Support for political violence on the rise, survey finds
PLUS: How politicians like Trump and Netanyahu lead the world to war
A very disturbing survey was released today by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Brookings Institution. Among the many topics explored — from Americans’ concerns about the direction in which the country is headed to their attitudes towards the leading presidential candidates — the poll found that almost a quarter of Americans (23%) agree that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” This is up from 15% in 2021. I want to be very clear on something: the person responsible for this catastrophe is Donald Trump.
This finding is terrifying. This is the precursor to civil unrest and violence.

What is your reaction to the survey findings?
VIDEO COMMENTARY: How politicians like Trump and Netanyahu lead the world to war
Today, I break down how corrupt officials like Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu can destabilize their governments. This leaves their countries open to attacks from their enemies, like what happened in Israel and the devastation that has followed in Gaza. I explain how it's up to the voters to elect honorable politicians who can lead the world to peace:
As I write this, I am leaving the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. A video at the end states that in 2011, 49% of populations were living in autocracies. In 2021, that percentage has risen to 70%. It continues: “in the last 30 years, many Democratic advances have been eradicated.” Democracy must be fought for or we will lose it. Trump and Netanyahu are textbook examples of leaders who have tried to eradicate democracy. We must remain vigilant at all cost. This very real and painful tour I have just taken is a reminder to all what can happen otherwise. God help us!
“Among the many topics explored — from Americans’ concerns about the direction in which the country is headed to their attitudes towards the leading presidential candidates — the poll found that almost a quarter of Americans (23%) agree that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” This is up from 15% in 2021.”
Is anyone really that shocked? I’d say 23% is a low figure. Neo-Nazi’s and white Supremacists make up more than 23% the US population. I’d like to know what percentage are ex military, current military and law enforcement. If those numbers are high, then we’re truly screwed.
As for Trump, Netanyahu, violence and leading the world to war?
The irony is Trump is a coward. He hates war, but projecting power and strength is his brand. Trump is the no-nonsense law and order candidate, who doesn’t believe in law and order, unless it suits him.
So let me count the ways that Trump has made the world less safe, and has proven to be the perennial hypocrite:
(1) Five deferments from Vietnam Nam.
(2) Constantly disparaging Gold Star parents, veterans and POW’s.
(3) His betrayal of the Kurds in Syria, who were singlehandedly responsible for destroying ISIL, with only 2,500 US special forces in support roles.
(4) His betrayal of America, negotiating a surrender agreement with the Taliban; I mean Doha Agreement, that released 5,800 hardened Taliban and Al Qaeda prisoners with American blood on their hands.
(5) Trump’s inability and willingness to understand or comprehend complex problems, which led him to allow Israel to annex the Golan Heights, and move our embassy to Jerusalem, without Israel making any concessions to the Palestinians and Syrian’s in pursuit of peace.
These policies emboldened Netanyahu and his fanatical government to build more settlements in the West Bank, and enact even more inhumane restrictions and policies in Gaza and the West Bank; leading to the predicament we face today.
Bottom line: another Trump administration will be nothing but chaos; far worse than before, if you can imagine that after COVID.
No more adults in the room; just true believers, which means all the incompetent religious fanatics will be at State, Defense, and running our intelligence apparatus.
If you think it can’t get worse for America, just look at Israel. They are a microcosm of America today. Many Monday Morning Quarterbacks theorize that the Hamas invasion was a failure by Israeli intelligence. Not true. The Netanyahu government was warned over and over again, and he replaced several intelligence chiefs for speaking out against his intransigence.
If Trump is elected, we’ll have the same type of incompetent leadership that Israel experienced prior to the invasion. Let that sink in!...:)