There will be tremendous panic, economic uncertainty and dread exactly one week from today as America’s MAGA nihilists hold a gun to the nation’s head and threaten default. The debt ceiling crisis is completely manufactured and self-inflicted. It is the product of bad faith negotiations and bad faith politicians who have allowed the stupidity that girds their daily gamesmanship to become a serious threat to the prosperity and future of the American people. The appalling spectacle is being cheered by America’s adversaries and competitors who love seeing the self-inflicted damage to America’s stature, power, prestige and credibility that they could never hope to inflict.
Every generation of American leaders from the beginning of the nation regardless of their political affiliation understood the significance of fiscal responsibility and discipline to the nation’s future. The full faith and credit of the United States meant something. It was the safest bet in the world and the idea that a group of elected members of Congress would seek to beggar the nation through an abandonment of a fundamental American tradition and principle is sickening. It is immoral, reckless and dangerous, yet careening down the road we collectively go.
Tremendous damage will occur to the American economy in less than two weeks. It is completely avoidable and absolutely unnecessary. Yet, the likelihood of it occurring increases hour by hour. Why?
American politics has become detached from reality because it has become detached from consequences. The recklessness and foolishness of the MAGA leadership has caused damage, but not enough to trigger a political crisis within their ranks. They have suffered significant setbacks and huge defeats in 2018, 2020 and 2022, and have been able to barely eke out a slim majority in the House, but they have not repudiated. Soon, they will exercise a power from which there will be no escaping the consequences for everybody. The decision to default is a premeditated decision to weaken America and hurt Americans to punish President Joe Biden. It isn’t policy. It’s pathological.
While Kevin McCarthy’s radical MAGA Congress threatens America’s prosperity the men who seek to take the MAGA crown from Trump will fill out the GOP primary ballot this week. Each is unfit for the presidency, and all are going to be defenestrated by Trump. Why? Because they lack the toughness and aggressiveness to take him on and down.
The 2024 campaign is here, and it will be tumultuous. What is on the ballot? Freedom, prosperity, democracy and decency. Losing isn’t an option. Buckle up. It will be a bumpy road ahead.
I have not watched any of videos that must exist of Taliban beheadings. Why would any reasonable, decent moral person watch such inhuman acts? So now, unless I turn my phone off, stop watching or reading any news outlet, I will witness the beheading of America. Nice, Putin must be dancing with joy. The MAGA gaggle will strut and preen and claim that they really shown us how governing is done.
The King of debt and bankruptcy will claim that only he could have negotiated a deal that Old Joe could not.
The hypocrisy and dishonesty and unreasonableness is lower than whale poop which is at the bottom of the ocean.
The world has invested in us and MAGA’s contribution is “screw you”
We are in deep _ _ _ _
Your comments said it best, “detached from consequences”. This is the behavior when individuals are able to do whatever the hell they want to do. Because absolutely NOTHING has happen to any elected officials within the MAGA camp, we can expect this kamikaze behavior to continue.