I am pleased Donald Trump did not place his hand on the Bible that Abraham Lincoln touched during his inauguration. The placement of the Trump family bible near it was desecration enough.
The sickest and most malignant lie in American history is a young one.
It was breathed into the firmament past menacing lips, and conceived by the warped and addled mind of America’s demented commander in chief, who dared to declare that he had been “sent by God to Make America Great Again.”
He was sent to the White House by 49.9 per cent of the American people. Measured both by vote percentages and by raw votes, Trump’s margin of victory is modest, even compared with this century’s other close elections.
He was sent to preserve, protect and defend the US Constitution.
His intent is to make things burn for the sake of watching things burn because he wants revenge. The people he needs to do the burning want power.
He needs the indifference of powerful friends to watch the burning, and tell the people that there is no fire.
Donald Trump is surrounded by sycophants who compete like junkies for Trump’s affections. The only currency that matters is agreeing with Trump about all things, which of course means, at some level, that Trump both knows all things and is right about all things.
Let me just say that that this is a most unhealthy set of conditions to surround a malignant narcissist who is the president of the United States.
What Trump and his arrogant posse share in common is the belief that since they hold power and possess money that they are brilliant, and that brilliance and power are the same thing as knowledge.
The delusion that the cause of all things can be known by a political leader can only flow from a poisoned spring that holds that a political leader can know all things.
There are no limitations to this philosophy, and in some sense, it will eradicate the need to have government at all.
Think about it.
If there are a few people who hold power, and those people know everything about all things everywhere at once, and are always right, while their opponents are evil “enemies of the people,” shouldn’t they just make all of the decisions for all of the people freed from the oppression of all of their enemies?
There is no need for crash investigators in last night’s fatal air collision.
There is no need to examine the wreckage.
It has been decided.
The cause has been established.
It has been decreed from on high.
It was all the fault of the “N” in the cockpit — or even worse, a woman.
DEI murdered those people.
In the White House briefing room, Trump stated:
“I put safety first, Obama, Biden and the Democrats put policy first, and they put politics at a level that nobody's ever seen.
I had to say that it's terrible [citing what he called a story about a group within the FAA that had "determined that the [FAA] workforce was too white, that they had concerted efforts to get the administration to change that and to change it immediately. This was in the Obama administration, just prior to my getting there, and we took care of African Americans, Hispanic Americans.
Even as he made unfounded claims about the FAA's diversity initiatives being a factor in the disaster, he then said the Army helicopter crew could be at fault -- and claimed he wasn't blaming the air traffic controller who communicated with the helicopter.
When asked how he could come to the conclusion that FAA diversity policies had something to do with the disaster, he said, "Because I have common sense, OK, and unfortunately a lot of people don't."
Trump has conducted an investigation inside the filth of his imagination. The findings have been revealed before the burned bodies of the dead can be collected for burial by their heartbroken families, but at least they know what happened, thanks to MAGA!
We are winning, indeed.
Now, let us fill up Guantanamo Bay to the rim.
Let us take the illegal aliens and chain them in the name of the people of the United States of America.
Let us inflict pain on them in our name.
Let us deny them drink and water and all decency.
Let us terrify them in the name of Trump.
Let us never, ever challenge Stephen Miller, lest there be a retribution by the government.
No, let’s not.
I don’t believe that Donald Trump knows what caused that terrible accident.
I just know that people sat up all night in the west wing of the White House thinking about how suffering could be used to aggrandize Trump and score points against his enemies.
They cooked it up, and out came the Orange Maître D’ of American malice to lay out a proverbial Ivanka Burger, sprinkled with E. coli. Undercooked and poisoned meat reeks, but it was eaten up by a voracious pack of scriveners and omissionists, who will soon tell us it never happened.
49.9% of the people who Voted. NOT 49.9% “of the people”. I wish, Steve, you would very clearly make this distinction for your readers. And that same 49.9% is not half the populace either.
"President(?!)" Trump was grunted into our nation by sociopaths posing as Americans. Their posing did not mean it was necessarily so. Trump is not an American. He can't fathom what being an American is about.