of legislative holes in our corrupted systems. Voting, justice, judicial, law-making, term limits, lobbyists, etc., systems currently serving only the elite billionaire donor class. Systems that have become the ruin of the American society, economy and democracy.

I rant and simultaneously worry. Is it too late? For years now, hope and horror heightening, commingling, amplifying.

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We sure have to try in November.

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Thank you for this Steve. Of course it is all too revenant today. It is appalling that we, in this country, are feeling the presence of this evil wind blowing across us at this time. Being born in 1946, I heard the stories as a child. Unfortunately, many people younger than me do not see the parallels between then and now. How did we come to this? How did a cult of personality become such a threat? Ignorance, hatred and blind allegiance makes a very scary combination.

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How?,,,, $$$$$

This doesn't help,

"The father of the billionaires Charles G. and David H. Koch helped construct a major oil refinery in Nazi Germany that was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, according to a new history of the Kochs and other wealthy families.

The book, “Dark Money,” by Jane Mayer, traces the rise of the modern conservative movement through the activism and money of a handful of rich donors: among them Richard Mellon Scaife, an heir to the Mellon banking fortune, and Harry and Lynde Bradley, brothers who became wealthy in part from military contracts but poured millions into anti-government philanthropy.

But the book is largely focused on the Koch family, stretching back to its involvement in the far-right John Birch Society and the political and business activities of the father, Fred C. Koch, who found some of his earliest business success overseas in the years leading up to World War II. One venture was a partnership with the American Nazi sympathizer William Rhodes Davis, who, according to Ms. Mayer, hired Mr. Koch to help build the third-largest oil refinery in the Third Reich, a critical industrial cog in Hitler’s war machine.

The episode is not mentioned in an online history published by Koch Industries, the company that Mr. Koch later founded and passed on to his sons."

Citizen's United is all about money and blood money just like it was in the roaring 20's, 30's for the billionaire club. They hate the FDR New Deal and want it all repealed to the Calhoun days.

Those feeling left behind mistakenly believe if they are on the tRump/gop "gravy" train and use hate to get theirs (which they won't) - so be it.

Ref: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/12/us/politics/father-of-koch-brothers-helped-build-nazi-oil-refinery-book-says.html

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He is Trumpler and we’re heading right for it if we don’t pull ourselves up and deliver a Bluenami - giant crashing blue wave.

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He's not sorry he did it, but very sorry he got caught.

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Like Trumpler. Only he’s not caught yet and will never be sorry for anything. Sociopathic narcissist.

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It never ends does it. While good will win and humanity can take a deep breath, for a time, evil always lurks. Many have said if Jesus came back, he would be prosecuted again. I have no understanding of the sickness that lives in many. Have no idea why some hearts are hard and cold. But it is rising with a vengeance right now.

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"Without realising it, I had become a cog in the terrible German extermination machine."

Poor me. How could I possibly know?

Nixon called the American people "suckers". Out loud! He left office with something like a 29% approval rating and it became increasingly hard over time to find those that would admit they EVER supported him. (More recently, the run up to the Iraq war enjoyed the same euphoric rise and withering fall of public support).

There will come a time when the deluded Maga ignoramuses of today will summon their wellspring of cognitive dissonance to deny ever knowing anything about Trump, much less voting for him. I'm afraid that will happen a little too late to save us from whatever awfulness his team has in store for humanity.

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And many a stubborn dumbass will go to their graves with a death-grip on their blind faith in Trumpler and his cult of criminal liars and conmen.

Humans, a bunch of rubes n lemmings.

Humanity; I used to think, “more good than evil,”now I think, “more evil than good.”

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