Will the Trump campaign accept the election results? It depends on how they "feel," according to Lara Trump
Lara Trump, the RNC grifter-in-chief, recently said that the Trump campaign will accept election results if they "feel" that it was a free and fair election. For the record, 2020 was the most fair election on record. And yet, they are trying to subvert it and put doubt into MAGA voters' minds. What does that mean for America, especially when the media isn’t covering this issue like they should?
There is an exhaustion factor from the media and the general population. I’m a political junkie and confess to being tired of hearing what a despicable, ignorant and incompetent piece of shit he is; because I do not see enough movement in the minds of the voters.
Who are my fellow Americans? they aren’t all ignorant, racist, or plan dumb or maybe I’m exhausted because they are all of the above which is hard for me to believe or swollow, so I’m checking out of paying attention.
Gosh I hope they awaken, read some real and accurate media and look at their neighbors as their equals rather than their enemies! If they don’t America is doomed!
I wonder if Lara Trump and Donnie, junior’s girlfriend went to the same, “sucker fish lips” plastic surgeon. If either one of them stuck their head out of a moving car they would beat themselves to death with their lips.
Brrrrrrap, brrrrrrap….