Tim Walz said it best, these guys are weird and dangerous. The only reason Trump and Vance are still in this election is because the Republican party's refusal to police its own party and root out unqualified candidates.

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"Weird and dangerous" is a dramatic understatement.

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If the latest Siena College poll is accurate, Chump is leading in North Carolina. The concerns expressed here do not appear to be resonating with a majority of voters in North Carolina.

Black Nazi Mark Robinson is, however, likely to lose here. In a Chump Administration, there is a good chance of him being appointed Secretary of Education.

Sounds scary to sane people, if there are enough of us.

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I fear there are not enough sane people voting in the right places.

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That is my worry, too. I find the six swing states to be as quirky as it gets. It is not a comforting thought.

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One poll means nothing. I see it as counterproductive to share negativity based on one poll.

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There are several polls showing a close race. I do not know if it is productive or counter productive. On the one hand, good polls lull people into a false sense of security. Bad polls can energize people. Do polls mean much? I am unsure, but I think they generally are more often right than wrong. North Carolina has gone Democratic nationally only twice in the past 50 years. I would be a fool to think it is anything but close here.

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What scares me the most is not the possible election of Trump/Maga because I think and hope that we’ll sneak through in November. No, what scares me is the seeming fact that Trump may be voted for by at least 45% of our voters. Millions of people think that Donald Trump (add your own crime count here) is equipped and should be elected leader of the Free World. And they’ll be voting in the next elections.

What is wrong with these people? Do they have so few brains that they lack the critical thinking skills needed to go through life? I’m not sure of much these days, unfortunately.

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That is what bothers me, too. In North Carolina, approximately 40 percent of voters will vote for a man who said we should restore slavery and he would gladly buy a few. Who are these people?

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They are losers, they have nothing else except the Rotten Orange

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I’m sorry, but 40-45% of the population can’t be blithely written odd as “losers” unless something else is going very wrong in our country.

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The bottom line is that both Trump and Vance are clinical psychopaths. This is all the American people, and especially those planning to vote, need to know and understand. The sane and genuinely patriotic among us, led by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, must distill this election as one not principally about policy differences but rather one inescapably and mortally about a titanic existential conflict between the following, mutually exclusive polarities: objective, science-based reality and subjective delusion, mental wellness and mental derangement, democracy and fascism, freedom and enslavement, authentic pro-life values and pro-death ideology and empathic understanding and sociopathic hatred/demonization.

In short, this election pits Harris’s forward torque against Trump’s static and flaccid pork.

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The only thing frightening about Trump is the possibility of his election. If he is soundly defeated and Democrats gain a healthy majority in both Houses of Congress he will quickly fade into the background of history and our minds.

Meanwhile, how much evidence is needed to demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt, to the undecided and unconcerned, that Trump lives in an alternate reality of his own creation, designed to comport with what he wants to believe, not what really happened? A man who rejects reality to embrace comfortable delusions can not deal effectively with his own personal problems; how could he possibly deal successfully with the myriad foreign and domestic issues facing the country and world? A great example of Trump’s mental fabrications and his inability to express himself clearly is contained in this excerpt from a Newsweek article:

“Appearing on the Fox News show Gutfeld! on Wednesday, the Republican presidential nominee said the ‘audience’ reacted to his unfair treatment during the debate against the vice president.

‘They didn't correct her [Harris] once and they corrected me,’ Trump said. ‘Everything I said, practically, I think 9 times or 11 times. And the audience was absolutely, they went crazy.’

‘And the real, I thought, I walked off and I said, 'that was a great debate, I loved it.'"


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We need a non-violent, political version of "the Night of the Long Knives". Excising the toxic, anti-american, nihilistic, seditionist leaders of the MAGA cult would go a long way toward solving our problems. Let's hope that the election is the start of that program.

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When faced with a "fear of others causing harm" D-leaning independents can activate into supporters of an authoritarian. This was part of his 2016 method (also was behind Brexit).

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Fear of "others" is at the very heart of every campaign strategy Trump has used.

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What is frightening is the thought of these two despicable people getting into the WH... I cannot stand the thought of half of the American people voting for them.. I cannot accept it. This wonderful country that is ours. Yes lots of shameful things. Terrible treatment of the native american... salvery..and a lot more but we try ..Our country has grown and succeeded because of the immigrants that have arrived on our shores.. I cannot wait until the election is over.

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Trump is a cult leader and he’s beating the drum of his lies into his followers heads. Then FOX, Newsmax and others reinforce it. Trump and Vance look like Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum in their matching suits and red ties. They’re two very dangerous clowns!

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Trump has made fear the linchpin and driver of his campaign because he is a traumatically fearful and psychologically insecure man-child. Deprived of indispensable, nurturing love, attention and affection in infancy, he became a childhood bully overcompensating for his ego/emotional deficiencies by developing a Potemkin persona that conveyed faux strength bereft of a substantive inner self. Trump needs long-term psychiatric care. The better angels of America need to respect and love each other.

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As a Clinical Social Worker, I agree with your diagnosis on his personality disorder: malignant narcissist and anti-social personality disorder. I would add ADHD with learning disabilities.

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Thanks for your knowledgable concurrence, Sharon. If you, Steve and others here are not yet aware of the psychiatric analysis of and warnings regarding Trump by forensic psychiatrist, social psychologist and violence expert Dr. Bandy X. Lee, please check out her Substack Newsletter. Having recently organized a group of highly-respected psychiatrists to provide psychologically informed sentencing recommendations for Judge Merchan in Trump’s New York election interference/hush money trial conviction, Dr. Lee is convening at the National Press Club in Washington, DC this Friday, through her World Mental Health Coalition, a major conference, “The More Dangerous State of the World and the Need for Fit Leadership: The Much More Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.” Widely disseminating this collective psychiatric perspective on the public health and safety dangers of an increasingly mentally unhinged and violence-inciting Trump could be a major nail in his campaign’s coffin.

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Steve, please reveal to the gullible media that Trump's "The election will be rigged. The only way I lose is if they cheat." is the childhood game "heads I win, tails you lose". How strange that formerly skeptical journalists wring their hands when Donnie tries this con cheat trick. Shine a light on this silly kid's trick!

Roger Stone formed the "Stop the Steal" non-profit corporation in April, 2016. 6 months before the 2016 election! No one in the Press asked WHY did Roger do this? The obvious reason was to take money from the rubes "under false pretenses"! And NO ONE in the Press blew the whistle on this con scam. Many in the so-called legit news media still buy it!

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Steve, please don’t preach what they practice. You’re scaring the daylights out of me…I know that the temperature’s rising (here in FL not just because of an approaching hurricane). How does one modulate the genuine danger the GOP ticket represents? I’m asking you because I don’t really know. Kudo’s to the protestors out from of the NYT offices, to anyone who has the money to put up billboards and place ads on TV (especially on local networks in battlegound states). It’s going to have to get loud and louder…I could be wrong about your tone…others may not agree with me.

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There is so much that is unnerving today. At a Saturday rally here in North Carolina there were women wearing t-shirts that said Women For Mark Robinson. I cannot even begin to explain that. I am praying there is some huge voting monolith here and elsewhere that will set things straight.

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Write postcards to NC registered Dems who are erratic voters: turnoutpac.org

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"Steve, please don’t preach what they practice."

There is a carefully crafted nugget of right-wing propaganda now heard across Maga media that suggests that identifying the threat (Trump) as a threat is itself a threatening act. This line of reasoning is Fascism 101, and FDR had a few choice words about standing up to this kind of fear mongering. We must not let Donald Trump and his cronies set the rules of political engagement. We are still a democracy-for now.

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Yes, I actually saw this today. The statement was that saying Chump is a threat to democracy caused two attempts on his life.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

“Only a soft, stupid people would ever give power to a man as menacing as this one, and this one.“

A new NYT poll just came out showing Trump has made gains in the Sun Belt and other battleground states. Clearly half our country is soft and stupid. Even if Harris squeaks out a victory, she will find the country ungovernable.

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Well done. I just posted a Substack about how furious I am with the Main Stream Media, NYT came out with a story today about Trump being ahead in the polls. Total bullshit again a bias for this dangerous man. Doesn’t the MSM realize that if Trump wins they will all be let go. He will have a ministry of propaganda. Just like Hitler. Media will be completely censored. Also I think things are even more dangerous then you mentioned I read something on Substack saying if Trump gets elected, Theil will use JD asshole as his puppet and have congress declare the 25th amendment to get rid of Trump so Vance can become President and implement project 2025. I don’t know that this true and I can certainly see that it’s possible. Vote blue like your life depends on it it does and stop supporting MSM.

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Vance as President is clearly the goal for the Russian and American oligarchs. It is imperative, absolutely imperative, that MAGA loses on November 5th.

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Foreign policy is where MAGA poses the greatest danger. I was a little boy during the Cuban missile crisis and have studied that subject ad nauseam. There is no way that Trump could navigate a crisis like that with a favorable outcome. What he knows of world affairs could be placed upon a gnats ass with room to spare. He doesn't have the intelligence, temperament or wisdom for the job.

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Recently I posted that with all the evidence that 10 years ago, Mark Robinson made career-destroying racist and sexual comments on a porn site called "Nude Africa," it was "surprising" (not really) that Lindsey Graham continued to express doubt as to their veracity. The evidence he did express the disgusting thoughts on the site increased today:

"North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson rejected multiple offers from supporters to connect him with information technology specialists to help the Republican gubernatorial nominee investigate racist and lewd comments on a pornographic website made by someone with a username (minisoldr) that CNN tied to Robinson, people directly familiar with the matter told WRAL on Monday.

Robinson’s alleged rejection of the offers sowed doubt among some staff members, the people said. His response in the wake of the report likely played a role in the exodus of some staff members, they said. At least eight campaign staff members quit the campaign on Sunday, including Robinson’s campaign manager and finance director. The people spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared professional retribution. https://www.wral.com/story/robinson-rejected-offers-of-tech-help-to-investigate-posts-on-porn-site-sources-say/21638904/

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Interesting. Thanks for sharing. Frankly, the wording of the Nude Africa statements sound just like him. They are actually not that far off the mark for things he has actually taken credit for. He has mocked Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, MLK, and Beyoncé with the same disgusting vitriol he used on the Nude Africa site.

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By a preponderance of evidence , Mark Robinson is guilty as charged!

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