I saw Michael Franti in concert for the 10th time last night. He’s great. His message lifts people up. He makes them feel good and happy. When you listen to Michael Franti — and even better, when it’s live — you get to hear “The Sound of Sunshine” coming down. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone with a better vibe than him. If you haven’t heard his latest single, “Life is Amazing,” check it out.
What music gives you that good vibe?
Most anything by Simon and Garfunkel
Taylor Swift. Yes, Taylor Swift. I paid no attention to her for 15 years, until I saw her brilliant performance on SNL in November. I went through her entire catalog after that and found at least 50 great songs and at least 50 more really good ones. I know it’s not cool to like her — I’ve never heard a song of hers on any of the “hip” radio stations I’ve listened to — but I think she’s great, as do the dozen or so previously-ignorant-of- her-music Boomers I’ve alerted. “Red” and “1989” in particular are spectacular albums. She and Jason Isbell (and early Eminem) are my faves of the century.