Unfortunately, we are headed into unknown territory with AI. Its applications are endless, and its ability to distort and destroy, will make social media seem tame, by comparison.

My fear is terrorists, and non-state actors will be able to exploit AI capabilities and conduct asymmetrical warfare, on scale never seen before; cheaper and more effective weapons and explosives, that will make it economically impossible to defend against, without causing undue financial pain in the process.

Our weapon systems will be ineffective against this new technology, or at least become a force equalizer, that will reduce the power of the superpowers.

As for countries like China and Russia? I fear them less, than I do state actors like North Korea and Iran. AI is a game changer. It remains to be seen whether it will ultimately be an advantage to the US, or anyone else for the matter.

Interesting newsletter, and definitely an issue in need of much thought…:)

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The exploits are already in place and functioning as designed.

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Fair enough, but I was really talking about the “unknowns” that can exploit the technology as it evolves…:)

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No worries. Trump will give all of our enemies every bit of intelligence information possible from day one 1️⃣

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If we can slip a little Trump intelligence in there, maybe we can get them to shoot themselves.

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Well written Steve. Very informative without being overly dramatic. Thank you.

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It’s all @sashaingber!

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Brave new world

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Whatever AI out on the internet algorithm is only helping to spread disinformation. Trolls and fakes news are spreading like wildfire today. Hope humans are still in charge with their common sense on the coming elections. Our lives depend on it.

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Important stuff. Thanks for having Sasha as a guest writer. I also read John Naughton's blog 3x week. He's The Guardian's tech writer. And highly-credentialed polymath. His blog excerpts and links me to the most interesting things he's read that week, often around tech. If interested, he's at: johnnaughton@substack.com

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Jun 14·edited Jun 19

The article is fine at raising issues but does not provide much in the way of detail. Try reading the recent paper by X employee of OpenAI Leopold Aschenbrenner called "Situation Awareness". It is a real look inside the research community and what we are trying to accomplish and protect against.

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